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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 01/04/2012Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for January 4, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairperson Carlos Vargas called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Darren Bates Thomas Dreyer Alana Manrow Irene Martinez Harvey Salinas Carlos Vargas Committee Members Absent: Sabrina Ramirez (Excused) Abel Alonzo Bertha Romeo Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Christina Aparicio (Human Relations)Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Stephen Draper (Development Services) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Lisa Aguilar (Legal) Staff Members Absent: Marc Denson (Police Parking Control) B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Motion to excuse Sabrina Ramirez for the January 4t" meeting made by Harvey Salinas and second by Irene Martinez. Motion passes. Motion to excuse Thomas Dreyer for the December 7t" meeting made by Darren Bates and seconded in unison. Motion Passed. 2. MOTION APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 01/04/12 Motion to approve the December 7t" meeting minutes as amended made by Carlos Vargas and seconded by Harvey Salinas. Motion passed. On page 3 of 10 Item 8 Subcommittee to recview applications for upcoming vacancy. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) None 4. PRESENTATIONS None 5. STAFF REPORTS /COMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review Mrs. Wilson provided the Committee members with copies of the December 2011 Monthly Performance Report. Hiahliahts were shared with the Committee. 2. Meeting Time Frame Mrs. Wilson reminded the Committee members at times there may be other meetings scheduled to be held immediately after the CFPWD. (A photo is attached at the back of the Minutes) Page 1 of 5 B. Development Services Department — No Report Stephen Draper stated he did not have a report this month and will provide a report at the February meeting. C. Engineering Services Department — Project Update Jamie Pyle discussed the Bond 2008 and CDBG Project Update handout. The Bond for the ADA projects of 2008 was $5,000,000 which was split into three groups. D. Parks and Recreation Department Stacie Talbert mentioned the Annual CAST event, which is a fishing event for kids with special needs, will be held on Saturday February 25, 2012 between 8:OOam till 1:OOpm at the Packery Channel. She stated the department is looking for volunteers to bate hooks, pull fish out of the water, and serve food, along with other various volunteer duties as well as looking for sponsorships. Ms. Talbert mentioned volunteer hours may also be counted as community hours. Ms. Talbert stated the construction of "Kids Place" at Cole Park is almost complete. Ms. Talbert offered to invite the CFPWD to go view "Kids Place" before the Grand Opening to be able to walk around and report any comments. Ms. Talbert also mentioned a formal public meeting will be held sometime in March or April for public comments regarding "Kids Place ". E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control — No Report No Report. Vice Chairman Vargas mentioned the Parking Control Department was attending Computer Software Training regarding parking permits and new parking meters. Mr. Vargas took the time to thank the Parking Control Department on a television segment they had during the holidays regarding Accessibility parking concerns. 6. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. Engineering Subcommittee 1. TX DOT ADA Projects Committee Member Thomas Dryer stated in November 2011 himself, Sabrina Ramirez, and Jamie Pyle had a productive meeting with two TxDOT representatives regarding ADA improvement concerns. The subcommittee was pleased to learn that some of the very same concerns had already been addressed by TxDOT. The meeting was very productive. 7. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT A. Discussion /Action — Reappointment of 3 current Committee Members Mr. Vargas stated that the terms for Committee members Thomas Dreyer, Irene Martinez, and Bertha Romero will expire February 1, 2012. Bertha Romero was absent. Thomas Dreyer and Irene Martinez stated they would like to be considered for re- appointment. Motion for to recommend re- appointment for Thomas Dreyer and Irene Martinez was made by Darren Bates and second by Harvey Salinas. Motion Passed. Page 2 of 5 B. Westside Business Association Navidad de los Ninos Christmas Event Mr. Vargas stated he reported on the Westside Business Association Navidad de los Ninos Christmas Event at last month's meeting. Mr. Vargas took the opportunity to announce Abel Alonzo was appointed Chairman of the RTA Committee for Accessible Transportation (RCAT). F. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA Discussion of new Chairperson Appointment Create Subcommittee to review applications for the CFPWD vacancy due to Able Alonzo's expired term. G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Harvey Salinas and seconded by Alana Manrow. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 3:34p.m. Attachments Page 3 of 5 HUMAN RELATIONS M EGY; M ISSION AND SERVICE STRAT With a goal of "Fostering Diverse and Equitable Environments With Respect and Prof essionalis m ", the H uman Relatio_ ns Department will conduct and enforce a positive program of non - discrimination in Employment, Fa Housing, P Accommodation, a_nd Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) within the City of Corpus Chris We will also make reports and recommendations to the City Council and others, toward the betterment of group and i nter -group relat within the community. MAJOR PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: E _ T A. Non - D iscrimination P rogram 1. Intake, Investigative and Mediation/ Re solution Services 2. Community Outreach, Education, and Awareness 3. Technical and Adm inistrative Serv ices B. ADA Compliance I. Address and monitor ADA compliance, and related issues, through accomm req uests a nd citizen comp_ laints-, Community Education and Awarenes and Technic /Administrative A ssist anc e. j 2. Coordination of implementation, monitoring, and update of the Citywid ADA Transition P ' PERFORMANCE MEASURE OBJECTIVES Adopt October Prior Month November Prior Month December Currew Mth YTD 2011 2011 -2012 A. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide Investigative Service to include intake, investiga mediation, conciliation, m and clia ge resolution in Em to ment (including ADA), Fair Housing, and Public Accommodation. I ensures: U utput EEOC Contract Yr Closures Goal of 100 - 100 Total and % of Goal - 1012011 to 912012 (as of 1012011) 5 4 4 13 (13 %) rotal Intake Goal (Referred to - Total and % of Goal - 1011 to 9130 110 5 7 3 15(13.7%) Fair Housing Complaint Resolution - Total - 7/2011 to 612012 40 0 3 3 11 (28 %) ** Measures ecuvenesss EEOC Charge Write -Ups (Perfected Charges) completed and sent to SAFO in 8 days or less (as % of) 90% 3/5 7 0 of 3 4 /15 (26.7 %) EEOC Charges Closed within 180 days as o of total closures YTD - 10 /1 to 9/30 75% 2/5 4 4/4 9 / 13 (69.2 %) HUD Fair Housing Complaints closed within 100 days as % of total 70% 0 3 1 7 / 1 1 (64 %) B. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: ' Provide "Community Outreach, Education, and Awarenesss" Measures: O utput Number of training sessions, community meetings, an informational events - 8111 to 7131 =49 40 3 1 0 15 C. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide ADA Accessibility, Accommodations, and Technical Assistance Request resolution Measures: O utput ADA Citizens' Complaints ( Accessibilit 100 5 2 4, closed 1 44 Public Accommodation Inquiries/Requests 55 0 14 2, closed 2 62 ADA Trash Service Assistance 20 3 8 43 * 66 ADA Technical Assistance 40 12 3 3 62 Plan Reviews/Site Visits. 1 1 0 11 -- - -- ... -- — Key Highlights: __ - - -- -- - - - -- December 2011 - - - - - -- EEOC compliants received for the month 22, YTD 69 - these are a combina of no charges, can appointments or no call /no s ho Fair Housing, currently 16 open cases Trash /Recycle Service Assistance. Completed Audit of 134 cases initiated by Solid Waste to ensure compliance with program. Of those, 43 are considered new per program guidelines, 56 were discontinued for not meeting program guidelines, 35 are continuing service or going through the recertification process Page 4 of 5 BOND 2008 AND CDBG PROJECT UPDATE January 4, 2012 Description Status Construction was 95% complete as of December 13, 2011. City Bond 2008 ADA Improvements Group 1 had the final walk thru in December and the final RAS inspection has been scheduled. Design is 100% complete. Project bid opening was August 10, 2011 Bond 2008 ADA Improvements Group 2 and contract was awarded to Ti -Zach Concrete, Inc. on September 20, 2011. The Pre - Construction meeting was November 8, 2011 and should be completed by August 2012. Design has begun. Design should be complete by the end of March 2012. Construction should start May 2012 and be complete by Bond 2008 ADA Improvements Group 3 & November 2012, CDBG FY 2010 includes sidewalks and curb ramps CDBG FY 2010 along Villa /Leopard to Up River Road, Leopard Street/ Lancaster to Mueller, Elmore /Brooks /Wilson Lane/ Mac Leod Dr., Live Oak from Cenzio to Mueller and Graham Rd./ Waldron Rd. to Wranosky Park CH2MHill AE contract for Group 3 is being amended to include design for CDBG FY 2011 (Accessible Routes in CDBG Residential CDBG FY 2011 Areas Phase 2) which includes sidewalks and curb ramps along Wison Lane /Westland Dr. to Bartlett Dr., Yerby Circle, Four Bluff Drive/ SPID to Sun Bird St. Page 5 of 5