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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 10/05/2011Committee For Persons With Disabiliti Summary of Minutes for October 5, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. D 0:1201 A. ROLL CALL CI7YS� DFF1C� Committee Members Present: Abel Alonzo Carlos Vargas Thomas Dreyer Darren Bates Sabrina Ramirez Bertha Romero Committee Members Absent: Alana Manr ow(Excused) Irene Martinez(Excised) Harvey Salinas(Ex=.d) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Stephen Draper (Development Services) Jamie Pyle (Enginee(ng) Marc Denson (Police: Parking Control) Tian Narvaez (Legal) Staff Members Absent: None B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Motion to excuse Alana Manrow, Irene Martinez, and Harvey Salinas for the October 5, 2011 meeting made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Sabrina Ramirez. Motion passed. 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 09107/11 MOTION Motion to approve the September 7, 2011 meeting minutes made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Thomas Dreyer. Motion passed. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES None 4. PRESENTATIONS None 5. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT A. Review /Approval of Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Day Proclamation Sylvia Wilson stated the Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities requested the department draft a proclamation acknowledging the Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Day in observance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Mrs. Wilson asked the Committee members to review the draft of the proclamation for approval. MOTION Motion to approve the Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities proclamation as - - - - -- written -made by- Carlos Vargas and seconded by Darren Bates -.- Motion- passed.. - Page 1 of 15 City of Corpus Christi OFFICE OF THE MAYOR WIIEREAS, in recognizing October as National Disability Employment Awareacss Month, the Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities (EAPD) will host a Job Fair targeted to people with disabilities and open to the public on 1 October 21, 2011 from 10am to 2pm at Del Mar College — Center for Economic Devclopment. WHEREAS, The EAPD is a local organization that links businesses, nonprofits, local government and corlunorrity partner ;s to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities and educate employers on how to recruit, Izire, and relain employees with disabilities. WIIEREAS, The City of Corpus Christi is conunitted to fostering progress, prosperity, and equal opportunity for all people. I would like to commend the EAPD in bringing awareness that talent has no boundaries, that people with disabilities are a vital part of the workforce and hiring people with disabilities makes good business sense. -- -NOW at this -times I the citizens of Corpus Christi to recognize the strengths that people with disabilities brin to our local workforce and our cottununity. Pursuant to the powers vested in me as Mayor of the City of Corpus Cbristi. I hereby proclaim October 21" 2011 as Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Day In observance of National Disability Employment Awal•euess Monti, B. Discussion and Approval to Reinstate the ADA Title I /Employment Comprehensive Subcommittee to Item #7 to CFPWD Monthly Agenda MOTION Motion to not reinstate the ADA Title IlEmployment Comprehensive Subcommittee to Item #7 to CFPWD Monthly Agenda made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Darren Bates. Motion passed. [Jamie Pyle arrived at 3:14 p.m.] C. Nominations /Action to Appoint 3 Members to the ADA Title IlEmployment Comprehensive Subcommittee This item was skipped due to the ADA Title ]/Employment Comprehensive Subcommittee not being reinstated to the CFPWD Monthly Agenda. 6. STAFF REPORTS /COMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review Mrs. Wilson provided the Committee members with copies of the September 2011 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights were shared with the Committee. Page 2 of 15 Will) a goal of "Fostering Diverse and Fgoitablc Enviranmenis With Respect and Professianalism ", the Human R Department will conduct and enforce a posi_ tine Irropram of non - discrimination in Hmplayment, Fair Housing, Pu61ic Acco mmodation, and ConTliance _ with th Am ericans with Disabilities Act (ADA) within the City of Corpus Christi. We will also make rooms and roconi-ncndations to the Cit Y Council and others toward file betterment of rou and inter- rou relafioushi s withi file c onriutuml MAJOR PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: - I PERFORMANCE MEASURE OBJECT Adopted A. Na Dis erhm !it alion Pragrnm Sepfcnthcr rrb Current Milt 2011 2010 -2011 Prior Month I Intake, Inv and Mediation /Resolution Services W 1 2..Contmunity Ou treach, Education, and Awareness Employment (including ADA), Fair Housing, and Public Accommodation M easures. O utput :4v c,.. c,* X _ _T echnical and Ad ministrative Services HEM C ontract Yr Closures Goa[ o Total and % of Goal - 10/1/2010 to 9/30/2011 (as of 8118111) lI. A DA Compliance - - -� - - -- — - - - -- I. Address and monitor ADA compliance, and r issu es, Through accommodation ref nests and citimit cmnplaints_ Community Education and Awareness; and Technical /Administrative Assistance. I _ j 2. Coordination of imolmuentation. rnonitorine. and undwe of the Citvwide ADA Transition P lan �—f I eev'�: Wnuact vuuttauuns moor 1v1J7e; Ut.RsKanomg wane uy tornpimnce Umcers EEOC contract will specify 100 Resolutions and 110 Intakes to he ING: Attend Fair in Forth District [Stacie Talbert arrived at 3:15 p.m.] rianua an0 l,narene Kaplan wan 2012. cruse case #506-10- 0422.8 4ccomodalior inquiries and in vestigations . 2. Transit - Oriented Development Overlay District (TOD) Ordinance Sylvia Wilson stated Item #2 was as request made by the Planning Department in reference to a Transit - Oriented Development Overlay District (TOD) Ordinance. The Planning Department requested the Committee members read the ordinance. For a --- -- copy - -of- the - Ordinance or if there are any questions -or concerns— please- contact -- Lisa Wargo, City Hall, 2nd Floor, Due to the length of the Ordinance a copy is not included in the minutes. Page 3 of 15 - I PERFORMANCE MEASURE OBJECT Adopted June Jtil� Au�ist Prior Mortth PL MonOr Sepfcnthcr rrb Current Milt 2011 2010 -2011 Prior Month A. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE! 1 Pr In ves tigat ive Service to include intake, investigation, mediation, conciliation, moni toring, and charg reschnio_a in Employment (including ADA), Fair Housing, and Public Accommodation M easures. O utput :4v c,.. c,* X HEM C ontract Yr Closures Goa[ o Total and % of Goal - 10/1/2010 to 9/30/2011 (as of 8118111) 14 4 12 16 90 (100-Y") T otal Intake Cioal (R eferred to Total and % of Goal - I OA to 9130 9H 17 10 7 8 98 100 " /„) •air. ousmg_ amp amt. eso utlon - Total - 7111to6130 42 ** 8 2 2 1 5 (12 %) ** aasures : Eff ectivenesss # EEOC Charge Write -Ups (Perfected Charges) completed and sent to SAFO in 8 days or less (as % of) 90% 5 4 of 10 (40% 11 of 2f (52%) 4 of 8 (50 %) 59 ! 1 1 1 ELUC C harges Closed within days as o o tots closures YTD - 1013 to 9130 75% 9 I 7 15 of 16 59190 (65.5/) HUD F air Housing onip am c ts osc within 100 days as % of total 70% 4 D. SERVICE LEVEL OIIJECPIVEr Provide "Community Outreach, Education, and Awarenesss" easrrres: ulpuFy au, u er o training sessions, community meetings, an m informational events - 8111 to 7131 =49 40 a s s 2 w x 6 MM 7 _ _ 4 60 C. SERVICE LEVEL OB JECTIVE: resolution r m 3 z 17 6 s 27 77 Provide ADA Accessibility, Accomrnodations, and Technical Assistance Request M easures. , O utput ADA Citizens' Cam lainis (Aecessibili[) 100 Pub1i6 Aetoiiwrodatioo,Tti uiiicslt2e nests .: ' : 55 5 3 31 15 ' 45 ADA Trash Service Assistance 20 2 4 7 5 60 ADA Technical Assistance 40 2 7 12 32 its Plan RavicwslSite Visits 1 3 G 3 33 eev'�: Wnuact vuuttauuns moor 1v1J7e; Ut.RsKanomg wane uy tornpimnce Umcers EEOC contract will specify 100 Resolutions and 110 Intakes to he ING: Attend Fair in Forth District [Stacie Talbert arrived at 3:15 p.m.] rianua an0 l,narene Kaplan wan 2012. cruse case #506-10- 0422.8 4ccomodalior inquiries and in vestigations . 2. Transit - Oriented Development Overlay District (TOD) Ordinance Sylvia Wilson stated Item #2 was as request made by the Planning Department in reference to a Transit - Oriented Development Overlay District (TOD) Ordinance. The Planning Department requested the Committee members read the ordinance. For a --- -- copy - -of- the - Ordinance or if there are any questions -or concerns— please- contact -- Lisa Wargo, City Hall, 2nd Floor, Due to the length of the Ordinance a copy is not included in the minutes. Page 3 of 15 B. Development Services Department Stephen Draper handed out a copy of the department's projects list. Mr. Draper stated there are over 300 projects undergoing some stage of activity. All three Wal- Mart's will be open by the end of October. Fajitaville will be opening in North Beach within the next week or two. Mr. Draper stated there are other businesses that are going to be open before the Christmas season. Mr. Draper also stated although at this time of year permit requests will begin to slow down, there still is activity with a lot of larger projects during the month of January. Development Services PM Project Report 10.5,2011 DM Page 4 of 15 STAGE A - EA LAST B - Platting ACTIVITY C - Zoning 1- < 1 mo. D • Plan 2 - 2.6 mos. Review _..._._ -- ---- PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax ID # PM 3 - >.6 mos. -- 4 • Inactive E -- Inspecs- F • CO Anlhon s Aveda Parkin tat Everhart AG 1 Aria Sidewalk UPA Chaparral & Lawrence 326 Cha arral St AG 1 A Bob Hall Pier Addition Padre SaN Park PI 1 1 Callicoate Mini Storage Ph 1 Calticoate 4302 4302 Callicoate 2370. 0009 0020 AG 1 E Callicoate Mini Storage Ph 2 Gallicoate 4302 4302 Callicoate 2310.0009 0020 AG i E Celebralion Nation Staples & Woolddd a 5956 Sta Ies AG 1 p Christ A astolicTabernacieChurch Waldron 2149 -- 2 - 87 Waldron Rd 6521.0001 -0010 AG 1 D ity Project Cole Park Renovation Cole ark Ocean Dr 219 • 15 A 1 City Project - Greenwood Library Greenwood and Home 4044 Greenwood 1985 -0060 AG 1 A City Prdect. Health Dept Renov Home 1702 Home 1985•D 000050 AG 1 D City Public Safe Warehouse AG 1 Craz Butfel Flour Bluff 10241 SPID #102 4150000 -0045 AG 1 A E Day Care- Manhattan Plaza Airline & Cimarron Airline AG 1 A Doug Shaw Townhomes Lake Padre 15038 Aruba 6185 0002.0010 AG 1 A Downing SI Sr. Livin g Airline & Downin 2921 Airline Rd AG 1 C 051 Renal Addition & RemFd Swartnef 2733 Swartner 447 0. 3 A 1 M a oraties -Mike mand Fire Station # 18 AG 1 1 E A Five Points ShoRRing Center US 77 & FM 624 AG 1 B i iac Wnd Unit A 1 A J. R oal Eliz and Morgar I A A Ma ie's Pizza Everhart & Curtis Clark 6334 Everhart AG 1 A McTurbine - Above Ground Fuel Stora a Junior Beck 3696.0005.0010 AG 1 E Mi Mi Hair Nai Salon- Anthony Nguyen Harry 701 verhart 0095- • 010 A 1 Miller EnviranmerTal 401 Navigation 401 Navi ation 85340004 -0D15 AG 1 p Nueces Co. Truck Wash & Litt Station Corn Products & Ho kips 201 Corn Products Rd AG 1 A Ocean r. House Ocean Mont a i 5 1 cean r A 1 Ocean r. House Ocean Oleander Ocean Dr 1 Pass t Inn Island 15370 SPID AT 1 D Rosio Foods AG 1 A Shurs Taxidermy- Janelle 1 Rodd Field 2645 Rodd field Rtl 0899 0002 -0350 AG 1 A So. Tx Botanical Gardens 1 Sta Ies & Oso Parkwa 8501 S Sla Ies 0876-0002.0010 AG 1 A StarTex Oil Distributors 1 Leopard & McBride McBride Ln AG 1 C Studio Cimarron & Wocldrid e 2401 Cimarron 9903.6002 -0020 AG 1 D Taco Bell ell 1 Saratoga &Patti Sarato a AG 1 D Tank OWL AG 1 A Texas Wrecker Zonin Cc m Rance /SP 1 Mohawk &Baldwin 621 Mohawk AG 1 D Thomas Mackie Ill IH 37 Access 10342 Ih 37 Access Rd 7289.0002.0020 AG 1 E , Twang Bar & Grill Alameda & Airline behind 4855 S. Alameda 1994.0203.0000 AG 1 E Wal -Mart Flour Bluff 1 1250 Flour Bluff Dr 1250 Flour Blutl ur AG 1 E Water Bottle Hamlin C1r BP #11.8021 Weber 3801 S.Sla Ies 9243.0000.0010 AG 1 E Whis er_CreekTownhouses -- - Teague &-Wilddarl 13669 ea ueLn 24540001 - .0050 - - AG - 1 E — Wind Ener Unit •Del Mar Colle a AG i A Wind Energy Unit- Johnstone Supply SPID & Rodd Field Rd 8051 SPIT) 6534.0005.0020 AG 1 E Page 4 of 15 Development Services PM Project Report 1M2011 DM Page 5 of 15 Development Services PM Project Report 10.5.2011 DM Page 6 of 15 Development Services PM Project Report IU2011 OM Page 7 of 15 Development Services PM Project Report PROJECT near ave Triumph Church 181unizer & Rulh 905 Bluntzer 8764.0006 -0130 A -EA 4 A Vialell IH 37 ..Kermit clet... IH 37 Northside LAST B - Plaiting DM 4 A Ci Project: Zahn Road lm rovemenls ACTIVITY C - Zoning Zahn Rd OM 4 1 • < 1 mo. D - Plan 2 2.6 mos. Review A Ci Project: South Guth Baseball Paul Janes 1901 3 - > 6 mos. E - Inspecs PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax ID # PM 4 - inadve F - CO .o and near X town 1906 Lea and 3390.0001.0010 DM 4 A R 52 an d GR 69 SW comer 5656 OCL um DM 4 A pints 1647 S Alameda 2451. 0903.0070 DM 4 A near ave Triumph Church 181unizer & Rulh 905 Bluntzer 8764.0006 -0130 DM 4 A Vialell IH 37 ..Kermit clet... IH 37 Northside of interseclion DM 4 A Ci Project: Zahn Road lm rovemenls f Zahn Rd Zahn Rd OM 4 E The Palms Leopard - The NRP Grauo DM 4 A Ci Project: South Guth Baseball Paul Janes 1901 Paul Jones 6531.0000.0020 DM F Miracle Field Slate School Property 1354 Air art Rd 1633.0007 -0005 DM F Mirador 1 Staples andTimber ate 5656 Timber ate DM F S andpiper rondo error emodel stan I Muslan North end 6745 eacomber 7 5 000.1 1 Tortuga Dunes SH 361 and Zahn Rd 14801 SH 361 DM F 3502 SPID True Medical (EXP.) SPiD 3502 SPIC 4403.0007 -0010 DM F 390 NAS Leaping Lizard NAS Flour Bluff 390 NAS DM 5626 Wooldr d e Wooldridge just east at 5fi26 Wooldrid e 4520 -0164 -0060 DM F F 5826 Esplanade Esplanade Buss. Park 5826 Es lanade 2329. 00014060 DM F Airline & Holly A Is Airline & Wly 2133 Noddin Pines 9902.0001 -0015 DM F Cit Project: Coliseum Ishoraline 304 Shoreline DM F DPS Crlme Lab FSPID 1922 SPID 5842. 0000 -0020 DM F E. Riverview Drive E. Riverview Dr. 4872 E. Riverview Dr, 7259.0001 -0010 DM F PI Car Wash N Padre Island Park Rd 22 DM F Autozane- Parkdale I Staples St 4101 Sta les A003- 7928 -0000 DM F Bill Kell (Apt Pra ed Cha arrall 1410 N Chaparral 0540.0055 -0100 DM F Cit o Modular Buildings 101go plant 3801 Pa9gisache St 5933.0004.0040 DM F 10.5.2011 DM Page 8 of 15 Development Services PM Project Report STAGE A- EA €0.5.2011 DM Page 9of15 LAST B- Falling ACTIVITY C - Zoning 1 - <1mc. D - Plan 2.2.6 mos. Review PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Pecs . Tax ID # PM 4 - Inactive F - CO Old Comp USA - Precision Cancer Center SPID east ofStaples 5701 S.P.I.D 4756.01CO.0010 DM F RM Plaza Saratoga west of Weber 3833 Saratoga 7732. 0007 -0060 DM F Texas Child Prot Service -- - -- -- - -.... Greenwood 4201 Greenwood 4535-0001,0030_ DM..____._ F— Ocean House Rincon Channel DM Stonehenge Ext. (Timber ate Area ) Behind Mirador Rojo 1 A DM Ashley Furniture SPID f A J0 1 AutoNation DaIISPID 6702 SPID A 2476-0018 -0030 JD 1 E Big Red Barn Daycare Holly/286 2013 Holl Rtl 8000.9880 0000 JD 1 E Townhomes 1 Avers St. 1455 Corban 6270-0007 -0012 JO 1 E Central Park Elementary School 3602 M�3rdle 3602 McArdle 150D- 0001 -00 €0 JD 1 E Cheddars Restaurant 5855 SPID 5855 SPID 9646-0000.0100 JD 1 F Child Daycare Location to be determined TBD TBD JD City Airport Termhal Remodel 1000 International 1000 International 1 A 7546- 0000.00OO JD 1 E City Heallh Clinic City Hali -6th Floor JD 1 D City Pro ecl; CCIA • Stora etMaint. Bldq 308 International 308 lnlemalional 1546 0000.0000 JD 1 E CMC. Rec clip - New Site 1 H . 44 Bronco Rd JD 1 D Corban Town Homes Corban Ave. Corban Ave. 6270. 0007.0012 JD 1 E Doctor's Office - Sandra Branscomb Patton St Patton SI JD 1 E Dominican Sisters • Adult Day Care Facili Heam & Cahcotle JD 1 A DR. Albarra6n New Offices 1215 Santa Fe 1215 Santa Fe 0486- CO09.0030 JD 1 E Dr.s Office 805 Mor an 805 Morgan 5983 0004.0010 JD 1 E Dr-s Office - Braseiton Homes Sta les 7326 Sia les JD Exterior Spray Painl Booth HOU HollyJD 1 E FedEx Ground Facili CCIA Pisan Rd. Pisan 1 D JD Flour Bluff Concession Sland Flour Biuff Middle School 2505 Waldron Rd 1 D 2555 -00D2 -0000 JD 1 E Funeral Home and Cremelarium Crosstown and Ayers 5409 A ers 0847. 0004.0038 JD 1 D Genesis NuMon Store 17114 Sarato a 7114 Sarala a 0899.0001 -0080 JD 1 F HEB Kostoryz and Golihar Kostoryz and Golihar JD i A Junior Beck/Or5z Construction 1 Junior Beck 10101 Old Brownsville Rd JD 1 A L & F Distributors Ag west of airporf 86 Pa e8T H 44 0274.0143.0200 JD 1 E La Palmera • Common S ace 5486 SPID 5488 SPID JD 1 F €0.5.2011 DM Page 9of15 Development Services PM Project Report 10.5,2011 DM Page 10 of 15 A -EA LAST B - Platting ACTIVITY C- Zoning 1 - <1Mo. D - Plan 2.2.6 mos, Review PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street PM 4 - Inactive F - CO La Palmera Mall - Tenant Work 5486 SPID 5488 SP I) JO 1 Live Actin Aurora Theatre 5635 Everhart 5635 Everhart JD 1 E F Maple Hills Subdivision Ma Helen Berlan a Elementa Carroll Lane Carroll Lane D D 1 A Ma Mother of the Church - Los Encinos Frio & Greenwood 1705 Frio St JD__ 1 E Miracle A artments - - - --- - - -- 163414th St, 1634 14th St JD ___.__1. —._. q E — Mobile Home Park Clarkwood Rd. Clarkwood Rd iE D 1 ENew New Restaurant 624 & River Hill Or D A 1 F Paint Booth hibiscus St, Paradise Pool & Billiards 51410akhurst 5141 Oakhurst D D 1 1 A F Parkin Lot Ex ansion - Kia SPID D PF Chan s La Palmera Mall 5488 SPID # 5001 D 1 1 A F Rancho Vista - Rezonin Va uero & Fred's Foll D Ro s Custom Paint & Body Holl y Rd Hoil Rd. JD 1 1 C Subway Up River Road 11104 IH 37 Access Rd 5766. 0001-0010 JD 1 D E Water Park 1 Pori Ave, Port Ave JD 1 A West Osa (JFKJ Elementa School 1526 Cliff Maus 1526 Cliff Maus 3899. 00010000 JD 1 E Wln s and More J17 YMCA Upper Broadway Upper8roadway 0940-0001.0030 JD 1 1 D A Zavala Park Elemenlary School 3102 Highland 3102 High Land 4007.000 &0040 JD 1 F Alameda Retail Center Alameda & Glazebrook J0 3 Pepsi - New Office and Warehouse 1,1054 S. Nava ation 1054 S. Nava anon 7536.0009.0060 JD 3 A A Sea Gulf Villa Apts. 416 Chaparral 1 416 N. Cha arral 0540 -0012.0040 JD 3 A S ohn Shoreline Parkin2 Garage 1440 Santa Fe Street 1440 Santa Fe 5983 -0009 -0210 JD 3 D Storage Buildin 1Com lex - Kram St. 6722 Kram St. — Broadway 6722 Kram SI 5787. 0010.0120 JD 3 D The Broadway (OM HEB Building) - 807 N. Upper 807 N. U er Broadwa 0197 . 0006.0010 JD 3 A Thrift Store Mogan Ave. 1724 Morgan 1724 Mar an 0488.4003 -0110 JD 3 A 723 Broadwa Conversion office to res. At Willeford - Body Shop 3812 SPID 3812 SPID 8187 - 0009.0090 JD JD 4 4 A q Auto Paris Horne Rd CVS at Alameda Retail 3205 Alameda 3205 Alameda 4475 0004.0010 JD JD 4 4 A E E Drive -Thru Mini Store Port Ave. JD Flee Market Island 4 L &W Supply 6601 Ayers 6601 A ers 0647- 0014.0027 JD JD 4 4 A A Martin Hameka Old Brownsville & Tu er JD 4 A Montessori School JD 4 A Salazar Subdivision H wy, 624 JD 4 A Sal -Con. Inc. H .624 14641 JD 4 A Waldron Rd Apt JD 4 A 10.5,2011 DM Page 10 of 15 Development Services PM Project Report 90.5.2011 DM Page 11 of 15 A- EA LAST B - Platting ACTIVITY C - zoning 1 - <1mo. D - Plan 2.2.6 mcs, Review PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION Site # Site Street Tax ID PM 4 - Inactive F Wards • Co Pecs 8i Valle AutoAuciions 5661A nes 5661 A nes 14300002.0010 JD JD 4 5 q Dillartl's Remodel La Palmera Mall F J n 's Remodel La Palmera Mall JD 5 F Old Wards Bldg. - New Parkin Lot 513 N. Cha anal 513 N Cha anal 054C-00 11.0030 JO JD 5 5 E P-ezzi- Construction Offices 15709 SPID 15709 5,1 612&6016 -0310 JD 5 _ —E —_ E Sam's Everhart SPID/Everhart 3313 Barthlome JR 1 q Art studiolobresidence Sta leslBoo 1528 Sta les JR JR 1 1 A Baker Hughes 1 Hi hwa 441Clarkwood JR A Bay Area Fellowship Minor 1 A CCISD Hi h Schcol (New) Cimmarron ILi es NE JR 1 A CCISD middle school 1 Holl Ifulure Ennis Joslin JR JR 1 1 A Coffee shop with drive thru undetermined A Crosstown Fit SlarrlMes uite JR 1 A Del Mar Aviation 8 ujldinq Air ort ro e JR 1 A Fed Ex Frei ht Nav' abrdA nes( 44 JR 1 A Garcia Elementary JR i A Mesquite FM 624 & Co Rd 95 OCL JR JR 1 1 D Nueces southeast of Lea ard�olet JR 1 B VPIat 'orls 0 q �esiden 9862 Dais JR 1 A Kosto z and SPID 3138 SPID JR JR 1 D D ort Transport Facili BravrsterlN Sam Rankin 1 A 3aldwin Car lot JR 4 A park Master Plan JR 1 q 4ueherSlreetApa Leo and & Mueller 3618 Mueller 2164.0007.0250 Mic SA 4 A .as Casitas 3043 SPID 0886 0000 0040 SAI 1 2 A, D A ti6ove Ground Fuel Stara a Tank Marina Marina Ihove Ground Fuel Stara e Tank 4242 Baldwin, Hcrlon Rut 4242 Baldwin 11520009.0243 SS SS 1 1 A five Ground Fuel Slora a Tank 602 Flato, Miller Environm 602 Flato 7430 - 0006.0160 SS C artmenl Houston St. 0, Walker 1 E huff Landing Outdoor Pavilion La una ShoresM+ ndale 4242 La una Shores 13003-4590.0000 SS A luena Vida RV Park 511511 River 9524 -0000 -0050 SS 1 1 E E Ulding wloul pemits. 4006 Barnes SS wlldin wleul permits 5029 Stock St SS 1 1 A uildin wlout emits 529 Osage SS 1 q 4vary Chapel IR odtl Field & Saratoga 3001 age odd Field 0905 -0001 -0020 SS 1 A E arShow Best Bjy Parkinq Lot SS 1 A 90.5.2011 DM Page 11 of 15 Development Services PM Project Report PROJECT Church Expansion Church of the Harvest Cif Fire Station 45 Corpus Christi Beach PavNion Dibb0u lez Doggie Rehab PROJECT LOCATION 2913 Rogers St, Providen 2901 W. Surfsitle Site # 2913 901 2901 - Site Street Ro ers St W. Surfside Tax ID # 1391 - 00100040 1055453.0010 PM SS SS SS SS LAST ACTIVITY 1.0mo. 2.2 -6 mos. 4 - Inactive i 1 1 1 A-EA B - Platting C- Zoning D•Plan Review F - CC pecs A A A A SS SS — 1 A Ed Hicks Car Dealership Expansion 1 SP0 & Kosto z 3056 SPID 44254120030 5S 1 E Excavation 1025 Yorktown 1025 Yorktown 2476 - 0051.2900 SS 1 A Hedia a Funeral Home 5026 Old Brownsville Roa 5026 Old Brownsville Rd 5170.0001.0560 S5 Hidden Door 802 S. Staples 802 S 5ta les 79210001.0075 SS Holiday Inn Express 929 Navigation 929 Navi alion 9597401 -0010 SS IWAConcession IN High Schaol 2930 SAlameda 4779.0000 -0010 SS Marker 37 SS J1DE Mechanic and Salvo a 4718 Gemini 4718 Gemini 8389. 0001.0210 SS NeztCha terA arimenis 1 EnnisJoslinlAlameda 1173E0sJoslln 3831 - 0002.008 SS Oso Pier OceanlEnnis Joslin 6124 Ocean Dr 2250 -0001 -0170 SS Poofront yard • 15345 Caravel 15345 Caravel 68200031.0360 SS Retail Center 4101 US Ha 77 Rd 4101 US Hwy 77 Rd 2454 40010010 SS 1 A Ru2ged Cycles 401 S. Water 401 ___ Water 1020. 00020020 SS 1 D Schaal 3875 S. Sta 1es, Anna oli 3875 S S les 9236- 0000.0090 SS 1 A Stripes Weber Rd 6614 Weber Rd S5 1 E Veterinary Cfnic 1 7721 S. Staples 7721 S Staples 3986.0002.0020 SS 1 A Wal -Marl Soulhside 1 6101 Sarata a 0994001.0050 SS 1 D Wells Fargo •Flou Bluff Waldron Waldron Rd SS 1 Addition 3448 Newcastle 3448 Newcastle 7489. 0000.0210 SS 2 A 8 Crematorium 3006 Ma ara 3006 Nia ara 1010.0005 -0190 SS 2 A Dental Office 501 Nueces Ba Blvd 501 Nueces Ba Blvd 0460. 200.0010 SS 2 A Restaurant and Bar 3001Surfside 3001 Surfside 1797.0041 -1090 SS 2 A Costa Tara gonna Ii t NPiD & IH37 5517 IH 37 Access Rd 9402- 0000 -0030 SS 3 A Rezoning 11423u River Road 11423 U River Rd 0268. 0138.2860 SS 3 A TFO 4535 Everhart 4535 Everhart 6037.0002 -0022 SS Owens S. Staples Wpping Shopping Center Sta les & Li es 7402 S Sta les 2412 -0001 -0040 SS 4 A Doa Rehab CC Beach I Page 9 [Bertha Romero arrived at 3:21 p.m.] 10.5.2011 DM Page 12 of 15 C. Engineering Services Department - ADA Group 2 Jamie Pyle reported on the Bond 2008 ADA Improvement Projects. ADA Group 1 has been under construction for quite a while and is now reaching the end of that project. The ADA Group 2 project was awarded by City Council and construction should begin in a couple of months. Ms. Pyle handed out a copy of the City of Corpus Christi ADA Improvements Group 2 Project Location Map which shows where the ADA Group 2 Improvements are located within the city. The ADA Group 3 Project is in the design phase and the Engineering Department has received the submittal of the Engineering Letter Report on September 19, 2011 and the department is conducting an interdepartmental review of the report. [Mr. Alonzo skipped to Item # 7. Subcommittee Reports] 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. Engineering Subcommittee -- —1-.-Texas-Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Proposed-ADA-Projects- Update -- Mr. Dreyer provided the Committee members with the following report. Engineering Sub- committee Meeting: 9/22/2011. Jamie Pyle made available the printed TXDOT plans forADAcompliance on their city wide projecls. We decided to ask the full committee's help in monitoring progress during the actual construction. 'phis would take the form of taking a copy of the master list of sites where work is proposed , watclrin,,) as work progresses in your area, and reporting to the Rill committee on the progress being made. We asked Nls..I'ylc to request a meeting with TXDOT representatives to address concern,".. Engineering Sub- committee Meeting: 9/30/2011 ivls. Pyle informed us that while TXDOT representatives were willilig to nrcet with us, they ti-vould prefer we finish our evaluation before hand. We spent the rest ol'the meeting identifying several locations that carried specific collcel "n S. We also decided to make available to the full committee a CD containing (lie TXDOT proposal, including pictures of each location. This will be done if the committee agrees. Thomas Dreyer, Sabrina Ramirez Sylvia Wilson, Human Resources Jamie Pyle, Engineering Services 2. Discussion /Action on CFPWD Assistance Regarding TOOT Proposed ADA Projects MOTION Motion each Committee member will commit themselves to assist the Subcommittee in helping review the work that is being done as it is being done made by Thomas Dreyer - -- and seconded by Bertha Romero. Motion passed. [Mr. Alonzo continued with Item # 6.D. Parks & Recreation Department - Mayor's Fitness Council's Community Action Plan] Page 13 of 15 D. Parks and Recreation Department — Mayor's Fitness Council's Community Action Plan Stacie Talbert reported on the Mayor's Fitness Council's Community Action Plan who received a grant from the National Recreation and Park Association to put together a community action plan to help address chronic disease (arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, etc.) from a policy level. The first step was to survey organizations throughout the community to get an idea of what their own organization's policies were in addressing those issues (physical activity, nutrition, tobacco use, etc.). In developing the city's action plan, one of the main areas the Fitness Council wanted to look at was increasing the number of hike and bike trails and bicycle lanes throughout the community. The Fitness Council would like to bring a Resolution before the City Council requesting a commitment in future bond initiatives so hike and bike trail development will always be included. The Fitness Council would also like to bring a Resolution before the City Council that the city's parks be smoke -free. The Committee will be contacted in the near future for any additional input. D. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control — Activities Summary Marc Denson CCPD 1 Parking Control Supervisor 514 Sam Rankin, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 361.826.30031 Cell 361.876.8700 marcusd 1015111 Parking Enforcement Officer Jason Ridge will be representing me in today's meeting of the CFPWD. Jason has replaced Amanda Slauson (who has gone into Navy Intelligence in the military) as our ADA Enforcement Car officer. For the past year he has been the backup driver in that vehicle, as well as our second leading citation producer of Disabled Parking citations, behind Amanda. I want the committee to be able to put a face to the Parking Enforcement Officer responsible for such an important task. One of P.E.O. Ridge's functions is to pursue and identify 'altered placards' since the new law went into effect on September 1s Capt. Jerry Vesely held conversations with the District Attorney's office in September and organized a procedure for handling these violations using Traffic Officers, before we were able to proceed with enforcement. I spent several weeks working with the press and over a 4 day period we launched a media blitz in conjunction with an opening article by Jessica Savage of the Caller- Times, then Channel 6 & 10, Channel 3 and Channel 28 with heavy airtime. Chief Troy Riggs spoke as well on this subject on the morning show on Channel 3 on September 20th. This media blitz included documenting the first day of enforcement efforts on Wednesday, September 21' The media aired 15 segments over those 4 days, both mornings and evenings. This media blitz and enforcement effort was very successful reducing our normal 1 to 3 altered placards found per day - down to only 2 total found since September 21 This is a remarkable result far exceeding expectation) Both of these offenders have resulted in reports filed with the District Attorney's Office awaiting decisions of prosecution. The intent from the beginning was not to write citations, but to alter the actions of those who chose to abuse the accessibility privileges of persons with disabilities. The combined actions of our newspaper and news stations deserve commendable recognition for their participation in this venture, as well as CCPD and my Parking Enforcement Team. We will continue to pursue these altered placards and disabled parking violators and I can assure you the public knows that Corpus Christi is serious about protecting the accessibility privileges of those who need it. Thank you for all the support of the CFPWD, we look forward to continue working with you as we pursue additional enforcement tools. Marc De on Parking Control Supervisor Page 14 of 15 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA None 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Sabrina Ramirez. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 3:53 p.m. Page 15 of 15