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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 02/01/2012Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for February 1, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairperson Abel Alonzo called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Abel Alonzo Darren Bates Thomas Dreyer Alana Manrow Irene Martinez Sabrina Ramirez Bertha Romero Carlos Vargas Committee Members Absent: Harvey Salinas (Excused) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Christina Aparicio (Human Relations ) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Stephen Draper (Development Services) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Marc Denson (Police: Parking Control) Trisha Dang (Legal) B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION None 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 01/04/12 MOTION Motion to approve the January 04th meeting minutes made by Carlos Vargas and second by Alana Manrow. Motion Passed. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) 1. Marshall Burns, Introduced himself as TRA's new Mobility Coordinator. State his main focus is travel training. The TRA will be working with different agencies to help people with disabilities become proficient with Mobility Route Services. Mr. Burns mentioned he would like to be invited back on a future agenda to give a presentation. 2. David Ramos thanked Mr. Alonzo for serving on the CFPWD as well as assisting other people with disabilities. Mr. Ramos stated he took part in a web cast seminar for 2011 Annual Disabilities statistics in relation to employment. 4. PRESENTATIONS None 5. STAFF REPORTS /COMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review Mrs. Wilson reported on the January 2012 Monthly Performance Report. (A copy of the report is attached at the back of the minutes) Page 1 of 7 2. Recognition of Abel Alonzo's service on the CFPWD from 7112105 to 2112112 Mrs. Wilson on behalf of the Human Relations Division and the Legal Department presented a plaque to Mr. Alonzo for his, commitment and 7 years served on the CFPWD. (A photo is attached at the back of the Minutes) Pete Anaya, Director of Planning and Development Services, Gave thanks to Mr. Alonzo for being a great advocate for people with disabilities as well as being a strong proponent for the ADA Master plan. Ms. Wilson mentioned that at the January 4th meeting the committee members were informed of the three _Mr. Thomas Dryer, Ms. Irene Martinez, and Ms. Bertha Romero) whose terms expire February 1 st and that the committee voted to reconsider them for another term. Human Relations will notify the City Secretary's office of the recommendations. B. Development Services Department — No Report Stephen Draper stated he did not have a report this month and will provide a report at the March meeting. Mr. Draper gave thanks to Mr. Alonzo for serving on the CFPWD. C. Engineering Services Department — Project Update Jamie Pyle reported that the ADA Master Plan is being presented to community stakeholders. The plan was presented to the Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities at its December meeting held at the Texas Workforce Solutions. The EAP is comprised of community advocates and local agencies with goal of increasing employment opportunities for the disabled. The Engineering Department will hold one more Public meeting at the Greenwood Senior Center, February 8th at 1:30p.m. before presenting to the Planning Commission. Ms. Pyle extended an invitation to attend the meeting. D. Parks and Recreation Department Stacie Talbert discussed the Mayor's Fitness Council ACHIEVE Community Action Plan. The purpose of the Mayor's Fitness Community Action Plan is Living Healthy through physical activity, balance Nutrition, and the elimination of tobacco use will become a way of life for all residents of Corpus Christi, Texas. The Mayor's Fitness Council Action Plan received a grant from the National Recreation and Park Association. The plan is to attack the issues form a Policy aspect and an environmental change aspect not necessarily programmatically. The Mayor's fitness council will be debating to adopt the plan specifically then sending it to the National Recreation and Parks Association for approval. The Grant is for a three year period timeframe which is expected to last between present and 2014. (A copy of the report is attached at the back of the minutes) Ms. Talbert gave an Update on Texas amateur athletics federation games that Parks and Recreation department will host for the next two years will be held the last weekend of July 2012 and 2013. Will be feature 12 sporting events such as swimming, baseball, softball, skateboarding, boxing, and tennis. The Parks and Recreation department will be Page 2 of 7 partnering up with CCISD to use their sporting facilities. The TAAF is expected to have 7,000 -9,000 athletes sign up. (A copy of the report is attached at the back of the minutes) E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control Marc Denson provided a brief update on the monthly Police Parking Department performance report. Mr. Denson stated the Police Department had been working from Thanksgiving thru the New Year on the disabled parking project. He stated he launched the program a year ago. Mr. Denson motioned in the first year the program took place, officers were writing between 20- 40 daily citations. Currently program Officers write less than 10 citations in a day. Mr. Denson motioned that due to the success of the program, his division has two patrol cars out on a daily bases. 6. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. Engineering Subcommittee No Report. 7. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT A. Discussion /Action to create a Subcommittee of three Committee members to review applications and make recommendations for Reappointments and/or New Appointments Abel Alonzo appointed Darren Bates, Sabrina Ramirez, and Carlos Vargas to be on the subcommittee. The three subcommittee members will get with Ms. Wilson to review applications and make recommendations. B. Discussion /Action to Nominate and Vote for new Chairperson Mr. Alonzo opened the floor for nominations of new Chairperson. Nominees for the new Chairperson are Committee Members Darren Bates, and Carlos Vargas. Darren Bates received three (3) nominations; Carlos Vargas received five (5) nominations making Carlos Vargas the new Chairperson for the CFPWD. C. Chairperson Abel Alonzo's farewell Mr. Alonzo thanked the Administrative Staff for being a part of the CFPWD and assisting to make the City of Corpus Christi a better City. Mr. Alonzo gave his farewells to all the members of the Committee F. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA Discussion /Action to vote for new Vice Chairperson G. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Bertha Romero and seconded by Carlos Vargas. Motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 4:01 p.m. Attachments Page 3of7 th agoal of" Fostering Diverse and Equitable Environments With Respect and Professionalism ", the Human Relations Department will iduct and enforce a positive program of non- discrimination in Employment, Fair Housing, Public Accommodation, and Compliance h the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) within the City of Corpus Christi. We will also make reports and recommendations to City Council and others , toward the betterment of group and inter -group relationships within the community. IA. Non - Discrimination Program 1. Intake, Investigative, and Mediation/Resolution Services 2. Community Outreach, Education, and Awareness 3_ Technical and Administrative Services B. ADA Compliance 1. Address and monitor ADA compliance, and related issues, through accommodation requests and citizen complaints; Community Education and Awareness; and Technical /Administrative Assistance. 2. Coordination of implementation, monitoring, and update of the Citywide ADA Transition Plan PERFORMANCE MEASURE OBJECTIVES Actual Adopted fl 11 As or Dec Contract ar Cnnfrarl nr YTD 1/1, 2009 -2010 2011 -2012 20I1 2612 YTDTnta! otGoa! A. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide Investigative Service to include intake, investigation, mediation, conciliation, monitoring, and charge resolution in Em to ment (including ADA), Fair Housing, and Public Accommodation. easures: O utpul Contract Yr o Closures Goal — 100 Closures; Total and % of 100 Goal - 108(103 %) (as of 1012011) 13 9 22 22% 'otal Intake Goal is cfcrred to - Total and % of Goal - 1012011 to 9/2012 110(100%) 110 IS 2 17 15% HUD Fair Housing Contract Yr to Complaint Resolutions Goal of 40 45 40 11 0 11 28% Measures : E ec tvenesss :..:::•:;.;:::. - >: .,:::<: EEOC Charge Write -Ups (Perfected Charges) completed and sent to SAFO in 8 days or less (as % of) 1 90% 90% 4 1 5 29% VEOC Charges Closed m wit days as o o tota closures YTD - 1012011 to 912012 55% 75% 9 7 16 73% HUD Fair Housing Complaints c ose within 100 days as % of total 70% 7 0 7 64% B. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: rovide "Community Outreach, Education, and Awarenesss" utput rea,asures: er o training sessions, community meetings, an rmational events - 8111 to 7131 =49 48 40 15 2 i 7 35V. ERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: rovide ADA Accessibility, Accommodations, and Technical Assistance Request resolution easures: O utpu t ADA Citizens' Com laints Accessibili 115 100 44 6 6 6% Public Accommodation Inquiries/Requests 75 55 62 13 13 24% ADA Trash Service Assistance 0 20 66 9 9 45% ADA Technical Assistance 48 40 62 9 9 23% PIan Reviews /Site Visits 11 9 9 Key Highlights: January 2012: FAIR HOUSING: Although there are Zero Fair Housing resolutions, there are 4 cases that are trying to be resolved via the Conciliation process. EEOC: One of the 9 EEOC closures was a successful cash award mediation. 20 EEOC compliants received. Trash Service Assistance - 283 open accounts ADA Issues: 7 complaints addressed with 4 closures. Page 4of7 Page 5 of 7 Abel Alonzo's farewell for serving on the CFPWD form 7/12/05 to 2/1/12 Mayor's Fitness Council ACHIEVE Community Action Plan Working Draft Vision Living Health through physical activity, balanced nutrition and elimination of tobacco use will be a way of life for all residents in Corpus Christi, Texas. Mission The Mayor's Fitness Council/ACHIEVE Chart Team will collaborate with community leaders in all sectors to develop and implement policy and environmental improvement strategies that will help the healthy choice be the easy and natural choice for residents. Project Goal 1.0: By December 2014, increase the miles of paths that support bicycle and pedestrian transportation from 66.75 to 75. Objective 1.1: By September 2012, increase the miles of Hike and Bike Trails from 20.25 to 25. Objective 1.2: By September 2012, increase the miles of roads with bike lanes from 46.5 to 50. Project Goal 2.0: By December 2014, increase the number of community venues that are smoke free from unknown to 196. Objective 2.1: By September 2012, increase the number of tobacco-free park facilities from 0 to 6. Objective 2.2: By September 2014, increase the number of tobacco-free park facilities from 6 to 196. Project Goal 3.0: By December 2014, increase the number of community venues that provide healthy food options from 1 to 4. Objective 3.1: By September 2012, increase the number of community gardens in local parks from I to 3. Objective 3.2: By September 2012, increase the number of community centers using at least some local produce in lunch program and after school snacks from 0 to 2. Page 6 of 7 Fact Sheet • The Games of Texas will take place onJuly 26-2B\2012 and July 25-28 2013 • The Games uf Texas Opening Ceremony will be held at the 8avfrVntPark • The 2012 Games of Texas are the largest multi-sport event in Texas, featuring more 12 Sporting events, each considered a state championship • Since 19g8, the Games mf Texas have featured more than 5Osports. • Participants in the Games of Texas range from 4-year-olds to senior citizens • The United States Olympic Committee /US[)C\ recognizes the Games ofTexas as an Official State Games • Medal winners in several sports in the 2012 Games of Texas are eligible to advance and participate at the national level |n the lO13 State Games ofAmerica • The Games O{ Texas were first held iD San Antonio in 1986 • Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) is a nonprofit organization established in 1925to promote, organize and conduct amateur athletics inTexas • TAAF membership is open to individuals, parks and recreation departments and other organizations Um amateur athletics � TAAFcomsists ofl7 regions throughout Texas � Each year, TAAF registers between I2,008 and l5,OUO teams and approximately 250 participants Page 7of7