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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 02/06/2013Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for February 6, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Carlos the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. A. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Carlos Vargas David Ramos Harvey Salinas Darren Bates Mary Wambach Donnie Contreras Sabrina Ramirez Bertha Romero Committee Members Absent: Alana Manrow Staff Members Present: Wanese Butler (Human Relations) Stacl Talbert (Human Relations ) Julio Dimas (Development Services) Christina Aparlclo (Human Relations) Andrea Ayala (Police: Parking Control) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Staff Members Absent: Elizabeth Hundley (Legal) 2. Approval of Absences MOTION Bertha Romero 1/2/13 Motion - Harvey Salinas Second - Donnie Contreras Passed 3. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 112113 MOTION Motion - David Ramors Second — Bertha Romero Passed 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) The public hearing was opened with no one coming forward the public hearing was closed. 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Veterans Transportation Community Living Initiative - by Carol Weckenmann Mr. Weckenmann gave a verbal presentation on the Veterans Transportation Community Living Initiative (VTCLI) program and funds. Mr. Weckenmann stated the VTCLI program is specifically geared towards veterans, people with disabilities and the general public. The VTCLI funds weren't specifically for transportation but to be used to help in educating and assisting veterans, people with disabilities and the general public access the services that currently exist through expansion of technology. This presentation was followed by questions from Committee members Darren Bates and Mary Wambach. b. Coastal Bend center for Independent Living (CBCIL) - by Judy Telge Ms. Telge gave a PowerPoint presentation on Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living. Lorri Hill discussed the Mobility Options Programming which is available to the City of Corpus Christi as well as the surrounding areas of the Costal Bend. This presentation was followed by comments and questions from the Committee as well as Committee Staff. (A copy of the PowerPoint presentation is attached at the back of the minutes.) Page 1 of 12 6. STAFF REPORTS /COMMENTS A. Human Relations Division Monthly - Monthly Division Performance Report Wanese Butler on behalf of Sylvia Wilson provided the January 2013 Monthly Performance Report. Highlights of division activity provided. Ms. Butler also discussed a request from the City Secretary's office for any Committee members who have any changes regarding their contact information fill out a new Texas Public Information Act Form. The item was followed by brief general discussion. (A copy of the report and form is attached at the back of the minutes) B. Development Services Department — Department Update- by Julio Dimas Mr. Dimas gave a verbal department update comparing construction activity numbers of 2012 to 2011; as well as discussing various new construction projects, such as; restaurants, shops, and apartment complexes. Mr. Dimas announced new personnel of Development Services; Mark Van Vleck who was interim Director is now official the Director, John Speights as the new building official and Charles Dibrell with inspection operations. This report was followed by questions and comments of the Committee. C. Engineering Services Department — Street Improvements Update and RTA Bus Stop Improvements - by Jamie Pyle Ms. Pyle gave a brief update on Bond 12 and the ADA Master Plan Phase 1. Ms. Pyle then stated the RTA has had their preconstruction meeting, however construction hasn't started yet. Chairperson Vargas asked a question about McArdle Rd. Ms. Talbert stated McArdle Rd. is part of the Bond 12 that was approved and reported she is would be the project manager of that specific project. D. Parks and Recreation Department - Packery Channel Parking Update by Stacie Talbert Ms. Talbert stated the department was gearing up for Spring Break in various ways, from beach clean ups to a latchkey camps at the Galvan Center. Ms. Talbert then updated the Committee on the Mayor's Fitness Council stating they opened a 12 grant program for Community Gardens; each grant consists of $5,000. Ms. Talbert then stated 28 applications from various entities throughout the community were received. A subcommittee from the Mayor's Fitness Council will then evaluate and determine who of the 28 applicants will one of the 12 grants. This report was followed by questions from the committee members, along with a request for Ms. Talbert to provide information regarding any latchkey accommodation request throughout a school year period. E. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control — Taxicab Ordinance Changes by Marc Denson Andrea Ayala sitting in on behalf of Marc Denson stated there was nothing to report other than the department has one officer in the field for ADA patrols. Chairperson Vargas then requested Mr. Denson provides Parking Control activities for the months of January and February for the March meeting. Page 2 of 12 7. STATUS UPDATE REGARDING COMMITTEE GOALS Chairperson Vargas asked Ms. Aparicio why the Calendar of events only had a small number of events listed for the year. Ms. Aparicio stated she sent out an email to Committee members requesting them to reply with any information of any events they would like to have placed on the 2013 Calendar of Events. Ms. Aparicio then indicated she only received one email reply form Ms. Manrow with information on two events. As Committee members began sharing information of upcoming events Ms. Aparicio requested Committee members forward her event information via e -mail to update the calendar and redistribute the calendar to the Committee at the following meeting. Ms. Wambach followed up on her previous request for the Mayor to attend a future CFPWD meeting. Ms. Wambach then stated she has been invited to many events since moving to this City and possible a few more now on behalf of the Committee, Then she discussed ethical compliance issues when she invited to an event where accommodations weren't provided. Ms. Wambach then stated she would have an ethical problem attending an event that isn't accessible for people with hearing loss. Ms. Alana interjected with information regarding an upcoming event. Mr. Bates stated he wasn't sure if the discussion was focus on calendar items, then he stated he wanted to add on to Ms. Wambach's discussion further on the agenda under Agenda Items. MOTION 8. DISCUSSION /POSSIBLE ACTION — EXPANSION OF TECHNICAL TRENDS — BY DARREN BATES Mr. Bates indicated he was impressed with Ms. Telge's presentation, stating by looking at her presentation you can see Center for Independent Living has tracked the consumer request across cross disabilities. Mr. Bates mentioned his request a couple of meetings ago was to expand the detailed items of the Human Relations Report. Mr. Bated indicated he noticed the "Key highlights" has a new break out of the Human Relations Report and stated it was really good and heading in the right direction and then stated it would be a positive way to track a trend in the City by continuing opportunities and inclusion for people with disabilities. As Mr. Bates continued explanation of his request of the expansion of technical trends to the Committee and asking the Chairperson Vargas if it would be ok to have such a thorough and detailed report on an annual basis. Mr. Bates then asked Ms. Butler if she had anything to include on such a request, Ms. Butler then suggested the Committee create a subcommittee to gather the detailed information being requested by Mr. Bates with the assistance of the Human Relations Division. Mr. Bates then stated such report could be collaborated with other organizations such as CIBCIL, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center, ADARC, to gather a new index and trend of what it is that is needed to include people with disabilities. Mr. Bates then asked if the Committee would like to join him in the journey of developing such just a report. Chairperson Vargas asked Committee members to motion prior to creating the subcommittee. Motion to approve the development of a disabilities index through a subcommittee was made by Committee member Darren Bates and second by Committee member Mary Wambach. Motion passed. Mr. Bates request to postpone the creation of the Disabilities Index subcommittee till the following meeting was approved by Chairperson Bates to place on next month's agenda. Page 3 of 12 9. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT A. Update on City Council appointment to replace Harvey Salinas Ms. Butler explained the new City Council meeting schedule and stated reappointments for Committee members Vargas, Bates, Ramirez, and Manrow along with the replacement appointment for Mr. Salinas is expected to be in discussion during the 2/12/13 Council meeting for recommendation consideration. According to City Secretary's office the reappointments and replacement are expected to be sworn in 2/26/13. Chairperson Vargas encouraged Committee members to attend the City Council dates mentioned. B. Acknowledgement to Harvey Salinas for years of service to the Committee Chairperson Vargas gave Harvey Salinas a Certificate of Appreciation for the 6 years served on the Committee for People with Disabilities. The Committee gathered together to take a final photo with Mr. Salinas as a Committee member. (A copy of the photo is attached at the back of the Minutes) 10. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGEDNA After extensive discussion initiated by Darren Bates, Stacy Talbert, Parks and Recreation Department called the meeting to order in stating and the current discussion was not on the agenda echoed by Committee Member Sabrina Ramirez. As result of discussion, concluded Item A. A. Requested by Vice - Chairperson Bates – Discussion /Possible Action Public Events & Reasonable Accommodation, Modifications, and Public Accommodation B. Requested by Vice - Chairperson Bates – Creation of the Disability Index subcommittee C. Reminder by Wanese Butler - Presentation by Tyner Little regarding ADA issues in Nueces County. D. Requested by Mary Wambach – Discussion if and how this committee can take position for the next 6 to 8 months make a recommendation towards people with disabilities in the area. E. Previously requested by Mary Wambach, brought up by Wanese Butler - Invitation to mayor to attend CFPWD meeting, Ms. Butler stated she wasn't sure if such request could be made, however, she would discuss with City Secretary's Office. 11. ADJOURNMENT MOTION — Motion– Bertha Romero Second –Sabrina Ramirez Passed Page 4 of 12 Attachment 5. PRESENTATIONS B. Coastal Bend center for Independent Living (CBCIL) - by Judy Telge Page 5 of 12 Centers for Independent Living COastal Bend Center for non- residential Independent Living consumer controlled cross disability independent, local 501 c3 organizations assisting people with disabilities achieve their goals for independent living' supported by enabling federal legislation Rehab Act of 1978 as Amended and grant funding from U.S. Dept. of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration Page 5 of 12 CILs provide four core services information and referral independent living skills assistance peer counseling /support advocacy — personal and systemic Additional programs and services help to fill gaps and address barriers to living independently for people with disabilities CILs are consumer controlled individuals with disabilities make choices and are allowed `dignity of risk' services are based on goals, plans of the individual with a disability individuals with disabilities determine what services are received and who provides them CBCIL staff and Board have a majority of individuals with disabilities Reasons people access CBCIL a CIL is a community resource person may be new to the community or disability may be new to the person person is determined not employable denied benefits, services or access person wants to leave an institution or wants to avoid institutionalization Independent Living philosophy outgrowth of Civil Rights movement based in principles of self -help, peer support, self- determination, equal access changing society's perception of disability from unnatural, pathetic, broken to "disability is a natural part of life" not a medical model and not based in provider control of services "Nothing about us without us!" Eligibility criteria for services individual assisted has any type disability disability is determined by sight, script or individual declaration no charge for IL services assessment of needs, goals & strengths some programs have eligibility criteria based on the funding source CILs respond to local need /issues Consumer requests are for assistance with: health care services, supports transportation assistive technology employment readiness accessing or retaining benefits housing — affordable & accessible Page 6 of 12 CBCIL contacts Information & Referral: Fernando Acosta, Lillian Taylor Relocation Services: Tanya Torrez and Christina Buttler; Lee Torrez, Libby Rivera Home Modifications: Bob Pierce CLASS Case Management: Diana Garza Consumer Directed Services: Patti Alaniz Mobility Options Project: Lord Hill 6. STAFF REPORT/COMMENTS A. Human Relations Division - Monthly Performance Report and Texas Public Information Act Form 3. Techideal and Administrative Servkes I aawquaawdation requev m s and eft 00 Mp amm - Cornnyu ty Fduufon and Awarencu; and TceWcallAdministrativc t�Laace. I 2010 -20I1 1 2011-2012 12012-200[au c-ft.d hM EEOC- Owl I-J* r,, ebalf"I Or I ctatrad " FY YT4T.I.1 YTJ)%*fGoi EEOC Contract Yr IMO 11 to 912012 Closures Goal = 100; AuS2012 dmaUd to 81- EEOC Contract FY 2013 100 - 10flul 1 ; 8181/ Is 100 Charges. Total and % ofCoal - 104 8 IGO 64 100% 3 6 6 15 IntAo RvietnIs to EEOC Goal changed from I 10 w 50 VIM Tobd and %ofi3mal-10120, I to 912012. EEOC Contract FY 2013 is 75 Referral lalakes. Total a % 110-1012411; 71511 orcoal 98 M-812012 75 39 10270 7 4 5 16 21 111119 Fate Housing Contract Yr 712012 to 612013 =...201;, -I.. — 20133 0 3 3 1 1 11 28% EFOC Cliagei Closed wiGh 190 days as % .moral 75% 75% _I I m YTD-1012011to M012 47 8 closures 3 5 6 14 93% EEOC` Referr Charge Write-Ups (F Clurges) 71251 completed and sent to SAFO in 10 days or loss (as fo ol) 90% 90% 90% 13 49 1 4 4 2 to 63% events - 8111 to 7131 - 40 a] 6 stops. 49 _TAS 447 Eley �ttrts- 9 TAS 502 Parking Spaces TAS 503 RqesenQtr Loan TAS 505 Handralfs - 3 AhwaftneouglRoliarralA - new iE PIRTIN.M.704 Page 8 of 12 TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT PERSONAL INFORMATION RELEASE FORM M I I Name (Printed) no 6 t=s 65wvd or e,pmw4fec) The Texas Public information Act allows members of the public to have a ccess to your home - address, home telephone number, personal cellular phone number, (amily meagow unless vou tell th e City in vuritj access to this Information. g4n , 0-71 not to If you want to keep members of the public from having access to this information, please check the appropriate box(es) below (as applicable), sign and date this fo and then return the form to the Director of Human Resources. This completed f orm w ill be placed in your Official Personnel File. - -1 Signature Date 77 - 6t kr-AsE nwrURN TO: Page 9 of 12 I understand that if I want to amend these choices, I must Worm the Director of Human Resources in writing of my intent and fill out a new Personal InfOrmation Release Form. 7. STATUS UPDATE REGARDING COMMITTEE GOALS - CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 2013 January Date: Organization: Event Title: Time: Location: Description: February Date: Organization: Event Title: Time Location; Description: March Date; Organization: Event Title: Time: Location: Description: April Date. To Be Determined Organization: Human Relations Division Event Title: Promotion of Fair Housing Month Time: Location- Various Community Outreach Training on Fair Housing Description ------------- .......................................... --- ----------------------------------------------- ....................................... Date: To Be Determined Organization! Education Service Center, Region Two Event Title: 2013 Technology Olympics Time: To Be Determined Location: To Be Determined Description: This event allows students the opportunity to showcase their academic abilities through the use of their vision specific technology, LUA Date: 5/25/13 Organization: Texas Light House for the Blind Event. Rubber Dock Round - Up Time: 10 AM. -1 PM. Location: Cole Park; 1526 Ocean Dr. - 78404 Description: Family Event Date: To Be Determined Organization: NAACP, LULAC Event Title: Annual Health Fair Time* To Be Determined Location. To Be Determined Description: NAACP, LULAC and other organization joined forces to serve local residents with services they need, but perhaps cannot afford. Page 10 of 12 July Date: Organization: Event Title: Time: Location: Description: August Date: Organization: Event Title: Time: Location: Description: September Date: 09/28/13 Organization: IRAN Event: Walk n' Roll Time: 7 AM. —11 AM. Location: Bay Front Park on Resaca & Shoreline Description: People of all ages are welcome to lace up their sneakers, roll out their wheelchairs, leash up their dog guides, get their white canes or just bring your own two feet to bring community awareness for people with disabilities. October Date: To Be Determined Organization: Employment Alliance for People with Disabilities (EAPD) Event Title: 3` Annual Job Fair for People with Disabilities Time: To Be Determined Location: To Be Determined Description: Organizations, professionals and advocates work together by hosting the 3` Job Fair in the Coastal Bend, targeted for job seekers with disabilities and open to the Public. November Date: 11 /1/13 Organization: Texas Light House for the Blind Event Title: Birdies for the Blind Time: 12 noon - 6 PM. Location: Corpus Christi Country Club; 6300 Everhart Rd. 78413 Description: Please join us at the beautiful Corpus Christi Country Club Golf Course for a great afternoon of golf, networking, and just plain fun! FMI - Alana Manrow, 361.639.6183 or alanam December Date: Organization: Event Title: Time: Location: Description: Page 11 of 12 9. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT B. Acknowledgement to Harvey Salinas for years of service to Committee Page 12 of 12