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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 10/03/2012Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for October 3, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Carlos Vargas called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Carlos Vargas David Ramos Harvey Salinas Sabrina Ramirez Mary Wambach Donnie Contreras Alana Manrow Bertha Romero Committee Members Absent: Darren Bates Staff Members Present: Patsy Garcia (Human Relations) Christina Aparicio (Human Relations ) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Julio Dimas (Development Services) Elizabeth Hundley (Legal) Staff Members Absent: Julio Dimas(DevelopmentServices) Marc Denson (Police Parking Control) B. Approval of Absences Chairman Vargas announced an absence protocol had been distributed to all Committee Members and requested that any Committee Member please refer to it requesting an approval of absence. Chairman Vargas stated there were absences for last month and requested each Committee Member to request their own approval of Absence. Alana Manor and Bertha Romeo request an excused absence for meeting 9/5/12. MOTION Motion - Harvey Salinas Second - Donnie Contreras Passed 2. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 07/11/12 MOTION Motion - Harvey Salinas Second - Bertha Romero Passed 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) The Public hearing was opened with no one coming forward and the public hearing was closed. 4. STAFF REPORTS /COMMENTS D. Parks and Recreation Department - H -E -B Community Challenge Stacie Talbert defined the H -E -B Community Challenge to the Committee Members. Ms. Talbert mentioned the challenge is to host events and change the community by inspiring people to make healthier choices by changing their diet or taking an exercise regimen. The City of Corpus will take part by logging in to the H -E -B Community Challenge and listing their Organizations information and event taking place relating to physical fitness or healthy eating awareness. The City of Corpus then gets credit /points for each Corpus Christi Organization taking part. Ms. Talbert mentioned the Walk n' Roll Event was registered in the website and the City of Corpus received 100 points for its event. (A copy of the flyer is attached at the back of the minutes) Page 1 of 6 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Bond 2012 -Proposed Mc Ardle Street Improvements - Dan Biles Dan Biles discussed the Bond 2012 An Informational Guide for the Citizens of Corpus Christi booklet that had been distributed to all Committee Members. (A copy of the booklet is attached at the back of the minutes) b. Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Academy Update, Patsy Garcia, ADA Compliance Officer Human Relations Division Ms Garcia spoke about the TDLR Academy she attended in Austin, TX. c. U.S. Department of Justice Video - "Ten Small Business Mistakes," Patsy Garcia, ADA Compliance Office, Human Relation Division Mrs. Garcia gave the Commissioners an informational flyer with the titles of the ten small business mistakes. Mrs. Garcia showed a Video Describing the "Ten Small Business Mistakes" (A copy of the flyer is attached at the end of the minutes) 6. STAFF REPORTS /COMMENTS a. Human Relations Division Monthly - Monthly Division Performance Report Patsy Garcia on behalf of Sylvia Wilson provided the September 2012 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights of division activity provided. June Martinez gave the Committee Members an update on the Human Relations table at the NAACP and LULAC Health Fair. (A copy of the report is attached at the back of the minutes) b. Development Services Department - Construction Activity and Major Projects Update - by Julio Dimas No representation. c. Engineering Services Department - Bond 2008 and other ADA Projects Update - Jamie Pyle Ms. Pyle, informed the Committee that the ADA Master Plan was taken to the Planning Commission on 09/26/12 and was in support of the Plan. Ms. Pyle mentioned the ADA Master Plan still needs to go to City Council; she invited the Commission to attend the City Council meeting on 10/30/12 for Support. Ms. Pyle also mentioned the last portion of Bond 2008 - ADA Improvements 3 is currently out for bids, which is the last prioritized need on the ADA Transition Plan that was approved by Council in 2003. d. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control Nothing to Report 7. STATUS UPDATE REGARDING PROCLAMATION BEING PRESENTED TO EMPLOYMENT ALLIANCE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AT THE 10/09/12 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mrs. Garcia announced to the Committee per Sylvia's request to please be present on 10/09/12 at 11:45 a.m. in the City Council Chambers to show support during the EAPD Proclamation. Chairperson Vargas urged the Committee Members to attend. 8. STATUS UPDATE REGARDING COMMITTEE GOALS Chairperson gave thanks to the Committee Members and Staff whom attended the Walk n' Roll. Mrs. Garcia announced the next outreach event would be the Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities 2nd Annual Job Fair on 10/25/12 open to the Public. Mrs. Garcia did mention the EAPD Job Fair event has been recorded in the previous minutes. Page 2 of 6 9. Chairperson's Report. a. Introduction new Committee Member Chairperson Vargas introduced and welcomed the two new Committee Members; Mary Wambach and David Ramos. b. 2nd Annual Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Job Fair Event on 10/25/12 Chairperson Vargas asked the Committee Members get involved in helping the EAPD become successful not necessarily have a booth at the event but being participants at the event. c. 9129 Walk n' Roll The event started around 8:00 due to the rain. In spite of the rain the event had a great turn out with over 300 attendees. Chairperson Vargas thanked the Committee Members and Staff who attended and helped the event become a success. Committee Member Contreras talked about the dance contest and bragged about the two year dance contest winner Chula who will be singing at next year's event. 10. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGEDNA • Staff Reports/ Comments - Engineering - Ennis Joslin Turning on to Mc Ardle • Discussion on Procedure for City owned facilities that aren't in compliance and keeping the CFPWD informed of any updates regarding ADA compliance 11. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion - Bertha Romero Second - Sabrina Ramirez Passed Attachments 4. STAFF REPORTS /COMMENTS D. Parks and Recreation Department - H -E -B Community Challenge Page 3 of 6 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Bond 2012 -Proposed McArdle Street Improvements - Dan Biles be rl d An l.forrn.fienal Guide f.. th. Citizens .of C..P.. Christi Z k S F 3 k Page 4 of 6 5. PRESENTATIONS a. U.S. Department of Justice Video - "Ten Small Business Mistakes," Patsy Garcia, ADA Compliance Office, Human Relation Division TEN SMALL BUSINESS MISTAKES "I don't have any disabled customers," "I'm grandfathered." "I'm in a new building." "I can't afford It." "My landlord says no." "People with disabilities make me uncomfortable." "I don't know where to get information." "The Health Department won't allow animals." "Compliance never ends." "Nobody else complies." P DEP U.S. ARTMENT OF JUSTICE www.a4.Apy — UNITED STATES ACCESS BOARD www.accqss-board. jgov HUMAN RELATIONS DIVISION Patsy Garcia, ADA Compliance Officer 361-826-3190 i I www.cctexa S. Co I1 urnanrelations C li'li Business Technical Assistance Center and the U.S. Access Board kp– TEXAS DEPARTMENT A OF LICENSING AND REGULATION r w� P DEP U.S. ARTMENT OF JUSTICE www.a4.Apy — UNITED STATES ACCESS BOARD www.accqss-board. jgov Page 5 of 6 ACCESSIBILITYONLINE Websitedevefoped through a contract with Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center and the U.S. Access Board A Page 5 of 6 6. STAFF REPORT /COMMENTS A. Human Relations Division - Monthly Performance Report HUMAN RELATIONS FY2013 _ MISSION AND SERVICE STRATEGY; 7 With a goal conduct and enforce ap osit Equitab tive p rogram of non d scr mm ahonsin With mployme F air Hou sing, ublic ADA) wit hin the City c of s[ o oda _n, end Compliance the City Council and others, t oward the betterm of gro up and inter -group relationships_withm the communi De part men t _. MAJOR PRO GRAMS AND SERVICES: ..._ -.:.: J -- -. �_.. .... ..... - 1 � ...._ with the Ameri with D Act o C_o us Ch nsh We will also make reports and recommendations to A. Non - Discrimination Program 1. Intake, In vestigative, and Mediat S ervices 2 Commu and Education and Awar eness - i I 3. Technical and A Services B. ADA Complian 1. Addres and monitor ADA comp and relat issues, through a re and citizen complaints; Co mmunity Education and Aw areness; and Te min i Assistance. 2. Coordination of implementation monito and update of the Citywide ADA Transition Plan I PERFORMANCE M OB A ctual Ac tual Adopted Aug Sept 2010.2011 2011 -2012 2012-2013. armor comra�i 2012 2012 Mth; EEOC- Contract or FY Con —tor FY Oci'11 -Ju9y YTD To tat YTD sorGoal '13; FH Jnmy Provide In v e stigative Service to incl intake, investi mediation con ciliation, moni toring, anit cnaz resomu in Em to ent ADA), Fair Housin , and Public Accommodation. t.. including M easures : u EEOC Contract Yr 10/2011 to 9/2012 Closures Goal = 100; Aug 2012 changed to 8t. EEOC Contract FY 2013 100 - 10/2011; is 100 Charges. Total and % of Goad - 104 81-8/2012 1 64 9 8 81 100% Intake Referrals to EEOC Coal changed from 110 to 50 8/2012 Total and %of Goat- 10/2011 to 912012. EEOC Contract FY 2013 is 75 Refe ... I Intakes. Total and % 110 - 1012011 ofcoal 98 50- 8/2012 75 39 5 7 51 102% HUD Fair Housing Contract Yr 712012 to 6/2913 Complaint u y - une u y - ResolutionsGoalof30 .. ensures 42 2012) June2013) 0 3 3 6 15 i hil ectivenesss . . EEOC Charges Closed within 180 days as % of total closures YTD- 1012011 to 912012 75% 75% 75% 47 8 8 63 78% EEOC Referrals Charge Write -lips (Perfected Charges) completed and sent to SAFO in 10 days or less (as % of) 90 % 90 % 0 15 3 7 25 49 HUD Fair Housing Complaints closed 1 ..;e,;,, inn ,i..„ — i eft .i 70% 70% 70 0 3 3 6 1.00% linfonnational events - 8 /1 /to 7/31 =50 1 40 1 40 1 S0, ';I 1 5 1 6 11 ( 22% September: -- EEOC: FY20 Work- Sharing A greement Contract o were met._ HUD Fair H Audit: Passed w/i defiency p ertaini ng to aged c ases. Training: 9/17 Presentation to Flour Bluff Health Advisory Board at FBISD promoting HRCommission and services of HumRel Office; 2 F H Training Se ssion s, in Englis _& Spanish, 49 Atten Fair Housing Outreach: NAACP /LULAC Citywide Health Fair, 343 Attendees, 1 presentation and 3 requests for FH training; and the Texas Rehab Action Net work , 4th annual Coa end Wal k-!n -R Celebration good turnout dispile weather, _ Tra & Recycle P (TARP) 129 active cases. AD Planning Commission sup ports and approved the ADA Ma sterplan . on 9126, presentation to city council to be determined. end T __._.... .. 7 - -._._... Page 6 of 6