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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 04/01/2015 Committee For Persons With Disabilities
Summary of Minutes for April 1, 2015
Chairperson David Ramos called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Committee Members Present:
David Ramos Mary Wambach Diana Ortega-Feerick
Alana Manrow Abel Alonzo
Absent Committee Members:
Bertha Romero Mary Bustos
Richard Balli Marshall Burns
Staff Members Present:
Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Will Bray(Capital Programs)
Gene Delauro(Building Official) Juan Perez(Parking Control)
Absent Staff Members:
Stacie Anaya (Parks&Recreation) Christina Aparicio (Human Relations) Lisa Aguilar (Legal)
2. Request and Approvals for Excused Absences
David Ramos requested an excused absence for the 3/4/15 regular monthly meeting.
Motioned by—Abel Alonzo Second by— Diana Ortega-Feerick Motion Passed
3. Public Comments (Limited to 3 Minutes)
Margarita Velasquez of Del Mar Interpreter Preparation Club stated she wanted to bring
a concern to the Committees attention. Interpreting students and the deaf community
are concerned and would like to know if the Deaf and Hard of hearing Center will be
affected by the sale of the adjacent City Park.
Ms. Velasquez then mentioned Sean Forbes a deaf performing artist will be performing
in Corpus Christi on 4/20/15 at the Tuloso Midway School; the event coordinator is
requesting volunteers. If anyone is interested in volunteering please contact
4. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 3/4/15
MOTION Motioned by —Alana Manrow Second by — Mary Wambach Motion Passed
5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes)
A. Nueces County I Believe In Me Foundation — Abel Alonzo, Chairperson
Mr. Alonzo stated he founded a non-profit organization in the prevention of gangs,
drugs and violence. He stated in 2014 the first fundraiser was very successful and
held at the Selina Park near the State School. The 2015 fundraiser will be held on
May 30, 2015. Mr. Alonzo stated the money raised is distributed to organizations that
deal with school dropouts. The event will be a two mile run-2walk and roll. Mr. Alonzo
stated the CFPWD is a sponsor of the event and will host a booth at the event as
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6. Staff Reports/Comments
A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report
Sylvia Wilson stated she did not have a departmental performance report to provide.
She mentioned the Human Relations Division hosed an outreach booth at the SV
Temple for the Festival of India and Community Health Fair Housing Fair event on
Saturday, 3/28/15.
B. Development Services Department— Department Overview
Mr. Delauro reported updated on Residential and All Construction Summary Reports
for March 2015. He stated the numbers had just been compiled and was not able to
provide a copy to the Committee. Mr. Delauro stated the CFPWD had requested he
provide information regarding how long it takes for when the Certificate of
Occupancy is given till the RAS Inspection is completed. Mr. Delauro stated the
Advisory Board is still in the fact gathering process. Committee members Mary
Wambach and Abel Alonzo questioned if new construction homes are being built
accessible from the beginning of construction.
C. Engineering Services Development— ADA Projects Update
Mr. Bray reported the Barge Doc project will be completed by the end of the day,
4/1/15. CDBG 2013 project Fern @ Dalia is open to bids. The Engineering
subcommittee reviewed the list of complaints and identified four (4) projects; 1) horn
Rd.; 2) Lantana; 3" Sunnybrook and 4) Matlock. Mr. Bray stated since Horn Rd. curb
cuts are already going to be put in place due to the current construction he did not
submit an application for funding for that particular project request, however, he did
submit an application request for the other three projects.
Mr. Bray then discussed Committee member Abel Alonzo's request during last
month's meeting for Mr. Bray to provide information regarding the construction on
Bear Lane across the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA). Mr. Bray stated the
construction being done was part of the Street Preventative Maintenance Program
(SPMP) and according to the ADA the road was not considered inaccessible. Brief
discussion ensued between Mr. Bray and Committee member Abel Alonzo.
D. Parks and Recreation Department— Department Overview
Mrs. Wilson stated she spoke to Josh of Parks and Recreation regarding what he
was going to report on. Josh was going to provide the "Play for All: playground is
going to cost an estimated $300,00 the Parks department applied for funding of
$200,00 which would leave $100,00 that would need to be covered by City funding
and/or sponsorships. The location of the park will be at the Selina Park on Airport
Rd. @ Horn Rd.
E. CCPD Parking Control Department— ADA Citation Trend Update
Mr. Perez provided a report of citation counts for March 2015. Mr. Perez reported his
department had received several accessible parking complaints at the Del Mar
College West Campus. As a result of the accessible parking complaint issue, Parking
Control has been assigned to patrol all Del Mar College parking lots twice a week
until further notice. Mrs. Wilson asked brief questions regarding Mr. Perez citation
count report.
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7. Subcommittee Reports
A. Engineering Subcommittee — Update
No Report.
B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Update
Alan Manrow stated no report. Mrs. Wilson stated she and Committee member Alana
had been in communications regarding a new PSA and possible proclamation.
Further Discussion ensued.
C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Update
No new report. Committee member Abel Alonzo requested representation from the
Parks and Recreation Department. He then added if the designated staff member is
unable to attend a monthly CFPWD meeting, then an alternate staff member must be
8. Chairperson's Report
Mrs. Wilson requested Committee members to volunteer in the outreach events the
Human Relations Division attends on behalf of the CFPWD. The human Relations
Division will be supporting and attending to provide departmental outreach during the
South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind — Rubber Duck Round-Up and the Abel Alonzo -
Nueces County I Believe in Me Foundations events. Mrs. Wilson then stated the events
are also located on the Human Relations website calendar.
9. Identify Items to be placed on next agenda
• Committee member Diana Ortega-Feerick requested an update from the Parks and
Recreation Department regarding the City Park for sale adjacent to the Deaf and
Hard of Hearing Center.
• Committee member Abel Alonzo requested Mrs. Wilson provide the Committee with
a copy of the new regulations under the department of transportation that are to
address ADA issues. He would like the CFPWD to review the new regulations and
discuss them.
• Chairperson David Ramos requested a follow up presentation form Mark Mash
regarding the Parking Mobility App.
• Committee member Abel Alonzo requested a presentation from Code Enforcement
regarding how their codes are enforced for people with disabilities.
MOTION Meeting was adjourned at 3:49 p.m.
Motioned by — Diana Ortega-Feerick Seconded by —Abel Alonzo Motioned Passed
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3. Public Comments
A. Margarita Velasquez—Sean Forbes Concert°Deaf and Loud'
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6. Staff Reports/Comments
E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend
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