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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 01/07/2015 Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for January 7, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson David Ramos called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. Committee Members Present: David Ramos Richard Balli Marshall Burns Alana Manrow Mary Bustos Mary Wambach Diana Ortega-Feerick Absent Committee Members: Abel Alonzo Bertha Romero Staff Members Present: Christina Aparicio (Human Relations) Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Lisa Aguilar(Legal) Gene Delauro(Building Official) Will Bray(Capital Programs) Juan Perez(Parking Control) Absent Staff Members: Stacie Talbert (Parks&Recreation) 2. Request and Approvals for Excused Absences Alana Manrow and Mary Wambach requested an excused absence for the 12/3/14 regular monthly meeting. Motioned by— Richard Balli Second by— Marshall Burns Motion Passed 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 12/3/14 MOTION Motioned by — Mary Wambach Second by — Richard Balli Motion Passed 4. Public Comments (Limited to 3 Minutes) 1. Judy Telge of Costal Bend Center for Independent Living (CBCIL) requested to place Linda Farwell Stover, CBCIL staff member on the February 2015 agenda to give a presentation regarding Housing and Transportation programs. 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. Parking Mobility— Mack Marsh, Project Director Mark Denson, CCPD Parking Meter Supervisor introduced Mack Marsh, Parking Mobility Project Director. Mr. Marsh stated the Parking Mobility program is a smartphone application (app) that allows people to report accessible parking abuse. The application also integrates the reports into broad community awareness. Mr. Marsh stated over the last several months the Parking Mobility Organization and the City of Corpus Christi Police Department, Code Enforcement Division has been in communications to possibly use the smartphone app within the City. The goal of using the app would be to raise the number of volunteers, educate the community and reduce violations of accessible parking abuse. Further discussion ensued. (A copy of the Parking Mobility binder is attached at the end of the minutes) Page 1 of 11 B. Coastal Bend SHRM/EAPD Employment Training Event — Diana Ortega-Feerick Committee member Diana Ortega-Feerick provided a save the date flyer to Committee members. A FREE American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Employment Training is to take place at the Del Mar College Center for Economic Development on 2/3/15. The training event is mainly for individuals that work in the Human Resource departments that do the hiring aspect of the community companies. Further specific information regarding the time and duration of the training will be provided to the Human Relations Division at a later date. (A copy of the flyer is attached at the end of the minutes) C. ADA Funding — Guz Gonzalez, Assistant City Manager Mrs. Wilson stated she hadn't contact Mr. Gonzalez and she wasn't really sure what specifics the request was regarding. Chairperson Ramos stated it was a request of Committee member Abel Alonzo regarding a conversation Mr. Alonzo had with Mr. Gonzalez. Mr. Alonzo was not present to comment on the item. No further action was taken on this presentation. 6. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report Sylvia Wilson reported the performance report has changed from monthly to quarterly. Mrs. Wilson reported on the 4th quarter of 2014. (A copy of the report is attached at the end of the minutes) B. Development Services Department— Department Overview Gene Delauro reported updates on Residential and All Construction Summary Reports for December 2014. Mr. Delauro stated the Building Advisory board has not been able to meet due to no quorum. (A copy of the reports is attached at the end of the minutes) C. Engineering Services Development— ADA Projects Update Mr. Bray reported the Art Museum barge doc should be completed by the end of this month (January 2015). The CDBG 2012; Brownlee and Dahlia Fern St. projects which have previously been discussed will be going to out for bidding and is expected to be completed by summer 2015. Mr. Bray also stated the process to apply for 2015 CDBG funds have been opened, he will work with the Human Relation Division regarding potential projects. Mr. Bray also assisted Parks and Recreation with a Bike & Hike Trail, in making sure that it would be accessible. Brief discussion ensued. D. Parks and Recreation Department— Department Overview Ms. Talbert was not present. However, she provided her December 2014 ADA Improvements Recently Completed report to be distributed to Committee members. (A copy of the report is attached at the end of the minutes) E. CCPD Parking Control Department— ADA Citation Trend Update Mr. Peres reported an update on the Holiday initiative also stating it was very successful. As of 11/29/14 — 1/1/15, three (3) Parking Control Officers and volunteers patrolled the Moor Plaza and La Palmera Mall. Sixty-seven (67) citations Page 2 of 11 were given. He mentioned the department received numerous calls from the community giving thanks to the department for their assistance. Violators who incorrectly used their ADA placards were provided the "This is not a ticket only a reminder, from CCPD Parking Control" (Red Card). (A copy of the Red Card is attached at the end of the minutes) Mrs. Wilson stated even though Park and Recreation isn't present, a report was provided regarding ADA activity or improvement have been done at some of the local parks. Mrs. Wilson read the report to Committee members. Mrs. Wilson stated she will follow up with Ms. Talbert and request she report on items scheduled for work in addition to other projects that have been completed. 7. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — Update No update. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Update Mrs. Manrow stated Committee member Marshal Burns and herself met by phone to discuss the next Public Service Announcement on accessible parking. They were able to think of two (2) different seniors of videos to be rotated by the TV stations. Brief discussion ensued. Committee member Mary Wambach suggested in part of the video only showing issues regarding accessible parking but to also reflect issues of cars blocking streets and sidewalks. Committee member Alana Manrow stated the videos are limited to 30 seconds and that Mary's suggestion can be used for possibility for the next PSA. Mrs. Manrow then stated the PSA's are also being placed in the CFPWD Facebook page as well, and invited committee members to "like" the page. Brief discussion ensued. C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Update No update. Committee member Richard Balli stated as per Stacie Talbert, Parks and Recreation would like to meet on a quarterly basis. Mrs. Wilson stated she would have Ms. Aparicio contact Ms. Talbert regarding her availability to meet. She then suggested the first meeting can be used to gain more information about the park, establish meeting dates, etc... Mr. Ramos stated he will attend the first meeting then he will select another Committee member to rotate into the next subcommittee meeting. 8. Chairperson's Report Chairperson David Ramos stated he had been in communication with Committee member Mary Bustos regarding hosting a CFPWD regular meeting in the upcoming months. Mr. Ramos and Mrs. Wilson will visit the facility to confirm it is equipped to host the CFPWD regular meeting. Mrs. Wilson reminded Mrs. Bustos to encourage any clients to attend the meeting as part of the audience. Brief discussion ensued. 9. Identify Items to be placed on next agenda • CBCIL Programs — Linda Fallwell-Stover, Executive Director • City Website Accessibility with Screen Readers Compatibility & Sec. 508 Computer Accessibility — Kim Womack, Director of Communications, Media, E-Government Page 3 of 11 • Beeping Eggstravaganza - Alana Manrow, Director of Public Affairs & Development of South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind 10.Adjournment MOTION Meeting was adjourned at 4:01 p.m. Motioned by - Diana Ortega-Feerick Seconded by - Marshal Burns Motioned Passed Attachments 5. Presentations A. Parking Mobility - Mack Marsh, Project Director IB�eyond cnaraom Reponlinig of parldng ikcch e Abl,p rail Ih4 ab,a,,c 4tmobitity, uOdw parking 4 �Xi w er rl d(�I�I,IYdG.AJ.9,SL 25_llil "" " w q kitlp` Irl w"6fr'I,VTC.dr17flCelG � �Ir 4rldf,ff 1141rEo'3IN'YOt@R&t 000 N 1 IUNNT M RMNUE ,�pavklelp� SOLVE A,NEALTH�SAFETY FROM ONLY 9 DAILY VIOLATIONS" ANDCOMMUNn ACCIESS!SSUE �wparkingmobilltyxom ------ 13 1111ma a9mp4ipB2�^ A 11 P'mrk'ar mobll➢6'y L9u ."I De",lns .ASW k.,Mvaaanircin Ht Tv .1, &,a d!,r rrcuy uv I'evrrwrnprF�r a yA I au�.,� W G'4 rurrh mt.,,rt4 IIs v.n wl v.oA'I V rA rl N,m qusF'ak .nlePrt wrltta r v �Yrr I �rury rtn,w .g ru ,� yurg IA'rfalwpttl4r� mA rvlrn4:4'S.I�� rrvu t'r,Arab IJ p w^.4'aFAe{,ler'I.y„" urn wknla llrrttlt�;ui aypiv:�arvd v.rrrtanv"•,,uE nm �vu rvr to ur rNilA:tvm l I It N uwrrr vt'.oabJlTlti'<•a. r rl em a k H'i�oKK,vn d l A px a�r9 m wn ..... ..n ri r a Fe✓dV.tal lc d Irlu I,tm x.11AI11 w nrl l�e.'N.n7 ulll qr lrN rryG dory Hc:w;d�!nww11.[.aYw.r.p�,Nrt l� Ipn nt�Isu Iivew,I x(ax fGr.Arudr Frt I r wr I xfm�lrv.�r�Ik. t WMt w,if kVA 14 0 1 4'. d Po p I' �Y ti A Y E'k 7 b ry M Irrr.I,r ,rlm,pt to r,.s, lr,wxil_, I i n'. %ens e l l ta,A:xlr a,rr,� r Il lir.r=l„I nrA (o.,ilAi,, d,e1.,Wml,rod e wAla at,v�lr NO,lrn;p lte t+'+twrlp vwrr OPnryr� a.arnw.0 er.r.A. vmesk.iINmr nit IMa�Fti:a t aY a.I�.r... nwf Irntr xrf a. �:L£.a rf .I r n rvrn rr d h b 6 Fvrnr Anl t�ry wrlkv:al l..M lvrrdguto r... wrlH m+ nett ,m;IM to%ku Hz,�f k u rv,r4rl>'• rsf I+ .r.{ vnK 1,ocfy�r rl feFry N.w law mlrfiu eu r IAr vrrx it m A rown lele ab 4sarvNnp{ ove N, m�'ar py V v YI u..Nnhtr le vu r nrvrl Ix:rtes„ 4.rb'n ew✓v.:..hA, 1,uluu rrin utit r Aa'r w.utt.Yn x I�I4:dnl� I x«M,91'rnx. vl r r�eiM1%utl lea Ivx r qty nm,d'.r �r g5nl,v pw.X rte rA I wrrA;rnnl vsv x¢vs 4wryy/Wat'kr+d ab lryg nu.'r+m1 aSArvr Irc+.:l++u'r(y� I tltr,5y I.ti•:I'Irk tl SnWvr U,draw kln+x0�n a..::+nk I,:..tx v�uu r y;a v.l eu n�.n+n,. ,�2i'�urd:,.:dnwn�v emwitEeoixven po wxixrimx II`oar krtpl yl N..uttm� vlYrw7 wx,t Ing o..avy a;ryxm vv'�y drum zHv�^ r fine vm ty 4rl pn dr ru err rA yr all u l re, er ru.r..i.. gnvepr'11�¢nlo",,0 ¢f @rn a17.'t Ind nr+,na,I±Ge W rµtrzp,illwl w1:ry 19r{,r,tiq r xri moa nun ern m, of w n aler rm,9w.�.'.x vrv.wm kuv4. r pxr r;nn xn 4xar ngtu,r r1 11,.rd rcxr yxEMlvxr Il, IaI'll, kramw;,d rr v>1AAgC SAnd1w»w d4eo<iY r1 011,w h I'1:di el,M11V lolpmglland Ilt,,'IWllanal nRmo-e IrW .Im R banal eel v/rwr t rrL.d,e¢t F1'in,w IY r ! wrrwtgvalu i [t,n.g tl ..�rvb"re dt w nwt..AznVul'un I rlwltiry'.R 1 Ixlr<wur,e1[­&d dr9'turuyewW &W., n�mrWnnel^N u^I.! + "y ReararvS xrM' itt mrud a�P Gr,myprmmr klemn anrgbWN, %pinl yry..A' { rnY av v.5 41 a kl yd14ma6n' I lkl vwlwnluttp ,1,llM1hpu h urevlS to C v p1p l;µra..t4nd wniM w wrey P l'f�I'w,8utrrt'Itr.v vt e1 i4il`nU. fp¢Pf w; t�wnn rx'n:is Nvt,maa A'y„FJVI.ekt evlwh.a.uflry lw U,rvx 4+nw W;".suw tlYis Ir,r�ra� d�A. 0%�����r�yt A �'s�� ��t 'X.rl tai rl�It l,,rlvry �r��rw.w �D�/%i��ii ti TV kf 'r Page 4 of 11 The,P.WE M OWlity MoWle App P.,k,,R rftb,1,1, b ps...... nc WINZI fl-1 0164 1111-011 App W-, Avyo-w",d—M-1 nraot thw P..,g MM"b"App Nek,,IA M&b,ky d——colli u ftl-I wl.I,dfid,I,u-d kOI dN@spp AN P wr"'k, d h, W,Il IAhm"g,"ph,","""'i-d ".",ly 1. d. —4, uh,, wbllitv iN.-y .0m, Glib F kig WNN,wpipa. 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W^I^+'I•n f nm ry .n[stw r rx a ww i �mtl »a M.w+�LCYMfmr'ew.rv�. w .v .....I" vra,ro ,mal en"n ypr n.m+ui�. n La rn�Mni6lrcy rn�tul6fty PmMt1',np MGbwaul,M Nqwnp pd pla�nGuprµ 4bnuudlmw.Mnn l5irvv�verr 1 rw wvh una».ni' ala.#en.ery M1".r wr m+tn trll:.drwty ,('x. M ahb rd Narymni,� v/CYfe.t^'.rig rnf� V mVN�re r Y�f o f� r. 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Ir'rr.i Iran.a.. dmgliiP um.l# Poa'w4 RU 4natl.Mrr. -g/ W//oiri m r tl� t:,l:<,,,' 41� +, i�a�Nti ���////��yi�tlrr Page 6 of 11 v 1( v + r !r irlllU�lA© l: � r> ' r00000 r /ii riot " / iri/� ri r r rrro r r rr rr rr ' /%/�j r rill i / ri ric i% ' r /% ri;;;;;;i�ii//,rr, ri rrr////r r" rr r rr �iioioo r �i%000000i - /io %000NOWr �/ „i„rr�rail/iii riiiiiiii rii /torr r�/ii r /ri Oiroir r / r o% or / rr, rorr r i 6. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report Human Relations(a division of the Legal Department) ,%1l55I!2N AND SERVICE STRATEGI"t With a goal 01"rosicning Diverse said Equitable Environments Willi Respect and Professionalism',the Human Relations Division will conauct fala More"postuveprograta ornass atscnmtrpslon3n Linploynidur,vairlioughtig.inns UMTOMMOMflon,Bob compliance vath file Americans witlMsalifluies Act TADA);Arohm the Citi or Corpus Cin-Wo Wi,Will also mit c�Tcpws and recormiumdatons id' We CdVC6 eff-&B-6thers,kbwtfiilxrfienmcm al''laoup,mid .......... :,.,,,,;,,,,-__- A. --__- A. Non-Discriordmillon Program 18. ADA Compliance I Intake,Investigative,and Mcclialion/Resolinian Services I Address and momlor ADA compliance through accommodation requests and citizen 2 Community outreach,Education,mid Awareness complaints,Community Education and Awareness,and Technical/Administrative Assistance. 3 Technical and Adin nostrafive Services 2 Coordination or imp]I cnictualion,mmalonar,and update o6he'C-ityu'ride ADA Tri_'s_inon_Plan FYVIM W PERFORMANCEMEASURE FV Qtr I Qtr 2 Qtr3 FY End abilcipulaa,had.A oar 4 OBJECTIVES VES 2013-2014 Jim-Marich April4une July Sept. Totals rGioililizet Oct-Doe VTDTufids Provide Investigative Service to include intake,investigation,mediation,conciliation,monitoring,and charge resolution in Employment I I I (including ADA),Fair Housing,and P I tablic Accommodation, 7711—cs.Output asst 101mof EEOC Contract Yr October to 90 In V May 11U4 EEOC Cmw dto federal 9 22 24 bh;ia, September, doe cuts 113 100% 13 68 alae wm. Intake Rellorals to LEOC,Referalls. wniiii.—or 63 Intake City Employee cases,Political 70 21 21 5 90% 12 59 Subdivisions entities,Age and EEOC can Equal Pay Discriminations, MMdd -------- -- ----- 97%ortud w; JO(l9astiflane In,MUMM 29"'134: I-IUD Fair Housing Contract Year is 2014, Fa,""Mino civgs July-June 64".ol' 6 5 for rho 111 cootnict 4 97°® 6 21 goal) J=14 - - -----—---------- TM Mee as V_e s7,El c cut i_V.C:Ks.a 3 EEOC Charges Closed within 190 75% 12 18 21 76% 10 61 days iii of loud closures Y1*D EEOC Referrals.Perfected Charges completed and sent to SATO within 90% Is 13 5 70% 11 47 10 dM___ ___.___- ----------- -- -------- HUD Fair Housing Complaints 70% 3 2 66%,19 of 2 66% 3 10 closed within 100 days 29 11. SERVICE UVII,OVECTIVF- Provide"Community Outreach,Educitlitax,and Awitmeilsit" Nu,:mber,oftruiling, sessions',' l 'is' rau ce .li community nieclinggs,and 50 36 17 126] 10J5 210°C® 215 [f94 v m at ons,an c' n'a salon's zryntt io,v 'y' 'cimaan measures. Output ADA'&ImIcal}assistance with ai without Cilitzro;Complaints 100 32 371 38 120 E120%. 65 172 Flubfi-c7cce-manotraleon — hiquiries/littiati 55 It ]17 24 58 105% L 31 83 L — (1)Met EEOC.contract obligations of 03 investigations and referared 83 intakes to the San Antonio EEOC field office Revenue for this contract period was $591600. (2)Investigated 29 Fair Housing investigations with 105 community outreach and was awarded$57,600 in partnership funds,total HUD revenue was $153,296. (3)Conducted over 105 outreach training events or sessions on the services of the Human Relations Division pertaining to fair and equal employment and housing pracilces lie Corpus Christ]Apartment Association,Corpus Christi Housing Authority,16 member council appointed Human Relations Commission,9 member coundi appointed Committee for People with Disabilities,area CCISD High Schools,Senior Recreation Centers,and all city departments to name a (1)EEOC contract period is from October 2014 to September 2015 with expectations to address 100 investigatons and 70 referrals to the EEOC San Antonio field office due to non-jurisdictional reasons(le Complainant is a city employee,does not live in Corpus Christ or employer is an entity of a political subdivision) (2)Fair Housing HUD contract period is from July to June, There Is no expected number of investigations to be done like EEOC,however,the established goal for this office in 25. The investigations and use of HUD's Fair Housing database is more complex then than of EEOC, Currently working on ensuring cases are processed per Fair Housing protocols and annual assessment requirements, (3)Ensuring that all city facilities,programs and services are accessible to all people of different abilities or disabilities Page 8 of 11 B. Development Services Department— Department Overview 3 3 LU 6 n 0 0" ix 2 IL ,C ............. T", - ;i 9 9 ON Cn z 0: 19 W z bi 00 Ig IJ 66 Ul- LU z rA ME IL rL CR L,U in Z Z 0 0 0, 00 Ix CL zM F w: am� n � N r� w' � � s ux � F b 404 IL ———————— ————— U) IL to LL. 41 0 C V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U) I':Lu US Y �3 0Mz j 0 2 U) 5 0 0 z a W L z 0 = Fr LL.0 r- 0 z -------4-+- 0 0 Lu 0-J:) V �: 0 CL (D de .j lu z U. 0 rn kd a WF 0 u u 4A z ML 12 N we pJ LU CL b lu W z C;2 z Ce 2 Lo0 ll 1� I I I us 00 u up- IL 'N 0 ......-—-------------- M 02 M z Gd 01 TS LU Li Z I-I O z Page 9 of 11 D. Parks and Recreation Department - Update Report ir.0 R ra I US Cln-IMSTI PARKS& RECREATiON December 2014 Report 'ADA.1,mprovem.e.n-ts Recently Co��� pleted Park Address Date Improvement Co ................................... .................................. ndsong 6830, Meadowbreeze October 2013 Trash receptacle, park _,_—,amenities Walkwa s y Ridgewood 5730 Malden October 2013 Trash receptacle, park amenities Walkway��.... ............... ............... ...._M.......... Cullen 19110 Airline december 2�13 Sidewalk ---—Stone ate 14610 Bonner December 2013 Sidewalk Sgt JD Block 5327' Canadian December 2013 Trash, receptacle, park amerippg, Lidewalk -6-e&e-m 6- r 2013 Trash receptacle, park ......................... amenitles Walkways — Crestmont 3521 Cresthill December 2013 Trash receptacle, park amenitlesWalkw�y�i 's 7 Westchester 25 Westchester Drive November 2014 Sidewalk -------------------------------- . 6 ­__....._ — reen,wood 4305 Greenwood Dr. ctober 2014 Removal of Pavilion an surrounding walkways. Removal and replacement of walkvaa s to the Pool �1 ii_g iCo n--­------­------- 3909—Kingston ---------------------- ctober 2014 Trash receptacle, park amenities Walkw ayA di-4 manza 3405 Surrey September receptacle, park amenities, sidewalk Caswell 4419 Naples St, September 2014 Walkway to amenities ............................. ....... Edgewood 2725 Alexander St September 2014 Walkway and pad: to bleachers uiper 2717 Culper St. October 2014, Walkway across park ...............— Sam Houston 363 Norton St, October 2014 Removal and replaced of Old Walkway _Crestrnont 3.121 Cresthill Dr, October 2�014 ]Wal.kway to amenIlles 6.. ........................... Park k ..................... " Address :ate -7 mprov,ement Schedul ..........._..................11............. ...... ed ............. ADA Improvements Scheduled Page I of I Page 10 of 11 E. CCPD Parking Control Department- ADA Citation Trend Update Page 11 of 11