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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 04/04/2012Committee For Persons With Disabilities
Summary of Minutes for April 4, 2012
Chairperson Carlos Vargas called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
Committee Members Present:
Carlos Vargas
Thomas Dreyer
Donnie Contreras
Committee Members Absent:
Alana Manrow (Excused)
Staff Members Present:
Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations)
Trisha Dang (Legal)
Staff Members Absent:
Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation)
Harvey Salinas (3:42)
Sabrina Ramirez
Bertha Romero
Darren Bates (Excused) Irene Martinez
Christina Aparicio (Human Relations )
Marc Denson (Police: Parking Control)
Mark Van Vleck (Development Services) Jamie Pyle (Engineering)
MOTION Alana Manrow and Darren Bates requested an excused absence for the 04/04/12
meeting. Motion to approve the absent request for Alana Manrow and Darren Bates
made by Bertha Romero and second by Sabrina Ramirez.
MOTION Motion to approve the March 7t" meeting minutes made by Bertha Romero and second
by Thomas Dreyer. Motion Passed.
1. Alfredo P. Ramirez, with the Be Kind to Cyclists Organization, mentioned the
Bicyclist /Pedestrian Subcommittee and the Transportation Advisory Subcommittee
have been discussing the bicyclist City Ordinance called "Safe Passing" for the past
three years. The "Safe Passing" Ordinance has implications to individuals whom are
mobility challenged. Mr. Ramirez stated he believes the city's legal team hasn't updated
the CFPWD on this particular ordinance. Mr. Ramirez requested to do a presentation
on behalf of the Be Kind to Cyclist Organization.
2. Abel Alonzo, Community Advocate, congratulated Donnie Contreras on his recent
appointment with the CFPWD. Mr. Alonzo stated that he agrees with Mr. Ramirez in the
statement he made regarding the city's legal team and the Committee not being properly
or directly informed of this "Safe Passing" Ordinance.
Page 1 of 15
A. Life Span Respite — Viola Monreal, Aging and Disability Resources Center.
Ms. Monreal mentioned that the City has a new Aging and Disability Resource Center
in the Community. Ms. Monreal gave informative information on handouts given
regarding the Aging and Disability Resource Center.
(A copy of the power point handout is attached at the back of the minutes)
B. 2012 Technology Olympics — Mari Garza, Educational Services, Region2, (ESC -2)
and Larry Elliott, Division for Blind Services. Ms. Garza and Mr. Elliott both gave
information regarding the Educational Services Agency and the Division for Blind
Services. Mr. Elliott stated that in efforts to expand the 2012 Technology Olympics the
two Agencies decided to partner together. The 2012 Technology Olympics is a friendly
competition that will show the different technology used to help persons with visual
(A copy of the power point handout is attached at the back of the minutes)
C. Rubber Duck Round Up — Alana Manrow, South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind
(STLB). Ms. Manrow mentioned the South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind will present
Rubber Duck Round Up a family fun event that will take place to raise funds in
awareness about blindness on May 26, 2012 from 10 am. —1 pm.
(A copy of power point handout is attached at the pack of the minutes)
D. New ADA Standards — Russ Arney, Development Services Plan Examiner
Coordinator. Mr. Arney was unable to attend the meeting therefore Chairperson
Vargas tabled the presentation till the next monthly meeting 05/02/12.
A. Human Relations Department
1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review
Mrs. Wilson reported on the February 2012 Monthly Performance Report.
(A copy of the report is attached at the back of the minutes)
A. Development Services Department — Project Update
Due to absent staff member Chairperson Vargas tabled the Project Update till the next
monthly meeting 05/02/12. Erase /record over.
B. Engineering Services Department — Mc Ardle Rd. Update
Due to absent staff member Chairperson Vargas tabled Mc Ardle Rd. Update till the
next monthly meeting 05/02/12.
C. Parks and Recreation Department
Due to absence Stacie Talbert requested that Ms. Wilson report on her behalf, the
February 25, 2012 CAST Event was rained out and is rescheduled for September 8,
2012. As the event gets closer to the date Ms. Talbert will provide further participation,
and volunteer information.
Page 2 of 15
E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control — Accessible parking citations
update; accessible parking with apartment complexes. Mr. Denson mentioned he
recently attended a Texas Parking Association Convention with discussion in regards to
placing a hold on registrations for those whom fail to comply with citations for disabled
parking. Mr. Denson plan is to have the support of other Cities at the next legislative
meeting because affectively the ordinance is so hard to enforce.
A. Engineering Subcommittee — Prioritizing ADA/Street Project
Thomas Dreyer reported the subcommittee member concentrated primarily on Mc Ardel
between Ennis Joslin and Nile Rd. Each member will be focused on different aspects of
the project; Sabrina - work closely with RTA on accessibility, pedestrian numbers on M
Ardle, and the number of bus stops, Jamie- is going to get pictures of the pedestrian
pads that do exist, and Sylvia will get the number of fatalities (pedestrian relation
accidents) form a traffic engineer.
Ms. Wilson gave a brief description of what she saw as she drove down Mc Ardle form
Airline to Nile. Ms. Wilson stated the supportive information being gathered is to put into
the letter to give to council.
(A copy of the photos are attached at the back of the minutes)
A. Acknowledge Re- appointments and new member Donnie Contreras
Chairpersons Vargas congratulated our three re- appointments Irene Martinez, Bertha
Romero, and Thomas Dreyer. Mr. Vargas also congratulated Donnie Contreras as he
gave brief description on Committee member Contreras Biography.
B. Reminder — Special Guest for May meeting — Corpus Christ Police Chief Floyd
Simpson. Mr. Vargas urged the committee members to try to be present for our next
CFPWD meeting 05/02/12 as CCPD Floyd Simpson would be attending to do a
presentation as a meet and great.
• CCPD Chief of Police — Floyd Simpson
• New ADA Standards — Russ Arney, Development Services Plan Examiner Coordinator
• Safe Passing — Alfredo Ramirez, Be Kind to Cyclist Organization
Staff Reports
• Development Services Department — Department Activity Update
• Engineering Services Department - Update on Drafted Letter to be sent to Legislative
MOTION Motion to adjourn made by Bertha Romero and seconded by Sabrina Ramirez. Motion
The meeting adjourned at 4:12p.m.
Page 3 of 15
A. Life Span Respite — Viola Monreal, Aging and Disability Resources Center.
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Page 4 of 15
A. Life Span Respite — Viola Monreal, Aging and Disability Resources Center.
Page 5 of 15
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A. Life Span Respite - Viola Monreal, Aging and Disability Resources Center.
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M hien Hostility guilds to a Breaking Point
t ,aul (oar"i Akr s by rut a,sxnb ktugar mad r danew. fin m
safe ay.'rake a ..Ik tin ox.+E do g,, w,a ] eta mrr,u:r oml
Hake 1: yneer mnpw a a big pzitim e,
'Rr find p otco-x on I],slp ory pprrtgIo: txun?c Rg,
wel t
x- Y h c alas - reir f a3 s aF %hoe 1 ° MU e d tar
'1 lu k t t "Xa"I L; 1 t- g M,xh 3t Eur +ides haf, of
--Em, psyciwiogls9.s. and psyel mtr Res
141 hgI w, ae:rc ➢rr, Ayr., I bo,
C', u, rty lea dth 11'x3.
vAma 4 r y on A,, 5
uwwd we� 1 Call re, @f Il
F Ahi p u1 5: 1 d. patnmo w .
.- A pup -kn n., wg ,f apa r g-op r e tugs
p h r ,:
C-4kdoa Cairn xv w i III LI:" r.nda at=e 3re
Fr p{A9 -=d t3ePrCwn1U
, Z� j art � � `#k eY' - ine nee P -n
sW,n?rr sn.l rx ,..dnr.n. Wu°..= ctrnwxGrt+it^5 � Khe'. wF r l+csY me s 9rv. a
IFnr.:s, or vex p�.,urin y,er Marc lnat pal d�as�a ar rwe a.
cmre at�n eut
ke�alxd ua;;r dm cr'rr@r'a's4 i tc or, m a « 4 rY;nd K {one wra's.+. tec canes
ysaar Clai V, wry prd Lh?r 61 h:.Vv dnaG rrykra Y" ful L« �xr m
gt'a 1 -e ea- 0.;r a paseo ua ha uH rr d insr✓.cd rek +n f,:r# 9. arcll 4c.
r 995'✓ sass i p ;d waa sn akr PA ts5n i en y :
Iincap. o
ra WN'm� th "Jee"a sod MAE', n help a meama cF oassr vdtw .
I+min -,arv! � rw,Yv'rvg -
d zr Cdr t it + r f,,UY, j
;, hSr.;L lnrr •t` Prmt+.n
Never let yoklmlf gar
N, t Hungry, to A A mgx'y°,
a I t l y nr t a Tlae•pk
t74d -#�S' ..
ti'Lflrzs7 "E an errs° h. sfk.' plvhry3
ft Ir - dit,lxt
_htg Qvd
Dostst raU Co hnfe
e rIL "Ii-, , ol fn a..
,sfi 4 ,pa rnt, teas
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rY to
E ,
11 n a!
Sr- aressaen 21 I .Y� ?"i_L&�' G aX Y5'f i
RxKtrl r(h 4� � St � xx F5Po45
Caregiver Assistance ,News
CA A Il0.`G €0R Y U... C A rd I kI3 FOR ,l I14. E xS.. ,.
Bullies/Dealing With Difficult people
Scxne lx E Iv aaw hctn C,rr. unn9ed¢d, ]f h, pQraue, sas your ra .
uemd➢ us -a t gm along wn'ao, age
iaxt going W keen. c r her, aA
suddrar3 chalg ax pl.sran tp hgtrct
wftn ,gmaenal 1. aaff y 2,11 11 tax
h oc, a y he 4, rcd dap f r milner
px b1o.Y sir f Cis
EfeoE+culiw , fM,rls. �nar mndirartunu
emu -e p uilhee of g - m. Hogan:
pompl Mug ueurrattwn- cta ➢ezlsro
cause prcnEkl -s sa ahwaysh vm dm g
otmtnremtiens ehea ad by D ph-,W.
Antxrlawa - +anw am a lrin eause of
Personality £"aanl,ee• the' --g dfag
esxx mcllua d y term- - N0. A
i ay V
lr M nyr+a 5 t y dpd:e"a C ue.
t d fh .e j? wso, tbc,d r rE,,a
fta5 PFx' rsl
� t f .tunes �+4t aaahwt rzrs,
asp- II Y bt ddrr nr ux`nary tr e
i ,,P trmrs (U11.) con nfteet ..Kw-
d d ga,:azn lriy . as rc, a .Ie,me
&JeSn "4 seeLnm silk,
Pietro, 'l0. yfl aaatldxn xl3axygn
fmao, au..." u t hl pl.
I- 1 he k f,, pain ful Iux hh
! t m_ N y ,hd- - d Y t
p 51 lFlnl #E 'n Gl h dell
b` _ pkik , le @E stldv
v E S
4Ptt d. -swn pc*I trhwe Mat ag
5 t1ben, t4 ght to AY Sat
t1bey 6 nl d m-h of O Id lxn
aegapve if tl 7 air 1,xre'do ling
ersn Ex to uraloma'd Mw he is
. he In y b.. 'We to chaengm
I � .
L �'n't'L tii- N'h Y ise lie. 111x3,
Len-lly h nk or m d n- nadi..
I@ fr t t
go6ng l I.M.
GM 11 t tkarg III! 9A do or l000l i ww
f ..0 iliiuE,rr art "a, se 6iA,Lh.g '
I .0 RUY h - xgas. F opk,, x fth
sll hoi,no, _': Pxcks d.tafas ae.] mfi-
d +,r ewe; as we ed w sfr ,a d ict , as sm.
s Pns.SihEe 1 i t1 , P-a. m 1 ulxtng
l ouar Li.,'a a drug, a:a.n harp weird .
off the rat TMWAiahty ohtaaaknra
I 0.. le fe l n
y. A xta £[y mLdauaiauxls
fo, »xec. antlpspaN io,s, eon ms1,la
Abusive iNer - U0. 1h it rtaaxa1G de.
e Tat l ndult p+-, t p in laore s
� haee the rc at d ph elly
rh C onally, ail of Ilioir li-
i ti tl J E vbr+ Iald
d s tra.aa feodv Intoxswall
gc t th, ixttu 1, I th,,L
th-e 1. a Y I E0. S t s
nteuar5 £= . tlwi r a d,,11, cl .drmn p axld
tli Ir uute„ci e rs 7 aH. #hay wore whaon
thwv wva. Y u g e
, @
l � p
: � f` t
,, 1 I I
Page 6 of 15
We h esh V, A m rd 11th 2:00 m. TAKE TwE Tixm The 'n Respite Caurdlna aun Cautu
with MELANIE HARRISON - lexat Assciation of Rogunal
Mimrrolm IS d2 Fbril 112:00 o-m. I Vivk Sin Sentidutos Be Culpabilidad
Thwsf,by, April 10th 100 p-m. THE CAR KEY CONVERSATION with JAWE HUYSMAN, Psyl),
Call. Learn.
Page 7 of 15
n rea
Page 8 of 15
A. Life Span Respite — Viola Monreal, Aging and Disability Resources Center.
'tA, 09 ft Oc.�WDW,4 W- 0-11 111-t- MI
Caregiver Assistance News
" C A S , N a , o k Y " " .. C A r f N 4 1 ky K il 1 n E k 5
"�; BEND
'30VE OF
Erica mo cplwidj
with g, or= W au',, p chitnt,-c-m can be in weso ..d diffi-It
for The pcnon in your iuira, fAmily rre.",;w, and nrogivk s ,. is at,
tha, the pra omdity chwigas , ga . ,vary. Rvad flu i—, prof AnS.WiWe ao M�
to the qustim,s W W W w-st,"Ur Jul—leilge.
S. S—V ."d rut —a — aiusa rxfaina lity in
1 F
`,S3ilent� infemofts, esp i ally Waddin U3 urinary Erw illiecuons (Ulls) cra
cffict , -d p ;rswiauiy, e— h., the pc.— dm n't -�,m skh
3, Nlevwy i—ea are r, ,
L , gle ncr ally IAI ni k al in i)erace t1n, I W111-1, f-8
tion, getijug le,,L, , bring 6k 16 dc n " rteognm! famil Lh nga can r: e8o
mar'ling N�maali Ly chac
T 1
4. W Nacn h-dfirg m, .-ig "'ttunit, makmg fivIlL o f 4h p—, hc4pg.
5� Wher, th p refuse. 10 moj. at fbm make 6ure lie undo rstan,15 Mist wu
4,jq� aAk g�
6, Soixpaum" cmibafi— bih—ter is it syffqaam M u +tcpe issuq.
1, F
1 7. Too it.y at of can laavxikr - nercfisi br-u- flit poewn lools
& In some eases, impmving nwy d .31 ...ku jsriill lcic iftlefibb,
A.uddLix rb—gr an p-ameciahly nw) be a red flog for e8aca^ RrA,1c...
10AVIng a prmwl hm., t will at nA. hiu. ., h,-, i,ny owev likely ia
9' F
Page 9 of 15
B. 2012 Technology Olympics — Mari Garza, Educational Services, Region2, (ESC-2)
and Larry Elliott, Division for Blind Services.
Phone: (361) 289-8717
Fax. (361) 289-8737
(800) 687-7015
TEXAS Zany elliott@da rs. state, tx, us
Larry Elliott
Transition Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Division for Blind Services
410 S. Padre Island Dr., Suite 103
Corpus Christi, TX 78405-4122
. _,,XISTI, -r>(
Educational Service Center, Region Two
DARS - Division for Blind Services
is pleased to invite you to attend
The 2012 Corpus Christi
Technology Olympics
MAY 3RD, 20 1 2
PHONE: (361) 561
FAX: (315 1) aE33-3442
Register with your vision
teacher or Mari Garza
Phone: (361) 561-SS39
Fax (361) 561-SS3S
Page 10 of 15
B. 2012 Technology Olympics — Mari Garza, Educational Services, Region2, (ESC-2)
and Larry Elliott, Division for Blind Services.
Building a Foundation
of Confidence
allvs arc 0,q IN, -d 1,Vx
h., ftmR, 11 ffi,, wP,1.11 "ell—I 6 Cah. I-
;1,. y.ol, .W 4-0y. fi, ddil '. '16 k d
_11, hi T ,s r,o ,jud e t ,bi ,aot f
k 0 16 C k",
LISS . lle
At, cf 11. 61, .M 1-
"ON.- they ..h 3 11c -d"O
What other families
say about DBS
Transition Services
g6id MIN
Rj '.0—, — h
IIwd 5_;V. — P,,,V"d
—d a V'
fi,ll d flkn v.hoio I
»n s Z V,
,kh —Mr— 11.1
wl, �I I. 0iI, 1. bond d irm H
v. 1 W.'. w IN, Tlk.,
Old nay 4uisrA,
rlks DES:'
6 T 17 W
—1m.d IF p eMP 1c HVI, f Ilh—
d trw
I, Ih. .]*�q ."d
I" 31. 1. L-0
bs lh ., A. adjusts 1. Im", -Ilk . .1, .... ...
i"eparrideot hviag
b,«irgv Banco .7d
d as vk ihnd
.1 —
,wh h. bl Yo h." 1, r Ii lh&�
10—, "1 . 0 i,, H —i, i, The
0 s d m
bigly 1,114 —A,111
-d Pp H. —0,1
Q4, IF0
F I -ilh ' 1 d F
Services for Youth
and Families
ouo q d. .".101. 0'., m rnsann
ZU" ."d
W.N." o"O nfrarauird
1•1., —d
h.bbi_ W. H,Wm, ."I 'j
14fla 0 'AtI q 'jfi " M' lU
.&y *dh i.b d.—,
A111i. 1x . P.1o.;
Transition Program
Ad.l.,, -W Wd pr A.Wly nppimod 9
Wigh f.l. . I.d., d—, , li, in NO., I
adVone" In t"hnology ko L1 i[Ao For
H eq lire, W.", and ..ask 11>ri,
—.y eXCeReM re.0.1.0. 1. W , p
likd H tFrn 00—
PW ,d H.",
sdmatrop .1 Mki— T16 T D.,*
o1 Asa I- —d PWI.IIWII Si-1 JDAR51
1-sifl- f.", "i—I
riw wand of •xgak
Page 11 of 15
T DM,1 f., C, rd Se' 11.1,i,.x
C C t k i,,,
1,,, A& R 4 ..d
S It _d d`p 1—g
a Ihl
What other families
say about DBS
Transition Services
g6id MIN
Rj '.0—, — h
IIwd 5_;V. — P,,,V"d
—d a V'
fi,ll d flkn v.hoio I
»n s Z V,
,kh —Mr— 11.1
wl, �I I. 0iI, 1. bond d irm H
v. 1 W.'. w IN, Tlk.,
Old nay 4uisrA,
rlks DES:'
6 T 17 W
—1m.d IF p eMP 1c HVI, f Ilh—
d trw
I, Ih. .]*�q ."d
I" 31. 1. L-0
bs lh ., A. adjusts 1. Im", -Ilk . .1, .... ...
i"eparrideot hviag
b,«irgv Banco .7d
d as vk ihnd
.1 —
,wh h. bl Yo h." 1, r Ii lh&�
10—, "1 . 0 i,, H —i, i, The
0 s d m
bigly 1,114 —A,111
-d Pp H. —0,1
Q4, IF0
F I -ilh ' 1 d F
Services for Youth
and Families
ouo q d. .".101. 0'., m rnsann
ZU" ."d
W.N." o"O nfrarauird
1•1., —d
h.bbi_ W. H,Wm, ."I 'j
14fla 0 'AtI q 'jfi " M' lU
.&y *dh i.b d.—,
A111i. 1x . P.1o.;
Transition Program
Ad.l.,, -W Wd pr A.Wly nppimod 9
Wigh f.l. . I.d., d—, , li, in NO., I
adVone" In t"hnology ko L1 i[Ao For
H eq lire, W.", and ..ask 11>ri,
—.y eXCeReM re.0.1.0. 1. W , p
likd H tFrn 00—
PW ,d H.",
sdmatrop .1 Mki— T16 T D.,*
o1 Asa I- —d PWI.IIWII Si-1 JDAR51
1-sifl- f.", "i—I
riw wand of •xgak
Page 11 of 15
B. 2012 Technology Olympics — Mari Garza, Educational Services, Region2, (ESC -2)
and Larry Elliott, Division for Blind Services.
• ... dulautlon SerWee Carl il' Realon 2 umoa Is rran.
Reg all 2 V I Techuy ogy 0tyr alhics
fdUCaCICRn SedvlGe Gf• tter, RaTg on 2 Staff, in mn ;un it i xih area TeaChcas for b =ldaot4 with Vdsna! rsrpann?raets,
have been 5t 'n lw n kegEOn 2 Vi TeChno2Yiy Ohym pers for ever a decade. N'ti upatdon 1. Luis @Vent retl ,e, Cho of
sped te€lsnology for Students with visual impai rments, -mv use o8 this axhn o4p8y also allows sudEd:,t ayr1h
,i u rl whirx. t accessibility to their ee:v:ironnient in their Connor ru" at ele as access o Isty to pa'rtir.Ipadan o, general nacca1lpn classes with n thin f district T1a d —nt al8cxws Stude"IS the oppor trie l'ty Rp 3h bwtase Ill of,
d re ic abilities 11srough rho use of thela b #roan specific teihudial y.
May 2012 is sparkaig a chaega .a ph ou, kego er 2 VI Technology t71yinfucx. This year we are py ent rieg with
Depar nt of Assfs {eve anal hehalli it8tive 5ar ce5 € ivision o9 Sl ind S Our primary endeavor has Been CD
<. a s.1 technalagy and its uses lot inclusion In aCade and if — Url KLOar rchwilies in schali.
Lorne and roneuthuty.
pianl for Lie p rte ,strip } -p tW lie,
• Art SE ow show €acing works. o, all hs2 5 udedL5 with b yal i p;yairmt h%
• yPsst,S W,ii'agasata €of ctroomi vc4h viSroal Impair rur_ca,
We xne hoiendmg an is 4,1110o to ypu to pafthe w Educ, torn Serrxe Center @egioe arvdl vx;on of Blind Se .1,x
in f ande — s. please do not IXesitate to contact Mari GNa;a {if Larry W I! otR f you are In Lei ected. Stndon now
& e t uv future, I is -, respu sibf ay t'oproa rye those with e cab loses. the tools for accessibility a 7d' ieorfu:sio w
sa[ie y-
Mari Gaff ", Ia, Cdn§azn',Iiit Larry Him, Transition Ceunselor
Educations Ser Y4 Center, fie flipn 2 17epefunio t of t15§ Stivo Rehabil lative Sawices
)M,ipn of 61':lnd 5mloes
361-561 #E1. -289 -871.7
ac�l,:r lVZ,�,as
na,rmn cr s > — or, :ca s, n sa,". V" "'„
a z.�>*rl r o. —rn: ;.,:rams:
--Y -' ?e, . uca M, 1—
ty lax?,,. Ny N i R ackldd Grrwr,n[M Herv3 d
OS 7'e h {R'14s EImSINC Fry
% x hero
Alp ."'d by
Page 12 of 15
C. Rubber Duck Round Up — Alana Manrow, South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind
V 14 4 V T Ap
Bencylti"g S."M 7r,wl' 1'k'h&m4'0(tar if"?
South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind is excited to invite you to Rubber Duck Bound-Up
20121 Those cute little rubber ducks are ready to take their kith splash intoCoTpin; Christi
Bay at Cole Park on Saturday, May 26th. Rubber Duck Round-Up is a fun-filled event for
both families and corporations a I lkel Come hel us celebrate Memorial Day a nti raise
funds to support our mission to Employ, Educate, and Empower your neighbors who
are blind or visually Impaired.
`QuacktivIes'Inctude food, df nlks, live music, Inflatables, pony rides, a patting zoo, and of
course the Rubber Duck Race� We Invite you to partner with us for this unique fundraiser
as a sponsor an War to adopt your very own rubber ducks for fabulous prizes!
For more information, please contact Alana Marlow at 361.693,6x183 of visit
WWW.rubberduckroundup,cliarityhapp4,-rTirigs,org to Complete your sponsorship-
,4 1�
"Corporate Quacker" Sporgiorshlit for Adoption
S5,000 VID (Very I mporti nt Duck}
_$5 single Duck
S2,500 Wise Quacker 1,500 Back site Beak $20 �uack Pack (5 Ducks)
' '�N $25 Lucky Ducks (7 Ducks)
1,000The Mighty Ducklings $40 Daffy Dozen (1 2 Ducks)
$750 Birds of a Feather 25 Is) D
I &V
a "
We are unable to participa te .'M donation,
— I am Interested
1 Fx turd Sadaulnrco
50 ,01, 10 at Lighthouse per the Blind I
an — & — c — m — nil7 ion—i p7r Whorl i; Mice
PO -yo. 9697
C.P. ch�au I x 7a40
Ml ('93 6 " fax MI N3 IN I
..... .ret
Pd Mo.— 2612
''Soutb Tems
a n . . . . . . . . . .
2 AM", . ........
South Tunas Lighthouse Mr the Blind, a non-profft onlianization, Is excited to announce that wa am
Motion pact "11,10- D. k R—d-Up." . f.ash.- t1ro, Is Fee I. 0m ."m f—AV9 This),..,, event
.in be hold I cal. Palk an S.Wnd.V, May 20 Imaa Ja b,..- 1.11 -., Th. eco., ran-. . 'r.Ibbpl
ouch face, fiek music, food and drinks, and Tots of activltaei for mes lackullog inismabro, a Patting
:u % perry ride,, deck prod, and ,&cmiru
1. addition t, e ,41n, ... nmet, A—i 00w l—, South Tcas Lighthouse fat the Mind annta to RNe
other learal non-profit ertandrataons a chance to shoen—e 1hol, nomlrs a" the wwlcm they ;,evide
am, —nolanity. we nate linnitad space, se it you m aald nBD to paruDipate, you will wand to submit
a war and the oppoetunity to math flananeds :1' ppopie who Wit attend the ekonl' Payment raw M
made by 0-k or .014 W. Ple� eubarft pled pld f— and pay—tu by M. to .1
rnwl tosannh Texas. Lighthouse for the Wind, Ally f: Aluma Marrow, PA Bacc 9611, Corpus Christi, TX
If you hnee any quesilom, pmok, contact AL., Memo. W Jay Sane"I at 361.SS34553. We It.&
formarcl to needing your orga nizadcas at Reimer Duck Reend Up 20121
Wrert DO FaAelic MAN & Development
F6- nta.u._._'_____'_ , co-poe/0'r.n4ani- Nane
kpofibd.e,,l: OnIA Cb,d
oppa v.rJr..x,d _krWt.dpt,dpw*
a- cdecd EWtru_,;
Plcaxf make khmk payable to Saun Tourt Mr the Blind.
Page 13 of 15
South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind is excited to invite you to Rubber Duck Bound-Up
20121 Those cute little rubber ducks are ready to take their kith splash intoCoTpin; Christi
Bay at Cole Park on Saturday, May 26th. Rubber Duck Round-Up is a fun-filled event for
both families and corporations a I lkel Come hel us celebrate Memorial Day a nti raise
funds to support our mission to Employ, Educate, and Empower your neighbors who
are blind or visually Impaired.
`QuacktivIes'Inctude food, df nlks, live music, Inflatables, pony rides, a patting zoo, and of
course the Rubber Duck Race� We Invite you to partner with us for this unique fundraiser
as a sponsor an War to adopt your very own rubber ducks for fabulous prizes!
For more information, please contact Alana Marlow at 361.693,6x183 of visit
WWW.rubberduckroundup,cliarityhapp4,-rTirigs,org to Complete your sponsorship-
,4 1�
"Corporate Quacker" Sporgiorshlit for Adoption
S5,000 VID (Very I mporti nt Duck}
_$5 single Duck
S2,500 Wise Quacker 1,500 Back site Beak $20 �uack Pack (5 Ducks)
' '�N $25 Lucky Ducks (7 Ducks)
1,000The Mighty Ducklings $40 Daffy Dozen (1 2 Ducks)
$750 Birds of a Feather 25 Is) D
I &V
a "
We are unable to participa te .'M donation,
— I am Interested
1 Fx turd Sadaulnrco
50 ,01, 10 at Lighthouse per the Blind I
an — & — c — m — nil7 ion—i p7r Whorl i; Mice
PO -yo. 9697
C.P. ch�au I x 7a40
Ml ('93 6 " fax MI N3 IN I
..... .ret
Pd Mo.— 2612
''Soutb Tems
a n . . . . . . . . . .
2 AM", . ........
South Tunas Lighthouse Mr the Blind, a non-profft onlianization, Is excited to announce that wa am
Motion pact "11,10- D. k R—d-Up." . f.ash.- t1ro, Is Fee I. 0m ."m f—AV9 This),..,, event
.in be hold I cal. Palk an S.Wnd.V, May 20 Imaa Ja b,..- 1.11 -., Th. eco., ran-. . 'r.Ibbpl
ouch face, fiek music, food and drinks, and Tots of activltaei for mes lackullog inismabro, a Patting
:u % perry ride,, deck prod, and ,&cmiru
1. addition t, e ,41n, ... nmet, A—i 00w l—, South Tcas Lighthouse fat the Mind annta to RNe
other learal non-profit ertandrataons a chance to shoen—e 1hol, nomlrs a" the wwlcm they ;,evide
am, —nolanity. we nate linnitad space, se it you m aald nBD to paruDipate, you will wand to submit
a war and the oppoetunity to math flananeds :1' ppopie who Wit attend the ekonl' Payment raw M
made by 0-k or .014 W. Ple� eubarft pled pld f— and pay—tu by M. to .1
rnwl tosannh Texas. Lighthouse for the Wind, Ally f: Aluma Marrow, PA Bacc 9611, Corpus Christi, TX
If you hnee any quesilom, pmok, contact AL., Memo. W Jay Sane"I at 361.SS34553. We It.&
formarcl to needing your orga nizadcas at Reimer Duck Reend Up 20121
Wrert DO FaAelic MAN & Development
F6- nta.u._._'_____'_ , co-poe/0'r.n4ani- Nane
kpofibd.e,,l: OnIA Cb,d
oppa v.rJr..x,d _krWt.dpt,dpw*
a- cdecd EWtru_,;
Plcaxf make khmk payable to Saun Tourt Mr the Blind.
Page 13 of 15
A. Human Relations Department
1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review
W kh a goal of "Fo5le ring VjYC rse and U "itable Environdit ents With Respect and Professionalism ", the H urn an Relations Department wil I
conduct and enforce a posifivt program of non-discriminalion in Employment, Fair I lonsin&Public Accommodai ion, and Compliance
with the Ain cricairs with Disabilities Act (ADA) within the C ity of Corpus Chn sti. We will also make reports and recommendations to
tire City Council and others, toward The betterment of group and inficF-group relationships within the mmgnunily.
A. Non-Viscrimination Program
1, Intako, JmTstigaiive, and mrdiation/Resolution Services
2. Community Outreach. Education. and Awareness
3. Tech ni-1 And Aden mistr in i— Servic.s
B. ADA Compliance
1. Address and mon ADA compliance, and related issues, through accommodation requests and ciften corn plaints;
Coon net unity Education and Awareness; and Ttchnicat/Adni inistrative A nistance.
2. Coordination of impkin entation, monitoring, and update o the Citywide A DA Transition Plan
Ara Uer 2011
ar per
4 F C W Y 0, Fy
2 010_2011
VTOT-1 VTD % ef G-1
Provide Invcstigativc &Mee to include intake, iurcsfigation, niediatien, conciliation, moruinning, and charge resolution in
Emplo car includin w Accommodation. g ADA). Fair Hsin& and Public Accommodation.
'11 ea 370 res'qua z p ut
KEOU Cuntr&a Y, ]GY2011 to 912012 Closures
coat = t closures; Total and % of
Uord -
(as of tonol 1)
35 35%
1 Intake Ucrl i s I 10 (Referred to LE QQ
Tolal and % of'Cloal, - IN2011 in W2012
1 10(100m)
24 22%
-'air HousiuF Criftual Yr 112M I to MUM 70,uplarrit
Resolutions Coal of46
21 53
Aleasures - Elleemwesss
... .....
FFOC Charge Write -Ups (F reTd Charg con.plried
and sent to SAFO in 8 days or less (as % of)
25 (66%)
114 . 2 51
9 39%
E- - - Charges Cluscd wit tin IN days as ol total
dosufts Y - I TT I to 912022
51 56%
414 (100%)
I lUV Fair I lousing Complaints closed
within 100 day's as% of total
213 (61%)
('n 86%
15 71%
rffs. " PU
Number of trahn at; sessions, conam unnl y 1riP.;etln Vs, an
informational evtnis - 8111 to 7131 ='49 48 40
Pro AU , Accommodations, and Tectinteall Assistance Request resolution
. 4tssibifig.
41611sumv. 11 Pu
[OD 100
1 so
Public Accointrittlion ltntuiries/Req"sI.s
55 55
4 77
14 U'/.
Acconim Trusb/Rwyde Pji7k!up3
20 20
1 73
40 40
13 90
Flair Re views Site Visits
I 76
Key I lighlighl5:
EEOC: 23 complaints reed;: 13 Charges taken; 4 Closures
Fair Housing: Promoting April as rair Housing Month, conduct community meetings at Sr Cts, radio and TV spots
Aocomm. TrashlRecycle Program: 358 open cases
ADA Walk Thru of Completed Water Street Project from Peoples to IH37 inspecting ourticutalramps.
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