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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 07/11/2012Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for July 11, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Carlos Vargas called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Carlos Vargas Alana Manrow Harvey Salinas Donnie Contreras Bertha Romero Committee Members Absent: Darren Bates (Excused) Sabrina Ramirez (Excused) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Christina Aparicio (Human Relations ) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Marc Denson (Police: Parking Control) Julio Dimas (Development Services) Elizabeth Hundley (Legal) B. REQUESTS FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES MOTION Alana Manrow 06106112 Motion- Harvey Salinas Second — Donnie Contreras Passed Darren Bates 07111112 Motion- Harvey Salinas Second — Alana Manrow Passed Sabrina Ramirez 07111112 Motion- Donnie Contreras Second — Harvey Salinas Passed 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 06/06/12 MOTION Motion - Harvey Salinas Second - Alana Manrow Passed 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) Abel Alonzo, ex- chairperson of the Committee for Persons with Disabilities gave thanks to Irene Martinez for her time shared on the committee. 4. PRESENTATIONS A. Chris Parker - Miracle League Organization Chris Parker gave a PowerPoint and showed a video to the Committee showing the importance of the Miracle League and its volunteers. (A copy of the power point handout is attached at the back of the minutes) 5. STAFF REPORTS /COMMENTS A. Human Relations Department 1. Department Monthly Performance Report Review Mrs. Wilson provided the June 2012 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights of division activity provided. (A copy of the report is attached at the back of the minutes) B. Development Services Department — Update on Construction activity and major projects Julio Dimas gave updates on major project highlights and future developments around the city. (A copy of the report is attached at the back of the minutes) Page 1 of 10 C. Engineering Services Department — Staples St. Project between Williams Dr. and Saratoga Blvd. Jamie Pyle gave updates on the process and completion dates of the Staples Street construction. (A copy of the Construction Plan and Phase completion table at the back of the minutes) D. Parks and Recreation Department - Master Plan (Final Draft) PowerPoint presentation Stacie Talbert gave a PowerPoint presentation to the committee on the Overview of 2012 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan on creating a sustainable system. (A copy of the PowerPoint is attached at the back of the minutes) E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control — Update on Drafted letter to be sent to legislative representative Mark Denson stated the drafted letter is still being worked on and will keep the Committee informed once it is completed. Mr. Denson discussed a handout he provided to the committee regarding the Neighbor Parking Initiative under the direction of Chief Floyd Simpson. (A copy of the handout is attached at the back of the minutes) 6. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS A. Engineering Subcommittee — Update on drafted letter regarding Mc Ardle rd. Ms. Wilson mentioned it has been decided to not do a letter. Ms. Wilson had been informed the 2012 bond projects under street improvements have Mc Ardle down as one of the priorities. If the Committee would like they can contact the City Council and request that they support the 2012 bond recommendations. 7. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT A. Lex Frieden Employment Award Information Chairperson Vargas announced the event had been missed the deadline for the event was June 30, 2012. B. Retreat Update Chairperson Vargas announced that everyone has received the 1St Annual Retreat meeting notes by which has goal that the members who did attend created on behalf of the Committee. Mr. Vargas mentioned how important it is for the committee to become more involved in volunteering. (A copy of the Retreat meeting notes are attached at the back of the minutes) 8. COMMITTEE MEMBERS REPORT No Report 9. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGENDA Chairpersons Report • Review of application /bios for interested applicants to fill the two vacancies. • Nominate /Appointment of new Secretary 10. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion- Bertha Romero Second — Harvey Salinas Passed The meeting adjourned at 4:33p.m. Page 2 of 10 Attachments 4. PRESENTATIONS A. Chris Parker - Miracle League Organization Everyone deserves a chance to play baseball Who benefits? Special needs children — Fun — Teamwork — Friendship — Achievement Ns� Statistics 2011 American Community Survey (US Census Bureau) Non - institutionalized Persons with Disabilities — Total 56,700-66,700 — Under 18 years 10,705 (ESC Region II) — 18 to 64 years 32,500- 39,000 (Nueces) ar . Endorsements Nueces County MHMR Corpus Christi State Supported Living Center Special Olympics Lighthouse for the Blind Committee for Person with Disabilities Advisory Board (City of Corpus Christi) History 1998 Miracle League. created, Rockdale, GA July 2001, profiled on HBO Real Sports December 2001, second field opened 2004, Miracle League profiled for second time on HBO Real Sports October 2006, Miracle League formed in Corpus Christi Currently 240 Miracle Leagues in US, Puerto Rico, Canada, & Australia serving 200,000 players Who benefits? Families of players — Joy — Encouragement — Friendship — Network IM Supporters Charity League of Corpus Christi CITOO Corpus Christi Hooks Whataburger HEB Houston Astros CC Parks & Recreation Dept. AEP IN The Game Every player gets to bat Last batter hits a home run (Youth): Three out innings, score kept (Adult) Buddies assist players around bases and getting the ball if they can't reach it Usually lasts 1 hour 15 minutes Two 8 week seasons Who are we? Non- profit organization providing opportunities for children with mental and physical disabilities to play baseball Promoting community support and sponsorship of The Miracle League Promoting the construction of special facilities that meet the unique needs of Miracle League players, their families and friends IN Who benefits? Buddies (Angels in the Outfield) —Volunteerism — Perspective — Friendship — Appreciation Supporters Humpal Physical Therapy Wells Fargo Fulton Construction Flint Hills Resources Valero Refining IBC Bank Blanche Moore Foundation Many other companies and individuals The Uniforms The Players — Miracle League Baseball jerseys — Miracle League baseball hats — Tennis shoes The Buddies —Angel in the Outfield shirts — Tennis shoes — Pants or shorts IM Page 3 of 10 The Field The Players IN Im Page 4of1O Field Location IN What can you do? Become a sponsor! Tell others Become a buddy Watch a game Visit for more information Contact Miracle League Director, Chris Parker at 361- 882 -1741 or cparker @ymca - Page 5 of 10 5. Staff Report/Comments A. Human Relations Department - Monthly Department Performance Report 1 h INI AN II FIAT I {Dix..._ st yKn Aa iS.R'!'1C'F. Si'RA"EFGM: wid, o flaL2,F£ D ,s dI9 mubk 4 � ­I, Wa1, fi+:,gµ a dFrr r, ,nAl Ir lh, kll£Inx•kelYkl v6)uy.ak d wfhE nuluut Uu! .s I o6r�s 5 of an d >ralrr wh��.a. , 9 ai � vlfl.. . e x E ros: m, l kl v. vu+d;xl to a xa t;atlnP.itinw: wv[h 5ka; A vu a r,h .biaacxr a , AIVA "l 1'B. —I 11 c cu � Yar'wi.ianf3 W h { tp uutw I r<F+a[I�,r.;, w�.d.P<1�:4atr rte vt,i hn up Icgr -; .nul Stt .e�tll h ,unrrr. M�,�LJ,E„y,02, NItQ6,kn 41i Writs Sffi'Id4 i( ES' A- ,rime- IDiaer4mFmwF6mn Wrzr6raam klatm &c, f g.. t ,Ia h9 d ¢ rJ�[ca h 5rry 11 43 clr. I 0 1 ,uu3 +k re=c�r�s, h - in k s Ia dA.Lrnr - ,I.n l9. No f: "a7JI -7 I Ad"', - mu ,:w ,1,2) ­,,ph xv 9sexa.l sac t zu.l un .vu.fn¢ •,1,* r 1,d, d xwa -114 as: C'a�xi v_.rinr� A ., nd I a rn,.tlt: d s¢rxlvrt R -;3r .:.ur V L I M MF ASP RK I'JRdI A It Fro Aadea9 A,t, al A,iriyeFUil .Ixzz FcI. :k4ar Aprrzl. &Fay Jusnm a €'llw. ails F'l L ar P'ti 2 #NMA.;:UFdY 2i4YSb241 @tl Nll71.3Ft1;. er,x rotate ?JRY 2i>1? 2MI2 2012 201 2FP3t au' '. 4�ir Aaaaa ow.++r M u, a8 t„n.A i SFR}'KTJ .fkF ennidv @ s'.; Svr . nulvdv �: 6 � ds�zmr, z t Ytca 3, y ns 4.. i 3 dry L arc.�LL az ; s rrfler ✓it'. l mut,el n' *.r.. 1,, r I k ­1111s , a 5I wf I ,.:5i, ndm�u ,. vnarwn,.: ,uipu[ M 7 a " m td5{ n.1. _ 9,W n,,A 7c�1- IUMIf.;1 ICA sso Iw"tU1fJ 13 _ lul v[.erxJ ,r fi,rr..l- 1dl3fFgp TO '1t2AD}k ItIf Iut 9 I=1i 5.$ H i 3 3t: 3vi9b �Ir L +sI16'rsux Iiv slukry xs�ao[' „ u :5 5 °!. di 11 (I 3 "+ :r .g 3U 75% lf— $rtl Gha`i 7nw . u.iS t-911I nxlrl° led u e7 rntm lAl lS Zddsts' €¢stz a a K' +'o m':l�e 4iJ3s d I ?.`t (dN9n, I'A t'4 ° 6! t�ti3 ° -«t ,rUyw; 1d 36;'a e,.ex}, ­c u, u3a S5, .rtoc3 ,rms3 PgA 991V2d Pk u.4.a61IY 4fl-'f� 'Sffru 1$ °�o tD T %9 C14 JGd Gfl a L /31'J' {21 11-aaP a W11 v,auln nt74 d­ at a. ft:lSl . }tpo 111, 7 'r"n tr>s;"� E fi §n�, ",il"'a} 4 Pq 67°,6 R SERVE( V LVVFL fDA LtlFVV4 —_.. rote °t , n .eri: O rn I du. ml:. m Yw.urulcs?s" xnrawms t r,uu� . rig» vtk[ ny ,uscv v> ann,n 4'r..tnp, rf re al axal „z alx - 8rl 147,51 °44 s8 4 40 li { re 1 € ks 9 58 rtRx, 'tiF;RY' :Y>de >L43 t,ht,,wrbl`} ,vcF .xnrcsttm'n as „eu? Ixxbn VSCrsamr;m Ny 9ADA 'n(1,V 01iftl xs 0.e sa Fv lslt, of I1 lli F2 n I t cs w x_ 59 M Imk: @, Rcl!an zx+xF -wno 9: , rraa1tagv,G 't4 §5 95 w8 _... [3 S2 tl 23 I17t 191 ".w h.uevtian. Trsu1tRenvlCi Cklu 33 IU >fy a8 9 _ 5 I d h 83 499 a A4)41u;hnu ul Ka«:i:r'a vn. 49 :0 gat 59 9 v ti 11 777 4?ti 388% V4.ut V-1 10 e3 II;ulvli�ks: JtetaC: co..."Iy t] ve_ dl erexs+.,r 9.N=:I n3 Prrr ded ra r Nlas ng, AGA A� , L My ar�,d VAWA cu1-1, ""rig "t Iha al-al CC Apart + ,?t As,F C Jn I1ede St.itT , Pr9sK:aAxa1 se(^+vC $ 0 the tdum &n YIHx =s J r•a,d al a Tew H511 n ee,(np tn,+.?;nc oy ine 0aa rd H� c 3�f ]dea , 8 ce,, ,+t (0 "fir 015 ac and --ml, ,dva.[ r" �wrxe irk c .nndur „l a Fry[ .t .uz 1, du} rq,ly eummgn foals P— ,­ 1D d1 un, 0, aE fl gcrersz Far HIRC crpw[).s rd Rl' , Aa 5. Staff Reports /Comments B. Development Services Department - Update on Construction activity and major projects Major Project Highlights New Construction: • New Wal -Mart location on Saratoga: • Murphy Oil • Dairy Queen Panda Express • Peter Pipers Pizza • New Sam's Club — Everhart & SPID • Fiat Dealership — north side of SPID near Airline • Fed Ex Freight Facility — Navigation off of Hwy. 44 (Agnes) • CVS— Morgan and Port • Dollar General — Morgan and Espinosa • Family Dollar— Horne and Columbia Old Southerland's Building— new 5 Tenant spaces • Multi - Family Residential • Bohemian Colony Cottages • The Cosmopolitan Hotel Others 2012 Year to Date Construction Activity Page 6 of 10 5. Staff Reports /Comments C. Engineering Services Department - Staples St. Project between Williams Dr. and Saratoga Blvd. s a 4 s w 4 r x 4 y S: q. >wwn i { n c ` 6k re f,p sfivr�r„is C,7e isaq S 4APiwle.S }TREE B S A ATOGA BLVD, TO WILLIAMS DR. CONSTRUCTION N PRASE LIMITS Page 7 of 10 5. Staff Reports /Comments D. Parks and Recreation Department - Master Plan (Final Draft) PowerPoint Presentation ",7k y. 1 � Page 8 of 10 Parks and Recreation Department 2012 Bond Program Items 5. Staff Reports /Comments E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control - Neighbor Parking Initiative under direction of Chief Floyd Simpson Man, Dans„n CG'O;' Panting Conrn: nv­ 614 barn Hookir�, Caogd%Cm' -sti, Tx. 78401 '51.824.:.`po3 t Ca':I 341. &T8�87tIp mafVv5.r CCEexeSt4;an 7411 1 12 (7n Judo 2a" 2gt2 CCI >� tdaga,r n lZp{ghfiar Park. FntVaElvn u�.lss t"roa ttko,:taur P +Chief FH±.yd $ ln¢5C3k.'rh�R J�Errn, war - s. cha afed aro5 pfand'+Ru cut by e cam.?IS�aSlad!ash0d bl' l„tei.T ;nun of Amt Cn of Jv Garcia, G`avd. James Brady {CLPO punik InIonlou1 an aft anti Marc Oar — P34 ng Control Se.p.ry sere Tdna otlecdaa was to Wdress a x 1 nuna arc' em ghmWhotzl psA ng viad, ions eifarslrv3'g "Iifp Orid po"t saterty isaues Theso Aoitniong rduded uakicrteg Sxt( glky Wokin crosswalks., par[ ng eebinsr tlaf bee at unary. and g.. Ire mid wh"t avar 19 ncMs from the .ulb, 90 'alto It. 91.' lag e4ewalkt i� by 10, 11'. nest aE ad I dl s nen COrW V 1 Cd,p Chpk Cn eft `i,npwn nne nurrata I erns w }dean She ne ghbe0ow . Mai tersO a l u p. Texas o des rand addressed years aafara Thim type itlAN. nas b a n .­U n n9any are, le, a auph m Sam Aaisa n, D.In A vu. antl 1$ rslod to na ea dwn, Tdra pi+ a -11.1 fee tarrgnzraoy assigning, dsvo Paeki!v Enfelternera office f ddb h no fda; epnrewl rsa7,A an&srwment aahlcss antl a sbCaw3 aCdil¢¢ugd vgtlw tat ie ran. aly+sitle a!td sa.'gm,7 beat o%itaim th G4:PD to pay 5p.ds aHen1A:'n. to the raaitjhbprhuuds in I aPaG11c " We lay heda 3 Pd0•se apbr ch to getting cnnrptanCn and alum Song line behavior & our l ca Haase drolaliens havo glen. ao I to manna alfammrnent it+stra arpor a t t0 n e. tins p• hl this midalrm and not just uveake a >:o.,dr rajas ime. t oagarn ,ko"a 5 with an lntormalfon dent mar,T pnm nipdia, timwi5eaara , dlo nrene. pot m ino CCpo Faclbook and Twi {fur. Phase 2 tuna/ Jur 31 "l iniredu W a yaGpe, Inei1r sg NeriC6taa d1h t went! ?ed rnt jcvbian antl expiainad the masanin bto:j each -a. Easti er Vise Garde h a uwntac+ nurr$s.r re ire Parking Central x pa nn [a answer any quest m,'in, 4i­ might have. Pr,as¢ . wilt bapin Atntgusl 1 where otatlofs wry b5 €, Ss ssd lot vtfcn of Idese ViojaWb. we wgf be ut:litnig Co% Fruont,r •AUtd as wall In som. empiiom, Doing ire final x,esk ol'91na Imi vllve! wend and one the Int'ghborlmr is W ooh tpeorteally s a"d aWHWas. Na"xYuT.s rU Ry e»nc.v'k�s for Ihoae �dn d a.Bili➢i. I dace eons ti 60 ,,rjdat ^ hour W4 vu wi vapm le thetanjest group being blacked sideoiieb White the host trrornw,,av d 'Ora Pf �pPlb Pal NiER acu^a In- aiuWwoll Wdien yf Met, drl—.W t1.6 meet k 18rgp n enba, @f hems.4h Inc7nrn5re'.kes., Va.ars and aars payWal silecOltag an!'rvr M I. Choir front parole. t alsa ++aced dh:t uxeok over aoazan beats ca!tavea b ei par4ad,'n p ^es •&tn+the vailer hit h earl Ira , far 9ongu. reran s Ox- sldnwalk not only crening an aboagg H+t ty �5 a but causeq a Urger . Gat 10-an bio Iele5. ar aamb 0rdg, Wggg ­d $ nee the fund day of the icirialrre we W,,e ig +abau9 ICififlo warrarg rK jtbg Bad I am aak, atnbat 60 pails per nay in hby o6awa. The largest numFrea of oafs epmnirs In be dive who park acme. me sid walk se-m of deal, gfamony wise area, scetsing eafifcal,on an , hy tm,, Gar•;, I am happy to say that the vast main rity at people seem to understand and support the initiative. The success of this prc;ect will gimme from education of the public to not only the letter of the law, but the spirit of the taiv as to why these ordinances exist Lnfortltnataty we are also seeing a substantial number of vehicles with disabled plates and placards bloe4ng sidewalks, some have expressed that their placard or plate exempts there of the Saw, so the support of the CFPWD is important for the greater good. While it may place some inconvenience on a few it will provide greater accessibility for the overall community. Marc Denson Parking Comed Supervisor Page 9 of 10 7. Chairperson's Report B. Retreat Update 2012 Retreat Agend (Collective Workshop) City of Corpus Chrimwomanneladons Commission, City vf Corpus Christi Committee for Persons with Disabilities/ and Regional Transportation Authority (wcmm) Committee onAccessible Transportation Saturday, June 23, 201 8x10 a��-1:3 pm� RTA, Mainten Bldg, Training Room saso Bear Lane, Corpus Christi, rx Present Corpus Christi Human Relations Commissiow Ramiro Gamboa, Edna Arregondo, Kathleen Cooper, Justin Cortez, sleniSalazar, Elias Valverde. Committee for Persons with DisahVifies� Carlos Vargas, Thomas Dreyer Harvey Salinas, Bertha Romero. RTA Committee on Accessible Transportatiow Abel Alonzo, Donnie Contreras, Meeting, Notes Breakfast provided byRCAT Acknowledgments by. Sylvia Wilson, City of Corpus Christi, Human Relations Administrator; Scott meevc' CEO; John Valls, RTA Board Chairman� and Carlos Valdes, City of Corpus Christi, City /mtnrmov. McPefams discussed the ADA Accessibility challenges on a 40' RTA Fixed Route Bus as well as giving RTA Fleet information such vs Security on buses, Bus ADA Compliance procedures, and bus routes. B'Lioe Para transit bus. CFPWD Committee Member Bertha Romero and Youth Commissioner Eleni Salazar volunteered to demonstrate and to personally experience what it is like for people with disabilities whom are wheelchair bound tn ride the bus whether itbe the MTAorB-Uoe. MeetingEtiguette, -Li nda,Fa I lwel I -Stover RTA Dir. Of Customer Operations Mx. ra|lweU-Stover presented om 1. "Duties ornc«rMembers Duty of Care' 2. "Rules for Proper Meeting Etiquette" provided in every Commission and Committee binder. Break Out Session - The three entities separated into their own groups and djscqa§gd gotential goals. CCHRC - 1. Increase youth Presentation to High Schools by 20% 2. Communicate Awareness of Respect - Bullying Issues. 3. Build YovTwhvwebvite tu educate the community on; EE8(, Fair housing, ADA Compliance, and Places n(Public Accommodation. CFPWD - 1. Educate Outgoing Seniors from local ISO's - How to function outside the school, Available Community and school resources, transition -\mtoday's world from High School. 2. Job Fairs awareness - be more active in local Job Fairs and bring awareness to transportation issues. 3, Community outreach/participation - Special Olympics, Walk & Roll Event, Miracle Baseball League, Driscoll Hospital Telethon. 8C4r'1. Support Action Items hy Attending meetings participation in discussion and sharing information. 2. RTAxs ADA Coordinator/Designee and MV presenta teach RCAT meeting, 3. Provide RCAT Community Awareness to - Potential customers, participating Senior Centers, Light House for the Blind, AD4 advocates, convention visitors bureau Lunch Provided by, RTA with an ADA Video: mv Country (1xrl focuses on the movement that led to the passage cf the xox Americans with Disabilities ACT. Meeting Concluded C& 1:30 p.m. Page 1Oof1O