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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 01/06/2016 Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for January 6, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:09 p.m. A. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Richard Balli Donnie Contreras Linda Lindsey Marshall Burns Dalia Gutierrez Absent Committee Members: Mary Bustos Bertha Romero Diana Ortega-Feerick Mary Wambach Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations) Stacie Anaya (Parks&Recreation) Luis Rocha for Bernardo Cantu (Parking Control) Gene Delauro(Building Official) Absent Staff Members: Will Bray (Capital Programs) Lisa Aguilar(Legal) 2. Request and Approvals for Excused Absences Sylvia Wilson commented that Mary Wambach had emailed stating that she was unable to attend due to illness. Also, Mary Bustos called to say she was unable to attend due to a meeting at work. Ms. Wilson stated that both Ms. Wambach and Ms. Bustos would need to request their own excused absences at the next meeting in February. 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 12/02/15 MOTION Motion — Donnie Contreras Second — Linda Lindsey Motion Passed 4. Public Comments (Limited to 3 Minutes) Judy Telge of CBCIL spoke to the Committee concerning the need for affordable and accessible rental housing in Corpus Christi. 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. New Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Director, Jorge Cruz-Aedo, RTA CEO, made a presentation to the Committee outlining RTA's progress in making their busses and bus stops more ADA compliant and provided a handout to the Members. (A copy is attached.) B. Police Chief, Mike Markle — Chief Markle had to leave before he could give his presentation. 6. Discussion/Possible Action on community volunteer involvement — Mr. Balli said this would be discussed in Item 9, Chairperson's Report. Page 1 of 12 7. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report Sylvia Wilson provided a copy of the Human Relations Monthly Performance Report and reviewed the December stats. (A copy of the report is attached at the end of the minutes) B. Development Services Department— Department Overview Gene Delauro provided copies of the Development Services Residential Construction Summary Report for Calendar Year 2015 and the Building Construction Summary for 2015. Mr. Delauro reviewed the reports and answered various questions from the Committee Members. (Copies of the reports are attached at the end of the minutes) C. Engineering Services — No update D. Parks and Recreation Department—Adaptive Programs Information Stacie Talbert-Anaya updated the Committee on the following projects: Playground at Salinas Park— hoping to begin by the end of 2016 The Cast for Kids Program — scheduled tentatively for April 23, 2016 Harbor Bridge Walk— scheduled for February 7, 2016 Broadmoor Senior Center— sidewalk issue hopefully resolved by end of February E. C.C.P.D. Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update Luis Rocha was present for Bernardo Cantu and provided the Parking Control Report for December 2015 and answered various questions from the members. 8. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — No Update B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Update Marshall Burns discussed various topics for the public service announcements. He stated he would advise the Committee as to what progress has been made to unveil the PSA at next month's meeting. C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee —This item was discussed earlier in Item #7D. D. Bylaws Subcommittee Update Sylvia Wilson stated that Bylaws for the Committee are 80% complete at this time. 9. Chairperson's Report A. Round Table Information - Mr. Balli stated that he would like to see the Committee more involved in Special Olympics, the Easter Extravaganza, and Walk and Roll. The possibility of showing the PSAs on public access channels and the City of Corpus Christi's community channel was discussed. Mr. Balli requested information from the members on opportunities to conduct meetings at some of the senior centers in the community. Page 2 of 12 10. Identify Items to be placed on next agenda • Linda Lindsey volunteered to get prices on shirts with the CFPWD logo. • Marshall Burns requested an overview of the customer service training for City employees specific to diversity and sensitivity. 11. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 4:43 p.m. MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second — Linda Lindsey Motion Passed Page 3 of 12 CORPUS CHRI aTi REGIONAL "TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY m r i m i n • As our agency continues to see rising numbers for fixed route wheelchair boardings and increased demand for paratransit service, we are constantly looking for ways to remain cost effective in our daily operations. • The following slides represent the methods we are utilizing to accommodates our riders V with disabilities while still , "� containing costs. , Page 4 of 12 ME �N� al� WI ��G� y11C��61ti �4�(8 T;hfl 'JYhE.u�khai Ooaa'rH�t.Hwe^i8��r�r „ . 62,068 9,0611, Accessibility ,�u'niwN�f�Scc'JtlrvM ss ib I l IOWA yu Poky ky u Policy Statement: To provide full Guiding Principles participation and equality of opportunity for people with disabilities. CCRTA Board Equal Opportunity of Directors calls for all CCRTA (Respect departments, within their regular duties and responsibilities, to establish a Integration commitment to access. Inclusion Li Creation of a Universal Access Team to Equal Access ensure compliance with policy and establish guiding principles. L3 Quarterly Training Sessions on ADA o Interim CECT reinstated the "Management Ride" program, which calls for all members rr of management to ride the public z transportation system at least once a month and provide feedback. Page 5 of 12 �tr��nirnu�ur�wr���fu aarerr�+ ,� iaoaiKn���sr iNn eAiuia���n�Alk �� �or�rm�o��usam ie���P� ❑ CCRTA configures bus seating to accommodate 3 wheelchair securements i every fixed route bus. Even with 3 securements, there .,. are some occasions when all11 3 slots are full and a supervisor is called to transport a 41" rider. r ly ❑ Four point tie-down system designed to safely secure mobility devices in 1 minute or less 11 LIP"S Cr(,,ji o I."tI ❑ New vehicles were purchased for p ` small bus fixed route operations t ❑ ARBOC's are low floor, ramp equipped to facilitate boarding, & %j ii%J1l psi? f ii' i5 alighting with inability devices rn These vehicles are also equipped with 3 securement areas FMVDS 214 Side Impact Crash Certified t Page 6 of 12 )ADA Bus Stops ❑ In 2008, an ACOA assessment 1 351 total bus stops in Service ,area was conducted and found only 6%of our bus stops were ADA 180 bus stops to be improved in 2015 compliant ❑ In 2014, we now have 56% of our bus stops that are ADA � � � ✓���yia/,;;%o complianto We havem roved 766 Taus p '�i � � �ijy✓c,, stops since the initial assessment, and have a transition plan in place to reach 100% of all ,,,,, stops over the next five years c, Before After No Approximately 80%of riders are still ❑ 2012. 4 riders were using fixed route after completion of successfully transitioned from program paratransit to fixed route transportation I ❑ 2013: '7 completed program successfully, 2 were not able �� �����1)������i��l'��i�i�l to transition and 1 is still in 001 ii training ❑ 2014: 12 have completed program successfully and 4 are still in training ❑ 2015: 10 are currently enrolled in program Page 7 of 12 t a a 1 ill Eligibility Program i . 14 5 793 779 X14 1.8% "Some applicants"no show"several times before participating in the Eligibility Assessment process ❑ Eligibility Process consists of an application, an in-person interview and a full assessment (physical & cognitive) ❑ Presumptive Eligibility is given until a decision is reached ❑ Applicants notified of eligibility status within 21 days of assessment CoI�',dl'"r fl IP Ql'e e O li°i i9,Nt�YA��4N t�s s i llri",1G i e ,Fir i"1 s pJ it t f i flo It"I The goal of the RCA.T is to provide knowledge, guidance, and insight to the CCRTA and the community on transportation G disadvantaged riders and services. Committee members act as ambassadors on transportation ridership issues. ;F Current Projects: 'elan review of the re-modeled Staples Street Station & application reviews for 5310 grant monies i Is 1441 Page 8 of 12 R e j� T11"rTle Paissenger, kformafion� Systern.- man Fixed Route: TransLoc .......... ..... BusMobi Paratransit. 4" w."hd"..* j New Home for Customer Service and Eligibility Assessments Staples Street Center Rendering ............ Page 9 of 12 Questions/Comments Rosa Villarreal Managing iOperations ADA Officer 361 -903-3510 will r r r Page 10 of 12 Human Relations Monthly Performance Report Wi111„a gnA"`l aasI"In g),Dia L ;u and I'quilable I"mirmnarta:arl;%ViIIt 1$emi7e0 rowan 1 OICS,tonaallsm",alae IIuIcana Itelalimu,Disiss)n twill CtlJROULT aMI t"OILC.a IIIISItIhC paw"Itg$ram ut rsm,oisqAIn'IIItat"ln un t:'.napIml III CIIt,1"a IT 114lta5'wg I"aaT4a1e,\ccjmooa7a7da"OTI,e11n1 LOmpIunce to 6tlt Ilse Americans w itII DIs*Riut.s A 9(ADA)At iihin Ilse f it eai'Corpta°,(hrissti %Ve rr Ill ah,or Ina k'C rcpatrrS and tt.ean7ame¢ulaYaaraasttr IIIc C io%CouIICII and apolvfs,Maar Garai(haw 8vantwnticot C4 g 1t)TI 7„(wool III IC1.p7rarwp>relataoaot�ialp7.�ca ttlyIII tart ccralrIitunity, MAJOR PROGRAMS AND Slclltl'ICLS: A. 1'ralgrtano H. ADA C'ueo pliance 1,Intake,Iravchili„lath e,and V%lediaatwi7 Ites(dution Sca"6 i 1.AfiaIaCYS X111 M011itVDT AI')A L6YIr"III 1 is I IL L IhIl4 t I g I I Eack4 a D l III 1161tI;a I I OB IeeITICS IS 01111 i.itI1:14 2.I o mt TI16 Ilutrsa;aair Fducatima,,tnd,Av'arcn Ds Lmlipiainls,("m7"Irunu3 I'duc:ariaaaa and A,,r=IILY",and ViSi;aaanCC 'i. 1'edu letal and wdmiftlrllala'6e Scta d es L"e Al ellt1 1I ar uid 4119pY1 M3 e'aYl„1Et[41Y at'Iu,46YV161I 770Fr;, a4 d urnftiva o dw K n,%y%I&-%I),\ Iranhmult l'Inn AdIjpwd ocI �iC'anatract"r A,ctaaal 2013 lith(-5elat Aaleiatetl Oct Its at Contract CAct 1N N 111 t'aantract"r IN ER1'OICNIANCEawIFIASIilt,EOBJECIIIVE,. 2014 24115 '15-Sept'16 staartDaw 2015 Nov.2015 1Dce.2015j rottal 1,1'0' A. SERVICE LEVEL 011JEC11WCa Pooi Ide hivesligatkc Service to include int'I0.k'('.".,I'M c SCig"'Ition,riledi ation,conciliation,monitor inn,and charge rC:OlUl,iOn b1i E mployoncol(including ADA),Fair IIousang,and Public Accormnod"Ition, eersaares: a aii 1141 w 4"Im 100: I l�:,(.)C. t'lant➢I16t"Y V°CMobcr(1) 2.0 14, 75 0 3 1 5 9 Sepleml7cr. "fotad and IVo of Goal- l'o17c:L¢rxan 10 ra 1 lit, Intake Referrals to EIFOC Total and"Iia Dma nkutd ol'Goali. Referak C"ity 1 Inpllaycc cases, 70 nmdifLatimi 55 (9 i 4 1 1.11 18''46 Political Suhcliwisiona errtiiics,Age and to.56July li"qual Pay Discriminations, 2015 I IUD Fair Iatoust ng C orilract Y°car Ls 1T],(19 as of July Jura., June 201 r-1, 75 20 3 2 1 y fl 40%, Veaaarsres :i�,tl'_ctnLa4c.Islt l130C C hargvs C loscd r%i loin ISO ddaysr "41 of tooth closures Y PI) l:hC'JC Rcfcrr,ak Perfected Charges conritletcol and:stmt it)SAlaO in 10 days 90"n 90110 2 l 1 Ci 60''1,a or less(.as afar oil.) HUD Pair Ilousing Complaints closcd 7ti"+a %ii^'�, it G7 it C1 fD 0.0IRaa within 100 days as'!4T oftotatl SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Prmiile"Community Outreach,Education,and Awareness,s" lleavoore.YI Ouirala Nutnbcr of training sessions,connarunily 50 60 541 3 1 2 Ci 12%n aarccirl¢. a 7s„and informational evocrats, C. SI;Itk cf;1'LEVEL EL 0)11,11,11C PlVE; AMA Access.,Accurn'loidatloas,artd'recluaical Assistance Iter{nest resaaluliran „'4perrsaarat.6: Owptat '%D'%citirem'Complaints(Access.) I N 50 5 2 1 fl 161"14a Public artxrrrrraluuunIncguiriCS]teg14045 55 513 � 3 (I 1 4 8Iva ers, caiuests err A ectrnrrai I rash en'e e tick;ups 346 .501 4 2 5 11 221/7 ADA Technical Assistance 549 ('() I IS 4 12 34 57% Pkan 1lcwiesws Site'wrisits 25 311 t) 6 5 20 Kea Highlights. refer to bade of page. DECEMBER 2015 ADA Tech.Assist,(Muni Court)Meeting Disclaimer,Parking Spaces,Portable Ramp,Accessible Courtrooms,Crab Bare,Dispensers,Accessible W, EEOC,5 Closures I Charge Deferralo 10 new Charges takenl 10 Complaints received;tl TWC deferrals TARPS, (7)New Service Inquiries"(6)New Service Requests Mailed,('15)Service Request Re-Certifications Mailed,(1)Service Request Verification Mailed,(5)Start New Service E-Mail Sent,(20)Discontinue Service E-Mails Sent;(4)Missed Pick-up Work Orders HIJU 2 Cases Closed,3 closed Gases Mailed to HUDISA;9 Oases Worked On;5 NEMS Data Entry,6 LOD Draft';4 FH phone lnquiries;4 PH Intake/in Person Inquiries;1 E-mail interview;5 Tech,Assist. Page 11 of 12 m 6 a r4 14 uw uj IR ry� ad w w 't "I o� CuY I :t �.� ..... LU; ZL 42 0 aro �a n6o o v c� wl R d -1 Lu 0 GI .0, o o C1ol o a ........ IL uj Ix z . . . . . . E bom a z 0 L.U, 0 Lua: Oz z 40 4 U 0 Z uj LL 0 2. zin -j 0 ui > 0 W. UJ m 0 u 0 4't u 12 LLJ „„ 6oa ra'y r- uc+ w no a+e !z 2 rn v W a ra m !;2 Lu U 0, at 1% a! 14� a^ X9b O z < Oz wZ2 rd ui w ni K Co Ic! oi W� q? =L a4 00 IR c� liqWy 65 N 4A lc� Ot IR. Z Nm rA SID 0 z m vi U 0 Page 12 of 12