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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 06/06/2012Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for June 6, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairperson Darren Bates called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Carlos Vargas Thomas Dreyer Donnie Contreras Darren bates Sabrina Ramirez Harvey Salinas Committee Members Absent: Bertha Romero (Excused) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Julio Dimas (Development Services) Staff Members Absent: Marc Denson (Police: Parking Control) Irene Martinez Alana Manrow (E)(, Christina Aparicio (Human Relations ) Stacie Talbe Lisa Aguilar (Legal) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Bertha Romero 06106112 Motion- Sabrina Rami 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTE MOTION Motion - Thomas Dreyer Second - Donnie Con 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTE A. Chris Parker - representative of Miracle Leag interest in doing a presentation to the Committ( nd — Thomas Dreyer Passed ras Passed of Corpus Christi. Mr. Parker stated his Dr the July monthly meeting. B. Roy Comacho introduced himself as a new employee in a new position created by MHMR, titled Rehab Teacher" Vocational Specialist, which is to assist individuals with mental health issues gain the skills needed for employment. 4. PRESENTATIONS A. Police Chief - Floyd Simpson (Introduction, Goals and Vision) Chief Simpson gave brief history of his employment with law enforcement before coming to Corpus Christi. He discussed his vision, goals and mentioned how he has changed the CCPD organizational chart. He stated how he plans to address officer training on addressing needs and challenges for citizens with cognitive challenges. B. Cindy Del Torro and Darren Bates on Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Ms. Del Torro and Mr. Bates discussed the 1St annual job fair held in October 2011; Walgreens distribution Center; DARS and the Small Business Forum. (A Walgreens Video was shown to the Committee) Page 1 of 9 C. Ruth Wedergren, Texas State Library and Archives Commission on Texas Talking Book Program Ms. Wedergren presented a PowerPoint on the Texas Talking Book Program. Services available through the state of Texas for individuals who are visually impaired on need assistance in reading or listening to books. (A copy of the PowerPoint and handouts is attached at the back of the minutes) Ms. Wilson announced that during Ms. Wedergren's presentation the Comm Harvey Salinas and Darren Bates had to leave early. Meeting adjourned 4:1 -- Attachments 4. t Presentations - Cindy Del Torro and Darren Bates on Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities IndageiB.y - �ppnmdtmtinre.. 4'eemwne& Phd ldapwz sdp.d em. xauWSda. h:Y of x ®r, r, Va'.d de tBd Pddaskn €degw daldt a! ddY ¢IsaF a4e wAitise an nxglr�dr tee mnyena at ehd %an =ea iM1e��l'��ev%%e ¢ahe. SfLa SWCAQI €IBC OetE eubL ud n�rzYds�5 7 asuq )b 1 rze. liiw u sox haoa� .a ye:i43am e + =ae M�n;�ten >A eras R+uiaiea aia evuxd remtd: an9 sfe4x�:i +s'. m +E,{:.�.iP,: "i�arre. e:uiti ag�rrvsuisa;Nxh tlnes J witand =, G uac [i..,m sJnli;; sa rv:.anf :aufw. +,xwrvq I�ihe riara+s Aawrl rd¢ai l5 �dvr. di3 ;eerM >ir:dcxra WaeID`x la ae muili�. tlub:4r fvY cnr� 'n!'irtla� 1 aE um Page 2 of 9 Ali Info _ Scot( 'I e,li,lf I, n• , Difews 4 N,16111.611E, In T—. w Waignevis Corlywirim aml ft 2 01 8 ecipiem s Ilic 0—ornor', Tmphy Fm Iii, Offim, in the v.—im,ky, the G-ernm% €'mplly mx,gilin, l"Ilg [cm o""Inmillem -d Lmamli,,IE Iffon .2 lilab ffi, -.—,ily =1 011 ILWI IC"Ol i'IR! is ljl; I ngheq I-lor gi'eli b ffi,, I'- P—pl, vi ffi Dkahililin. it is a.orjC,,j immi,ally w ffit, mgl, hero Ill,, I.," i'd'le Ed lk En the cnip—milem and employnEem oI I v,'Lh &-hililias. 5 "'It is 'nft- meiaed by m io, 4orf —me oldeN item all -er flie, U,S ior his adwo on hivill, ai,d muinm�., .ill, di,,Nliflo, Inc is kr,—Il for Iuuadenmg lho sciilpe m the ADA la In S:Ilmn lhe III, q , gho,E ]CIO], JIIEClEffElffl� Ile Will 1, I.f-I.Illy mLo dw c0llm amt Omronmcm M the wAplia, SCm is COMMIRC(l 1 I aa,r earkg 111C ,JLIlily Of 1 + Pl."t itle, I"', I ....... E, ,ill, lkabfliiles mid Mow he mill dir"tly Irap ill ffiO 1`11IL110 2z0 iildili'Lt-ll I(Eill—jdQ lilil IN fisobflii; NE 1 hlm,i Mcgu IlEO W, Ukpmi- and kn'iE Di5kiol1 i' 0' the pa"I i"'m yeir" Sam has I'm eme; on Ill, nup LvaPh major e paftm 1—ki , e—L-4 i "14 1 E III, I,, be Llwir iwnwr - the j,,E,.wy go 0 mpioy liO,,ple mi h d i ,ki I i Ile,. thu Ia" h".' clwomnai;cd ffic fiidiig c indivi,lmd, wiih Amish, Megwl licalill Diall""i" phy"ical 1s;[rjiijig Ills shllalc L— Vision And wlimdwl. milh the hidd- diuhilik, —11 w, DW,Cws, Svo(n hii, blactul Ihmta „h [h,, b;A,rjers ;Iml jejrs aJmk la,0 Lpi. j—ph: RO unn, cnrag , tsnl lo}sN nm I. pw, chm anploy, , vvi I[, di-11i Nils I -hklll4 l s IlCauw, of few I hal th6, C.mplog,x mighi N, mpwol on I Is, folh. 1,, l,i., dwnbmierr , .Omors „ , dcal vidiAdmEE .,m —0 in pro,Wohm, himing mr Own dii- . f kfil”. S"'a I-, a "mi . ..... I I'le"411 W lll'c" like A"'J.' .1", cv,ri 1 w 'imt elan N nlu o or Ole 'I I. ...... NO Mahn, aw. cml �Crn 14A empf"yo, JI'm ill jwmg indmduak v,i[I' di'111'rIiliw' 'Cj',,EN,g s .at ly h.un riz, He poslk, ow w dwr bumiwtics tIs;a it la,dii, h,'11 ill, hijq 5t OSHA a eafely nEnking "VIT Slar SSEe% A, Ow vopiOn, o f he 2175 It.,, ' riwdo,,, AI,md I Eva s Swit Is Ocdwme'l fo cnwmragireg, cNflcllgmg and C'mp,moring r m "'w"', pAl—, to ulke Mal IjI'L , Eels l""alrel, ls, kimg flw l e ilp I,, emr,Io"'ing mlimd-i' veiLh ' disA'flily and bWdijil g a vulmm of ,Ec tress and I iic limos for A, A Building an Inclusl Workforce A Four-Step Reference Guide to Recruiting, Hiring, and Retaining Employees with Disabilities I Page 3 of 9 aifi- of Di5bi4,iy E PL.Ym M J'o""y ODEP F111 4. Presentations - Ruth Wedergren, Texas State Library and Archives Commission on Texas Talking Book Program. What is the Talking Book Program a A free library service that provides reading materials and audio players to eligible Texans who are unable to read standard print • A regional library within the network of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) • An affiliate of the Library of Congress History of the Talking, Book ProgL 1991.. Library of Congress establishes the N at lo nal Library Service and Texas joins the network 1952. Children become eligible for NLS service 1966: Physical disabilities added to qualifying criteria 1974: Learning disabilities due to physical causes added to qualifying disabilities 2011. 80 Anniversary of Texas Talking Book Program • 61% of TBP patrons are over the age of 60 0 39% of TBP patrons are over age 75 * 9% of TBP patrons are veterans • 87% of TBP patrons are blind or have serious visual impairments 0 5% of TBP patrons have physical impairments - r-FnTr7--TI"T • Materials are available in various formats: Downloads Recordings > Large Print ➢ Braille • Audio player is easy to operate • Service is tailored to suit a reader's preferences • Reader Consultants are available for intensive, personalized service Page 4 of 9 Fill out application and mail it in )O by mail, at local libraries, and on our web site at Must be signed by a certifying authority • Physicians, social workers, librarians, teachers • Learning disabilities must be certified by doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy • Original signature must be on file — 4 " r , I - , a - :1 1 r . r = Texas residents unable to read standard print due to a qualifying disability whether permanent or temporary: > Blindness >Visual disability > Physical disability I Reading disability (due to a physical cause) J • No age or income restrictions • Institutions that serve eligible individuals • Reader Consultants process applications • Patron will be contacted to set up service Formats and equipment � and aspects of reading materials � Delivery schedules • All services are free including postage • Items have return mail card attached Contact the Talking Book Program By mail: Talking Book Program P.O. Box 12927 Austin, TX 78711-2927 By phone: 800-252-9605 (toll free in Texas) 512-463-5458 (Austin) Page 5 of 9 Web site. Email: Director: Ava Smith 512-463-5428 Public Awareness Coordinator: Ruth Wedergren 512-463-5452 BARD Basics BARD. Braille and Audio Reading Download What is BARD? * BARD is a National Library Service (NLS) free download service. * Over 19,000 books and over 40 magazine fifles, are available; books are added Weekly- * Any active individual Talking Book Program patron is eligible, How do I register? Go to https llnfs.bard loc,goviTX9AlAicokcatfonins €suctions html to apply for a BARD login, You must have active Talking Book Program service and an email address. How do I get to the books and magazines? Go to hitips:11olsoard.1fic.goi to browse and download books and magazines-- you must have received your BARD login to access this site -or browse and link through the main NLS catalog. You will also need high-speed Internet access for downloading. What machines will play the downloaded books and magazines? You cannot play downloaded BARD materials on your computer; you must use an authorized player a ff you have received your NLS Digital Talking Book Machine (DTBM), either the Standard or the Advanced model, you can play BARD downloads on it. j There are also several commercial machines that are able to play BARD downloads. More may be added as time goes on. We do not sell or loan these but can provide contact information upon request, They are: APH Book Port Plus Leve0ar I" APH Braille Plus Mobile Manager Milestorm 212 Apex BrariffeNoto/VokeNote Milestone 312 RIMS Sooksonse PL EXTA L K P TN2 HIMS BookSense DS PLEXTALK Pocket PTFJ Huni Victor Reader Sheam What do I use to store the book or magazine? Depending on which machine you are using, you may store the book or magazine on a digital cartridge, flash drive, or other storage device (a,g., flash card). If using the NLS machine, then use Option 1 of Option 2 (below). If using a commercial machine, check tile documentation to see which option is best- We do not supply any of these storage media you will need to purchase them. Caption 1: NLS•type digital cartridge. Available for purchase from Participating vendors, Contact information Is provided upon request, You will need a cable to connect the cartridge to your computer during the download1transfer process. ToaS Slate Library and Archives Commission, Talking Book Program Oct 2000 (Rev. Mar 201 ti Option 2: Standard US5 Rash drive (also called thumb dfW, i ump drive). Available at most large retail stores or electronics stores- Some flash drives work better than others with this player; contact us of see our website for more information. Can I state more Than one book on the same (cartridge, flash drive, other devicii Yes, but if you are using th e NLS DTBM to play your downloads and you received your machine before about mid-September 2009 you most have a software update in order to use the Bookshelf feature to move between books. You can obtain the latest update at hV Ylivyinv, loc.00vinl&i - II you have this update, you can access the Bookshelf feature on your OTBM by pressing and holding the PlayfShop key until it says "Bookshelf," Men using the F F and RW keys to move forward and backward between titles- When you reach the title you want, press Play. For commercial machines, check your machine's documentation. How many books will fit on one (cartridge, flash drive, other storage device)? It depends on the size of the cartridge, flash drive, of other device and the size of the books. Almost any NLS book will be smaller than 256 MB, so you should be able to fit several rifles on a.. GB or 2 GB flash drive of cartridge (WOO MB = 1 GB). A I GB cartridge will hold about 92 hours of narration. Does downloading books or magazines from BARD require computer expertise? Yes, downkfading from BARD does require some basic computer skills, including navigating the Web, filling out online forms, and downloading, unzipping, and transferring tiles. If you have experience with these proomes, or have assistance from someone who does, downloading from BARD is not difficult However, the specific step-by-step sequence varies somewhat based on which machine you are using to play your dowrilinads as well as the operating system, software, and settings of your computer, as well as any screen feeders or other assistive technologies you may be using. You may find that you need local assistance familiar with your particular set-up for some of these processes. Where can I get help? u BARD-specific questions may be answered by the BARD online instructions and FAQs at h�ftp_s,,Oinlsbard.loc-govL/TXlNsypp-gftfitml. If not, you may contact the Texas Talking Book Program with BARD-specific quesliorisattbp,bardRtsl.state.tx.0 or at 1-800-252-9605 (512-463-5458 if you live in Austin), ❑ Machine- specific questions may be answered by your machine's user guide or other documentation, or information provided on the manufacturer's wobsite- • if not, you may contact the machine's manufacturer (contact the Texas Talking Book Program with questions about the NLS DT8M), • You may use your usual local technical supports (friend of family member, or other knowledgable sources). Taxes of na Library and Afchivas Commission, Talking Book Prograni, Oct 2009 (Rev, Mar 2011 Page 6 of 9 I ■ Rmigg =#k Disclaimer. The" Instructions for downloading a book from BARD have been tested with Windows XP and should also work with Windows Vista. However, computers and operating systems and settings vary widely. IN you are using a different operating system or a different version of Windows, you may need separate unzipping software or you may notice other differences, but the basic process Is the same.) If you have any questions or encounter difficulties, contact us. Section t--- Downloading a book 1. Log in to the web site https:11nls4ard-loc,ggXffX1A by entering your BARD username, and password, 2. After login, you will be on the BARD main page. You can search the most recently added books, the most popular books, or by title, author, or, subject, or keyword. You can search for magazines by title or by recently added issues. Each different section or search choice Is marked with heading markers for screen readers. The main page also has a section called Additional Links to update your account Information or got help. 3. Click on a search preference or enter a search term and Click GO. A list of books will appear with individual books separated by heading markers, making it easy to jump from one book to the next with the heading shortcut keys of your screen reader. 4. Once you arrive at your chosen book simply click or press ENTER on its blue download link. 6. A window will open asking if you want to OPEN or SAVE the book. Select SAVE and click OK. 6. A window will open In which you must specify where you want to save the downloaded book. By default the file name will include the author, title, and book number. Choose a desired location on your computer where you want to save the book. You can create a folder 31 Manh 2011 save the original downloaded book to, or it may be in another location, depending on your Settings. Section 3•Saving the unzipped (or extracted) book file to your flash drive 1. Make sure a flash drive or blank NLS cartridge is plugged into a USB port on your computer. 2. Locate the folderwith the unzipped book files. NOTE—Be sure you select the unzipped (or extracted) folder, not the compressed zip file. 3. Highlight the folder by clicking on it Press Contro[+C to copy that folder containing your book files to the Windows clipboard (or right- click on the folder and select COPY). 4. Go to My Computer and double-dick on the icon for your Cartridge or flash drive. It will likely be called Removable Disk and may be found In drive E, F, or G. B. If your book files were automatically unzipped In step 2 of the Unzip section you may have to create a folder for the book on your flash drive. If so, select Make a New Folder, and name it with the book title or number. You will need to paste the unzipped files into this folder. 6. Paste the copied file to the drive by pressing Contro[+V, or right- Click and select Paste. 7. Close all open windows. Remove the flash drive or cartridge following your computer's recommended practice for removing USB media, and insert it in to the player. 8. It you have more than one book on the drive, press and hold the Play]Stop button for 5 seconds to access the bookshelf. You will hear a beep and a voice announce "Bookshelf" and the number of books on the flash drive. Use the RW and FW keys to locate the book you want to read. Push the Play/Stop key again to begin playing the book. on your computer specifically for saving the BARD books. once you have made your selection, click SAVE. 7. A download window will then open showing the progress of the download. Depending on the length of the book and your Internet provider, this could take from 30 seconds to 10 minutes or more, 8. Once the download is complete, you may close or minimize your Internet application. Section 2—Unzipping (or extracting) the file 1. The book download is a single ZIP (or compressed) file containing several necessary files for the book. You must first unzip (or extract) the book files to a folder on your computer or It will not play on your player. You should not need to Install special software to unzip—both Windows XP and Vista come with software to do this. This process differs from computer to computer, so you may find these directions do not correspond exactly to your system. Call us if you have problems, and we will try our b*st to help. 2. Go to where you have saved the downloaded book and double-click on the book file. This may automatically open a window, or wizard. It not, right-click on the file and select the option to Extract All Files. If the unzipped files automatically appear, skip to Section 3 to save them to your flash drive. 3. The wizard will take you through the unzip or extract process. Select Unzip Or Install From... or Extract Ail Files and follow the wizard's directions. When the process is complete a window should appear containing all the unzipped files. 4. With some systems you may need to select the option to create a now folder. You will need to name it, then move or copy and paste all the unzipped files into the new folder. S. With other systems an unzipped folder with the book author, title, and number will automatically have been created in your default unzipped file location. This may be on your computer's hard drive (or C drive) In a folder called Unzipped, it may be In the same folder you Cartridges and Flash Drives • Use one of these when downloading from BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) to play in your NLS Digital Talking Book Machine- • Other players may use other types of storage devices--contact The manufacturer for assistance. Blank NLS digital cartridge: • t or 20 ; holds approximately 92 hours of NLS books per G. • Requires a cable (USB Cable A-A) to connect to your computer while downloading- • Advantages: Designed for NLS player, so no compatibility issues: fits In cartridge Mot: easier to insertfremove from machine. • Contact us at 1-800-252-9605 or go to www. tsi. state, tx usithpIcartridges- him I for purchase information.. Flash drive: • Also called jump drive, thumb drive- • Fits in USB port on the side of the NLS machine- • Some brands work better than others look for those without built- in U3 software or other special formatting. We can't guarantee any brand; brands that have been reported to work include: * Dane Elec * Kingston * Lexar * PNY * Sony * Verbatim • Look for f to 8G of memory` those with more memory may not work. • Files other than BARD books should be either removed from the flash drive, or put in a folder called 'audio+podcasts", • Advantages: Available locally at most discount, electronic, or department stores. available in larger sizes that hold more books. 31 Maloh 2011 TSPITSLAC (adapted from KY Ta.kho Book Ubmrj) Rev- 21II Page 7 of 9 Screen Reader keyboard shortcuts Keyboard shoticuts to perform computer tasks without using a mouse are available from within the operating systern, the browser, and the screen reader. The lists below are not comprehensive lists of all available keyboard shortcuts but are the ones necessary to enable a user to navigate and select items on the computer's screen when using a web browser to download material from BARD or when transferring Items from the computer to an external medium. Some of the functions listed may be performed differently under other r rincunnita noes. Keyboard shortcuts (operating system) Description Shortcut for Windows Previous/next line arrow ,Open start menu Ctrl+ESC Swktcls between o _E_qLan� L t1ab Activate selected link ALT+F4 �� bar It -left arrow or backspace 'Open a drop-down list box (cornbo )box Cut ENTER, down arrow ar0a•x elect all -tr,+A tract all files ;hift +FID (depends on zip-unzip application i nstalled on computer) I'loye in the next in in A_L4!o9_kC_,x its Keyboard shortcuts for Internet Explorer .......... Destri tion — Tp/d.wn Keyboard shor Previous/next line arrow �vd forward /back through s and bjrhifl-tab form fields 1�6 Activate selected link r ,r,o to the previously visited page It -left arrow or backspace pen favorites bar (lists your favorites Control•I In a tree view) Add the current y2ge to your favorites Control f Add the current link to your fav,arires . ..... Shift -F10 and select Add to Favorites Open a drop-diu mitist (combo-box), __P,itt;own arrow Keyboard shortcuts for Internet Explorer and Screen Reader F criPtion . ......... j�ws . ...... n cio �revrou next heading hif"T "I hift -H/li Next head ale level i ing 1�6 I thMU2h 6 then Previous heading at level # Shift -I through shift -6 hift -1 through shift-6 then H Find next 31 M—h 2011, GREETINGS FROM i W. TA d K A 6 6 All N 11- "T ftmrati • 91 N.Idt P, IA Thank you for your interest in our library service- We look forward to working with you to design a program that will best meet your reading interests and needs. To help us process your application promptly, r4ease sign applicant agreement and read the certification section on Me last page very carefully and follow these instructions, the original signature of your conifying authority is required. Once we have received your application, a Reader Consultant will call you tc discuss our services In greater delail. By law, preference in tending of books and equipment is given to veterans. Please provide a copy of your DO Form 214 as verification. it is the responsibility of Talking Book Program users to: 1, Return the machines loaned to you when you are no bnger using the recorded reading materials provided by the Texas Talking Book Program, 2- Notify the library of any address or telephone number changes- 3- Take reasonable care of materials and machines. 4. Borrow books an for magazines at least once a year, S. Read and return books wribm, 45 days of receipt to allow others the opportunity to read. By submitting this application, . I ag ree to follow these rules. Signature of applicant or guardian Please mail this completed application and agreement to: Talking Book Program PO Box 12927 Austin TX 78711-2927 Our goat is to provide you with a first-rate reading program. We hope to receive your application very soon. Talking Book Program Texas State Library and Archives Commission Talking Book Program Texas State Library and Archives Commission 512463-5458 (Austin area) (e-mail) 512-936-0685 (fax) POI Box 12927 Austin TX 78711-2927 ii Talking Books f— 'Fi-mans Copies of Ibis publicotfion are available in alternative format upon request. Published by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, Revised Apni 2011 Comments or complaints regarding programs and services of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission may be addressed to: Director and Librarian PO Box 12927 Austin TX 7871 11-2927 Telephone 512-463-5460 Fax 512-463-5436 TALKING BOOK PROGRAM Texas State Library and Archives Commission -_ . 11_Nl LIBRARY SERVICES FOR PERSONS WITH PRINT DISABILITIES I — Call tell free 1-800-252-9605. in Austin, 463�5458 BOOKS fOR TEXANS Hours: M-F 8 = to 6:00 The Texas State Library and Archives Commission provides library services to Texans who cannot lead standard print due to a visual, physical, or reading disability. To participate in this free service, complete 0% application below and return It to the Talking Book Program, PO Box 12027, Austin TX 78711-2927. Information required for borrowing of Library of Congress materials will be kept confidential, By law, preference in lending of books and equipment is given to veterans. Check here If you have been honorably discharged from the armed forces of the U. S. You must provide a copy of your Do Form 214 for verification, [] Qualified readers must be residents of the U.S. or American citizens living abroad, PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name Sex F L] M First Middle Last Mailing Address city ------------- - -- TX__ - - ----- ZIP____,_ Phone j home phone work phone E-Mail Date of Birth ............ . Primary Language Ej English E] Spanish El Other [specify) We attempt to contact every applicant by phone. If you cannot be reached by phone or prefer not to communicate over the phone, give the name and phone numbef of another person who can make decisions regarding your library service. If applicant is a miner, please list the name and phone number of a parent or guardian. Alto mate Contacts: 1. Name 1 Name Phone f Phone home phone work phone home phone workphone Email Email Would contact(s) be authorized to request books or make changes to your profile? Yes No, if not, Authorized Contact: Page 8 of 9 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Please Indicate all qualifying disabilities for the applicant. Blindness Visual acuity of 201200 of less in the better eye rrith Correcting tenses or the widest diameter of vis Field subtending an angular distance no greater than 20 degrees, Visual Disability Inability to read standard printed material without spatial aids or devices other than regular Pi[assex, Physical Disability Inabii1ty to read or use standard printed material as a result of physical limitations, such as paralysis, extreme weakness, missing arms or hands, Reading Disability Organic dysfunction of sufficient * as to prevent reading printed material in a normal manner; for this category, the certifying authority must be a doctor of medicine or osteopathy who may consult with colleagues in associated disciptines- Deaf and Blind Hearing impairment is: moderate 0 profound TO BE COMPLETED BY CERTIFYING AUTHORITY "Certifying authority" is defined to include doctors of medicine and osteopathy, ophthalmologists, optometrists, registered nurses, therapists, professional staff of hospitals, institutions, and public or welfare agencies (e-g-, social workers, case workers, counselors, vocational rehabilitation counselors, home teachers, and superintendents). In the absence of any of these, certification May be made by professional librarians or clergy. In the case of a Reading Disability, the certifying authority must be a doctor of medicine or osteopathy. Certifying authorities are not permitted to codify relatives. Please fift out the fotlovdng information completel I oarl:Hy that the applicant named is unable to read or use standard printed material for the reason(s) indicated above, Signature Title arTg1n a — Is ig nature is m Name Organization P asepliw � Address Phone city state ( ) Enroll work Programs de Libros quo Hablan LA BIBLIOTECA DEL ESTAIDO DE TEXAS Y COMPSION DE ARCHIVOS Serviclos Sibliatecarios Pam Personas Con Impedimento Para Leer Llame gratis at 1-800-252-9606, an Austin, 463-5458 TEXANOS Horario: Lurres, a Viernes 8:04 a 5:00 La Biblioteca, del Estado do Texas y Comisi6n do Archives provee servicios bibliotecarios a tojanos qua lienen impedimento Para leer dodo a problemas con is vista, fisicos, o limitacion Core leer. Para participar an We servicio gratis, complete Is siguiente aiplcoaci6n y devublvala al: Texas State Library Talking Book Program, PO Box 12927, Austin,. Texas, 78711-2927. Informaci6n requerida pare tornar matefialas prestadas do la Mb[ioteca del Congreso sera arafltenida an confianza- Per ley, preferencia as dada a veterartas an of pr6stamo do hbros y equipo. Inclique aquf sf usted he side honoraNamente descargado de [as fuerzas armadas de EE UU, Listed debe proporcionar una copia del rormularlo DO-214 Come verification. D Calificados deben ser resderries de lea EE-UU., o ciudadanos viviendo an at extranjaro FAVOR DE USAR LETRA DE MOLDE Nombre Saxe F Elm -D Dimcei6n Ciudad . ..... TX d Postal .................. Teffiforlo area y domkilia Irabajo Cormo eltectrdnico Fecha de nacimlento Idilma PrImarlo ❑ Inglas ❑ Espahol rites dia aho ❑ 01m (especificar) Tratemos de hacer contacto, per Welland, con code apficante. $1 per aPguna razbn nosoft05 no podemos conseguido per telefono o preftre no ser comunioado per teldfano, favor de der al nombre y n6mero del tel6eno de otra persona qua pueda disQuflr los serviclosdisponibles. St usted es menorde odad, favor do darel nombre ynilmem del telklono do uno de sus padres, a guardian- Confacto Alternative: 1. Nombre 2, Nombre Tol6fono ToMfono cddfgo do area y domicifio trabaye c6digo do a re a y do m ivilio Irabojo E-Conreo E-Cormo jend6a el contacto(s) la autorizaci on de pedir libros o hacer cambios a su ponfil? f Si E) No- Sino,contactoautorizado: �'. 9 0 a ' 9 Eel =111ill I it W-P,152001mill iiffl (3racias per su interes en nuQs1ro servicio bibli(YtaCaft Quoremos trabajar con ustad Para dise6ar un programa que majoe realice sus intereses y neGasidades, de lecture. For favor Ifirme at acuordo de aplica fthr y lea la seoci6n de cartificad6n an la 61tura pAgina con mucho cuidado; requie-re Is firma original do su autoridad cerlificadors. Una vez qua se haya recibido su aplicaci6n, un consullanle do lecture Is llamas Para Nblar de nuestros servicios en mayor deta lie, Per toy, preferencia an el pr6stamo do libros y equipo es dado a voteranos, Per favor proporcione una copto del Formularlo OD-214 come vorificacidn. EL AcUERDO DE APLICAfiiTE - — --------- - -- — --- — Lo siguiente as ]a Fesponsalrilidad do lea usueflos del Programs de Libuos quo Hablan: 1. Devuova lea m6quinas prestadas a usted cuando usted date de usar Ids matenales de lecture proveldos, por el Progmm@ de Libres que Hablon de Texas. 2. Notilklua a Is bibioteca de cuaiciwof cambia do direecibn o n6mero de tel6fona- 3- Guards con cuidado [as materiales y mAquinas, 4. Pedir prestado libros, y/o revistas al manes una vez al aft, 15. Leer y devolver los Biros Contra de 45 dies de halberlos recibido, Para permitir a otros Is oportunicad de law. Enflendo Pas citodazas responsabilidades y estoy do acuardo on practicarlos. La firma de aplicato o custodle legal Per favor onvie esta, aplicacion y acuerdo cornpletados a Talking Book Program PO Box 12927 Austin TX 78711-2927 Nuestre objetivo, es proveer a usted un programs de lectura de primers arden. E speremas recibPr su apl icad6n muy pronto. Programs de Libros que Hablan La Sibliotleca del Estaclo do Texas y Comisi6n de Archivos UK) I k;KIU UP; 1;LhUIUILlDAD - INDIOUE Sit IMPEDIMENTO ABAJO: ,_j ceguera Agudeza visual de 20Y200 0 me" an el Old major con @nte0j05 correctrvos, 0 a] diAmatro mejor do Campo visual alcanza una distancia angular menot do 20 COMPLETADO POR LA AUTORIDAD CERTIFICADA "Autoridad cordficada" as definida Para inciuir doctores de medidna y osteopatia, oftalm6logas, oplometras, enferprieras registrades, terapaulas, el cuerpo profasional do hozpftales, instituciones y agencias de servic pt bficoa a sociaes (trabajadoms; sociales, consojeros, consejeros do urhabifitaci6n vocacional, maestros pfivados, y superintendentes). En ]a auaencia do cualquer de estos, Is cartifficari6n puede ser heohm por bibloortecarios a dare prefesionales. En el case de impedimentc, para leer, Is autorldad certificada tune quo ser un doctor do medicina o osteopatia. Certificadores no puddler, certiftar sus proplos Panentes. Liene por favor Is rnformaci6n, siguiente -q�ta-on�te- Certifico que el aplicante nombTadv tiene [a inhabifidad de leer o usar materiales do imprimida comerte per [a razon (rezones) indicada affirra. Firma TRuic, Se Mq."ere — firma Original Non t Organizad6n favc+r de tsar tetra de rartrdue Direccibn calms Ciudad TX astado c6dogo postal TelAiGno E-correc c6chgo do 61 Go trabujo fecha Page 9 of 9 grades. L[3 Impodimento Inhabilidad do leer materlates de impfiraida =rienta sin visual la visual ayuda especial o mocanismos qua no seen antoojos Corrientes, LJ Impedimenta Inhabilidad de leer mater iales de imprimida corrante per fisico cause ffsica de linniadDres Plaicas, come par6lisis, extrema debilidad, perdidas do crazes o manos- F Impodirriento Funcionarmento orgAn!co de tal severidad quo prohlba paralver el leer de materiales escritos do una manera normal. Para "to categoda, so requiere on doctor con autorldad certfficada en medicine o Gateopatia qua puede Consultor con colegas an disciplines asociadas. j Sordem y coguera Sordere es; moderada E] profunda L] COMPLETADO POR LA AUTORIDAD CERTIFICADA "Autoridad cordficada" as definida Para inciuir doctores de medidna y osteopatia, oftalm6logas, oplometras, enferprieras registrades, terapaulas, el cuerpo profasional do hozpftales, instituciones y agencias de servic pt bficoa a sociaes (trabajadoms; sociales, consojeros, consejeros do urhabifitaci6n vocacional, maestros pfivados, y superintendentes). En ]a auaencia do cualquer de estos, Is cartifficari6n puede ser heohm por bibloortecarios a dare prefesionales. En el case de impedimentc, para leer, Is autorldad certificada tune quo ser un doctor do medicina o osteopatia. Certificadores no puddler, certiftar sus proplos Panentes. Liene por favor Is rnformaci6n, siguiente -q�ta-on�te- Certifico que el aplicante nombTadv tiene [a inhabifidad de leer o usar materiales do imprimida comerte per [a razon (rezones) indicada affirra. Firma TRuic, Se Mq."ere — firma Original Non t Organizad6n favc+r de tsar tetra de rartrdue Direccibn calms Ciudad TX astado c6dogo postal TelAiGno E-correc c6chgo do 61 Go trabujo fecha Page 9 of 9