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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 02/03/2016 Committee For Persons With Disabilities
Summary of Minutes for February 3, 2016
Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:08 P.M.
A. Roll Call
Committee Members Present:
Richard Balli Dalia Gutierrez
Mary Bustos Linda Lindsey
Marshall Burns
Absent Committee Members:
Donnie Contreras Bertha Romero
Diana Ortega-Feerick Mary Wambach
Staff Members Present:
Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations)
Stacie Anaya (Parks&Recreation) Luis Rocha for Bernardo Cantu (Parking control)
Gene Delauro(Building Official) Lisa Aguilar(Legal)
Will Bray (Eng.)
2. Request and Approvals for Excused Absences
Mary Bustos requested an excused absence for the January meeting due to a training at
work. The request was approved.
3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 1106116
MOTION Motion — Linda Lindsey Second — Dalia Gutierrez Motion Passed
4. Public Comments (Limited to 3 Minutes)
Mr. Jackie Messina of 5814 Hampshire expressed his concern in connection with
senior citizens who travel from an apartment complex located at Lantana and 137 along
Lantana Street. Ms. Wilson directed him to the Human Relations Department to obtain a
Citizen Accessibility Grievance Form.
Ron Navarro of 1414 Peabody St. spoke to the Committee regarding his concerns with
RTA's ADA compliance.
5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes)
A. Police Chief, Mike Markle was unable to make a presentation today but will hopefully
be able to attend the April meeting. The suggested topic of his presentation would
be how CCPD addresses those with physical and mental disabilities and what can
the Committee do to help his department with those concerns.
6. Discussion/Action on term expirations. City Secretary's Office had notified Mrs. Wilson
that Bertha Romero's term had expired. She stated that Marshall Burns and Dalia Gutierrez
have expressed an interest in continuing to serve on the Committee. Mary Wambach stated
by email that she is not interested in seeking reappointment to the Committee. Mrs. Wilson
stated she had received a resignation from Diana Ortega-Ferrick which was accepted, so
we have three vacancies on the Committee.
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7. Discussion/Possible Action on Community Volunteer Involvement
Linda Lindsey reported to the Committee on upcoming Special Olympics events on
March 4t" and 5t" at West Oso High School and April 2nd at Flour Bluff High School. She
suggested some members could be present to make the public aware of the Committee
For Persons With Disabilities. A motion was passed to be present at these events.
MOTION Motion — Dalia Gutierrez Second — Mary Bustos Motion Passed
8. Staff Reports/Comments
A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report
Sylvia Wilson provided a copy of the Human Relations Monthly Performance Report
and reviewed the January stats.
(A copy of the report is attached at the end of the minutes)
B. Development Services Department— Department Overview
Gene Delauro provided copies of the Development Services Residential
Construction Summary Report for January 2016 and the Building Construction
Summary for January 2016. Mr. Delauro reviewed the reports and answered
various questions from the Committee Members.
(Copies of the reports are attached at the end of the minutes)
C. Engineering Services —Will Bray provided an update on pre-applications for a CDBG
D. Parks and Recreation Department—Adaptive Programs Information
Stacie Talbert-Anaya updated the Committee on the following projects:
The Cast for Kids Program — scheduled for April 23, 2016 at the Packery Channel
Boat Ramp (A flyer was provided and a copy is attached to the minutes.)
Collier Pool — hopefully begin construction in early April
E. C.C.P.D. Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update
Luis Rocha was present for Bernardo Cantu and provided the Parking Control
Report for 2015 and January 2016. He also answered various questions from the
members. (A copy of his report was provided and is attached to the minutes.)
9. Subcommittee Reports
A. Engineering Subcommittee — Update
Mrs. Wilson stated she had met with Mr. Will Bray to go over the list of accessibility
grievance issues and reapply for CDGB funds.
B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Update
Marshall Burns discussed the progress that had been made on the public service
announcements. He hopes to have a rough draft to present to the Committee by the
March meeting.
C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Update
Mr. Balli stated he had sent some mail outs to local businesses and hopes to receive
responses soon.
D. Bylaws Subcommittee Update
Sylvia Wilson stated that she hopes to have the Bylaws ready by next month.
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10. Chairperson's Report
A. Round Table Information — Linda Lindsey gave an update on the costs of CFPWD
shirts and said she would get back with the Members to finalize the price. Mrs.
Wilson stated that everyone would be responsible for the purchase of their own
11. Identify Items to be placed on next agenda
• Marshall Burns requested information on the City's training of employees to work
with people who have disabilities.
• Discussion/Action on recommendations to fill the three vacancies.
• Suggested plans for July, Disability Awareness Month
• Fun Run possibilities by March meeting
12. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 4:24 p.m.
MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second — Mary Bustos Motion Passed
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Human Relations Monthly Performance Report
With a goal oful osicring Diverse Lind l quiliaSlu Envnr4asuinesus with Its rp"' l and heile,'sionalisin°,the Irtnnaan Reladons Divkkm"ill
condild and c florce a p osiuve parnErLun rel non-discruninanaon in tYa 1wyrncnt,,Maar tiousing„Punic Vkccotninocta ion„ane coop mince
with the Anicricuns evith 1)isahilitics,Met(ADA)wit lain ilie C°ity oft,orprnv Christi. we wa°all alw'r q'nakc re�urt ai'ad rrcotruiraerae�Iatid�rras tea
the C'aty Council Land others,toward the Iietterincait ol"group anis inter-gioupa rclationshi;pw%Otlaiam the community,
A. Non4n1,scrindriation Pro rarrr It, ADA C"oaapliance
1,Inuike,Invcstldativre,and IVlediapieatu 1(es0lutiaiar Services I.�Address and itionuor ADA cnrmpilimiLe through;ac�eoartin¢attalit'ita rceptacMs aaaad cilizoa
2,(.datoara auny Ouneaclr,t:dtacatidan„ante rAta urcncss caarmplaainis,;Coininunity lnducalion and A watcncss;,fxtatl"rat,ehorieaL�l,p�Iraaini IraNav ,aAsspstaucc.
3."technical and Adiuina.arativc SerOces 2,Coordination of irnpaleruentation,rrionitorint,and,updale refuse t°kym,ide:ADA"frasudflon Man
Arl oprted or t anatraat ear
Actual 21113 21014-Sepit Adoprteal 0cl 4s at C oonrael Oct I;m.N-1 1) uontrao or FYl'li'filth'C�I2f4ANCE'�iteASLIRE01'�t,11�CTIVE �2tt14 2015 A5-Sepat'V[v Start Date 2015 iNtw.20115 Dec.2015 Jan.2016 `total. W'°t'l)%ofGoal
Provide Investigative Service to include intake,investigation,mediation,conciliation,monitoring and charge rowhition in
[@mploynment(including;ADA), Fair I lousing;,and Public Acconiniodation.
Measures: ,u wt
wa0io83trrtay Int(a .Puffy.
E EOC Cm"ontraact Yr October to 21x14, 1)(mimazd pt 3 1 + 1 10 130/a
`"acptcmhar. Total and%o of Goal- n odilreallon trr
Intake Referrals tae EEOC;;"G"otui.Intl"a 0;
of Goal ltefo-als.City Ewnmploy e ceases„ t7(mntv,artl
70 rnodlllicalion 55 tl 5 4 1 1222o/a
Political Subdivisions entities,Age and to 5(i July
Equal Pay Discriminations.
30(19 Lei of
I1EJD F14 Contract Yc<ar is July-June. June 2014, 25 21 3 2 1 2 1 app 450/6
641,o cif goal)
Measures :E:ffceuvenes,ss
I';I'0C Charges Closed within 11111 days 75x,"-i 751ia tl 2 1 3 1 7 70%
as%j of"total closures YTD
EEOC Referrals: Perfected C"wr£;es
conipleted and sent to SAFO in 10 days 90""4a 90% 0 2 3 1 2 8 67%
or Gess(tas'Nl of)
HUD hair I lousing;Complaints closed 70`,,/,r 70% (11 0 0 E) 0t1 0 0"/a
within 100 days Lis`/ooftotaal
1'.1. SERVICE;LEVEL C711JEC"HNIE: Provide"Coninranity Outreach,Education,and aAwa,reiaessso'
Measures: OutPul
Number oftraining=Sessions,eotraaraunity 50 60 sea 3 1 2 2 8 1fr"'r/a
ulecting;s,and in1brinatuonaal cveuts.
C. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: ADA Access.,Accommodations,and'i'echnical Assistance 1#,ettuesl resolution
1easures., .utput
ADA Citizens'Cotaaprlafttts(Access.) It3f,1 50 -5 2 1 0 8 ICI'i✓a,
Ii'ublic✓Accornmodatirm Inquiries,'IRetpucsas '55 54) 3 0 1 1 5 10%)
I'ickl'upros 341 50 4 2 5 6 17 34'V6
ADA Technical Assistance 51) tiff Is 4 12 I 1 45, ?'S''/a
Plan Reviews/Site Visits 2S 391 9 6 5 0 20
Key Ilighlights: refer to back of page.
ADA Tech.Assist.: Parking,Damp, Sidewalk,Automatic Door Opener, Referrals to Dev.Svcs.and CCRTA
EEOC: 1 Closure; 2 Charge Deferrals;2 New Charges Formalized; 14 compl,aiants received; 0 TWC Deferrals
TARPS: (8)New Service Inquiries, (6) New Service Requests Mailed,(20)Service Request Re-Certifications Mailed,
(0)Service Request Verification Mailed, (6) Start New Service E-Mail Sent, (3)Discontinue Service E-Mails Sent;(4)
Missed Pick-up Work Girders
HUD: 1 Cases Closed; 10 Cases Worked On; t Draft Conciliation; 1 Draft Timeline; 1 On-Site Visit; 1
Initial'/Amended Notices; 2 FH Walk-in Interviews;1 FH E-mail Interview; 12 FFG Telephonic Inquiry; and 4 FH
Intakelin Person Inquiry.
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Day Fisi.Imru�g for C!°::Id:,,,ee 3pe :oil w a �
i�salb�ld �°� lll :..rls
Saturday, April 23, 2016
8,:30 AM - 1:00 PMI
Packery Channel Boat Parking ILot �t
Free foiu° III lltegistraints
Pre-registration is required
Participants should be ages 5-18 years of age
and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
Space is limited) so sign up today!
Register online at: /I
Cast-Events/PackeryChannel C 0 R 1y3 U
or call 361-826-3469 CHRISTI�wiim,mmup �I d�fi l
Deadline to register is April 8, 2016 F-I�l`A R K S ;
Free.Vrtrncla is provided for partticogarnts area tlao-nir family and volunteers. ECR EATI
F'art7cipants will receive a free Ierfrco Rod &Reel,a Plano Tackle loox, an
ave eat T Shnirt and a cr.iMl`r1E! mrarat°iv>e plaque vulthr photo, �
Don't forgetyouirc amei al, caqr Nanta Isunscireerd
The r„A S.T'.i n Ki IN FeuIII ati,r,is SM(6.(3I—r-fit estm flhfi d 1.1991�wl7ci„d,n.,o Cm i,to p—idr a9 balA d il .N
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1he6IYGfC,,,PUi chmii,P'n"'Me,,paPtiople Ur1 GSYi�a tI W..;df'Wff.,CGt4Ja,I'aSfiGJYlmI fJ(16JIPY,5L%,5(],e,rm ldlGJf4, aYfdkrt IILR911py dwbilky CY p otul belief ars provided IgIon requeA and in accar(ante.
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Page 6 of 7
ADA Committee Citation Count
Calendar Year 2O1S
Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blockin Total
Jan 29 4 76 109
Feb 25 1 30 56
Mar 24 1 39 64
Apr 8 3 79 90
May 22 2 49 73
Jun 36 6 40 82
Jul 29 19 404 452
7 3 130 140
12 3 104 119
Oct 16 8 93 117
Nov 40 2 40 82
Dec 84 21 50 155
332 73 1134 1539
Calander Year 2016
Disabled Parking Total
Jan 19 8 129 156
Feb 0
Mar 0
May 0
Jun 0
Jul 0
Aug 0
Sep 0
Oct 0
Nov 0
Dec 0
Total 19 129 156
2015 2016
90 73 82
log 64 117
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