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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 08/03/20116� Committee For Persons With Disabi Summary of Minutes for August 3, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Abel Alonzo Darren Bates Committee Members Absent: Alana Manrow(Excused) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Carlos Vargas Irene Martinez Bertha Romero(Exm,d) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Alison Logan (t_egai) IEC 01 2011 CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE Thomas Dreyer Sabrina Ramirez Harvey Salinas (Excused) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Staff Members Absent: Marc Denson (Police: Parking Control) Stephen Draper (Development Services) B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Motion to excuse Alana Manrow, Bertha Romero and Harvey Salinas for the August 3, 2011 meeting made by Irene Martinez and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed. 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 07/06/11 MOTION Motion to approve the July 6, 2011 meeting minutes made by Darren Bates and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS [LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES] Sara Salvide representing Texas RehabACTion Network (IRAN) announced the 3rd Annual Walk 'n Roll Celebration to be held on Saturday, October 15, 2011 on Shoreline Blvd. Ms. Salvide stated there were over 400 people who attended last year's event and anticipate many more participants this year. There will be a health fair added to this year's event for all of the participants. Ms. Salvide asked if the Committee would include Texas RehabACTion Network (TRAN) of the Coastal Bend as an agenda item to the September 7th agenda so she can provide more information at next month's meeting. Karina Paris Director of Communications and Marketing for the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) spoke regarding the organizations new initiative being taken in familiarizing citizens with the new RTA signs. Ms. Paris asked if the Committee would include the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) as an agenda item to the September 7th agenda so she can provide more information at next month's meeting. Judy Telge representing the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living (CIBCIL) spoke in favor of the Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control Enforcement Actions Resolution. Page 1 of 14 4. PRESENTATIONS A. Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Cindy Del Toro, Co- Chairman and Darren Bates, Co- Chairman Cindy Del Toro representing Division of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) and Darren Bates representing Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend spoke regarding a Job Fair to be held on Friday, October 21, 2011 at the Del Mar College Center for Economic Development. Ms. Del Toro stated she reached out to an individual at the DARS San Antonio office since they have sponsored such an event twice a year for six years and has been extremely successful. The Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities has been meeting since April /May with approximately 8 -10 agencies involved with an average of approximately 25 -30 people participating in the meetings. Ms. Del Toro invited Committee members to attend the next meeting. Darren Bates stated this year there has been a gain in partnership and collaboration which includes Del Mar College. Del Mar College has been in support of the Job Fair and that is where the event will be located. The location is accessible and there is an RTA route which all ows participation for everyone. Mr. - Bates added - the Employment - Alliance was also creaFed�duc� employers on how to recruit and retain job seekers with disabilities. There will be an educational component prepared to reach out to the Chamber of Commerce. The Employment Alliance will develop a brief PowerPoint presentation which will reach out to small businesses and Human Resources offices to educate the community on the benefits of hiring job seekers with disabilities. Sylvia Wilson stated there will be a line item on the CFPWD September Monthly Meeting Agenda to acknowledge the event in the form of a Proclamation for the Employment Alliance for Persons with Disabilities Day in Corpus Christi. The following invitation was handed out to the Committee Members. Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Linking business, nonprofit, local government and community partners to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities and educate employers on how to recruit, hire, and retain employees with disabilities. Next MeetinigH Thursday, August 11, 2011 9:00 - 10:30 AM Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend Staples Career Center 520 North Staples @ Lipan Conference Room #1 If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Darren or Cindy. Darren Bates Cindy Del Toro 361 -885 -3021 (361) 878 -3025 B. Emergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities Billy Delgado, Interim Emergency Management Coordinator Interim Emergency Management Coordinator, Billy Delgado and Assistant Chief /Fire Marshall, Andy Cardiel presented a PowerPoint presentation to the Committee members regarding the City's Transportation and Evacuation Plan. Committee members expressed questions and concerns which were all addressed. The following is the PowerPoint presentation which was presented at the meeting, FUNCTIONAL ('orlrus ('h ri K11 NEEDS EVACUATION August 3, 2011 Ilc• &dy l. h Li Traffic Engineering CCFD CCPD CCISD Transportation RTA 211 Texas Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living Human Relations Senior Community Staff Evacuation Staff MIS l hit =ii SPECIALIZED STAFF Human Relations Health Department — Nurses I Pet Registration EMS CCPD MIS Support. Staff Public Health Red Cross Salvation Army Functional Needs Support Team_ Senior Community Services w ;r r h Chri 4 PLANNING MEETINGS Page 3of14 FUNCTIONAL NEEDS SUPPORT TEAM Area Agency on Aging Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living CC Regional Transportation Authority Deaf & Hard of Hearing Center MHMR of Nueces County Nurses on Wheels, Inc. South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind Texas A&M University Texas Rural Legal Aid 211 Texas EVACUATION SCENARIO OVERVIEW Floor Plan CRYA' Col plu CIII MI H: HM Page 4 of 14 EVACUATION PROCESS Register at Registration Table. City staff will enter data onto Functional Needs Evacuation Tracking System. (Plan B; Enterbasic info on excel spreadsheet) • Evacuees will receive a numbered ID Bracelet and luggage tag for items stowed below the bus. • Evacuees transporting pets go to designated area and Animal Care personnel will triage pet, then proceed with Registration. All pets must be secured. • Numbered boarding bus pass will be issued. Page 5 of 14 WAITING AREA I GYM OPEN AREA Water will be available for distribution to evacuees. Evacuees will be escorted to sit in their designated area. They will be seated based on boarding passes issued at registration. � , A3 Cr,i�Ko BOARDING THE Bus • Evacuees will be called to board the bus by staff • Fire Prevention Staff will scan wristbands on evacuees as they are boarding the bus. City Staff will assist in carrying their belongings to bus, as needed. (Plan B: manually write the names of bus passengers as manifest) • City Staff will assist with stowing items on the bus. • City Staff will provide Bus Driver with a manifest of riders on board. Snack bags will be distributed to evacuees while boarding the bus. Snack bags will be distributed by the Salvation Army. Page 6 of 14 f q L nA;: Page 7 of 14 C. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Curb Cuts Victor Vourcos, P.E., Advance Project Development Engineer— Corpus Christi District Mr. Vourcos was not present at the meeting. Mr. Alonzo stated he was disappointed there was no call indicating Mr. Vourcos was not going to be present at the meeting. Mr. Alonzo asked when Mrs. Wilson contacted Mr. Vourcos that the issue would be addressed. Mr. Alonzo stated he was hoping to develop a positive working relationship between the CF*PWD and TxDOT and when someone does not call, it does not send out a good message. 5. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT A. Discussion /Approval of CCPD Parking Control Enforcement Actions Resolution The Committee members received a copy of the Proposed Parking Resolution Draft prior to the Committee meeting (In the Agenda and Meeting Minutes Packet). Mr. Alonzo asked the Committee members if there were any questions or concerns. Mr. Bates asked if the organization was using "disabled parking violations" 1 "disabled placards"in the- language-or! has -it been - changed -to "accessible -par- king "1-�-'acc-- essible placards ". Legal Advisor, Alison Logan, stated she would provide an answer after the meeting. Mr. Bates asked Ms. Logan if there was some guidance the Committee could receive regarding the lexicon. Mr. Bates stated in other areas such as Oregon and California the word "disabled" is not used in parking, etc. and those regions have moved forward and the language they use is "accessible" parking. Ms. Logan stated unless it is mandated by statute it could be changed. She stated she would research and report back to the Committee. Motion, unless it is precluded by mandate, that the Committee change the Resolution to MOTION change the word "disabled" to "accessible" as to form throughout the document made by Darren Bates and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed. Mr. Vargas asked if item number four, although the Resolution is positive, does the Committee need to state "WHEREAS, CCPD Parking Control recognizes that approximately 43.5% of disabled parking violations are outstanding; and" needs to be in Resolution since it seems to reflect as a negative item and the number will change. Discussion continued. Ms. Wilson asked should, after Legal review and if there are any changes to the Resolution, would the Committee would prefer to view the actual document as how it will be presented to the City Council before making recommendations to approve. Ms. Wilson also stated if there are any changes to me made, the Committee would have an opportunity to review the document at the September Monthly Meeting. Judy Telge from CIBCIL made comments and there were was a brief discussion which was tabled until the next meeting for further discussion if necessary. Page 8 of 14 6, STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review Mrs. Wilson thanked everyone who attended the City Council Meeting to accept the Mayor's Proclamation for ADA Awareness in celebration of the anniversary of the signing of the ADA act, Mrs. Wilson also provided the Committee members with copies of the July 2011 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights were shared with the Committee. and and 3. and related ri�v.uc mvcsu suve ❑eane:e w mc:uae mtaKe, mvesa anon, In anon, Mncwauon, manttorm ,and char a resolution in Employment (includin ADA), Fair Housing, and Public Accommodation. to Measures: Output - ContractYrClosures coal - Total end % of Goal - 10 /1 to 9130 100* 4 4 14 4 62 62% Total Intake Goa (Referred to EEOC) - Total and % of Goal - loll to 9130 98• 8 8 17 10 83 85 % atr cusmg Complaint eso utfen - Total - 7111to 6130 42 l 3 1 a 2 42 (1D0 %) Measures : Rtl ectivenesas •• • EEOC are ri - P g to Ups ( urges }complete and sent to SAFO in B days or less (as % of) 90% 4/8(50%) 3 5 4(45%) 43/82(55% E FOC Charges as w= 180 d ays as % of tots closures YTD - 1011 to 9130 75% 214 (50 %) 2 9 1 37 / 62 6D% H UD Fan Housing Complaints clos within 100 days as % of total 70% 1/1(100) 313 (100M) 4 * 1 3042(72%) S. SERVICE LLUL OBJECTIVE • Provide "Community Outreach, Education, audAwarenesss" Measures; O utput - ::. Num ero tramul sessions eo ty meetings, an g nnnuni informational events - 8111 to 7131 40 I 2 2 5 49 C. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide ADA Accessibility, Accommodations, and Technical Assistance Request resolution easures: O utput :::: ' too ::: ::::5 , 17 ADA Citizens' Com laints Accessibili 1 So Public Accommodation Requests 55 3 2 5 3 30 ADA Trash Service Assistance 20 7 8 2 4 55 ADA Technical Assistance 40 4 1 2 7 86 Plan Reviews /Site Visits Key Highlights: 4 1 1 3 30 July; EEOC Down fade; Due to 3rd Qtr status of 62% vs preferred 75% of 100 case oal, down modification has been made from 100 to 90. Tying to close 30 cases b and of Sept., 1 j Most si nlflcant matter In July was the rush of 41 complaints received: 14 in first week: 15 second week; 9 third week and 3 fourth week June Martinez will be present case summaries on #06 -10- 0422 -8)g) and 06 -10- 0487 -8 {H} and request continuation of legal action hvolvina Federal District Court invalvrrmant. Page 9 of 14 2. Budget Update Sylvia Wilson reported the City Council approved the budget. The budget presented on behalf of the Human Relations Department included the "Director" title/position be removed and replaced with an "Administrator" title/position. The approved budget included changing the ADA Coordinator (ExempYSalary) position to an ADA Compliance Officer (Non- ExempVHourly) position. There were no other changes to the budget as it was submitted. B. Development Services Department 1. Quarterly Statistics Stephen Draper was absent. No report. C. Engineering Services Department 1. ADA Improvements Group 2 Update Jamie Pyle provided the Committee members with an update on ADA Improvements Group 1 — Group 2 and - Group 3. 2. ADA Improvements Group 3 Update Jamie Pyle provided the Committee members with an update on ADA Improvements Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3. Description: Bond 2008 ADA Improvements Group 1 Status: Construction was 72% complete as of July 25, 2011. Contractor will be completely finished by the end of August 2011. Description: Bond 2008 ADA Improvements Group 2 Status: Design is 100% complete. Project bid opening is August 10th. Construction expected to start mid October 2011 and be completed by July 2012. Description: Bond 2008 ADA Improvements Group 3 Status: Design has begun. Design should be complete by the end of January 2012. Construction should start March 2012 and be complete by September 2012. There were questions and concerns by some of the Committtee members and all were addressed by Ms. Pyle. The following are the City Council Exhibits that Ms. Pyle handed out at the meeting regarding the ADA Improvements Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3. Page 10 of 14 fT �� �FR�'� ffoFrr 8rviratar 3t �a Ff�dAtd ,i't. „ �y ` y T morf �� arnSPA '1 RT ± S naxw }�� C .I[.IY .. .' , �'. -''• �'._i l fPlfl Y 4! m 'II, I�J�GF+�FTG,F� Afarpm (ram f*4wl Orrra 1 f, to MkfMA @ k fhwwkl (ran EYarrrl3PM Fap. fo sfa#(a % Ffh' 9+ � M I,r, rte, CCIA �rsil f,.m `Ji..■ LO" wr TO .s 7: �I ADAM IMPROVENENTS, GR Crrc� irW (BOND ISSUE 2008) PAM I of I A &M IYAW rrAW%l" Page 11 of 14 FROMOr �craB Loek fnfamwsm or Agnso OL lbrn�a EY �rQ�aavi of G� M C3 I r T J°m �P�W'F�L Gbn�ar ft um ,r Mums Or. from Zm t3r! LwR Am. to Airrim ft i ' PROMOMIMPAWA FYI E#44 i 1 td44rd'a f m HMmas M l �,'PITLRF t sin LAPU LO" wr TO .s 7: �I ADAM IMPROVENENTS, GR Crrc� irW (BOND ISSUE 2008) PAM I of I A &M IYAW rrAW%l" Page 11 of 14 CUA gwqQrr AWK EC Ponrar to GmMmr i r1aar awwi ffoapftr i PACAMMM Ajmrw V. hum Alimb? Fr at. to S6005d D MW Paints PRd6yrraw stu L*wi f"M LvuWurm 2c, Go* wr - Y AU &W MW lAW" NA ACCENSIKM A cm MW AKMNW 1w A� WCATMMM AW)V 2WAZ off Ev=T On w C"G*4mwmu r ADA IMPROVEMENTS GROUP 2 1 F, &I MMAPFAMM6 R (BOND ISSUE 20M) PA QE- t ai I Bon tlj4wvww Page 12 of 14 PRaAWT LWATav UiY'AM 7D ip AIU4]! BRA L'Ei�90 7Q i�Y1G�5J®P r FnC'ECTLWAr ` r Mvsm m MELLM f'CM im Now A . �A'M1m PAN11R?" QO I ifik RM xasnwm w mom {'+i1 M fi1L'Mi r,M• FM 2444 LOUT Iff 70 AM mi m NAS A ffAMOMOM - " 2 a cmam BMW 4�Lh py 07fj Page 13 of 14 D. Parks and Recreation Department - No Report Stacie Talbert asked the Committee if they know of anyone who may have some groups that would like to utilize some the senior facilities that have reduced hours during the afternoon, to contact Sylvia Wilson and Ms. Wilson will direct any inquires to Ms. Talbert. E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control 1. Activities Summary Marc Denson was absent. No report. 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. Engineering Subcommittee -No Report 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA • ADA Transition Plan Presentation • V .olk-�n-R-cEI- Celebration- P -resentati Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Day Proclamation RTA New Bus Stop Design Presentation Mobility Management Summit Informational Presentation 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Darren Bates. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Page 14 of 14