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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 05/01/2013 Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for May 1, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Bates called the meeting to order at 3:09 p.m. a. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Darren Bates Bertha Romero Alana Manrow Mary Wambach David Ramos Carlos Vargas Committee Members Absent: Judah Hoehne Sabrina Ramirez Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Christina Aparicio (Human Relations) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Keith Langford (Police:Parking Control) Julio Dimas& Johns Speights(Development Services&Building Official) Staff Members Absent: Elizabeth Hundley (Legal) Stacie Talbert (Parks&Recreations) 2. Approval of Absences MOTION No absences for the 4/3/13 monthly meeting. Mrs. Aparicio stated Judah Hoehne and Sabrina Ramirez requested excused absences for the 5/1/13. Motion — Carlos Vargas Second — Bertha Romero Motion Passed. 3. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 413113 MOTION Motion — Mary Wambach Second —Alana Man row Motion Passed 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) 5. Judy Telge congratulated the Committee on its new leadership and Mr. Bates on his new role as Chairperson. 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Emergency Management — Danielle Hale, Nueces County Emergency Management Coordinator Chairperson Bates suggested presentations be postponed till after staff reports due to technical difficulties and not appropriate handouts. 6. STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS a. Human Relations Division Monthly Performance Report and April Fair Housing Month Mrs. Wilson provided the April 2013 Monthly Performance Report. Chairperson Bates stated the expansion of the detailed ADA Technical Assistance could be used to spotlight any specific trends that may be occurring or currently existing in the City. Brief discussion followed by Mrs. Wilson and David Ramos. Mrs. Wambach mentioned a former discussion about groups being represented on the City's website, Ms. Wambach requested the discussion be placed on the agenda for discussion as an item on the next Page 1 of 8 agenda and then stated she hopes to get a response from the City as well. Ms. Wambach then went on to describe exactly what the issue was. Chairperson Bates stated that comment/question would be recognized at the end of the current meeting agenda Item 12; Items to be placed on the Next Agenda. (A copy of the report and other handouts are attached at the end of the minutes) b. Development Services Department— Update Mr. Speights reported on the decrease of residential and commercial permits seen in March 2013 opposed to what was seen in April 2103 due to the new Unified Development Code (UDC). He then mentioned Gene Delauro, Assistant Building Official would act on his behalf due to any possible absences and stated Rust Arney, Plan Review Coordinator is also a Registered Accessibility Specialist (RAS) is available to assist in with anything under construction or under review. Mr. Speights then gave updates on several major projects. This report was followed by followed by brief discussion, comments and questions by various Committee Members which led to Mrs. Wilson's requested that Mr. Arney give a presentation to the Committee on the Sidewalk Cafe project down town. C. Engineering Service Department - Update Ms. Pyle reported the Bond 2008 construction has been completed, however it still needs a final walk through. She then stated the Bond 2012 ADA Master Plan Improvements will begin as soon as the design plans contact is awarded, construction should begin quickly. Ms. Pyle then stated the City will have an IDIQ contract with an ongoing contractor for the ADA ramp request to get done on a quarterly base. She also mentioned the CDBG project approved the 2012 design phase 1 on Water Street. This report was followed by brief discussion, comments and questions by various Committee Members. Ms. Pyle briefly mentioned Patsy Garcia, Human Relations Division ADA Compliance Officer is now accepting curb cut ramp requests. Discussion followed regarding the curb cut ramp request list information. d. Parks and Recreation Department — Potential for an Accessibility Park by Stacie Talbert Due to Ms. Talbert's absence no report was given. e. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control —ADA Parking Activates Update Keith Langford, Parking Inspector sat in on behalf of Marcus Denson. Mr. Langford stated he was currently the only Parking Control Officer who is issuing any parking violations. Mr. Langford reported in the month of April 2013 seven ADA violations and 143 blocked sidewalks citations were written and year to day a total of 57 ADA violations and four 429 blocked sidewalks in all have been written. Mr. Langford stated since the Neighborhood Initiative Awareness he believes is the reason why the ADA violations have decreased. Mrs. Wilson requested the number of citations be forwarded to the Human Relations Division to assist in capturing any trends. Mrs. Wilson then suggested possibly doing Public Service Announcement's (PSA's) to further educate the public about ADA accessible parking and blocking sidewalks. Further discussion followed Mrs. Wilson's request and suggestion by various Committee Members. Page 2 of 8 5. PRESENTATIONS b. Emergency Management— Danielle Hale, Nueces County Emergency Management Coordinator Ms. Hale presented on Nueces County Emergency Management and distributed PowerPoint slides to the Committee. This presentation was followed by comments and questions by various Committee members. (A copy of the handout are attached at the end of the minutes) 7. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON NOMINATING GOAL SUBCOMMITTEE Chairperson Bates accepted Committee members request to table the item till the next monthly meeting on 6/5/13. Motion — Bertha Romero Second - Carlos Vargas Motion Passed 8. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE CELEBRATION OF THE ADA ENACTMENT Chairperson Bates asked all Committee members to come up with ideas on how they would like to celebrate the ADA enactment and for everyone to share their information with the committee. Mr. Bates stated the same item would be placed as discussion/action. 9. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON RE-CREATING THE ENGINEERING SUBCOMMITTEE, Mrs. Wilson stated the Engineering Subcommittee would be given the opportunity to take a look at City projects pertaining to curb cuts and sidewalk request. The Engineering Subcommittee would also be able to look into the number and types of calls received by the Human Relations Division regarding ADA technical assistance, curb cut and sidewalk request. Motion — David Ramos Second — Bertha Romero Motion Passed Chairperson Bates appointed Committee members David Ramos, Carlos Vargas and Mary Wambach as the Engineering Subcommittee members. All appointed Committee members accepted their appointments to be part of the Engineering subcommittee. 10. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON NOMINATION TO FILL VACANCY HELD BY DONNIE CONTRERAS Committee members nominated Marshall Burns; Laura Lindsey and Larissa Ann Ford. Mrs. Wilson announced Laura Lindsey received two votes, Marshall Burns received three votes and Larissa Ann Ford received one vote. Chairperson Bates stated the Committees recommendation would be forwarded to the Mayor's office. 11.CHAIRPERSONS REPORT a. Strategic Alliance with Community Advocates Chairperson Bates stated he would like to place this item back on the agenda as an action item to create the Strategic Alliance with other organizations so the CFPWD can round up support to fill up the seats with meaningful audience members. Mr. Bates requested Mrs. Wilson send an invitation to various community organizations and entities to attend the next regular meeting and join the strategic alliance with the Committee to assist in creating a more sustainable successful community. Page 3 of 8 12. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGEDNA Presentations • Requested by Mary Wambach - City website questions - by Annie Leal/Kim Womack • Requested by Sylvia Wilson - Sidewalk Cafe's downtown(presentation) - by Russ Arney • Requested by Mary Wambach - Parking control educational training or video on safety use of the "Red Cards" - by Marc Denson • Requested by audience member (Tracy Ferezan) - Good Will Industries - by Tracy Ferezan Items • Requested by Darren Bates - Table #7: Discussion/Action on nominating goal subcommittee • Requested by Darren Bates - Discussion/Action regarding the celebration of the ADA Enactment • Requested by Darren Bates - Discussion/Action on developing a Strategic Alliance subcommittee Mr. Bates requested legal advisor attend the Committee meetings from her on out. MOTION UADJOURNMENT Motion — David Ramos Second — Mary Wambach Motion Passed Attachment (Followed on next page) Page 4 of 8 6. STAFF REPORUCOMMENTS a. Human Relations Division - Monthly Performance Report and April Fair Housing Month and ADA Individual Curb Ramp Request I€e NIAN REL79IC7NS(5`2813 l€kSSIO-N-AM)SERVICE$7 RAT f'G1'• .. , _..._ ....___ g 6 rw rss tied Eq €W P,"irommms With Rcslaact nda Isrnfess 0 mtrs....1h.Memo Relations©eputnrm will _ V11I1ta goal €cst I) W duct red Crier-epos tivo probra d cL inn4sErimnkeon€n E.rapinpiviit Fair Hausinw,Public Acct.....Iuda€e a,a,1 G.a:,rgrl ance with the Aeuee aI s €I 13 ssla 1[e Acq f1V33 n€dnta 191 C'tf5 uFLog1 ns C hr sco We ws`ll also nakc rep its ai.d—0 tar tr danwis It]_ -. the Oty 4rnmcd and ushers,toward tic bows€er€of geop and ntec VotIp reladnnshaps c isldn the cut.rounnt MAJOR PRiJL 8.14€S 1,�`I1§t Ill II}S: A.'S'0A4 17asca•lm€aeaitva Plagoe, .. ., I.111lake Enmxsssgah-,,mW h4cdilimiFtesotnlik-Scrsiiurs _ _ .... e Conim In€ty tAUn.ach,Eduuanon,and Alvarcr>es3 7 Technca€and Adrnnts€rativa Smic s R A EIA C ompttadce I Add—and ,we ar r A€3l­q,l ar cc,w d related Issucs tlsrongb—onwxidauon r qucsm and c_i¢imri cornp€ 317y. 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PRESENTATIONS a. Emergency Management— Danielle Hale, Nueces County Emergency Management Coordinator Overview �jrrf �yv What's new this year? Emergency Management Plan Update Emergency Operation Center Assisted Evacuation • Reentry ff �7�rfi • Department Responsibilities/Plans —Employee Policy/Essential Personnel "`� '"e —Purchasing Policy/Emergency Contracts 2012 HURRICANE SEASON —Record Keeping Emergency Management Plan Update BASIC PLAN It Nueces County ANNEX ASSIGNED TG: AnnexA Warnin Sheriff I MetmCem Director Annex Communications Sheriff/Metr°Cem Director Emergency Operations Ce n to r Annex C.Shelter&Mass Care Communi Services Director Annex D.Radiological Protection CRUnty.Pire Chief's Association President Annex E'. Evacuation Sheriff Annex F Firefighting County .Fire Chief's Association President Annex G.Law Enforcement Sheriff G OF Annex H. Health and Medic al Services Crylrounty Public Health Director Annex I Public Information Government Affairs Officer,OCCA "�, ., H Annex K PuhGc Works&Engineering Public Works Director c,, Annex L. Utilities Public Works Director Annex M. Resource Marraicerneitt Pore a'ing Agent f Annex N'. Direction Cc ohm County Judge/Emergency Mgmt Coordinator Appendix 4 Animal Issues Committee County Ag AgentlCounty Animal Control Annex O Human Services Human Services Director Annex Hazard Mitigation Emergency Management Coordinator 0y { rr r 1 „ Q'I r,rs t i( r.e L 'A r .k Annex R.Search&Rescue County Fire Chiefs Association President Annex S.Trans ortat on Common Services Director . F.... Annex=F Donations Management Human Services Director Annex U. Le al Coun .Attorney Annex V'.Terrorist Incident Response Sheriff Page 6 of 8 SM EOC Budget . Cost �gss Reception • ��� 'Fc ; � t a —$200,000 local project funds(no local tax dollars!) ` • General Construction i 9 pYrpr(7 V e& i�ll�l�ij jllr7^r.. • Architect/Design • Asbestos Removal/Remediation • ADA Inspection f '>> ; f ✓r • Federal Grant Cost Match g —$143,000 State Homeland Security Grant Programs f� • EOC Enhancement(equipment/communications) —$70,000 FEMA EOC Grant • General Construction Storage —$50,000 FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program • Storm Shutters(pending award notification) g 1 Technology ��. Conference Room 16 x 16 Audio/Visual Matrix a � —3 Room Controls —5 Monitors —3 Projectors —6 Workstation Inputs —4 Cable Television Inputs ' srr • Built in speakers throughout • Smart Board Office • Phone connections(1:2 and 1:1) • Network/LAN Connections(1:1) • Wifi Creature Comforts Future Upgrades (nearfuture) • Spot Coolers Generator Backup . Camera Feeds • Maps —4 Purchased Storm Shutters —TOOT • Clocks —7 Available Spots —in progress — Port of Corpus Christi . Vests —Quick Connects Charging Stations . Radio Base Stations . Resource Manuals —Ventilation fan to draw hot • HAM Radio/Operator fi � a air across and out of ceiling space Satellite Radio/Phone • ADA Compliant Bathroom Antenna(MSAT) • Cell Phone Booster Coffee Nook!!! • Small Conference Area ��- f Page 7 of 8 S,r Future Upgrades (Lear future) • Camera Feeds Maps —TxDOT ' Clocks — Port of Corpus Christi Vests • Radio Base Stations • Resource Manuals ry ' • NAM Radio/Operator • Satellite Radio/Phone @� ' Antenna (MSAT) • Cell Phone Booster • County Evacuation Pick Up Points Nueces County Embarkation Hub • Richard Borchard BluntzerFireDepartment Regional Fairgrounds � • Banquete Community • Serves Western portions i Center of Nueces County-Aqua • Agua Dulce David Berlanga Dulce,Bishop,Driscoll Community Center Petronila,Robstown and • Petronila Elementary r School all unincorporated areasU • Driscoll City Hall • Managed by City of X, • Bishop Community Center Robstown � • Robstown HEB(Robstown bus routes will be adjusted • Coordinated by Nueces to stop at the Ag Center) County EOC • All regular RTA routes throughout County • NO PUBLIC PARKING! • 5 additional in City of CC Texas Emergency Tracking Network • Statewide Interoperabilityr:t • Follow movement from embarkation to shelter location for all evacueest_ I �, b z4 • Maintain family units to include pets �f • Track durable medical equipment'`° _i a f' Page 8 of 8