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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 12/07/2011Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for December 07, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice - Chairperson Carlos Vargas called the meeting to order at 3:12 p.m. 1 JAN 2 3 IoI2 A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Carlos Vargas Irene Martinez Committee Members Absent: Harvey Salinas (Excused) Bertha Romero Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Shelly Shelton (Development services) CITY SECRETARY'S Darren Bates Sabrina Ramirez Thomas Dreyer _ Ala-na Manrow. _. Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Stacie Talbert (Parks a Recreation) Marc Denson (Police: Parking control) Alison Logan (Legal) Staff Members Absent: Jamie Pyle (Engineering) B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Motion to excuse Harvey Salinas for December 07, 2011 meeting made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 11102111 Motion to approve the November 02, 2011 meeting minutes with revisions made by Darren Bates and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. Revision: On page 1, under Item 1.A,, amend to reflect Harvey Salinas and Irene Martinez present and Thomas Dreyer (Excused) and Bertha Romero absent at meeting. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) Judy Telge announced that she had just attended a funeral mass for Eloy Sosa a former Committee Member for the CFPWD from 1999 -2007. Judy Telge stated that she, Linda Fallwell- Stover and Crystal Lyons severed as former chairs of CFPWD. Ms. Telge, Ms. Stover, and Ms. Lyons took the time to recognize Eloy Sosa for all the work that he did as an advocate for the B -Line. Ms. Telge also stated after Mr. Sosa had his stroke he always focused on what he could do rather than what he couldn't do. Linda Fallwell- Stover representing the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority invited the Committee members to participate in RTA's long range planning efforts Vamonos! Let's Go online survey. Ms. Fallwell- Stover distributed rack cards with information regarding the online survey and encouraged everyone to participate. See Attachment, Abel Alonzo Page 1 of 10 4. PRESENTATIONS A. Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority Accessibility Policy Linda Fallwell- Stover and Rosa Villarreal presented a PowerPoint presentation and provided information regarding the Corpus Christi RTA Accessibility Policy. Discussions continued. See AUachments. _.. __5. - STAFF REPORTSICOMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review Mrs. Wilson provided the Committee members with the Department November 2011 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights were shared with the Committee. • EEOC Closures - 4 • HUD Fair Housing Closures - 3 • EEOC Charge Write -Ups, Perfected and Completed and sent to SAFO within 8 Days - 711 • EEOC Charges Closed within 180 Days - 413 • HUD Fair Housing Complaints - 3 out of 8 were closed within 10 Days • Training Session or Community Meetings -1 • ADA Citizen Complaints 2 • Public Accommodation Inquires or Results -14 • ADA Trash Service Assistance - 8 • ADA Technical Assistance - 3 • Plan Reviews and Site Visits -1 • The Solid Waste Operations and Legal Department asked Human Relations to review the Trash and Recycle Accommodation program. Patsy Garcia and a temporary employee have done an excellent job in Auditing the process and have sent out 110 audit letters for verification of eligibility. 2. Department Update - Human Relations Management Aide Position Mrs. Wilson reported the Management Aide position was posted and hopes to conduct interviews soon. B. Development Services Department - No Report No Report C. Engineering Services Department - No Report No Report Page 2 of 10 D. Parks and Recreation Department —12K Trees for 2012 Initiative Update Stacie Talbert stated that the 12k Trees for 2012 is to increase the amount of shade in our parks to make it easier for people with disabilities to be able to rest from the sun. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee have taken the responsability to stat the initiative called 20K Trees for 2012. Parks and Recreation is trying to push community members and establish funding streams to plant 2000 trees before December 31, 2011 See Attachments. E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control - DiscussonlApproval_of. Reminder- Card for Citizen Use Marc Denson provided a written report and asked for the Committee's input regarding the Reminder Card for Citizen use while on citizen patrol. See Attachments. 6. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. Engineering Subcommittee 1. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) 2012 ADA Curb Ramp Program Jamie Pyle and Thomas Dreyer were absent. No Report. 7. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT A. Texas Rehab Action Network (TRAN) Walk `n Roll 2011 Awards Carlos Varga mentioned the Walk `n Roll luncheon on November 18th where awards were handed out to the following people: • Patsy Garcia - Rising Star Award • Corpus Christi Prosthetics - Platinum Sponsor Award • Cindy Perez - Ron Sparks Award • Carlos Vargas - Presidential Award B. Westside Business Association Navidad de los Ninos Christmas Event Carlos Vargas attended the 28th annual Navidad de los Ninos Event held at the Art Garcia Center was a great turn out. Mr. Vargas thanked Abel Alonzo for rising over $10,000 in donations of bikes and money for the event. Mr. Vargas also mentioned that for over the past 5years he has proved the music for free and has enjoyed watching the children dancing. Normally the Westside Business Association has give out about 60 — 80 bikes in the past years this year they were able to give out 286 bikes to the students that attended. 8. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA • Discussion for Subcommittee to view applications for the Chair Vacancy that will be coming up as of 211112 Engineering Subcommittee— TOOT 2012 ADA Curb Ramp Program 9. ADJOURNMET MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Alana Manrow and seconded by Irene Martinez. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:13 p.m. Page 3 of 10 3. A. PUBLIC COMMENTS Diganos sus pensamientos Tell Us Your Thoughts About Sobre Ed futuro del "Bs' The Future of the : °' - _ WAMONOSI ..._ _ _ _ .._. _ _ _ _ VAMO�IOSI - 60 lSu ocasion de ganar unl Wad de Apple • Certificados para tiendas locales • Pases del autobus Vaya por favor al: o y siga el acoplamiento para tomar el estudio en linea. La Autoridad Regional del Transporte de Corpus Christi esta conduciendo un estudio en linea para determiner opiniones de la comunidad sobre las opciones presentes y futuras para el transporte publico en Corpus Christi y servicio circundantes. Este estudio en addcion del estudio que fue distributdo a bordo de los autobuses de CCRTA temprano este Noveembre . Your Chance to Winl • Apple Wad • Gift Certificates to local stores • Bus passes Please go to: or www.ccrtmorg and follow the link to take the online survey. Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority is conducting an online survey to assess community opinions on present and future options for Public transportation in Corpus Christi and surrounding service areas. This survey is in addition to the survey distributed on board CCRTA buses early November. Por favor de tomar un momento para darnos sus pensamientos. iUsted podra colocarse para ganar premios asi comp recibir la informacien addtonal sabre el lVamonosl un plan para el futuro largo para el "13. " Please take a few moments and provide us with your thoughts. You will be able to register to win prizes as well as receive additional information on lVilmOnosl a long range plan for the "B " Page 4 of 10 Attachments 4.- A. - Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority Accessibility Policy CORPUS CHRISTI REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY BOARD POLICY ACCESSIBILITY POLICY POLICY STATEMENT To provide full participation and equality of opportunity for people with disabilities, people who are aging and other people with access and functional needs, the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Board of Directors calls for all RTA departments, within their regular duties and responsibilities, to establish a commitment to access. APPLICABILITY This policy statement is broad, cross - cutting and designed for application to all actions of the RTA, including but not limited to the following: - Policy Development - Customer Service - Service Provision and Operation (Directly Provided or Contracted) - Employment - Physical Environment - Communications /Media /Website - Public Involvement - External Meetings and Agency Sponsored Events - Fleet Characteristics Maintenance - Safety /Security /Emergency Operations Procurements Staff Development and Training Construction and Engineering Route and Service Planning IMPLEMENTATION Effective implementation of the Accessibility Policy statement begins with the establishment of a Universal Access Team, Each RTA department will designate sufficient and appropriate team members to serve and meet monthly to ensure compliance with the policy. This team will help develop guiding principles in conjunction with the RTA Regional Committee on Accessible Transportation (RCAT), Meetings of the Universal Access Team will be coordinated through the designated RTA ADA Page 5 of 10 4. A. Continue Coordinator and report current activities and initiatives to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Support for all RTA staff will include initial and ongoing training and. professional development regarding integration and elimination. of barriers for people with disabilities, people who are aging and other people with access and functional needs. Additional tools available to - all - RTA staff - will include use of arilmpact Statement (approved by the CEO) to ensure an effective outcome. The Impact Statement will provide for the review of programs, projects, and developing or ongoing RTA services that answer, at a minimum, the following questions: Are any barriers being created for people with disabilities, people who are aging and other people with access and functional needs' Is RTA enhancing access and integration for people with disabilities, people who are aging and other people with access and functional needs? Does the program, project, or service result in the most integrated setting appropriate for people with disabilities, people who are aging and other people with access and functional needs? Has RTA taken steps to reduce or eliminate any negative impacts? POLICY REVIEW Review of this policy will be done no less than annually or more frequently as needed. To compliment the review, RTA staff through the Universal Access Team will establish procedures and conduct the following: - Establish Review Baseline - Conduct Internal Review of Regulatory Compliance to include an ongoing ADA Performance Monitoring Program for all modes of transportation Self Evaluation Review and Update ADA Transition Plan Review and Update - Establish Best Practices and Lessons Learned Components Adopted July 6,201 1 Page 6 of 10 4. A. Continue Commitment to Access Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority Universal Access Team • Each department • Develop guiding principles with RCAT • Meet monthly • Work with ADA coordinator • Report to CEO Training • Basic concepts of non - discrimination • Legal requirements • Universal Access concepts • Disability Etiquette • Effective Communication • People First language Impact Statement • Is RTA enhancing access and integration for people with disabilities, people who are aging and other people with access and function aIneeds? Questions /Comments /Suggestions Rosa Villarreal ADA Coordinator 361 -903 -3510 POLICY STATEMENT To provide full participation and equality of opportunity for people with disabilities, People who ara aging and other people with access and functional needs, the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authorlly (RTA) Board of Directors calls for all RTA -- — — departments, within iltclr regular duties and responsibilities, to establish a commitment to access. Stakeholders • RCAT, BORPSAT • Upcoming: Facilitated session with Universal Access Team and RCAF Committee Memberto refine guiding principles and provide basic education to staff Impact Statement • The Impact Statement will provide for the review of programs, projects, and developing or ongoing RTA services that answer, at a minimum, the following questions: Impact Statement • Does the program, project, or service result in the most integrated setting appropriate for people with disabilities, people who are aging and other people with access and functional needs? Commitment to Access • Step One: Universal Access Team • Step two: Stakeholders work together Step three: Guiding Principles establish;(I • Step four; Training /profosslonal development Step five: five: impact Statement • Step six: policy review Guiding Principles Keywords to consider Equal Opportunity Respect Integration Inclusion Equal Access Impact Statement • Are any barriers beingcreated for People with disabilities, people who are aging and other people with access and functional needs? Impact Statement • Has RTA taken steps to reduce or eliminate any negative impacts? Page 7 of 10 VE 5 r o - a ti +.4 r x- .f � r•� �: ! .- .���'A r � � "..�:, •�� 1 -. :'14 1 r ,•.!`��� il •` 1 t rr � 'i iV • r G i, :. • i r. Hi� , ! _ I,^A!1 K f.��J !� S 1 ,. -- 1 . ya�hr I. ji 1� i SS tl ' -1 5 I 3• q t r ; A: `_,' 'r '+•. le {4;�Y, -' kA ;. ��• - 1,* .r ' I� _ ' y Ar � r ( ,���� - I 1� ! I '�I����f i 1 i ,/ i .� I ,p L 1 J where'yau, planted your tM 96Um $ .3 or7ainaif as @ M, . eacelo�eserViCQ @yab76. ,PM iGe Mg of tract {s) Haw.m�nY?�ndtt kind: Tliank. and snake a; roe Oa plan.tFa free ?T pl to E'e tatifj CQus 5. E. - Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control — Discussion /Approval of Reminder Card for Citizen Use Marc Denson CCPD / Parking Control Supervisor 514 Sam Rankin, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 361826.3003_! Cell_ 36.1... - -- marcusd 11/17/11 Beginning the Monday following Thanksgiving through Christmas, Parking Control will run two vehicles Monday - Friday city -wide on ADA enforcement. Like last year we will beef -up our patrols as we experience an increased abuse of Disabled parking spaces during the shopping season as parking needs becomes more of a demand. Unfortunately during this period more people abuse the disabled parking in a effort to make a quick trip into the stores. In addition we will authorize over -time pay to run a vehicle each weekend during this period to insure the public knows we are serious about protecting the privileges of those with disabilities. Attached is a draft of a reminder card we are proposing for concerned citizens to be able to use that is similar to the reminder card used by Parking Control and the Citizens Police Academy people. Please review the card and we will have them printed once approved with any changes recommended that are within the language and scope of Texas Transportation Code 681: While we want to be sensitive to language as we often debate it, but for validity it is important that the language reflects the state code over our personal preferences. Page 9 of 10 A l i IBM, K� FM .r-, pf—'— �, 4 " RYIN 14 y lL 4 <,z +'�" �' �� ,(j II�Cj : �� + 1}� �� � J, + "1 1 * �! � E � �qy},' Ya, bpi �+<" �'r ma � !8' k P I. 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