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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 04/06/2016 Committee For Persons With Disabilities
Summary of Minutes for April 6, 2016
Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:00 P.M.
A. Roll Call
Committee Members Present:
Richard Balli Donnie Contreras Ernest Herrera
Mary Bustos Tracy Ferezan Linda Lindsey
Marshall Burns Dalia Gutierrez Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo
Absent Committee Members: None
Staff Members Present:
Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations)
Gene Delauro(Building Official) Luis Rocha on behalf of Bernardo Cantu(Parking Control)
Will Bray(Engineering) Stacie Anaya (Parks&Recreation)
Staff Members Absent:
Lisa Aguilar(Legal)
2. Request and Approvals for Excused Absences - None
3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 03.02.16
MOTION Motion — Donnie Contreras Second — Marshall Burns Motion Passed
4. Public Comments
Ms. Jackie Turner, founder of One Woman at a Time, spoke to the Committee and
expressed a desire to be on the Agenda for the May Meeting.
5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes)
A. Police Chief Mike Markle discussed CCPD policies on arrests involving people with
disabilities and the training of law enforcement personnel in handling such arrests.
B. Bernardo Cantu with the CCPD discussed the Transportation Network Companies and
answered questions from various committee members.
C. Norma Pena, Joyce Lopez and Tommy Rodriguez with the National Federation for
the Blind informed the Committee of some of the programs and opportunities available
to those in the community who are blind.
6. Discussion/Action on appointment of Vice Chairperson — Marshall Burns was
nominated for the position of Vice Chairperson.
MOTION Motion — Richard Balli Second —Tracy Ferezan Motion Passed
7. Discussion/Possible Action on Community Volunteer Involvement — Stacie Anaya
reminded the members of the CAST for Kids event scheduled for April 23, 2016.
8. Staff Reports/Comments
A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report - Sylvia Wilson provided a copy of
the Human Relations Monthly Performance Report and reviewed the March stats. She
also furnished a flyer on an Affordable Housing Summit scheduled for April 21, 2016.
(Copies of both handouts are attached to the minutes.)
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B. Development Services Department— Department Overview
Gene Delauro provided copies of the Development Services Residential
Construction Summary Report for March 2016 and the Building Construction
Summary for March 2016. Mr. Delauro reviewed the reports and answered various
questions from the Committee Members.
(Copies of the reports are attached at the end of the minutes)
C. Engineering Services —Will Bray provided an update on the Ocean Dr. project from
Buford St. to Louisiana St.
D. Parks and Recreation Department—Adaptive Programs Information
Stacie Anaya updated the Committee on the playground at Selena Park and other
projects in progress.
E. C.C.P.D. Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update
Luis Rocha was present for Bernardo Cantu and provided the Parking Control
Report for 2015 and March 2016. He also answered various questions from the
members. (A copy of his report was provided and is attached to the minutes.)
9. Subcommittee Reports
A. Engineering Subcommittee — Ms. Wilson stated that Engineering is working on
plans to address the need for a sidewalk in the Lantana and Leopard Streets area.
B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Update
Marshall Burns discussed the need for additional members to serve on the
subcommittee. Ernest Herrera and Dr. Zoccolillo expressed a desire to assist.
C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Update
Mr. Balli provided an update to the Committee.
D. Bylaws Subcommittee — Sylvia Wilson provided an update to the Committee.
10.Chairperson's Report
A. Round Table Information — Mr. Burns informed the Committee of a petition in favor of
Transportation Network Companies in Corpus Christi. Details on the Rubber Duck
Roundup at Cole Park on May 28th,the annual Goodwill Job Fair on May 4th,the
CIBCIL Cinco de Mayo Fiesta May 6th and Project Speak were discussed.
11. Identify Items to be placed on next agenda
• Possible presentation by Ms. Jackie Turner of One Woman at a Time
12. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second — Mary Bustos Motion Passed
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Human Relations Monthly Performance Report
Wall 11;oal of I oslrrrnll;Dkersc and LLllnlaNe 1 mil'olinlents Willi Respecl and 1 6aIvsSioaalisln`,the:Human I'telatiom 17iOsinll wad
U011nnC'I aCH]ell[Or CC tl(IWISEI I VC prur'ran➢01 MITI-U II,dCI'11MIMII V It in L:".fl yanye wiu,rair t'YPktI81ng,I'linuc ACCUI'i1S'tlM1UCtSII I(JI'1,ano cN'D1pinince
with lite Ain eHcans with Disubi N 11 lci Aci(ADA)Millen the'City o Corpus(.'tan,li, We wiIf It ISo make i'vimi"t.s and reLommenda ions lo
the 4:ilk('munch and nCllels,tml and tlhc benunnent III gloull and ill lm r3;rerup relaliunshi,pas wilhin the ccuxvmurl itly.
A. Non-17iscriodoalion I'roV raau IL ADA Cotrrpliance
I.Ineiklt,Imesng alive,and hiediatlnnlltesullm iaan Services 1.Address md rrionilm ADA compliance thlouah accoinniodaJon rryuv,5is and elinin
2.(oonxulirity Outreach.I'_alucation,and A#warvucss Complaints;Cululmunity Elluwlim and Aw arviless;,gird"1"eachnir.,ilsAdmio'l isuowet Assistance..
3.reciaacaii and Adir inis rrn"Se^rviC:',v 2.coordination lit iCY1) CiX7C1911➢1tl G7i1,Y'nimitor'ing,and I pdile of Ii1C(I ytvi&ADA I Iansifian Plan
Artoirlmatl C)ct Adnplm<I C"niracl nr
,2013 2(184-Smp1 (7111"15- IN al Cnatr, M11aalrch p,'y117) taallrr'anl,+r INPERFORMANCENlt;ASUREOBJECTIVjAclual
28184 2015 .11'16' surrtllmlc I'1uc.2015 Jaii.2CVIfi reh201b 2016 "1"nn VID X. 1GiA!
Provide Investigative Service to include intake,Investigation,lilediation,conciliation,tnonitt7ring,and charge resolution in
Employment(including ADA),hair Housing,and Public Accommodation,
,Tlewupes. Output
EEOC Contract Yr October tar y Do July,
1 nl s i N121a 14 Ycssmssld h
75 (h S l 7 g 25 33',
`Se tctnb er. "Total and%of Coal- Modification to
Intake Referrals to EEOCotal and ren 783,
of Goal Refcrals'City Employee cages, Downward
713 modification 55 a 1 2 4 9 25 45°Aa
I'oliticaal Subdivisions entities,Age Ind to 56.1uly
Equal Pay Discriminations. 2015
30 I I9 as oi'
I IUD 1.1I Contract Year is July-.lune. June 2014, 25 20 3 2 1 1 4 14 70%
04%tit r ball
1kasuras :G.arecnvenesss
EEOC C°h arges Closed within 180 days 751141 75�%,, 0 3 I 7 n 22 88%
Its r41 01 total closures YTD
EFOC Referrals:flerfected Charges
completed and Sent to SAF0 in.ICI days 901111 90% 0 1 2 113 S 16 64"h
or less(as','"of)
I-IUD[weir Housing C;onipltaii"s closed
ro1", 70% I C) t) Cl 1) 0
within 100 days its'V,,of'tatal
It. SERVICE LI-ATI,011.)[ j]VE: Provide"Cornnunity Outreach,Education,Iand:Asvareitims„
.1kasuresa Output I
Number ol'tralitling sessions,community 50 fitl Sal 2 3 2Tr
raweting,s,and informational events.
C. SERVICE LEVEL 011.11 CIVVr',: ADA Access.,Accommodations,and Technical Assistance Request rasolutioll
Measures. Output
ADA Citizens'Complaints QAccess.) 100 50 1 0 3 1 12 24"/n
u ie Accornanolalion
Inquiri"JRequests 55 50 l I 1 0 6 121/,
NewlRcquests for Acconnn.
TraAi1Rc yelp I'icklup7s 30 50 6 5 4 29 513'%n
ADA Technical Assistance 50 tit 12 11 S 3 56 93'Yo
Plan Reviews/Site visits 25 311 S CI 3 1 2.4
Key Highlights:refer to back of page.
MARCH 2016
EEOC;, B Closures;9 Charge Deferral% 14 New Charges Formalized; 18 complaints received(1 TW C)
TARPS: (4)New Service Inquiries,(4)New Service Requests Mailed,(42)Service Request Re-Certifications Mailed,(6)
Start New Service E-Mails Sent,(12)Discontinued Service E-Mails Sent,(4)Missed Pick-up Work Orders
HUD:4 Cases Closed;.13 Cases Worked'On; 12 FH Telephonic/E-mail Interviews;17 FH Walk-in Interviews; 25 FH
Telephonic Inquiry;1 FH IntakelIn Person Inquiry; 1 FH outreach @ Zavala Senior Center(3131116)
ADA: TAS-School Sidewalk,referral to Code Enforcement due to sidewalk obstruction;and Grab Bar Installation specs.
Accessibility Grlonvances-sidewalk not accessible for person in wheelchair,placed on the curb/sidewalk report for further review.
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Page 6 of 13
ADA Committee Citation Count
Calendar Year 2O15
Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk -Total
Jan 29 4 76 109
Feb 25 1, 30 56
Mar 24 1 39 64
May 22 2 49 73
Jun 36 6 40 82
Jul 29 19 404 452
Aug 7 3 130 140
Sep 12 3 104 119
Oct 16 8 93 117
Nov 40 2 40 82
Dec 84 21 50 155
Total 332 73 1134 1539
Calander Year 2016
Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total
Jan 19 8 129 156
Feb 14 3 153 170
I�i_ar 31 11 1-04 146
Apr 0
Jun 0
Jul 0
Sep 0
Oct 0
Nov 0
Dec 0
Rotal 22 386 472
2015 2016
452 156 170
90 B2 140
64 1119
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416/2016 Invitibons,Free eCard5 and Party Planning Ideas from Evite
Close OhndONIV
2nd Annual CBCIL Cinco de Mayo Fiesta
Host Linda Fal'lwell Stover
Phone 361-683-8461
When Friday,May 6 at 3!00 PM
Where Coastal Bend Center For Independent Living
1537 7th Street
Corpus Christi,TX 78404
Message From Host
Please join us for networking and more.We will have food,fun and entertainment.
[illp:/Iwww.evite.cofTitservicestevenks/DICFN7HB5DYZ64WESE PF5H6Y41XSLY/exporypririt 1/1
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Corning to Coastal Bend CIL'.
3-day r g course: May 3-4 , 2016
Are a person with a developmental disability.
Have something to say about what matters to people with disabilities.
Want to learn how to be an effective public speaker.
Will take an active role in training, practicing, and follow-up.
today!Learn about Project SPEAK*
*Public speaking training for people with developi-rental disabilities.
Dalia Guterriez I CBCIL Independent Living Specialist I (361)883-8461
r'inancial Sul)paortf"rvr Pt,giectS,JGAiCps provided to Imagine Cnterp rises Pap,tiie'l(ras CouncilJarDevel'o,pmerrtal
Disabilities,ivith 17c doral firrtds°made available by the United Stotrs Npaurrtrnent ofHealth and Human Services
Administration on)ntelloctual De.uet10po1e17ta1 Disubdities.(.02'4,999(70r%)DDfunds,S41,767(30%j non-federal
Page 9 of 13
Project SPEAK is a training program for self-advocates with
developmental disabilities who want tobecome public
speakers.As °SPEAKens," self-advocates can focus attention on
real issues that matter topeopiewith developmental
Who can be a SPEAKer?
Project SPEAK works with organizations around Texas to create local teams of SPEAKers.Any self-advocate with
adevelopmental disability who lives ima local partner's service area can apply.
How are SPEAKers selected?
From all people that apply,between five and 10 people will be picked for each Project SPEAK training class.The
Project SPEAK trainers and local partner will sekectSPExKers who:
= Show ostrong interest impublic speaking,even oftrthe project ends,
= Are able to describe one nrmore tnpi*W they feel strongly about and want others to understand.
~ Agree to:
o Take part inatwo-day basic training program and atleast one follow-up session(with reasonable
o Do homework.Practice,and stay in touch with the Project SPEAK team between training sessions.
o Develop at least one presentation about something that's important personally and/or to others
people with developmental disabilities,
o Make at least one presentation to a conference,agency,organization,or similar audience(with
reasonable accommodation,asneeded>.
o Take part infinding and choosing appropriate speaking opportunities.
Note:|mmaking selections,we are committed to diversity in race,ethnicity,gender,and disability.We'll keep
the applications ufpeople that aren't selected incase ofdropouts o,additional training opportunities inthe
The Project SPEAK team will work closely with spsAKeotodevelop speaking opportunities and reach new
audiences.We'll explore different presentation options for SPEAKers for whom a traditional"speech"may not
bethe most effective form ofcommunication.
Important:Project SPEAK will fund transportation,lodging,meals,and attendant expenses for traveling to make
apesenuodon.No travel will be paid for attending local training.Project SPEAK will not pay speakers'fees to
participants,though the host organization may choose to do so.There is no requirement or guarantee of
payment for speaking.
How to Apply qq�s_�
Complete the attached application and ma|ia Gutierrez,Independent Living Specialist
return byemail,fax,ormail.The return Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living(CeOL>
information isnmthe application. (gO1)8O3-O4Gro,ApdiqggLc�
Financial SuppurtforrProject SPEAK is provided by the Texas counciffor Developmental'Disabilities,with Federalfunds made available by
the upiteuomooDepartment of*eaoxand Human Services,Administration onIntellectual Developmental Vismoumieo,($z24,999(m96)
oofmnus;$m',ar(30%)non-federal nso,rces./
Page 1Oof13
ro ,�
SPEAKer Application
Please answer all questions. If you have questions, contact Cheryl Harris, project manager, at 1-800-572-7159
(toll-free)or cherylharri'
City: State: ZIP:
�Phone: rCell: —� Email:
About You:
The information you give in this section will help us have as diverse a group of SPEAKers as possible.You do
not have to provide information about your gender, birth date, race/ethnicity, or disability, if you don't want to.
Gender: Birth date: Race/Ethnicity:
What do you want to speak about? (What do you want others to know about you and other people
with disabilities?Is there something you want to make better- like working,going to school,
where you live, having transportation, making friends,doing fun things, etc.?)
Page 11 of 13
What do you think you need to learn to be a Are there certain agencies, groups,or
public speaker? audiences you want to speak to?
Why is learning to be a public speaker important to you?
Carefully read the statement below,then sign and date the form.
The information I've given on this form is true and correct, I understand that being part of Project
SPEAK means I will need to attend training and do homework between training sessions. I
understand that I am expected to: 1) Develop at least one presentation on a topic that is related to
an issue that is important to people with developmental disabilities. 2) Give at least one
presentation to a conference, agency, organization or similar audience. 3)Take part in finding and
choosing appropriate speaking opportunities,
Photo Release Statement: I hereby consent to participating in interviews, giving quotes, being
photographed(including videos and movies) by Project SPEAK.I also grant to Project SPEAK the right
to edit, use, and reuse said products for non-profit purposes including use in print, on the internet,and all
other forms of media (including social media). I also hereby release Project SPEAK and its agents and
employees from all claims, demands,and liabilities whatsoever in connection with the above.
Type or sign your name here: Date:
Parent / guardian (required for applicants younger than 18)- Date,
Ready to submit the application? See the next page for details.
Page 12 of 13
Note: The form is made to be filled ouit on a computer, but you can fill it out in writing. Choose the way
that works best for you:
1. If you have Adobe Reader, you can type your information on your computer and send It using
the Submit Form button, You can download Adobe Reader for free,
2. Save the form (on the File menu, click Save As) and fill it out on your computer. You can
send it by email OR print and send it by fax or mail.
3. Print the form and fill it out in writing. Send it by fax or mail.
Return your application to: Questions?
Project SPEAK/CBCIL Dalia Gutierrez, Independent Living Specialist
Email: Phone: (361) 883-8461
Mail: 1537 Seventh St., Corpus Christi,TX 78404 Email:
Pax: (361) 883-4820
,Financial Support far Project SPEAK is provided to Imagine Enterprises by the Texas Council for
Developmental Disabilities,with 17cileralfunds made available by the United States Department of Ilealth and
Huntan Services,Administration on Intellectual and Develoinnental Disabilities.(SI24,999(70%)DD finds;
$41,767(30%)non federal resources).
For more hijbrination about Imagine Enterjurises to learn more about Project SPEAKvstafelvitle efforts,
contact Cheryl Harris,Project Director,1-800-572-7159(toll free)or chei:vlliitrrisl8Cconicast.tiet.
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