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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 07/03/2013 Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for July 3, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairperson Manrow called the meeting to order at 3:06 p.m. a. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Alana Manrow Judah Hoehne Bertha Romero David Ramos Sabrina Ramirez Marshall Burns Committee Members Absent: Darren Bates (Resigned) Mary Wambach Carlos Vargas Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Christina Aparicio (Human Relations) Jamie Pyle (Engineering) Marc Denson (Police:Parking Control) Stacie Talbert (Parks&Recreations) Johns Speights(Development Services&Building Official) Staff Members Absent: Elizabeth Hundley (Legal) (attended briefly prior to meeting beginning) 2. Approval of Absences MOTION-1 Sabrina Ramirez and Bertha Romero requested an excused absence for the 6/5/13 meeting. Motion — David Ramos Second — Marshall Burns Motion Passed. 3. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF 413113 MOTION-1 Motion — David Ramos Second —Judah Hoehne Motion Passed 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) a. Richard Balli talked about the new handicap signs that have been approved in New York. Mr. Balli stated is currently trying to get a hold of Blake Farenthold, Congressman and "Chuy" Hinojosa, State Senator to present the new sign to be approved for the State of Texas. (Documentation of topic attached at the end of the minutes) 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Good Will Industries - by Trace Ferezan Ms. Ferezan, Director of Mission Services informed the CFPWD of the services the Good Will Industries provides to the community. A hand out of the Goodwill mission services was also provided. This presentation was followed by brief questions and comments by various Committee members. (PowerPoint slides and handouts attached at the end of the minutes) b. City of Austin's Visit-ability Program - by John Speights, Building Official, Development Services Mr. Speights briefly discussed the City of Austin's Ordinance No. 20080618-094, Page 1 of 15 regarding accessible homes. Mr. Speights also gave an accessible home PowerPoint presentation. This presentation was followed by brief questions and comments by various Committee members. (A copy of the Ordinance and PowerPoint slides attached at the end of the minutes) 6. STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS a. Human Relations Division Monthly Performance Report and Division Highlights Mrs. Wilson mentioned as of 7/2/13 Chairperson Darren Bates resigned from the CFPWD. Mrs. Wilson then mentioned due to the resignation there was now a vacancy that needs to be filled. Mrs. Wilson then stated a discussion/action will need to be taken placed on next month's agenda to see if the Committee would like a bio subcommittee or have to have the whole CFPWD review all the bios. Mrs. Wilson provided the June 2013 Monthly Performance Report and Division Highlights. Brief comments and questions were made by various Committee members. (A copy of the report and other handouts are attached at the end of the minutes) b. Development Services Department— Monthly Update Mr. Speights stated he had previously given his update during his presentation. C. Engineering Service Department - Monthly Update Ms. Pyle provided and discussed a handout regarding the preliminary ADA Bus Stop Improvements Plan update. The Engineering Service Department Update was followed by questions and comments by various Committee Members and Staff. Mrs. Wilson suggested on having John Alexander from RTA to give a presentation for the August monthly meeting. (A copy of the plan is attached at the end of the minutes) d. Parks and Recreation Department— Monthly Update Mrs. Talbert reported on the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation Games of Texas brochure that was distributed to Committee members. TAAF Games of Texas will be from July 25-28, 2013 throughout the City of Corpus Christi. Ms. Talbert also stated plenty of Volunteers are needed and encouraged the CFPWD to assist in volunteering. Brief questions were asked by various Committee members and Staff. (A copy of the brochure is attached at the end of the minutes) e. Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control —ADA Update Juan Perez introduced himself stating he recently transferred to CCPD Parking Control and is the new Parking Enforcement Supervisor, Mr. Perez stated Mr. Denson has been promoted and will attend the CFPWD meeting on his behalf should he not be available. Mr. Perez then stated the Parking Control Department should be fully staffed in about six months. They currently have two individuals attending training. Mrs. Wilson asked Mr. Perez if it would be possible for him to research statistical information on ADA related citations from the Municipal Court on a monthly basis to see if there are any trends. Mr. Perez stated he would research that information and provide the statistical information to the Committee next month. Page 2 of 15 7. DISCUSSION/ACTION ON DEVELOPING A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT (PSA) SUBCOMMITTEE Ms. Wilson stated a motion would be needed to see if the Committee would want to develop a PSA subcommittee. Questions regarding the duties of the PSA subcommittee MOTION members were asked and answered. Motion — David Ramos Second — Marshall Burns Motion Passed Ms. Manrow stated she would like to be a part of the PSA subcommittee member and requested two other Committee members volunteer to be on the PSA subcommittee. Marshall Burns and David Ramos volunteered to be on the PSA subcommittee. Motion — Bertha Romero Second — Sabrina Ramirez Motion Passed 8. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT Ms. Manrow stated there was nothing to report other than requesting Committee members to consider other individuals who may want to be on the CFPWD. Ms. Manrow then requested Committee members keep in mind the vacancy of the Chairperson's position for those who may be interested in being considered as Chairperson. Mrs. Wilson interjected requesting Committee members attend the acceptance of the ADA proclamation on 7/16/13, at 11:15 a.m. in City Hall, Council Chambers. Ms. Wilson stated the proclamation is to celebrate the 23rd year of the ADA enactment anniversary. Ms. Wilson stated she has invited numerous ADA advocates to attend and encouraged the CFPWD to invite other organizations who support the ADA (Adult Disability Act). Ms. Wilson stated the Human Relations Davison would provide cookies with the ADA insignia to be handed out after the proclamation. 9. IDENTIFY ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON NEXT AGEDNA Presentations • Reminded by Sylvia Wilson — Bus Stop improvements - by John Alexander, Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) • Requested by Marshall Burns — Emergency Natural Disaster Plan — by Billy Delgado, Emergency Management Coordinator Items • Requested by Vice Chairperson Alana Manrow - Public Service Announcement (PSA) Subcommittee - Report 10.ADJOURNMENT MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second — Bertha Romero Motion Passed Attachment (Followed on next page) Page 3 of 15 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS (LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES) Richard Balli 'The'Ar�cessible Icon Project The Accessible Icon Project The Icon Graphic Elements WHAT'S UP WITH THE NEW ivow TO SEE WHAT IT'S ALL ASouT, m. db 0 =1�1.111111 'A 0 The Accessible Icon Project About Is this ADA Compliant? Page 4 of 15 P; [lie A.<s k E[ n YkuJCCi I I xx-THC Aa -E 1 1-oit NmFOCt stn �I �rE rwr5 xde-:d eruru sat cr_u rr. Collage and University Partners 9 m 4 5 The Accessible Icon Project x ,xta�we� a�rv��rwfl� a„�r� '.. Medical Partners �� J. d �� r .o mdm exa u+w mv`•:e School Partners City Partners w� .ewt.� as d AF+� +w, opya«d veep rguq UW t k„s�,eu eMSe•sm sv otv Yin+r� P'su e n 10-.t Wtyt-a nmi Jra -._.,.raax rH«d mw s.� Snd.a uxsrone. nars�.�.o-- -r:..�aoi os aeWruw. Corporate Partners r" n'pmaoriy x+ti6iwM1, -0mpae= rvawr d„ma.u<pmai •.a.rv�- tet�n i�arc o nett nxngaw tM .�ea,u�. Internet Partners +�`nricxs-TFx l4sr;evsible�lmn lt�iejea The Accessible Icon Project Services � �` sF � � vendeuw xuA s'a w.ow,�z§.n �n„ j6 u.rtwm urn s xua!9umsaM nnhgssxuv dv4 ntaawn p'. 0� G26 4 lry ?Pon.Xt§'ulu otMwr R Vrkmaa nii. r wcwse xsrw nma.:ru9a iw,m g«m n%a-a»cwt rae swxrns N�4 wse m GSn .ne.�s �N+xhuu. x.aeav.ri Wla.c. ernr v tcrvm wmuxay <a ae you ax Deco in.ww ;�exwoasas,iMM A xs,xe i5 P'E Vtti n,m iL (- dacaw�.wiii j1ar. Page 5 of 15 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Good Will Industries - by Trace Ferezan m"f��, Goodwill • lu .r sF,f e.Pv 7c z�r, 3l goodiviffcfanges fives througft tree prover of 2vork Me Our Mission Common Barriers to To create life-ganging opportunities for people with disabilities or barriers to n welfare participants ex-offenders employment. a recovering substance abusers a persons with physical/mental disabilities Goodwill Industries of south Texas, Inc. has been providing services since 1948. r «rf .z ,iA;;,. irrrrr Frrtraarrratp jrs+tf r,, rr, s,nrz<tfrT rrrc r Common Characteristics Employment Precedents • Difficult candidates to present toemployers. a TheU.s.Unemployment rate is 7.8%. • Have a limited education level. a, The Texas Unemployment rate is at 6.2% • Lack reliable transportation. • lack family support. • Constrained time for education,training,and work. Nueces County °6.2% 2012— "6.8% k 2011— 7.8°la n s Page 6 of 15 mi Goodwill Employment Services Preparation Services a Development of individualized plans for the client's goals and work objectives. ,jftttP Case management to address work related barriers Classroom based instruction to teach social and job readiness skills training. Preparation: Preparation Personal/Social AdjUstment Training Work Experience Prograrns • Helps [dents develop the basic skills needed to live and work z The Work Experience programs offerdients a transiliorbng ground between independently. classroom instruction and the workptace. ® Topics Covered through this Course Include: ® The varied programs include Work Adjustment Training (WAT) and Budgeting WORKS(Work opportunities Resat in Heys to Success) Time management Paid hands on employment training is pm%ded through these programs and omw in the fofdow ng divisions: Community Resorxces CommuntGation Retail Operations 2�= Hyglenetgroomirg , ; s Retail r Conflict resolution . Prod uctwn 81Nareh us ag s Stress Management ��-" Commercial Operations Disability Awareness ��'" � . DoMracts({snftariaq Goc�c9will Placement Services Our Partners Sary cis a_.t.. • Jots Development • Staff assisted job search . • Job Club&Job Fairs • Assessment at 4 weeks • Supported Employment z -� is Ability One . CCAD ` ' I . cutodiat Cerical , [ A m Goodwill Temporary Services(GTS) Grounds Keeping #.,s' s�ux�q.trrry wage assn xrryIn- ' Page 7 of 15 Retention Services Give A Hand-Up IN Follow-Alongservices m Persons with disabilities/disadvantaging conditions in south Texas Clent will have enhanced and increased their: Empbyer job readiness SMIS creating a stronger mrfrforce. Referring agency their chances of searing a pb. • Jots Coaching career potential and earnings and consequentty their chance of • Re-employment adievng self-sufficiency. q ie support of thecommunitgand otheragenciesmaid itpossibfiforgoodwiffto chantgeryes f Page 8 of 15 b. City of Austin's Visit-ability Program - by John Speights, Building Official, Development Services No steps en route Accessible Homes John 5peights- Building official ... g Minimum doer width of 32 inches Minimum door width of 30 inches for at least one first floor entry for all first floor doors f I, 4.. Lever handle hardware on all first floor doors l Blocking behind the bath and f toilet in one first door � t fi r bathroom so that grab bars could be installed in the future. 3 L; t Page 9 of 15 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY REPORT FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2013 (101) (1021 (104) (105) ONE FAMILY CONDOWTOWNHOUSES TWO FAMILY THREE OR FOUR FAMILY FIVE OR MORE FAMILY TOTALS NO. PROJECT NO, PROJECT NO. NO. PROJECT NO. NO. NO. PROJECT NO. NO. NO, PROJECT NO. NO, NO. PROJECT MONTH SLOGS COST UNITS COST SLOGS UNITS COST PERMITS SLOGS UNITS COST PERMITS SLOGS UNITS COST PERMITS BLOCS UNITS COST JAN 33 15,376,649 7 856,170 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 22 229 1,41 B4O63 112 112 319 17,650,882 PE S 78 12,431,077 10 1,223,100 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 88 88 88 13,704,177 MAR 88 14,576,746 0 0 0---0--------2 0 88 88 88 14,576,746 JAPR 81 13,437.788 4 264,421 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 85 85 BS 13,702,209 MAY 78 12,973,618 5 618,23 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 1 491 10,346.5671 84 841 2741 23,938,380 1 JUN 92 18091,189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 jO 0 13 1,3 236 1�8,�617,053105 7,308,242 JUL —0 0 0 0 0 G a 0 AUG Ol 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 ol a 0 01 0 01 0 1 0 SEP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0– 0 0 OCT 0 OF 0. 0. 0, 0. 0 OF "I a 0 0 - 4- ---1 NOV a a 0 a 01 a 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 EC 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 500 97,537,027 26 1 2,96J1,92 ol Ol 0 1 0 0 0 0 36 361 656 30,381,683 562 562 1,182 120,880,636 CITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI---BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION ALL CONSTRUCTION SUMMARY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2013 ADDITIONS& ADDITIONS& New REMODELING NEW REMODELING RESIDENTIAL EXISTING COMMERCIAL EXISTING MOVING MOBILE HOMES DEMOLITION SIGNS TOTALS CT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT C OMMERCIAL P=T P=T P=T PRCOoJSETCT SIONTH —MITS PRCoOjSET( PERMITS PROJECT COST PERMITS COST PERMITS PROJECT COST PERMITS PERMITS P=T 'ERMITS PERMITS PERMITS JAN 112 $ 17,650,881 217 $ 4,286,227 14 $ 3,032,616 70 $ 2,740,437 6 $ 0 $ 22 $ 407,371 38 $ 631,088 478 $ 28,747,620 FEB 88 $ 13,704,177 255 $ 2,223,585 28 $ 8,684,603 57 $ 2,862,561 2 $ 2 $ 4,573 18 $ 159,958 30 $ 209,089 480 $ 27,848,646 MAR 88 $ 14,576,746 306 $ 2,807,769 18 $ 19,098,042 91 $ 20,068,678 2 $ 6 $ 10,900 22 $ 248,316 25 $ 127,111 558 $ 56,937,562 APR 85 $ 13,702,209 335 $ 5,771,170 19 $ 9,687,048 68 $ 4,422,787 2 $ 3 $ 29,750 39 $ 648,035 50.$ 142,287 601 $ 34,403,286 MAY 84 $ 23,938,380 326 $ 5,338,153 18 $ 11,146,266 61 $ 17,855,657 4 $ 5 $ 48,659 22 $ 121,993 25 $ 155,398 545 $ 58,604,506 JUN 92 $ 18,691,189 303 $ 3,915,888 34 $ 17,667,784 79 $ 16,989,228 24 $ 4 $ 55,700 26 $ 81,670 21 $ 47,815 582 $ 56,349,274 JUL 0 $ - 0 $ 0 $ AUG 1 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ SEP 0 $ Ol$ 0 $ OCT 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ NOV 0 $ DEC 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ ,TOTALS, 549 $ 102,263,582, 1,742 $ 24,341,792 131 r$ 69,2145,359 426 1$ 63,939,448 39!$ 201$149,582 1 1481$ 1,667,3431 1891$ 1,312,188, 3,2 $ 262,890,894 ORDINANCE NO. 20080618-094 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 25.12, ARTICLE II (RESIDENTIAL CODE) RELATING, TO ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR SINCLE•FAMILY AND DUPLEX CONSTRICTION;AND WAIVING THE REQUIREVIENT OF CITY CODE SECTION 254-502(1)). BE TP ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: PART 1. City Code Section 25-12-241 (Residential Code) is amended to repeal and replace Subsection(B)to read (13) The following provisions of The 2006 International Residential Code are deleted Section R103 Section R30 1 2 4 Section R602 9 1 Section 105 2 Table R301 2() Section R602 8 1 1 ScctioaR105.31.i Section k302 Section R7026 Section R105 3 2 Section 8302.1 Section M1305.1.3 Section 105 5 'fable 8302 1 Section M1305 1 3 I Section R 106 1 3 Section R309 5 Section M2201 6 Section RI01)1 3 Section R322 Section E3901 Section R 1 10,3 Section R324 Sect€on E3902 Section 8112 Section R602 8 Parr IV Part VI Part VII fart VIII PART 2, City Code Section 25-12-243(Local Amendments to Elie Residential Corte)is amended to:add the Iohowimi new sections SECTION 8322 ACCESSIBILITY R322.1 Scope. The requirements of this section apply to new construction of a single- Iamily dwelling or duplex for which a building permir application is submitted :after January 1,2009 Where there are four or more dwelling units or slreping units in a single Structure,the provisions of Chapter I I of the International Building Code for Group R.-3 shall apply. R322.2 Accessible bathrooms within dwelling units. if a water closet room or bathroom is provided oil the first story of a dwelling unit, the water closet room or bathroom mast have a rninunum clear opening of al least 30 inches(762 non) Page I of 2 + 8322.3 Wall reinforcement in bathrooms. If a water closet room or bathroom is provided on the first story of a dwelling unit,the water closet room or bathroom Must. contain a toilet and a lavatory and have remldreed walls that meet the following standards: I lateral Two-inch (51 min) by six inch (152 rum) or larger nominal wood blocking niusi be installed Slush with stud edges of bathroom walls,and 2 the centerline of the blocking must be 34 inches(836 rum)from and parallel w the interior floor level Exceptions; I Blocking is not required in[lie portion of the water closet room or bathroom wall located directly behind file lavatory 2 If more than arc water closet room or bathroom is provided on the first floor of as dwelling unit, only one water closet room or bathroom is required to meet the blocking standards in this section PART 3. The city manager is directed to niottnor the administralion cif the accessibility requirements adopted by this ordinance,as codified in Section 8322 of tlic Residenital code. PART 4. The city council waives the requirement for review by die appropriate echnical board under City Code Section 25-1-502(D) PART 5. This ordinance takes effect on June 29,2008 PASSED AND APPROVED S June 18 2008 � - � _ Will W to Mayor APPROVED: . _ ATTEST;� avid rllln.S=-nrtlt Shnitry Cup Attorney C Page 2 of 2 Page 11 of 15 5. STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS a. Human Relations Division Monthly Performance Report and Division Highlights HUM AN RELATIONS FY2013 MISSION AND SERVICE STRATF,GY' With a pawl of"Fostering Diverse and Equitable Environments With Respect and Professionalism",the human Relations Department will conduct and enforce a ositive program of non-dtscrtmnation in Employment Fair Housing,Fublic Accommodation aad Compliance with Ota Amencans with Disalathties Act(ADA}wtthin the Cry afCorpus Christi. We wnli also make reports and recommendations to the City Council and others,toward the ketterment of group and inter-roup relationships within the community. MAJOR PR{)C,RAAIS AND SERVICES: _ A. Nan-Discnminatlon Program € 1.Intake,Investigative,and Mediation/Resolution Services 2.Gommumty Outreach Education,and Awareness 3.Technical and Admtnistrative Services —- - - B ADA Compliance —_ - — - - L Address and_n or itor ADA com lip ance,and related issues,through accommodation requests and citizen complaints; Community Education and Awareness:and Technical/Administrative Assistance. 2.Coordinatraa of implementation,monitoring,and a to of the Citywide ADA Transition Plan PERFORMANCE MEASURE OBJECTIVES Actual Actual Adopted Merck A�rril May_ June 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 prior Contract Contractor Mir:EEOC- 1 FY YTD rContrac[or F'1 Qet'Ir-July Total YTD%orGoal 'r1.;FD:Juty 1ma 2013 2013 2013 2013 A. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE, v --- - -Provide Investigative Sarvico to include intake,investigation,mediation,conciliation,monitoring,and charge resolution in Em to ent(including ADA),Fair Housing,and Public Accommodation. ensures: u tp u 5 EEOC Contract Yr 1012011 to 9/2012 Closures Goal=100, 100 Aug 2012 changed to 81. EEOC Contract CY 2013 is 100 dwngraded Charges.Total and%of Goal- 1.00-1012011, to 84 June 104 81-8/2012 2013 64 4 2 1 5 3 37 44% Intake Referrals to EEOC Goal changed from 110 to 50 75 812012 Total and%of Goal-10/2011 to 912012. EEOC dwngraded Contract FY 2013 is 75 Referral Intakes. 'Total and% Ito-10/2011 to 70 of Goal 98 50-8/2012 June2013 1 39 3 1 4 6 1 5 47 67% HUD Fair Housing Contract Yt 712012 to 6/2013 Complaint (July-June (July- Resolutions Goal of 30 42 2012) June 2013) 0 1 4 2 6 31 103% Measures t ec ivenesss EEOC Charges Closed vothin 180 days as%oftotal closures YTD-10/2011 to 9/2012 75% 75% 75% 47 3 2 0 2 24 65% EEOC Referrals Charge Write-Ups(Perfected Charges) completed and sent to SAFO in 10 days or less(as%of) 90% 90% 90% 15 2 4 6 5 37 79% HUD Fair Housing Complaints closed within 100dasas%oftotal 70% 70% 70% 0 0 2 1 1 16 52% B. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: - Provide"Conimunity Outreach,Education,and Awarenesss" ensures:ZluitpuT Number of training sessions,community meetings,and informational events-8/1/to 7/31=50 40 40 50 8 20 7 1 67 134% C. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide ADA Accessibility,Accontmodarions,and Technical Assistance Re nest resolution easurest output ADA Citizens'Cotn laints Accessibili 100 100 100 1 I 5 1 15 15°/a Public Accommodation Inquiries/Requests 55 55 55 4 1 1 4 1 54 98% New/Le uests for Accontm.Trash/Rcc cle Pickups 20 20 20 6 6 1 2 2 47 235% Chan es/Updates for Accom.Trash/Rcc cle PT gm 5 (Y 1 6 126 ADA Technical Assistance 40 40 50 12 16 9 3 130 2601/6 Flan Reviews/Site Visits 25 6 13 t0 1 82 Key III klight". June 2013: -- -- _, EEOC:3 —- - Pair Housing_fi closures, -- - PA 2 CTechic 1 ssisfe TAR P Tec tart,Assistance -- - -- — - TARPS-2 Start 6 Stopped ADA Technical Assistance(5 Assistance,2 Elements 13 Referrals) TAS 402 Accessible Routes-1 - - TAS 502 Parking Spaces-1 Referral,CIBCiL-2(ramp and Disability Services and also to Sr.Comm Serv. i Page 12 of 15 c. Engineering Service Department - Monthly Update CORPUS CHRISTI REGIONAL_ TRANSPORTATION AU11-1GRITY ADA BUS STOP IMPROVEMENTS PHASE IV PACKAGE #1 SN FT VNC X 5t CETrvU bF5CfY VTIQN LEGEND JUNE, 2013 ' q x t PROJECT NO,9079 t E / f � I IF I J i A f l i $I 1 1 ai 1F st r -Q "•- H VV tl S,,Y 9 P Y�x /�l f a IT> xt,rr,+rN,x ur.rtu LOCAI JON MAP t/7�rr x,n �, NaismithEngineeringinc t ENGINEERINGWENVIRONMENTAL■SURVEYING bPrrx aro:,. Tope—Eris aeNCrt na rnvt rrfrlNCS eusr;�s bxfl + .... __. RIB.= 1 nF 52 s mcl,x,r, a.5:QrlhRlliR➢4d a hf rr PI,FFF Ciptl u+o or Ill-U x 9 gemn 1P. .11L cPtty +[o ru 5s�9nverFD xnc_wP!excF- xe urnli5 ar q[iwfevgx „1 Ck N + r a.Jk ue s nr+tl sClr-- n �tll[Li d lao : nmx 4xn[mry ¢.tFrc a es rcso cx2 ow rx[Pt!rv5+v 1, G uI R F. F.Ill "xceq x—1 JCL YU4fl 1e gPU:rcn eo R6 4'Ml,FE Pl qr sysrtwfi G 6 rn4i L Y vx+ p FnKr x Gxr-4ra h94 p rrl as w +mr fkV*(.EfxCsUY E n Sa xa txf o a5 c rt& d q iu ff a f t cN LVa w x£ w w 1 'I" -rt l.._ 1 E£fl aCM .Gft E5. n x G.. P if Nw xv 'r a .revs c sn sr nwDS.q 'I lorl EUI' f3 R 9PP—lP- k['+i+6 {u: NL1 £p 1c E £Fk+u t6 f W ait ns 1C ( s 11w. QE pCl ctl Ot Cnt`f rs truss Ma lo.41% ra.E 4R c9 i u(K£ur Ln'u xY c s n[nl I L R Urr ;q 1 S A S�PJ-NPE +V I s y t I.ue G .n tT N 5 ati A P+cNx n5 n[{:LN xx x�e g4.iL mu rk.+atr ri nr WRx wytN sox s nnfiNb AL wtn9s r2c'/R€o ur u+awc xc r+mf.u+x tirxuc'npW pP(pni 6u� Rw6W Ula Es Nx 9n iu rvxP£trM/,NqH[{u c q a , xxu.+ nq£s s a �. ax oa ex cnx s.+., s EY °x f c r ° cra< se uma�r=4 v war xc it f,S'iR✓.f9e„WL re91 FY IFk#NCN tx u+g V ltt 4quPrur re r:RE r)hL E p r�M ac�: c € r cowrut:i cox uiza5£a vn 4 NF`or Pz 0,L tl Pk r J cs zU itn E f W 5 vnu n[ IF uric t rvm 11 w9ul rHa, x r?t nx GUI�tl iu f t+£tt prtc L + �[F ,ui>I FIT-1 I c R e xu s ara Fai P'IT 111,,I'll r`s a- sansa�uc¢eu P0. 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FFi p C. r .. vuc Ill—_vx GcarSi WGx pN Ar N£'tt I,uHU acv Wlike kw 6t[anANS ra N.f iGxw,v+5 vutL PE n uxrutu c(a I.'Coµ P r r n[w avxrnrt uxum l a IN n 1Wfprla v'Naa)n r Ne 3t ar xCga: .15T1111 1 rct tt.ell RAP 0 s u:.kL vuf tvV wu Kwn ni m tN UIE PT IjI1011 F�n i s acmes sf+tic o nw owsra.t wi t w nk srocw E c an a Fos; Ill I Ill 11 n PdF SsAC f H u 'P ( 1. cN _ 5 Y N OV'cEp t rxfl ­II 5 &CPEE n FIX+f i a D s Rf rte ort e 1 b ox I—o,xo ua qN o,u"amvnrvo T Ex- o,-1 xar nE cararlmNry eau ,t Ds rm Gnr w r I CiCSJPCS'. F+c.vat€rw�V,[. c91 P-1 rn<4. [.,n1vx xkucitax M � n Wt r ti N x k LS(F. -P tE P£R. 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COPPUS CHR15 fE REL @[7 NAl.TP,ANSPf6RTATICIN.AI.ITHD a'l%V GENERAL NOTES Ell EGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY w Page 13 of 15 �G Yh�y��� a p ,� fi '�r'•i<}�.� � �i ��� �i ,�""z � �1'kr��� ,"3�a ��, AREA 01 c r 0 1 L _ E` ,� i ✓ ,�11��� j' r "�, 0 AREA 02 y k �} l,ia, Y - 1 1 11 �a � I' ''t ' a h \ �'�' " tiy i �;f)b . " i fi ( Y � az�/� � i 4 s. aP n n ry s t dsfny", 'CrT� 5 f �. p 'W�•"+•X11 F "8 f f�/ �r sr aTl r Y �P�Yh a�A�ka,,Y �s ? y { X y 111. IZI ill S'N �6 YC ! I I ,w nw y Y anA sus s7aP InnPlaovEmenxs l ('Gpl€115 CHMST1 REGIONAL PHASE IV PACKAGE#1 TRA6 9PURIAIFION AL11"G'RITY SETS MAP ,Y m„ I'ka,smoHir REGIONAL YRAf7SP9RTATI ON AUTHORITY ^v s Page 14 of 15 d. Parks and Recreation Department— Monthly Update t r, ,,, „ i✓ f�f / "t ' f M f r�r�r �,�f�u� f,!r r l ire r r f' ,.� �/i,. fa s ,ur ✓ rf n/s` � 4. a.,� �� � '. � �4&�.�j lf�uc}�c��1�9�Ir�� r"71.`�'r4'��' ✓�r` z c.ea awus q �` "f �� � '�✓ it� �df'u/' f /: � r'i7r`� a" a ✓rrrf rr r � n✓�a c�aeta�o ., �'� . �` rE�������h��'f% �nr�il �r✓Nt Welcome ix5 Corpus Christi! We are delighted you joined us for tine TAAF 2013 r z ✓ j/ Summer Comes of Texas Please take the lime to stay and play at om-beaches,museums,aquarium,the A FX, ,vaterpark,botanical garden,and enjoy some shopping t rr� rte` g wh[le you"re here Best of luckto each or you as you st 1e therfs—WOW sexajLjosat eE) Mayor of[�r�y{Aristl :I� � about the games �;, Seri. ✓ l l Tt fetes of converge recreation,andyouns hopeful f 9 rvri athletes viii coo exg n Corps r s ca For this Olympic- style rr 9 style event to compete m is spans categories to be hosted In earious venues throughout the city.Medalists �� j ���/ l✓ } /� from these games will quality to advance to the State Games of Amenice in burg,PA. ✓l r �✓.u✓ri'��?�frrSrf� r3fr?f i f��s r �%}i t�. k f falle.uson r r ✓ '�' ,-J Ili fa7hrr< / r th,anks go to ot,uvr ter ' t 4.t flip, mSr`. ' Ftees r M,r�ii r -jr adi partners rA191Y` ✓ i fualPatg Geed Things in Corpus Christi , �-, ✓s ORW cur , caTIPt"'tEIliBt Every eau,GtTGtI works to ensure you have the fuel you need to got you on your way, ; a "! as 'Plu i1He P roof.of CITGO strivs to foal geed things in the communities we serve. tau A sue s ago We're proud to he the sruiane p�vrr p sou^4°r sponsor fttf the T xas Amateur �'F'ry,'ly r h Faderatfon Gaines ofTexas,Find rtther great things happening in our �b §p1FMr >'E, Cn[pus Pirufii m ty at CtTGOCo, _ 2a 19 dip I i.�"'� � oat � >,,T a-���sKSU✓ra��arr�r�ss�u��a,,Xs� €ar�s�r�a. , c,. Corpxes Chrtsft Beach 3 Br0 � 29 ti }'S�ahtlt.Y 1$,� 1 e 0 «0 I fv0ZI ea r wv- r vvy' f 3 I V emu; tt s� k. a Ya ' y� Ppl' nfAh4a � q � �r r a i Corpus Christi Dow niown w-S�orCS, t n ` Entertainment +Arts Distr-isY(BEft) ` : r P a • levee , B �'a t m ro r' k� gos Scan 4B eoil efg khe LJr 0 , ' cameo bf 6�A� 'X 'Texas, X d ' a bunt ckerssem °sup P , Athletes p cket fnr coupah F®P'yi$d#eS 7efeufflatib 41 v ,,,..v.. .,...., _.. , ffi8�� � 4u Go Yfta6t4rpxpoaG3srlse45 ,org ' .y;, o- ; f 0. AtkYBSftk SftaSrnant *'<y Page 15 of 15