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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 09/05/2012Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for September 05, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Carlos Vargas called the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Carlos Vargas Donnie Contreras Harvey Salinas Darren Bates Sabrina Ramirez Committee Members Absent: Alana Manrow Bertha Romero Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Christina Aparicio (Human Relations ) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Marc Denson (Police: Parking Control) Julio Dimas (Development Services) Elizabeth Hundley (Legal) Staff Members Absent: Julio Dimas(DevelopmentServices) B. Approval of Absences Absences to be requested at next meeting. 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 07/11/12 MOTION Motion - Harvey Salinas Second - Alana Manrow Passed 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) a. Thomas Dreyer, ex- Secretary /Member of the Committee for Persons with Disabilities gave his farewell and informed the committee of his seat on the RTA Board of Directors. b. Abel Alonzo gave thanks Mr. Dryer for supporting the resolution of the disadvantage presentation rider on the board of directors for RTA. Mr. Alonzo mentioned it has taken over 10 to have a true representative. c. Donnie Contreras, Costal Bend Walk n' Roll Event, shared the history of his disability with the Committee as well as informing the Committee on the Walk n' Roll Event. Mr. Contreras invited the Committee to join him at the Event on September 29th at 8 a.m. (Push card attached at the back of the minutes) 4. STAFF REPORTS /COMMENTS a. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control - 08/01/12 Neighborhood Parking Initiative Update - by Marc Denson Mr. Denson mentioned that after 6 wks of 24,000 warnings on 08/01/12 the Neighborhood parking initiative was launched and gave over 700 citations. Mr. Denson stated there is zero tolerance for even city employees. Mr. Denson did mention that the complaints get routed to him. Page 1 of 6 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Parks & Recreation Department Hike and Bike Master Plan - Andrew Dimas Stacie Talbert, Parks &Recreation Department, introduced Andrew Dimas. Mr. Dimas, Planning Department, gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Hike Bike C.C. (A copy of the PowerPoint is attached at the back of the minutes) b. Bond 2012 - Proposed Mc Ardle Street Improvements - Dan Biles Chairperson Vargas tabled presentation till 10/04/12 due to non representation. 6. STAFF REPORTS /COMMENTS a. Human Relations Division Monthly - Monthly Division Performance Report Mrs. Wilson provided the August 2012 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights of division activity provided. (A copy of the report is attached at the back of the minutes) b. Development Services Department - Construction Activity and Major Projects Update - by Julio Dimas Chairperson Vargas tabled this item due to no representation. c. Engineering Services Department - ADA Master Plan and the ADA Standards Status Report - by Jamie Pyle Ms. Pyle, informed the Committee that the ADA Master Plan will be taken to the Planning Commission on Wednesday, 09/26/12, at 5:30p.m. Ms. Pyle invited the Commission to attend the Planning Commission for Support. Ms. Pyle mention if the Master Plan is approved at the Planning Commission then the Master Plan would go to City Council for a first and second reading. d. Parks and Recreations Department- CAST Fishing Event Update - by Stacie Talbert Ms. Talbert announced the rescheduled "Catch A Special Thrill" event will take place on Saturday, 09/08/12. The event is for Children with cross disabilities, the kids get to experience fishing. Fishing rods and tackle boxes are provided and the Children get o keep the items for future fishing experiences. 7. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT TO FILL TWO VACANT POSITIONS. After a short discussion the Committee selected to recommend 1St Nomination David Ramos and 2nd Nomination Anthony Mulhern to be given to City Secretary's Office as recommendations. Motion was not taken. 8. DISCUSSION AND ACTION REGARDING ELECTION OF NEW SECRETARY Chairperson asked if there were any nominations, Donnie Contreras made the Motion to nominate Sabrina Ramirez. Chairperson asked if there were any other nomination, in where there were none. Chairperson asked all those in favor for Sabrina say" Aye ". The Aye's have it. Sabrina Ramirez is the new Secretary for the Committee replacing Thomas Dreyer. 9. CHAIRPERON'S REPORT- ACKNOWLEDGES EMPLOYMENT ALLIANCE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AWARD FROM TEXAS GOVERNOR'S CFPWD LEX FRIEDEN AWARD - MARTHA ARBUCKLE AWARD. Darren Bates, announced to the committee the Employment Alliance was chosen as the most innovative committee and project in the state that has transformed the lives of job seekers with disabilities spoke about the award and how the award was accomplished. Page 2 of 6 (A copy of the Job Fair flyer is attached at the back of the minutes) 10. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGEDNA • Chairpersons Report - a) Information on the 2nd Annual Job Fair information being held in the month of October - Darren Bates b) Walk n' Roll update - Donnie Contreras • Staff Reports/ Comments - Item D. Development Services - Construction Activity and Major Projects Update - by Julio Dimas • Goals Update • Support of Employment Alliance Proclamation • Excused Absences Process • Presentations - Item B. Bond 2012 - Proposed Mc Ardle St. Improvements - Dan Biles 11. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion - Donnie Contreras Second - Sabrina Ramirez Passed Attachments 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Donnie Contreras - Walk n' Roll Event A TriUute to die Wounded Warrio! Robert "Bobby" Barrera 2012 Chair Coastal Bend Wolk n Roll Celebration Page 3 of 6 The Texas Rehab Aetion Nelwark TRAM P.O. Box 222 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 �':le5YSliFUliCL �; 1_ n i tx fo .\ L . L L e' HAAS A TriUute to die Wounded Warrio! Robert "Bobby" Barrera 2012 Chair Coastal Bend Wolk n Roll Celebration Page 3 of 6 The Texas Rehab Aetion Nelwark TRAM P.O. Box 222 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 4. PRESENTATIONS A. Parks & Recreation Department Hike and Bike Master Plan - Andrew Dimas NEXT STEPS • Mlati���(�I(a�� • Pri riti %at-min N19rix • Techn ®0®gy Goode Mates SUSTAINABILITY PLAN • Summary Document • Mobility Concepts • Master implementation Matrix ECONOMY NATURAL RESOURCES N WHAT ARE WE ASKING? Comments Map I (Natural Resources) Map 2 (Knowledge and CuVture s � Map 3 (Economy) Page 4 of 6 KNOWLEDGE AND CULTURE 5. STAFF REPORUCOMMENTS A. Human Relations Division - Monthly Performance Report With a goal o4' 'Mastering C?rver5e and Equitable Enuinonments Witis Respect and Pit f aatonahsni , sae H.mi. R,lan- Depratraa nu wilt crrtduct and cult r-a p—ruee program at r- disccuninau( to Eraple vcnent, f=air B-8o —ag;, P.buo Aa .....daOme, and Cloopli —e with the Amens e with Disabduiex Act (ADA) khan die (iity of Corgaus Chudi. tVa wz98 assn male seprv¢s 2nd connaoendations to the City Councti and others, toward the bencnnsat of g'oup and inter-P-P nkla i...trips A aan it em n—aty. MAJOR PROGRAMS AND St:i2VtCE§o A. Non- Disrriurinntiun Program 1. lmake, l t ti&a6f , and MedtatiaovR2ese1aslfons Ser:iu 2 Gommun q Duiroach, Education, and Awareness '.,.. 3. 'I odinica( and Adhntirtrative Services R, AAA. C'umpl anee I Adda�ss and mean., ADA wurplianue, and related issue9, dtfough a larirn danoa ninsiesis nerd oils e-urup)ahns; Comnaunny Eduuabon and Awareuc - 7 1 echre caliArlarmisnatwe Assistance, 2 C'oordnrauon of implenientatxnu, mui rnnnng, ­1 upd— of the Cilyn ide ADA 'Transition Flin, aaP'omnati€,nal e. mn Riff to 751 =49 48 1 40 4En t3 3 9 3 (62., 1 N,) g i 10 C SERVBCE. LEVFC OB.IEc Provide ADA Aceeski ihiv_ Acron aeaodaauns. and "fechueal Assistance Reuuesa resolution Key Highlight, August; EEQC: 21 complaints received; 13 charges takers 6 Ctggures ACA: 2 Community Meetings, 24 Technical Assistance, 3 Site Visits i CAaen Amenability Grievance CCosed FN; S Complaints received M Inquiries 3 Closures. 2 as Corncrbatlons and 1 as No Cause; 2 Extensive reviews of Poop- Cause Cases. PA: S Complaints received, 9 inquiries PA intake Form Revision -In progress. rep Special Protects', Internal Training history Files for staff-In progress; HUD Audit Packet Preparations, Outreach. Planning for NAACP and LULAC Health Fair .. Human Relations booth, . education, and outreach 8116112 Webinar Fair Housing Rights of Persons with. Disabilities; Guidance an Writing Determinations. Hum. Rel, staff at Back -To Sohool event heated'... by CCPD Crime Prevention, Page 5 of 6 ?009 -2010 2010 -26ID1 24111 -21112 nr per corneae +'ir'e 2g1Y C u.° lrY 2d§t2 3432 2012 t €'sa'rarai [ enrruer ar F4 v1u arrGary A. 5ER'V4CL. LEVFL 66d FCCCVt'st Provide hnmangauve S—a to ind"de intake, imte5lt n rnediaa ncilial onnodng, and charge recsluticm nn Fru tovrneot mreludin ADA), Fair 4"t—at x, and faubld Accmm�no dadnn, ta,gwe'S. idaw LhOc GlSCraC r td itst'C,C Gnal 100 €)losure% 1"u.1 and %rf'. 100 14/2411; '� (1-1 108(10'3'1} 104 L1- 8124)32 13 G 8 73 90% Tags Intake Gnnl n, I W (Refcrted to EEOCt) - 110 - t(t201 1; Third and % f - 1012011 to 912042 1 ha llioe'u) 98 40 - 812012 15 2 5 3 44 88 raw ocs's annot el r to nnana ip u - una °% Resetutions Goal of 4€N 45 42 2013) 11 S 4 4 r 3 ,. @¢5IA,rYS : '� CCh4enC&.fiX t i EFOC Gauge Wnu, -tips (Perfected CIsir gea) oIdeted and sent to SAF0,n 8 days or less (as % n() 90% 90% 9(}M',_, 4 2I21UG %) 1 i €2%) 2,'.3(67 %) S'S'b0 /3 t8 41 f. • , 5rges - OSC WY Sin 180 days a5 a .1 c9 ore.; YT1T- 1012013 to 912012 55% 75% 75% 9 116 50% "t7 (1001 5,'S (71 f) 8'9 (88 %) 55 - rar' „nrttp a➢ilta c ore within k04 days as ° %a oftaxal 70% 70% 7 1.2 (511%1 IA Q5 1 2) p '3 3 100%! 3 3401 aaP'omnati€,nal e. mn Riff to 751 =49 48 1 40 4En t3 3 9 3 (62., 1 N,) g i 10 C SERVBCE. LEVFC OB.IEc Provide ADA Aceeski ihiv_ Acron aeaodaauns. and "fechueal Assistance Reuuesa resolution Key Highlight, August; EEQC: 21 complaints received; 13 charges takers 6 Ctggures ACA: 2 Community Meetings, 24 Technical Assistance, 3 Site Visits i CAaen Amenability Grievance CCosed FN; S Complaints received M Inquiries 3 Closures. 2 as Corncrbatlons and 1 as No Cause; 2 Extensive reviews of Poop- Cause Cases. PA: S Complaints received, 9 inquiries PA intake Form Revision -In progress. rep Special Protects', Internal Training history Files for staff-In progress; HUD Audit Packet Preparations, Outreach. Planning for NAACP and LULAC Health Fair .. Human Relations booth, . education, and outreach 8116112 Webinar Fair Housing Rights of Persons with. Disabilities; Guidance an Writing Determinations. Hum. Rel, staff at Back -To Sohool event heated'... by CCPD Crime Prevention, Page 5 of 6 9. CHAIRPERON'S REPORT- ACKNOWLEDGE EMPLOYMENT ALLIANCE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AWARD FROM TEXAS GOVERNOR'S CFPWD LEX FRIEDEN AWARD - MARTHA ARBUCKLE AWARD. 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Page 6 of 6 Thursday, October 25, 2012 Public Open to the