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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 05/04/2016 Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for May 4, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:08 P.M. A. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Richard Balli (ARP) Linda Lindsey Marshall Burns (PSA) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo Donnie Contreras (ARP) Absent Committee Members: Non Mary Bustos Tracy Ferezan Dalia Gutierrez (PSA) Ernest Herrera Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations) Gene Delauro(Building Official) Luis Rocha on behalf of Bernardo Cantu(Parking Control) Will Bray(Engineering) Lisa Oliver on behalf of Stacie Anaya(Parks&Recreation) Staff Members Absent: Lisa Aguilar(Legal) 2. Request and Approvals for Excused Absences - None 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 04.06.16 MOTION Motion — Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo Second — Marshall Burns Motion Passed 4. Public Comments Mr. Jack Gordy addressed the Committee about his concern with the sidewalk in front of Gulfway Shopping Center that he states is not ADA compliant. He provided pictures of the sidewalk. (Copies are attached to the Minutes.) 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A.Jackie Turner of One Woman at a Time & Lavon Spears with Women Encouraging Women discussed the efforts of their organizations to support parents with children who have disabilities, especially women. They provided handouts at the meeting. (Copies are attached to the Minutes.) B. Adjournment Donnie Contreras left the meeting, and therefore losing the quorum, the Meeting was adjourned at 3:29 p.m. Page 1 of 9 i 1% c i 10 i J a 11���f�� �1�� �it l!J)Y�ffk(�✓nnkn�llu(N/f,!(r%r nu ,r'.,� %i °f Jillline Page 2 of 9 r I / Page 3 of 9 Y SAM �....................�_. Women Encoura$in6 Women P.O.Box 6246 Corpus Christi,Texas 78466 6 -4-A TJ 'co y un u°:5 Page 4 of 9 •..... .......... 8.. .. a., .o. ... ,..... 1(�I l (�i(l � ri 0- a C7 n f7 O f2) O 0 C) 0 Q ^ z H { 00 ZI as a Ca np �� d 81 Om0 0(D ro rri n o�, I_. V9 l r n11 C• f M tjr01. I �I ^h 7,1 . ...... ........... ................................ ..,.. ,...... G ) V1 I �] 00 ' 4 �«y�,,� � Y ru ID L= t� � �71r `� —r/ `" ..�/.- �sOrri 0101 0 c� rTi z [ a{ ril � 0 r q ID 712 Pledge r I would like to support VVEW with a tax-deductible donation of: -- , ,_..m,_,_ c �. $5 $20 1aC1 �50f� �IOQt� $.�C}�0 � ° Q� Q z fD Id z ° r� o Address: — c, 00 C7W 4 p° - ~ __....____.._ ... .._ ._... ° Grhone. lax ° Email: . _. _ _ ...... _....... c ......................... ........Runk,you for your financial supports ".'..._, Page 5 of 9 y r t W ' J IN SPECIALPARENTS OF' CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL. NEEDS HAVE TAKING CARE OF YOUR. EMOTIONAL NEEDS FREE COMMUNITY PARENT FAIR Saturday, May 14, 2016 'I 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. I (Registration begins at 10:30 a.m.) FREE Childcare Luc JFK Elementary School 1102 Villarreal Dr.,Corpus Christi,TX 79416 Fill out the Pre-REGISTRATION form on the back Mail to: WEW,P. O. Box 6246, Corpus Christi, TX 78466 Email to: wewtxl.4@pmail com Fax to: 361-855-3083 Seating and Childcare is limited Please Pre-Register Sponsored by: ° ''cnnetu Encouraging Wotnen(WDA One Woman At al'ime (OWAT) For More Information Contact:. ell Cella Boyd,WEW Director (361)8SS-9886 1 TIT Page 6 of 9 wUNwgWWWq�INWwwN9,hwpmmuwlmmw�w'uU.mumw4mv uuwWwpmuMww4W'umANw ww::w�w..ero�w�. ��.... 4NIOINbMw'w'N'W WwIDI MM'�MIIIM1pM1Yl0.&I�AVWPIw4�YWROWuwu a N.�au W"dmu ww PAREN T'S OF Clill.-DREN WITF1 SPECIAL NEEDS e dAVE SPE CIA1. NEEDS TA G G8,f1F' t ri Y( i,J EM(O 41'Y,,`, l,, k IE (.U°:A ,440 PARENT REGISTRATION FORM Saturday, May 14, 2016 11:00ai m-3:00pm JFK Elementary, 1102 Villarreal Cir.,C.C.,T Name Address Street City State Zip Code phone email Will you Breed childcare? --Yes No ""Child needs to be independent in tolleting and feeding. *11 If your child requires specialized equipment or care contact Cella Boyd @ 361-855-9666 If yes,mark ages of children(do not write child's name). Number of School Age Children Number of School age Children "".�:......__.. .. __".,,._..� e_m.. �._..x Disability up to age 12 years Age qir a Disability u to age 1Z year �ki�a CG�sa _......___. __.....�.,., ......_�... Child 1 Child 1 ............................_. _...__...._.._........................_..._.—.�....._._.._.._._............................__-----------._............__..._._..._.__..............................._....._...._._...__..._..__......._. ...................... ............... Child Z Child Z Child 3 Child 3 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT.Cella Boyd,VVEW Director,(361)655-9886 r�eaku��r3aT;re�'naklb ttbill�'p Page 7 of 9 WOMEN ENCOURAGING WOMEN, INC. P. 0.Box 6246 Corpus Cwlaristi "Texas 78466 1'" 7 PHONE (361')555-9M FAX(36af 955-3083 April 4,2016 Dear Prospective Partner/Vcndot. Women Encouraging Woimn (WE' ) is a. neva non-profit community organization dedicated io encouraging and supporting:„ all women in strengthening and inspiriting there to reach their potential and fulfill their purpose and destiny in life. As a part of our community outreach,we erre partnering with Enlightenment Consulting;,LLC and the r affiliate One Woman At«a Time to host a FREE community parent fair at Fest Oso I "s John F.Kennedy Elementary School on May 1 ,2 1.6 from 11:00am-3m00p The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.(IDEA)provides services and support for children wvilh disabilities and their parents in public and charter schools. We have discovered in over thirty six years of experience in the field of special education that PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS HAVE SPECIAL NEEDS. Our goal is to support schools and our community in providing moral,spiritual and emotional support to parents of:"students with disabilities. A motivating and flan packed day is planned for parents with topics that include understanding the stages of grief"that parents of children with special needs experience; ideas and strategies for fun at relaxation; and connecting; with other parents of children with disabilities. Attached is a flyer that provides additional information. Please consider partnering with us by agreeing to be a'vender and/or providing a door prize to support our efforts.. If you would like to contribute,please contact one of the individuals below. Thank you in advance for your support, and we loofa forward to hearing from you. Cella Boyd,WEW Director Jackie Turner,OWAT Phone(361)855-9886 fax(361)855-3083 (361)854-8854 w r l "lel nit r dalrN. l itn i:�nfl n wi'lal7r, t�npg�� L)E Sincerely, o Cella Boyd Director for Women Encouraging Women Page 8 of 9 -1AVE SPECIAL NEED" p tr � �� VEND�OR REGISTRATION FORM Saturday, May 14, 2016 p Lo�cation: JFK Elementary ch ool 1102 Villarreal Dr.. Corpus Christi, Texas 78416 Please fax, (361) 855-3083, or email wewt404"g!jj qcarn by May 6, 2016. Name of Organization Contact Narne(s)� Phone Number: Number, Email'. Service you are providing: Providing Door Prize Yes No Please consider partnering Frith Lis by agreeing to be a vendaar and/ar providing a door prize to support our efforts. 9f further assistance is required,please contact Cella gaud @ 361-855-9686. Page 9 of 9