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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 12/05/2012Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for December 5, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Carlos Vargas called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Carlos Vargas Mary Wambach Darren Bates Bertha Romero David Ramos Harvey Salinas Committee Members Absent: Sabrina Ramirez Alana Manrow Donnie Contreras Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Christina Aparicio (Human Relations ) Stacie Talbert (Parks & Recreation) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Andrea Ayala (Police: Parking Control) Staff Members Absent: Julio Dimas(DevelopmentServices) Elizabeth Hundley (Legal) 2. Approval of Absences Harvey Salinas requesting an excused absence for meeting of 11107112 Motion- Harvey Salinas Second — Donnie Contreras Passed 3. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 11/07/12 MOTION Motion - David Ramos Second - Bertha Romero Passed 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) a. Graciela Aldaco, Business Manager, of Valley AIDS Council, spoke about the parking issues the organization faces for its patients whom are aren't allowed to park in the buildings covered parking area. Ms. Aldaco is requesting the Committee help look into how or if possible the organization can pay to rent parking from the City for Valley AIDS Council patients. 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Veterans Transportation Community Living Initiative - by Carol Weckenmann Due to Mr. Weckenmann not being present Chairperson Vargas request the presentation be tabled till next meeting on 1/2/13. 6. STAFF REPORTS /COMMENTS a. Human Relations Division Monthly - Monthly Division Performance Report Sylvia Wilson provided the November 2012 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights of division activity provided. Vice - Chairperson Bates requested detailed ADA Technical Assistance items. For example, are request received by phone or in person, from a business enterprise or an individual, to get a better picture on the overall technical assistance the city is providing. Page 1 of 5 b. Development Services Department - Construction Activity and Major Projects Update - by Julio Dimas Due to Mr. Dimas not being present Chairperson Vargas request to find out why Mr. Dimas or any other representation from the development services department have not been present. c. Engineering Services Department - ADA Master Plan & Bond 1012 Street Project updates - by Jamie Pyle Ms. Pyle gave an update on the ADA Master Plan has had its first reading with City Council and is anticipating the second reading to pass. Ms. Pyle also reported an update on the ADA Group 3 which is the final stage of the Bond 2008. Ms Pyle stated the Bond 2012 is expected to be awarded in January 2013 and is anticipating construction to begin as soon as January 2014. d. Parks and Recreation Department - Packery Channel Parking Update by Stacie Talbert Ms. Talbert gave updated information to the Committee regarding the Packery Channel Parking lot and Boat Ramp being accessible to persons with disabilities. e. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control - Nothing to Report Andrea Ayala is sitting on behalf of Marcus Denson. Ms. Ayala stated the department has a unit patrolling all hotspots such as the mall, and shopping centers etc. Ms. Ayala also mentioned the department is still short by three employees. Chairperson Vargas requested information regarding the Reserved Parking Reminder. Ms. Ayala shared information regarding the Reserved Parking Reminders and stated that anyone wishing for more information should contact Mr. Denson at (361) 826 -3003. 7. STATUS UPDATE REGARDING COMMITTEE GOALS Chairperson Vargas stated that he had previously requested Committee staff member Christina Aparicio to create a calendar of events for 2013 that the Committee will be expected to support. Ms. Wilson stated when people come and speak during public comment or do a presentation to the committee on an upcoming event, who will at that point invite the Committee to attend and support the event. Our office dosent has these dates in advance; however, we will put a calendar together of meeting dates along with prospective annual events and dates. 8. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON REAPPOINTMENT AND APPOINTMENTS Ms. Wilson announced Darren Bates, Sabrina Ramirez, Alana Manrow, and Chairperson Vargas terms expire in February as well as mentioning Harvey Salinas is no longer eligible as he has met his term requirements. Ms. Wilson asked Committee member Bates is he was interested in being reappointed, Mr. Bates answered "Yes ". Ms. Wilson requested Chairperson Vargas contact the other two Committee members whom weren't present if they would like to be reappointed. Ms. Wilson asked Chairperson Vargas if he would like to set up a subcommittee to select recommendations or if he prefers the entire Committee receive the bios of prospective Page 2 of 5 applicants to review together in January. Chairperson Vargas stated he would prefer the process of having the whole Committee review the bios together. Ms. Wilson stated Committee members will receive bios of those prospective applicants along with their agenda packets. A short discussion followed regarding dates recommendations will be given to City Council. 9. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT - Nothing to Report 10. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGEDNA Requested by Chairperson Vargas - Review of bio's to fill vacancy and discuss reappointments Requested by Chair person Vargas - Calendar of events Requested by Chairperson Vargas - Presentation - Veterans Transportation Community Living Initiative - by Carl Wickenmann Requested by Jamie Pyle - Bond 2008 ADA Improvements off of Brawner Pkwy and Gollihar Rd. schedule by Jamie Pyle Requested by Commissioner Wambach - A discussion regarding ADA issues with Nueces County Airport. Ms. Wilson stated that this is outside of our jurisdiction as it is a county airport located in Robstown. 11. ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion - Harvey Salinas Second - Darren Bates Passed Attachment Page 3 of 5 6. STAFF REPORT /COMMENTS A. Human Relations Division - Monthly Performance Report Page 4 of 5 HUMAN RELATIONS FY2013 MISSION AND SERVICE STRATEGY; ­­­ With a goal of "Fostering Diverse and Equitab Environments With Res pect and Profess ", the Human Rel ations Dep artment wil conduct and enfo a positive progra of non- discrimination in Em ployinent , Fair Housing, Public Accommodation, and Compliance with the A mericans with Disabilitie Act (ADA) within th City of Corp Christi. We will also make r and recommendations to '.. the City Co uncil and others , tow the betterment of group and inter -group r elationships within the cormnunity. I MAJOR PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: , A _.i_._at_ . Non- Discri mnfltion 1. (ma Investigative, an Mediati Services '. 2. Comm unity ,Outreach, Education, and A wareness 3. Technical and Administrative Services _ ...... .._ -_ — e ___�.______..__�..._.— ....._ B. ADA Com pliance_ . __ ____. 1. Address and mo ADA com pliance, and related issues, through accommodation requests and citizen complaints; Community Education and Awareness; and T Assistanc 2. Coordination of implementation, monitoring, and u pdate of the City ADA "Trans --- — Plan I - PERFOR MANCEM EA SUREOBJECTIVES Actual Actual Adopted Sept 2012.2013. Prior Contract 2012 " Dtth: EEOC- Oct'll - July ' 12; FR July 2012 Oct Nov -' 2012` Contract or FY YTD Total Contract or FY YTD % of Coal 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 2012 A. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide Investigative Service to incl intak investigation, mediation concili monit oring, and cha rge resolution i 1 Employment (including ADA , Fair Housing, and Public Accommodation. easures: u pu :,:.•.: ,:.:..:.: . , .. . EEOC Contract Yr 10/2011 to 9/2012 Closures Goal = 100; Aug 2012 changed to 81. EEOC Contract FY 2013 is 11111 Charges. Total and '% ol'Goal- 104 100 - 1012011, 81- 8/2012 100 64 8/81/ 100% 3 6 ..: 9 9% Intake Referrals to EEOC Goal changed from 110 to 50 812012 Total and % of Goal - 1012011 to 9/2012. EEOC C'omract FY 2013 is 75 Referral Intakes. Total and % Q. Goal 98 110 - 10/2011, 50- 812012 75 39 71511 102% 7 4 11 15% !HUD Fair Housing Contract Yr 7/2012 to 6/2013 Complain Resolutions Goal of 30 42 (July - June 2012) u y - ,Tune 2013) 0 3 3 1 10 25% . EEOC Charges Closed within 180 days as % of total 'closures YTD - 10/2011 to 9/2012 75% 75% 75% 47 8/631 78% 3 5 8 89% EEOC Referrals Charge Write -Ups (Perfected Charges) completed and sent to SAFO in 10 days or less (as % no 90% 90% 90% 15 7/25/ 49% 4 4 8 73% HUD Fair Housing Complaints closed within 100 da s as % of total 70% 70% 70% 0 3 1 1 8 80 B. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE ------ Provide " Communit Outreach, Education, and Awareness" Measures: O utput .. .. ...... .. .... .................. " . . . um er or training sessions, community meetings, an informational events - 8 /I1 to 7/31 = 50 40 40 50 6 6 0 17 34% C. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide ADA Accessibili , Accommodations, and Technical Assistance Re nest resolution !: - _ easures: u put ...... ... ..:. ... ..........: . . ADA Citizens' Com ]ainls Acce ssibili 100 100 100 0 1 0 3 3% Public Accommodation In uiries/Re uests 55 55 55 13 2 2 30 55% New/Re nests for Accomm. Trash/Rec cIe Pick/u s 20 20 20 3 3 5 I8 90 Chan es / U dates for Accom. Trash/Rec cle Pr 9m 1 6 6 stops, 49 Ann Revert. 62 ADA Technical Assistance 40 40 50. 12 10 19 48 96% Plan Reviews /Site Visits 2S 4 3 6 15 Key Highlights: '' ',. November 2 012 -- EEOC: 19 com plaints receive 6 closures; 4 deferrals 7 total new charges taken PPA: 3 clos ( �); 1 On -Site (JE ); 2 Inquir (J EM} ADA Techn Asst - Provided AD Te ch Assis to the Har L ights Christmas eve nt. Provided Ramps; 7 TA - JEM TARPS 5 Start, 6 Sfop, and 49 AUDIT for conti nuance of servicse for month of December. HUD 1 Closure; 1 Intake; 5 com plaints receiv & pending intakes; 2 O n- Sites, 36 Inquiries; FH T raining FH Dis ability Rights Page 5 of 5