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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 12/02/2015 Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for December 2, 2015 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:08 p.m. A. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Richard Balli Bertha Romero Marshall Burns Mary Wambach Dalia Gutierrez Mary Bustos Donnie Contreras Absent Committee Members: Diana Ortega-Feerick (1 vacant position) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Patricia Garcia (Human Relations) Stacie Anaya (Parks&Recreation) Gene Delauro(Building Official) Bernardo Cantu (Parking Control) Will Bray (Capital Programs) Absent Staff Members: Lisa Aguilar(Legal) 2. Request and Approvals for Excused Absences Bertha Romero requested an excused absence for the previous meeting due to illness and hospitalization. MOTION Motion — Mary Wambach Second — Donnie Contreras Motion Passed 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 1017115 — No Quorum. No Minutes 4. Public Comments (Limited to 3 Minutes) The following three citizens spoke to the Committee concerning their desire to fill the vacancy on the committee: Linda Lindsey, Richard Ledesma, and Frank Gallardo. 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. New Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Director Jorge Cruz-Aedo, RTA CEO, was unable to attend meeting and requested that the presentation be tabled for the January meeting. 6. Discussion/Action to review bios for current vacancy and recommend replacement The following vacancy recommendations were made by Committee Members: Bertha Romero recommended Richard Ledesma Mary Bustos recommended Linda Lindsey Richard Balli recommended Linda Lindsey Mary Wambach recommended Linda Lindsey Donnie Contreras recommended Richard Ledesma Marshall Burns recommended Linda Lindsey Dalia Gutierrez recommended Linda Lindsey Page 1 of 6 Motion to recommend Linda Lindsey for CFPWD vacancy. MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second — Dalia Gutierrez Motion Passed 7. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report Sylvia Wilson provided a copy of the Human Relations Monthly Performance Report to Committee Members. Ms. Wilson reviewed the November stats. (A copy of the report is attached at the end of the minutes) B. Development Services Department— Department Overview Gene Delauro provided copies of the Development Services Residential Construction Summary Report for Calendar Year 2015 and the Building Inspection All Construction Summary for 2015. Mr. Delauro reviewed the reports and answered various questions the Committee Members asked during his report. (A copy of the report is attached at the end of the minutes) C. Engineering Services —ADA Projects Update Will Bray updated the Committee on two CDBG projects. Those projects are now complete. D. Parks and Recreation Department—Adaptive Programs Information Stacie Talbert-Anaya updated the Committee on projects: Collier Pool — complete reconstruction of pool to begin in the Spring. West Guth Pool — complete reconstruction of pool to begin in the Spring. Grant received to increase Mobi-Mat systems from The General Land Office (GLO). Drafting development policy on playgrounds. C.A.S.T. — Cast a Special Thrill — 2016 Program — More info to come later. Salinas Park inclusion project $300,000 — CDBG meeting pending. Use of letterhead — OK but will only be provided with Parks & Recreation logo for stationery. E. C.C.P.D. Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update Bernardo Cantu provided Parking Control Report for 2014 and 2015 and discussed with Committee Members. Mr. Cantu answered various questions. A copy of the report is attached at the end of the minutes) 8. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — No Update B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Update Sylvia Wilson discussed PSA Subcommittee. No report available. Marshall Burns stated he will work on updating the Committee at a future meeting. C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Use of Letterhead Stationary This item was discussed earlier in Item #7D. Page 2 of 6 D. Bylaws Subcommittee Update The meeting had to be rescheduled due to room conflict. 9. Chairperson's Report A. RTA's Committee on Accessible Transportation (RCAT) Vacancies Chairperson Balli announced Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (CCRTA) RCAT vacancies. Sylvia Wilson asked that anyone interested in serving on the RCAT Board to write letter to CCRTA CEO. B. Round Table Information Chairperson Balli attended meeting on revising the Coastal Bend Aging & Disability Resource Directory and stated he was assigned to the "Accommodations" and "Transportation" to include RTA. 10. Identify Items to be placed on next agenda • Donnie Contreras requested information on lighting change at Rodd Field Rd. and S.N.D. Sylvia Wilson stated that it was a TXDOT issue but suggested that the City Traffic Engineer, Raymond Chong, could address the issue at the next meeting. • Mary Wambaugh requested that PSA options be discussed at a future meeting. 11. Adjournment MOTION Meeting was adjourned at 4:49 p.m. Motioned by — Marshall Burns Second by — Bertha Romero Motion Passed Page 3 of 6 Human Relations Monthly Performance Report N,IISSIO-.N--AN.l�).-S,E,I:IVI('E STRATEGY; With goal of"Fostering Diverse and Equitable Environments With Respecf and Professionaltsin",the Flunian Relations Division will conauct an o enforce a positive prograrn of non-Ouscrinunation in Erriployn-few,I-tur 1-lousing, VUbnC ACC01111110(lotlon,and,coalpflance with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)within die City ofCorpus Christi. We will also niake repoiis and recornmendations to file City Council arid others,toward the betterment ot'group and inter-group relationships mtthiri the cornfoullity, MAJOR PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: A. Non-Discrintinallon 11rograrn B. ADA Compliance and Mediation/Resohition Service uniodation requests wid cifizen 1, intake, Investigative,, 1.Address monitor ADA conipliance throughaccoi 2.Conuitunity Outreach, Education,arid Awareness C0TaPltuut5,-COnlinunity Education and Awareness;and Technical/Adinnustrative Assist 3.Technical and Administrative Services 2.Coordination of inipleniennifion,monitoring,and update of lite Citywide ADA Transitiw --1 i1 I AdoPled Oct Calullact or Actual 2013 2014-Sept Adolited Oct # C s at oostract Oct VI, I,VCo I'D nlrartat-FN PERFORMANCE MEASURE OBJECTIVE 2014 1 2015 115-Sept'1161 Sta2015 Nov.2riDate 015 T( aD1l N rj)'/.of(;()at A. SERVICE LEVEL-OBJECTIVE: Provide Investigative Service to include intake, investigation,mediation,conciliation, monitoring,and charge resolution in Employment(including ADA), Fair Housing, and Public Accommodation. Aleasures: Output 90 to 83 Nlay 100; July, E,-TOC Contra.ct Yr October to 2014; Downward 75 0 3 1 4 5'Xj September. Total and %, (111'Goal- inodificiticin to 63 70, Intake Referrals to ETOC; Totatll and Downward of.Goal, Refcrals: City Employee cases, 70 modification 55 0 5 4 9 16'Yn Political Subdivisions entities-Agc and to 56 July Equal Pay Discrinn nations. 2015 HUD Fair Irlousing Contract Year is 30 1,9 as of July-June. Julie 2014, 25 20 3 2 1 6 30'Vo 641"N)ofgonl) measlires �Effectivenesss EEOC Charges Closed within 180 days 71% 75'a,,6 0 2 1 3 750%, as' a f t Y 0 ootal closures Y'TD EEOC; Referrals: Perfected Charges completed and sent to 5A C3 in 10 days 901%) 90%, 0 2 3 5 560/a or less (as'%of) I HUD Fair Housing Complaints closed 70% 70% 0 0 0 0 O.Wvo within 100 days as'No of total I I I B. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide"Community Outreach,Educati011,and Alvarellesss" Measures: Output Number oftraining sessions, community meetings,and informational 50 60 50 3 1 4 8%) events. C. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: ADA Access.,Accutntuodations,,and Teclinical Assistance Request resolution Measures: 0L1tpLfl 'ADA Citizens'Complaints(Access.) 100 50 5 2 7 14'!/o Public Accommodation Itiquirics/Requests 55 50 3 0 3 6% New/Requests for 7cconini, I rasliTecycle ilia./ups..., 30 50 4 2 6 12% 'ADA Technical Assistance 50 60 18 4 22 37%o Plan Reviews/Site Visits 25 .10 9 6 15 Page 4 of 6 w wt ma .x x ew c� us LnSao m rtia � M c^a raua a7 aca wt uaa N ea' � ' w rw b9 mr r a^w TV Cd ca n� ca i rJ m aaa m ry em irr,M me m� � en w y %2 ws wa u¢r mrauo- w wiw ,tea_....... ww «� wu .auwd wn wr w'e m rs +vn wb wT /i y�, i, cm c uti o m L� N i � Nu 11 p ua .^ cor pt w a 17 m n.. cy ea• +"+ ry', a wr err / / � zy cc � ra ey a' em ap we' exa �- 'y/!i wr' wa wrr m .,..' _...,'.m rm wa. 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Ori'q cri ad cti ri to rci' n ai ess N•+ «n' o c ato rs es ur cr cx / °"` .°r".a..� .._.w. ,W.arM i,. wa.., .�.,,,..u. .',,.. ...._....., , an es tin r y fir. 1 iAb m 41Y M e"Y 4, C3 pati 9A hW t«• w° e^I ar td p %/I 1H CW do mm .�� e9 � ��,d•�.� aqo� wM N N q,a to (W ir5 4'1 ta'4 Gd O GSY 6f] / / wt 9r� V4'' ed4 ewe ARI eAdF 41 Mh VA^,1 tis, wA ' .. .. ......... ........ .,.... ..,.,a..,., .........._,..., ............,._,...,..... .� m to - m m 9'W IXr 65 il5 .� f � fYY Y,XT' Y z J 4`3 tLwuOwl n LL Page 5 of 6 City of Corpus Christi Police Department Parking Control Calendar Year 2014 Disabled Park BlockNn M Sidewalk l ..m. T�otal ...... . ...__._.. Jan14 3 250 267 __ .. Feb ...._.. . ..._.. _. _....._. __ m._ _._.... .. ..N.,, ... ._...__�.�_,. w _ _.._ ..__._. . _m.... ___... ....._ 117 12'9 Mar 1 2195 209 ..... __.__.,___..._ ....._._ _, _. _M.. _.__ .............._. 16 2 339 357 _ _ �,,. .. . . ._.._ _ 347 357 _._ , _._.._.._.__ ....... .......... _. ,.�.,. ........ Jun 0 356 365 I 19 6 432 457 _m...�.6_ ..._. . ..., . Rud_... .....,.. _.w. __ _..__ .. _. 1 346 365 0 12.9 138 tact7 1 189 197 hlc►v _......._.. . ... _._4_... ... _ _... __._ .., . 44 __.__. _.._... µ,m,,,._.,. . . 7 .__n C 7 .m_. .pe .._......_ ..����mm. .. ..�... ._._.._,.___. _��.� .... . . .. ......_...._._. .�_w_..___....___.m�, ., ......._.__,.__�._1. __,.__.m,._.,..,._. 36 Total 225 31 2788 3036 Calendar Year 2,015 Disabled Markin Blockpn Rrchitect Bloc in Sidewalk Total ......., .._.�_ ._ .__..w_.. ....... __ _ _.... Jan_ 29 4 76 109 .._._.�.w._ .. ....µ © _ _._.m.._-._........w_. ._.,, ..... .... . _ _ .. ._... .. �._. ..w ... ._._.. _._ .,, m ...._ ... _,_.__. ..... __n_.,. . _. .... . .... ...... Maw . 222 4 73 „ _ . ... ... . . ....._..__ _.._.._.... .. ..... .. .... _,...... Jun 36 6 40 82. Jul 29 19 . 404 452 140 ._ 3 104 11'9 .. ... _..____ ._w.. _ ....._.... _ ,._.. .....m ...... __. _r__.._..___._.....m ..._ . ___. .._. Oct 16 93 117 fcv _ ___. ..._. _ ._.... _ . _ _.._,_ _..�. ,m�,�... .. ______._. .. .��.. ....__ .,., .. ... ............. 82 . . ,. . .._..__ .... . _.. _�_..._._.. _....a ... __ ,.. __ . . _.., .. _ - -- .,._........... .. ... ...___._.__. m,.. .�,.�....._ dec Total' 248 52 1 084 1384 457 357 357 365 365 452. 2.67 209 197 129 it 38 73 122 109 140119117 56 64 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20114 2015 Page 6 of 6