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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 11/02/2011Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for November 2, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:00 p,m A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Abel Alonzo Carlos Vargas Irene Martinez Sabrina Ramirez Committee Members Absent: JAN -1 Z012 On S�'CR RY'S Darren Bates Harvey Salinas Thomas Dreyer (Excused) Alana Manrow(Emused) Bertha Romero Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Stephen Draper (Development Services) Jason Ridge (Police: Parking Control) Brian Narvaez (Legal) Staff Members Absent: None B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Motion to excuse Alana Manrow, and Thomas Dreyer for the October 5, 2011 meeting made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 1015111 MOTION Motion to approve the September 7, 2011 meeting minutes made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Harvey Salinas. Motion passed. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) Judy Telge stated the Coastal Bend center for Independent Living has a job opening through partnership with TX Workforce Solutions of the Coastal bend anyone interested in applying can contact CIBCIL, 4. PRESENTATIONS B. Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority Accessibility Policy — Not ready to present until next month. C. Walk `n Roll 20111Governor's Award — Sara Salvide, Texas RehabACTion Network of the Coastal Bend Mary Saenz and Mike Rendon presented a three minute video regarding the Walk `n Roll Celebration. The video was also viewed at the Governor's Ball in Austin Texas. Several comments were shared with the Committee Members. Ms. Saenz and Mr. Rendon thanked the Human Relations Department, Traffic Engineering Department and the Parks and Recreation for their involvement in the Walk'n Roll Celebration, Page 1 of 3 A. Transit - Oriented Development Overlay District (TOD) This item was discussed later in the meeting. 5. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT A. Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Day Job Fair 0 Darren Bates was proud to announce an Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Day Job Fair was a major step for all people with disabilities. The event was held on October 15, 2011 Judy Telge stated that people with cross disabilities were involved in the planning and execution of the project. Judy Telge mentioned that the Engineering Services Department may be able to help with repairing of sidewalks for more information on this subject her office may be contacted at any time. 6. STAFF REPORTSICOMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review Mrs. Wilson provided the Committee members with copies of the October 2011 Monthly Performance Report, Highlights were shared with the Committee, -- Willi a foal of " Fostering IJivcrsc and Eguil Cnvr rnnnacais W i Rcsptet . - ._ .. and Pm fcsstonalism tha ibunrn ltclatrmis Dc}aartmam will , :onduct arid enforc a posilive prograur o( non- discrimination ul Cnlptayment,. Pair I &rosul Public A ccmnmodauon, and Compliance vnh Ikv Anwericaas with Disabilim Act (ADA) within tie City o(Cor)nrs Chrisli, We will also make rcporls alld rccornrucndnlions to y ' he Cily Couacll and oliera lawalYE tic b c[lerincnt Of group end iut &roue rcla rs within the conanunily� - - - MAJOItI'RO(RAMSANIFSBIlVICFS: ' IN 1nt ke cInvestigative, nd Services 2 Community Outrca.h_ a ndAwawncss - I wS hwcal "lid Ad1llrlllstTa Livu Services Yry 1. ADA C:ompllauce 1. Addres% and monitor ADA cum tLnce_ and related issues, throusi aocauuuetlallon requosts and eilizen C0ulpiniltts; Cununuuity &iucalion :Ind AsyarClle'ss{ a1111 I CChItICallArbninislrali a Assist 2. Coonllnalicn of itnpEcmcuialiou mannorinh and a rLtlat Otc Cil vi r; ADA_:I ransuiult Plnn - I' Fl tFORiN ]ANCFNIF,ASIJltr.OIIJI ?.MVES_ Adopted — __,fut_ Augasl _ scl"bcr October - _ -- — ZOl] -20[Z I'rforMontll 1 1'riarNtonlll CurrcnfMlh 201 SEI4V[CEuVELONEcl'IVEr 1 . Nrovide InvcstfgafiveService sn include in take, investig mediation, conciliation, nlunitoring, and r.harge rtsohnimt in PTO(' Conlriret YT CInsnres 60,1101' 100 - 100' Total and %o €Goal - 1012011 to 912012 (as of 100011) 4 12 16 5 S (5 %) Twill nfn a loo c erns to Total and % Of Goal . 1011 to 9130 ILO l0 7 9 •mr ausmg ontp nurl cso upon - . Tolltl - V2011 to 612012 40 2 2 - 1 0 5 GIiOC Cbargc 4YrI1L'•DIrB (Ncr fcClell C11atgC3} CanlplClcd and sent to SAM inS days or less (its %oo 90 %. 4of10 40 11.a(7.1 52% 4ofS ,50 %) 315 315(60%) . Chuges Clused wlw ma 190 r nys as o a Iota Closures VTD - 1011 to 9/30 75% 1 7 l Df -I G •all Housing Complaints C asC within Igo days as 1 of total 70% 1 I 0 11. SE:RVIC:EI.E:VF.1.011JF.CCIVN Provide "Ooltrnninily Oulre'nch, Education. and Awareness$" f 0 R dtionaI events - 8111 to 7131 -49 40 6 7 q 3 14 . RVICV LEVE.1.003KCTIVE: Page 2 of 3 2. Department Update — New ADA Compliance Officer Mrs. Wilson reported Patsy Garcia was selected as the new ADA Compliance Officer for the department. 3, Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Proclamation Acknowledgment • Mrs. Wilson thanked all entities who attended the City Council meeting to accept the Proclamation Acknowledgment. There was a great turn out with the amount of people from the community that came out in support of the Employment Alliance Job Fair that was presented. B. Development Services Department — Project Update Stephen Draper, Development Services, gave a brief update. The 2009 Technical Code that Development Services has been working on for the last year is ready for City Council review. Mr, Draper thanked to Brian Narvaez and Debora Brown for working on the Technical Code ordinance form to be presented to the City Council. The codes will help give people with disabilities more authority to ensure that things are done correctly. C. Engineering Services Department — Project Update Committee Member, Jamie Pyle reported The ADA Group 2, Construction project is having a pre - construction meeting on November 8, 2011, and within ten days of that meeting construction will start. Ms. Pyle also pointed out that Thomas Dreyer was not present; Ms. Pyle gave the update for the Engineering Subcommittee, TX DOT 2012 Curb Ramp Programs. 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. Engineering Subcommittee 1. TX DOT ADA Projects Committee Member, Jamie Pyle provided an update on Item # 6 C. (above). D. Parks and Recreation Department — No Report E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control— No Report 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA • Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority Accessibility Policy 9. ADJOURNMET MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Sabrina Ramirez. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:09 p.m. Page 3 of 3