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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 11/07/2012Committee For Persons With Disabilities
Summary of Minutes for November 7, 2012
Chairperson Carlos Vargas called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Committee Members Present:
Carlos Vargas
Darren Bates
Alana Manrow
Committee Members Absent:
Sabrina Ramirez
Staff Members Present:
Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations)
Julio Dimas(DevelopmentServices)
Staff Members Absent:
Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation)
David Ramos
Mary Wambach
Bertha Romero
Harvey Salinas
Donnie Contreras
Christina Aparicio (Human Relations )
Marc Denson (Police: Parking Control)
Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Elizabeth Hundley (Legal)
B. Approval of Absences
The approval of absences was opened with no Committee member requesting an
excused absence the approval of absences was closed.
MOTION Motion - Donnie Contreras Second - Bertha Romero Passed
Committee Vice - Chairperson Bates sustain as he was not present as the last meeting.
The Public hearing was opened with no one coming forward and the public hearing was
a. Trash and Recycle Pick -Up Accommodation (TARPS) - Christina Aparicio,
Management Aide, Corpus Christi Human Relations Division
Ms. Aparicio gave a PowerPoint presentation and discussed a pre- distributed packet of
information pertaining to the Trash and Recycle Pick -Up Accommodation Service
b. Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities, Lex Frieden Award Recipient
Mr. Bates announced the EAPD won the Lex Frieden Award along with giving brief
history of Lex Frieden and showing a video on YouTube from Governor Rick Perry
announcing award to the Corpus Christi Employment Alliance for People with
Mr. Bates then discussed and showed a video segment covered by KI II local news
channel on the Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities Job Fair 2012.
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a. Human Relations Division Monthly - Monthly Division Performance Report
Sylvia Wilson provided the October 2012 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights of
division activitv Drovided.
b. Development Services Department - Construction Activity and Major Projects
Update - by Julio Dimas
Mr. Dimas discussed the construction activity such as Residential, Commercial,
Remodeling and Demolition. Year to date numbers are slightly lower than last year,
however, 2012 is expecting to have higher numbers than 2011. Mr. Dimas stated
"Construction in Corpus Christi is growing."
c. Engineering Services Department - Nothing to Report
d. Parks and Recreation Department - Nothing to Report
e. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control - Department Update
Marc Denson discussed a department update report that has been pre distributed to
Committee Members
Chairperson Vargas request that Ms. Aparicio inform the Committee of any community
events the Human Relations Davison will be taking part in so the Committee may Support.
7. Chairperson's Report.
a. Update /Tour on the new Regional Transportation Authority compressed natural
gas (CNG) buses
Chairperson Vargas introduced Rose Villarreal, Manager Director of Operations for RTA
to discuss and invite the CFPWD to go outside and take a tour RTA's new CNG bus.
Vice - Chairperson Bates would like add a discussion on starting a committee to build
a cultural access of inclusion in the workforce mainstream.
MOTION I Motion -Darren Bates Second - Bertha Romero Passed
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a. Trash and Recycle Pick -Up Accommodation (TARPS) - Christina Aparicio,
Management Aide, Corpus Christi Human Relations Division
Departmental Procedure
Accommodation for Trash /Recycle Pick -up Service
The City of Corpus Christi Accommodation for Trash and Recycle Pick -up Service is to
provide a reasonable accommodation to assist an individual who has a temporary or
permanent disability /medical condition which prohibits him /her from pulling or pushing
the trash and /or recycle cart(s) to the curb on their designated pick -up days. The
individual must not have anyone living in the residence that can provide this assistance.
The program is coordinated by the Legal Department/Human Relations Division with the
assistance from the Finance Department/Customer Call Center - Utilities Business Office
Division and the Solid Waste Operations,
The resident must have a documented temporary disability or medical condition or a
permanent disability or medical condition. The disability or medical condition does not
need to be disclosed. The physician must indicate if the request is temporary or
permanent, and if temporary, the duration of the service. If more than one person
resides in the home, certification by health care provider (request form) must be
submitted for each person living at the residence.
Information Reauested
• Number of persons living in the residence and relationship (if more than one)
• Customer name, address, phone number
• If customer requesting service is the owner or tenant
• Type of service requested (trash and /or recycle)
• Date of birth (physician office verification only)
• Pick -up day
• Service requested by and contact information (if not the person requesting the service)
• Location where the cart(s) will be located on the premises
General Procedure:
Shortly after the initial contact is made and the above information requested is received,
a letter reiterating the instructions and an Accommodation for Trash and Recycle Pick-
up form will be sent to the customer.
Once Accommodation for Trash and Recycle Pick -up form is received by the customer,
he /she will be required to complete the middle section (Authorization to Contact
Physician). The customer may choose to mail it back and the Human Relations Division
liaison will fax the form to the customer's physician of choice or the customer may take
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the form to his /her physician to complete it. Any fees charged by the physician to
complete the necessary forms, is the responsibility of the customer.
Upon receipt, Human Relations Division will verify that the form is completed correctly.
After all information has been verified one e-mail will be sent to:
1. Financial Services /Customer Call Center - Utilities Business Office Division liaisons
requesting the customer's billing information is updated to reflect the
accommodation at no additional cost.
2. The Solid Waste Services Operations liaisons requesting the customer's new
pick -up route information is updated to reflect the accommodation.
The Human Relations Division liaison will need to wait until the
1. Finance Services /Customer Call Center - Utilities Business Office Division
responds with e-mail approval and confirmation of billing information change
2. Solid Waste Services Department responds with e-mail approval and new pickup
route(s) and first pickup date(s)
After receiving e-mail responses from both departments, the Human Relations Division
liaison will then contact the customer by phone notifying him /her of the first pick -up
date(s) and will inform the customer that more detailed information will be sent via mail
for any and all future inquiries regarding their Accommodation for Trash and /or Recycle
Pick -up Program participation. It is imperative the liaison reminds the customer to:
1. Make sure cart(s) is left at the designated area - not the curb.
2. If carts are placed on the curb, the customer's trash will not be picked up and a
discontinuation of service may occur without notice.
1 If the trash is not picked up by 3:00 p.m. on their designated day, the customer
will need to call in a "missed pickup" to the Customer Call Center (361- 826 -2489)
as soon as possible.
The department liaison will log in the information into the designated spreadsheet and
file all documentation in binders for future reference.
Follow -Up Processes:
The Human Relations Division will mail a Courtesy Letter,
Courtesy Letter— Concerns: A letter will be mailed to the customer(s) when concerns
are noted by Solid Waste staff.
Courtesy Letter— Follow -up: A letter will be mailed to the customer(s) when time to
audit the accommodation — Approximately one month
prior to the temporary end date or annually if a
permanent request.
Corpus Christi, TX
Re: Accommodation for TrashlRecycle Pick -Up Service
Dear ,
You are receiving this letter regarding the following section($) marked by an "X":
❑ New Service Rearmst
Please complete the middle section (in red) of the attached form and mail back to
me. I will then fax the form to your physician indicated on the form (or you can take
the form to your physician to fill out). As soon as I receive the form(s) back (signed
by your physician) and your request has been approved, I will notify you when the
accommodation is expected to begin at no additional cost.
❑ Service Request Re- Certification
This accommodation requires that you provide re- certification documentation of a
Temporary or Permanent disability /medical condition for this service for audit
purposes, on an annual basis, or at the end ofthe temporary status indicated by
your physician. Please complete the middle section (in red) of the attached for
and mail back to me. I will then fax the form to your physician indicated on the form
(or you can take the form to your physician to fill out). As soon as I receive the
form(s) back (signed by your physician) and your request has been approved, we
will update our records to avoid disruption in your trash service. A response is need
❑ Service Request Verification
Due to a request from the Solid Waste Operations staff, verification whether you or
your household still requires an accommodation is requested. Per your initial
application, "If more than e on person resides in the home, a separate form must be
submitted for each person living at the residence ". This accommodation requires
that you provide certification documentation of a Temporary or Permanent
disability /medical condition for this service to continue. Please call (361) 8263190
by to update your records and avoid a disruption in your
trash service.
❑ Other /Comments:
Should you have any questions, please contact Christina Aparicio at (361) 826 -3190.
Christina Y. Aparicio, Management Aide
on behalf of
Sylvia Wilson, Human Relations Administrator
Human Relations Division
Page 3 of 5
City of
RGAL faro—Off
PO B. 92]]
coma :a kli
Texas ]8469 -92]7
Phone Jfil- 826 -3360
1., 361-926-3239
P, oseeu,arS 27
120 N_ C1,.Pa,'r.l
C.I., Cluis,i
P „nrrope
615 Leapa,d 81 1
Request Date: /_ /_
'.. co, Cnrn
Name: DOD *: / / AGE:
Phone 361-8264014
Address: Zip: Service Pick -Up Day:
ea. J61s2643o9
Police legal Advisor
Phone:. (_� chop :e oae o. boo, -a ASnst,..e h: ❑Trash ❑ Recycle '
3zuoh san.m
Number of sons living in household; choose om
per g y oae� unity Aeeonnr. D Owner ❑Tenant
Texa,. ]a4o1
r( _e l d I r
Phone 361 886Q608
P� . uus(ba subrmtterl for LACHPER,SONI vu,e f! d
Pax 361 886 2614
Service Requested by:
❑ Customer (S.1 Ab.1ol ❑ Other: lName, Relationship, Phone:
PO Bux 927;
c, ctni :r
Customer indicated the cart(s) will be located:
Phone 361 826 3190
Request to mail /fax letter and form to:
'.. 361-8263192
Risk Managen en t
'.. PO Box 92]]
Cm Chris,i
T]8469 -92]]
Phone 361-8 3690
'.. Pa. 161-8 26- 3697
8 J69]
Corpus Christi, TX
Re: Accommodation for TrashlRecycle Pick -Up Service
Dear ,
You are receiving this letter regarding the following section($) marked by an "X":
❑ New Service Rearmst
Please complete the middle section (in red) of the attached form and mail back to
me. I will then fax the form to your physician indicated on the form (or you can take
the form to your physician to fill out). As soon as I receive the form(s) back (signed
by your physician) and your request has been approved, I will notify you when the
accommodation is expected to begin at no additional cost.
❑ Service Request Re- Certification
This accommodation requires that you provide re- certification documentation of a
Temporary or Permanent disability /medical condition for this service for audit
purposes, on an annual basis, or at the end ofthe temporary status indicated by
your physician. Please complete the middle section (in red) of the attached for
and mail back to me. I will then fax the form to your physician indicated on the form
(or you can take the form to your physician to fill out). As soon as I receive the
form(s) back (signed by your physician) and your request has been approved, we
will update our records to avoid disruption in your trash service. A response is need
❑ Service Request Verification
Due to a request from the Solid Waste Operations staff, verification whether you or
your household still requires an accommodation is requested. Per your initial
application, "If more than e on person resides in the home, a separate form must be
submitted for each person living at the residence ". This accommodation requires
that you provide certification documentation of a Temporary or Permanent
disability /medical condition for this service to continue. Please call (361) 8263190
by to update your records and avoid a disruption in your
trash service.
❑ Other /Comments:
Should you have any questions, please contact Christina Aparicio at (361) 826 -3190.
Christina Y. Aparicio, Management Aide
on behalf of
Sylvia Wilson, Human Relations Administrator
Human Relations Division
Page 3 of 5
Ciry of
Request Date:
Name: DOB':
Address: Zip: Service Pick -Up Day:
Phone. (_) ceooseac.or boa, I-wana whh: ❑Trash ❑Recycle
Nmnber of persons living to household: Chow:emy un ❑ Owner ❑Tenant
Names/Wl.tionshl ff r ;eR !t I 1"
p� h Afn LIC{IPlR50 'I'v 1
Service Renuested bv:
❑Customer ls�:aa.nm.�) 00th— Nmnq Relationship,PIaa
Customer indicated the tart(s) will be located:
+ x Please Not, Once service leas beeun, curt ( s) MUST NOT be placed on the curb. +*
Physician Namo: Phone: Fax:
Cnstmner Signahtre: Date:
'this serviee is available to citizens with a temporary or permanent disability or medical condition that
prohibits or limits the individual from pushing and /or polling the rart(s) to the curbside for pick -up.
Cr, he completed by Health Care Provider)
❑ The patient has a Permanent Disability /Meshes) Condition
❑ The patient has a Temporary Disability /Medical Condition
n,: a da no. be nas.ry:, Dam:
❑ The patient has No Thrill, e Disability / Medical Condition
Physician Name trn P „ml: Address:
Physician Signature: Date: / /
City of Corpus Christi - Human Relations Division
Attention: Christina Aparicio
1201 Leopard Street • Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Phone: (361) 826 -3190 • Fax: (361) 8263192
Christina Aparkdo
To: Danny DeLoy; Nubia Ouiroz; Jaime Flores; Sue Harris; Norma Davison; Rita Madir,
Cc: sylvia wilaoa
Subject: Customer Name &Adress
Good Morning,
Please Implement an AOA Accommodation for TRASH and RECYCLE pick -up service at no addlitiortaf cost for the
following citizen do to disability/medical limitations. Medical documentation has been received.
Customer Name
Address & Zip
Phone P
The Customer indicated the trash cart will be located:
' Pleas, re 1 with natificat'on of when A AService is r. heated to heal
TWO ere. 0
Christina Y. Apnricio
M,as emevt Aide
City fcorpas Christi
Human Reladona Division
Phnne:(361)826 -3190
Fax: (361) 8263192
chriat ar an c
A. Human Relations Division - Monthly Performance Report
Page 4 of 5
E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control - Department Update
Marc Denson
CCPD / Parking Control Supervisor
514 Sam Rankin, Corpus Christi, TX 78401
361.826.3003 / Cell 361.876.8700
marcusdKilcctexas com
CCPD officers and Parking Enforcement Officers (PEO's) as time allows, continue to enforce
blocked sidewalk violations city wide. Parking Enforcement Officers are currently short- handed
due to two PEO's leaving and one temporarily assigned so with only one PEO available city
wide enforcement efforts are restricted until early December when two new hires should finish
processing and training.
The CCPD Holiday Initiative has not been released by PD, but previous years had two PEO's
working malls and high retail areas for ADA violations and stepped up police presence in those
areas as well. The last 2 years was extremely effective. I can assume this year's program will be
similar if not the same as last year. The only drawback this year will be that I will only have one
PEO available in early December with a second possibly by mid - December, as that is an
additional training program for my new hires.
I know the CFPWD requested citation count reports for the previous month, however this is not
possible on'this short notice. 1 can only pull a partial list from my system and to get the
remainder I have to put in a request, then manually adjust numbers with and it does take a
I ask that the committee bear with us until the new software systems have been purchased and
installed at Municipal Court, which will allow for easier reporting. This is anticipated in 2013.
Marc Denson
Parking Control Supervisor
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