HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 02/04/2015 Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for February 4, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson David Ramos called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. Committee Members Present: David Ramos Abel Alonzo Marshall Burns Alana Manrow Bertha Romero Mary Wambach Richard Balli Absent Committee Members: Mary Bustos Diana Ortega-Feerick Staff Members Present: Christina Aparicio (Human Relations) Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Lisa Aguilar(Legal) Gene Delauro(Building Official) Will Bray(Capital Programs) Stacie Anaya (Parks&Recreation) Absent Staff Members: Juan Perez(Parking Control) 2. Request and Approvals for Excused Absences Bertha Romero requested an excused absence for the 1/7/15 regular monthly meeting. Motioned by —Alana Manrow Second by — Mary Wambach Motion Passed 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 1/7/15 MOTION Motioned by — Mary Wambach Second by — Marshall Burns Motion Passed 4. Public Comments (Limited to 3 Minutes) None 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. City Website Accessibility Features — Kim Womack, Director of Communications, Media, E-Government Ms. Womack provided a PowerPoint presentation. Presentation key points were regarding: Serving Everyone; Standards; Available Resources; Vendor Guidelines and the website of the future. Comments and questioned, suggestions ensued by Committee members. (A copy of the PowerPoint is attached at the end of the minutes) B. Coastal Bend Council for Independent Living (CBCIL) Programs — Linda Fallwell-Stover, Executive Director Mrs. Fallwell-Stover provided a PowerPoint presentation. Presentation Key Points were regarding: What is a CIL; Mission; Vision; Core Services; Community Based Services & Supports; Access & Mobility; Key Issues Identified by People With Disabilities (PWD); Mobility & Transportation; Mobility Options; Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with disabilities section 5310; 5310 Distribution; CBCIL Strategic Planning Efforts. Comments and questions ensued by Committee Page 1 of 11 Members. (A copy of the PowerPoint is attached at the end of the minuets) C. Beeping Eggstravaganza —Alana Manrow, Director of Public Affairs & Development of South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind Mrs. Manrow provided video and flyer for the Beeping Eggstravaganza for the blind event. The Easter egg hunt is for children who are blind or visually impaired. The event will be held on 3/28/15 at 1:00 p.m. at the Buc Stadium. Registration to participate in the egg hunt is required please call 361-289-8710, for participation to sponsor please call 361-693-6183. The event is hosted by South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind, Corpus Christi Police Department and Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services — Division for Blind Services (DARS). Donations such as monetary, non-chocolate and/or plastic eggs are due by 3/1/15. Mrs. Wilson stated the Human Relations Division would be receiving and holding all monetary and/or items donations on behalf of the CFPWD for the Eggstravaganza event. (A copy of the flyer is attached at the end of the minuets) 6. Discussion/Action-Recommendation to seek reappointments: Mary Bustos, Alana Manrow, Richard Balli, Abel Alonzo and Diana Ortega-Feerick Mrs. Wilson stated the City Secretary's Office informed her, the mentioned Committee members Committee members Mary Bustos, Alana Manrow, Richard Balli, Abel Alonzo and Diana Ortega-Feerick terms will soon be expiring. She then stated all the mentioned Committee members have been contacted and wished to continue on the Committee. Chairperson Ramos requested a motion be made for recommendation to the City Council to accept Mary Bustos, Alana Manrow, Richard Balli, Abel Alonzo and Diana Ortega-Feerick to continue serving on the CFPWD Committee. Motioned by — Bertha Romero Second by — Marshall Burns Motion Passed 7. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report Sylvia Wilson provided and discussed her January 2015 performance report. (A copy of the report is attached at the end of the minutes) B. Development Services Department — Department Overview Jesse Hernandez, Project Manager reported updates on Residential and All Construction Summary Reports for January 2015 on behalf of Mr. Delauro. Mr. Hernandez also informed the committee that several open position within the department have been filled and applications are being received for the Building Advisory Committee to reestablish the Building Board Code of Appeals. (A copy of the reports are attached at the end of the minutes) C. Engineering Services Development —ADA Projects Update Mr. Bray reported the Barge Doc and Art Museum ADA improvements are completed. The CDBG 2013 Brownlee project is at a 100% and will soon be advertised for bids. Mr. Bray also stated his department submitted the pre- applications for four (4) CDBG grants the Engineering Subcommittee has previously discussed and approved. Committee member Abel Alonzo asked questions regarding street construction on Page 2 of 11 Bear Ln @ Old Brownsville Rd and asked if sidewalks and curb cuts would also be included in the construction. Mr. Bray stated he did not have any information regarding that particular construction site at that moment. Mr. Bray offered to look into Bear Ln @ Old Brownsville Rd. construction area and provide information for the March 2015 regular meeting. Brief discussion ensued regarding the Brownlee construction project. D. Parks and Recreation Department — Department Overview Mrs. Anaya discussed the "active" handicap ground logo for handicap parking spots that was brought to the attention of the CFPWD and Parks Department by Committee member Richard Balli. Mrs. Anaya stated the Parks Department has tried to use the logo in city park parking lots but have received push back since the "active" logo isn't an official logo adopted by the State of Texas. Mrs. Anaya stated it would be best to have something in writing stating the "active" logo is okay to use. Mr. Balli stated he has already reached out to New York to see what actions they took that allowed them to adopt the logo. Mrs. Wilson stated Human Relations is willing to assist Mr. Balli in reaching out to local state politicians for direction on who the Committee should contact within the state legislator as to see which committees see these particular items. Brief discussion ensued. Mrs. Anaya discussed the Accessible recreational Playground Subcommittee meet on 2/3/15 and discussed • It would be a "play for all" - Children of all disabilities and their siblings would be able to enjoy the playground. • Funding strategies — reach out to the community for possible stakeholders. Stake holder engagement process in terms of an initial meeting with stakeholders to see what elements would be preferred in the playground. • Focus not only on the play structure but also facilities around it such as; shade structures, benches, and water fountains. Mr. Balli shared with the Committee, as he was at CVS printing photos in preparation for the subcommittee meeting held on 2/3/15 he was discussing the purpose of the photos he was printing and wan interrupted by a gentleman who was ease doping and offered $100 bill donation. Mr. Balli stated he offered the man an open invitation to attend the CFPWD regular meeting. Mrs. Anaya stated the Parks department was able to contact the gentleman to thank him for his donation and to inform him that his donation was received. Mrs. Anaya then explained the cash donation was placed in a 501c3 account where other donations for toward the playground will be deposited. Brief discussion and suggestions ensued. E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update No report was provided as Mr. Perez was not present. 8. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — Update Chairperson Ramos stated the subcommittee did meet. Mrs. Wilson stated they reviewed the list of citizens' request for curb cuts and curb ramps. The subcommittee voted on and prioritized four (4) projects as briefly mentioned by Mr. Bray during his Page 3 of 11 departmental report. Mr. Bray provided brief description on the prioritized projects. The projects are as follows: Priority #1: Lantana — Leopard to 137; Priority #2: Horn; Rd. — Columbia; Priority #3: Sunnybrook — Ayers to Kostoryz; Priority #4: Matlock in Flour Bluff. Committee member Marshall Burns mentioned issues between Leopard and McKenzie. Committee member Bertha Romero mentioned issues between Navigation and Krill. Mrs. Wilson stated the Human Relations office had not yet received any official complaints regarding either of the mentioned issues. She did suggest they file ADA Grievance Complaints with the department if they wanted those areas to be looked at and placed on the complaint list. Brief discussion ensued. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Update Mrs. Manrow stated they subcommittee has not met. She did state the CFPWD Facebook page continues to receive "likes" C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Update This report was previously discussed under Parks and Recreation, due to Mrs. Anaya having to leave early. 9. Chairperson's Report No report. 10. Identify Items to be placed on next agenda Chairperson Ramos requested to place Assistant City Manager Gus Gonzalez on the next agenda regarding Mr. Alonzo's request on information ADA funding. Mrs. Wilson stated she had previously met with Mr. Gonzalez regarding a separate matter and used the opportunity to discuss with him the ADA funds. Mrs. Wilson stated Mr. Gonzalez indicated he will allow $100,000 to go towards the ADA curb cuts and curb ramps request. Mr. Ramos stated since the issue had already be resolved, he would remove his request of having Mr. Gonzalez on the agenda. Committee member Richard Balli informed Will Bray of Engineering of a separate issue regarding curb rams and curb cuts off of Ramsey St. and Houston St. Mrs. Wilson stated that would be another complaint Mr. Balli would have to file with the Human Relations Division. No items were requested to be placed on the next agenda. 11.Adjournment MOTION Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Motioned by — Marshall Burns Seconded by — Bertha Romero Motioned Passed Attachments Page 4 of 11 5. Presentations A. City Website Accessibility Features websitelestherrentestandardshavesh IDapowith The(Urrentwebsiteis highly accessible et the laar far aL1r u 1e.pre��ior.ti e6,iC _nss ed au.^.essisit laty by '_te"e.inr' gtln r{rys ADA title CP-e E t ti d T itt Plan, dDCLInllnthkhcanbe fOLind online, ....................................... „,; „„>„. .._ Th e t 6 t n df p hb It with web C t to es bility 2 •o y�'' _g p pt . G d t e nNLAu iLd'ring p d' testing yyyypp t,.��IXIX��'4 I��.�0.ry�II"�IIpp WEBSITE..'p I The City website—,de-lopedwith the follow)ng accessibiftly standards:: The City webit_r,es 6rowseAloud,'which reads web Pages ort loud Section 503 Compatible I I nabs p I'Ir_.rt o l a c 4l tfic r ltr ,,ldi,u_r . _ Ii,rr i,iId i ah lin” , rn i sl ih,,., NII d,a:lF.'.: hr„ae vi-&)th betrei ,1 1 _. ��n l I rt an ihlre ' ,s.'. bante. n i i,nd 'I,,rll al. tiri i�1 aar i J�i.� inaJ� 1 liar,�I I 'I.r'ih. r I r rel l�y The City',A re„'biltp Pop p'I,Bolted on the footer of the website. -h-. f ,l, i_u r:: > >, Ile 'il.d„ % The linkto the Relay Texas website p o nd,assistance. Dobby Le„ell compliant 1 > a tF,r r1.I I I�i t lh, L l i l .. �l Int I I- V I I if i i I 111 I . T sL,dfai—,prHbflTy far L1111 I With t hhnd ,s C.rPL11 ChHllCl Albi,illest hl hr. 11 +I l . 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All t nage.and droodowh mens links induce ain Alt Teat N tbl,and i dedgi,ed to-int tae I-k l- deals uEe by /////////////// D sn -onde ant e,b—d aangato-s t fee,. a OP nadr.rpdate tna�e,�'b tltd,taada-ds,a+mh no h Gnime._'vices tnnipty with Pinery and Seconder,,,508 Fees,at Guidelines R P Web,ite Design will adapttod' ll' tablets,which t tall It the t t t 6 ar ge,ai,d - legible. b tt wh fi the F t i,e will be t Le d IT,e 1 page G l.T It t t.f P it ltt d fl A tandai dtest Jeelth- t the site MUbe chosen flegibility Le text t st d of in aphic text will be Lised to educe the download Hme of pages and inci ease eu Conti L Page 5 of 11 R_ ( n;;-.tal Rend Cnund fnr IndpnPndpnt I iving (CBCIL) Programs It all starts �,,-it AdN-ocac l What is o CIL Presentation to CFPWD, February 4, 2015 jjjj ,fin independent Illiviiing center is a consumer colntlr6llled, colmlmuniity(based, cross dlisalblilllity, nonreslidentliall (private inoinlpirofiit agency that is designed and operated witlhiin a Ilocall Awa coastal Bend center for coimimunii�ty Iby lindlivudualls With dlisalblillli�ttlies. independent hiving independent Illivuing servlices Imaxlilmoze tlhe alblilllity to(Hive independently lin the env'nroniment of tlheiir orn clhoosiing. Cen'teir'foir �� '���� all�uediivei rsutyand lillll Coas�tall Bend t� v independent ILGviiing ��" ��'V �� community lintegratlioin r III �u� for allll n�ttlhstts ulndlivlidu�alls ! � °„ �� �� �� a „ � diisalblllliitiiestto meet tlhe'ilr goalls Cc)re Se17,-ices Commutiltv Rased Ser�-Ices Supports iij Advocacy �. • Inidiiviiduiall CLASS Vase Mainagermeint • s�ystercmioc Coin siurneirDirected Seirrrlices iij PeeirCouinsellliing &IL Sklilllls Assistance Rellocatioin Services iij Information&Refeirrall Tirainslif'ioin Assistance Seirvlices Tirainslif'icin H Iv11E�S J Frorcmi nuirsiing homes Aging& Dsablillfty Resource Center J Diversion J Youitlh, �mm��,....... Page 6 of 11 Axcess & Alot)ilit-y Key Issues IdeT.6fied I-)y PN T ir o u u'ty iij AffolydablleAccess liblle uuAsslisflive Teclhlndogy De �clns�tlraflioln Celnter Transportation Housling To be iinellu aided first you ii mi Mobllhlty OIp'flions P'rojec't have to getttherd l ` Accessiiblle Tlralnslpolrta'tlion Coallli'tliolns Illnli'tlia'tlive LMATTII IR Of JUSTICE I!V,ro�rruan Go "*oLrT"YeNT`l<lele! iij Ain integirallplieceof tlhe piuzzlle rij The question iis... El"N AN LIED MOBIIILIITv"t'.SEIhJIORSAND IINDlIVIIIEDUALS WIITHII lc)blit-�'- o t.icros DII ABIILIITIIESSIECTION5310 mi Pxpalnding acoesslible affordable ,I Purpose Is p rogIralrni Is ulnteln e to etnh transporfa'toln choices obulityfor selnoand persons with 1101 Match colnsulrne�r Ineed to allll avalillalbllec'holice�s dlisalblillli'tlies Iby Iplrovlidliing fulnds'for Iplroglralrmis'to serve'tlhe slpecliall (needs o'f'tramsli't-dependent MOP'and colnsulmier share cost of service polpullatlions (beyond tradlitlicnall Ipulblllic tralmslpolrfa'tliotn services alnd Almericans With Dlisalblillliflies Act (ADA) coriem,entairy para'tralnsli't services "frons US DOT Federal Transit Administration Page 7 of 11 Distribuition CBCT L, Strategic Tin Ming, Efforts Urban J IRegnonall transportaficin auMority rri Plaininlling for inext 3-5 years ri Youir vdice IIS Impoirtain't rrr Rau irdl mnimunitieswi I I va ILI e diversity and ri Please Iplrovllde Illnlput community integration for all m TXIDOT -m Maiill CBCIL, 15377t"St., Corpuits Chiriistii,TX78404 J Phionie 3611883-8461 Toll Free 1-877-988-1999 Celebrat�nlg! Tla,,anks for hst(ming 1111H Q&A PlIan for a future Ipresenta4iion on IHloluasing Colrlki11 11,11J1W FlllIwc,,ll Hndafs(&,cbciill.oirq What the people want is very simple- they want an America as good as its promise..' pin!,l....Fd- Page 8 of 11 C. Beeping Eggstravaganza ......... .. :, ,,,........ ......., /i/ ri..iroU%� .. r //// ""riUlr✓i�jriir�/��%�Arr�iir o/rr%ID�� it//i� !i/ � rfi + � IJ ) Faste, r ,egg hunt Torr chUd en r %� who are Kind or visuatLy impaired 1 March 28 f pm Buc Stadium ...... � r Registration required pls call 361 .289.5 p sponsor To s Is call 361 .693.6183 'Jy' o p Brought to you by ' WTEXAS / ,y .vraORCI¢.riwliuiv,v,scre9acs 1��'Vii?� iDIVISION FOR BLIND SERVICES `-.. PENN' �24�� � r � Jrr � r �/ P�t� �����m rrirr�✓m I�� r Page 9 of 11 6. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report MISSION AND SERVICE STRATEGS: With a goal or"I'osicringi Diverse and I'quitahlc Environments With Respect and Professionalism',the human Relations Division will conduct and enforce'a pn5mveprogram of non-discrimination in f_tnptoymcnt,1"air I'Iiiusing,Public a-'a,cepmmudatten,and compliance with the Amefivanss with Disabilities i t(ADA)%ithin the City ol'Corpus Christi %Vc will also make reports and recommendations to die CIiv Council and others,taxard the beltarment of group and inter•gmup rclauonshipsµnhtn the community, MAJOR PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: A. Non-Discrimination Program B. ADA Compliance _ Intake,Investigative and Mediation Rc'olution ScrviQes I Address and monitor ADA compliance through accommodation requests and citizen 2 Community outreach Education,and Awan:acs^, complaints,Community Education and Awareness,and Technical Administrative Assistance 3 Technical and Administrative Sen ices 2 Coordination or implementation,monitoring,and update orthe Citywide ADA Transition Plan Adopted Oct C°n.roct or Aetua12012-Act 2013 2014-Sept Ns of Contract FY tT® (omLI. "TPEItFORM1IANCE h1EASURE OBJECCIYE02013 2014 2015 Start UJan,2015 'rotas YTDa A. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide Investigative Service to include intake,investigation,mediation,conciliation,monitoring,and charge resolution in Employment(including ADA),Fair Housing,and Public Accommodation. ensures:UIAPUL EEOC Contract Yr October to 100 to 14 90 to 83 hlay June 2013;to 201A; IDD 13 6 19 19% September. Total and%or coal- 55 Aug I Intake Referrals to EEOC;Total and% 75 to 70 of Goal.Referals:City Employee cases, Junc2013,to 70 70 12 6 18 26% Political Subdivisions entities,Age and 65 Aug2013 Equal Pay Discriminations. HUD Fair Housing Contract Year is 30(July. 30(1901 , Jul June. June 20131 June fgoa 25 f0 1 11 37% July m 64s�®afgnal) .Measures:.1?thectivenesss EEOC Charges Closed within 180 days 7596 759ro 756 5 5 26% as an of total closures YTD EEOC Referrals:Perfected Charges completed and sent to SAFO in 10 days 909. 90% 90✓u 5 5 28% or less(as an on HUD'Fair Housing Complaints closed 70^ 709° 70° 1 within 100 days as%oftotal 1 q.190 B._SERVIC_ELEVU OBJECTIVE.: Provide"Community Outreach,Education,and A%arenesss" Measures:Output Number of training sessions,community 50 50 60 3 3 6% meetings,and informational events. C. SERvrICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: ADA Access.,Accommodations,and Technical Assistance Request resolution Measures. Output ADA Citizens'Complaints(Access.) 100 100 50 1 1 2% Public Accommodation InquiriesiRequests 55 55 50 0 0 0% New,KLquests for Accomm. I rush ecyc e Pickrups 20 30 50 7 7 14% ADA Technical Assistance 50 50 60 11 1 11 18% Plan Reviews/Site Visits 25 25 30 3 3 JANUARY 261i 5 ECO&:fi Closures;8 new Charges taken;fi Charge DeferraIs;10 Coinplafnats received,0 TWC deferrals MUM I Well.Mbbibt..r-dFK1laV0Ptl lln:dUVI9b,'Mut;w bIVIU RUUIC IALMdr WaLlU1,RCiGirdtb lU -MdrlitJ riut,irdiri,YYu1niU1l.e'4lVIuUVlIs,r%=�Uurue Directory ,TARPS:7 Request,6 Starts Page 10 of 11 B. Development Services Department— Department Overview LUa a p P r w N N N K N N N N K N K N O m I N o 0 0 0 o ti 0 0 0 p tq a•I Z m m uNi m m .ry ZI N lu w N K [V N go 111 N SY _ N � N Lu W N w f N "o�� � ¢ xw xxx ux i i iw wrexi G OI 'Qa S Z = It! r► N y� J o 0 Cq .m. m.,,, .... CRI CL >°> LLI N It V zw b 2 r IL "� �� So 2 iG LL�Q t aLu o W e m o ....... ..... 7 Q Q o, u a z o LL, �, b ° �j xW� VJ oW z�uIaOV 6cLLZo o u 0f(u. u•. NNNrrarIlPWrr$no"..' � �....,� eN 0pe P 8QR eh � C N ....... ....... ...._ ....� Gao 7C NNIrramrPNfl uj qr T N .... ....... .......e..... .... .. P. r G aj N N y 93 4 W `e Po y� a, Z 7 lit! C~3 O W Q Page 11 of 11