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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 06/01/2016 Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for June 1, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:03 P.M. A. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Richard Balli (ARP) Tracy Ferezan Marshall Burns (PSA) Ernest Herrera (PSA) Mary Bustos (ARP) Linda Lindsey (ARP) Donnie Contreras (ARP) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (PsA) Absent Committee Members: Dalia Gutierrez (PSA) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations) Gene Delauro(BuildingOfficial) Luis Rocha (Parking Control) Will Bray(Engineering) Lisa Oliver(Parks&Recreation) Staff Members Absent: Lisa Aguilar(Legal) 2. Request and Approvals for Excused Absences - Excused absences were requested by Mary Bustos, Dalia Gutierrez, Tracy Ferezan and Ernest Herrera. MOTION Motion — Linda Lindsey Second — Marshall Burns Motion Passed 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 05.04.16 MOTION Motion — Linda Lindsey Second — Mary Bustos Motion Passed 4. Public Comments Mr. Mike Rendon, Safety & Security of the RTA, introduced himself and invited the members to visit the new RTA building. He encouraged the members to contact him with any transportation issues. 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. Billy Delgado, Emergency Management Coordinator for City of Corpus Christi— Emergency Preparedness for Evacuation of People with Disabilities Mr. Delgado and Christina Rodriguez, Emergency Management Specialist, gave the committee an update on the evacuation program to assist citizens with disabilities and answered questions from the members. B.Johnny Martinez, Elections Manager, Nueces County Clerk's Office —Voting Information for People With Disabilities. Mr. Martinez outlined the accessibility requirements for different polling locations in Nueces County. He also discussed the option of Curbside Assistance for those who want to cast their vote from their automobile. (Copy of Curbside Assistance notice attached to the Minutes) In addition, Mr. Martinez set up a Disabled Access Unit as an example of the booths used in all the voting locations. 6. Discussion/Possible Action To be discussed in Item 9 Page 1 of 7 7. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report— Sylvia Wilson gave the Committee a verbal report on the statistics for May, 2016. Mrs. Wilson also reported on the status of the complaint filed by Mr. Jack Gordy concerning the palm trees located at the Gulfway Shopping Center. B. Development Services Department— Department Overview Gene Delauro provided copies of the Development Services Residential Construction Summary Report for April 2016 and the Building Inspection All Construction Summary for April 2016. (Copies of reports attached to the Minutes) Mr. Delauro gave an update on the accessibility issue at the Bill Miller BBQ on Saratoga. C. Engineering Services —ADA Projects Update —Sidewalk Issue on Lantana Will Bray provided a cost estimate for two of the six ramps needed along Lantana Street which would provide some improvement to the area. D. Parks and Recreation Department—Adaptive Programs Information Lisa Oliver gave an update on the inclusive playground scheduled for Salinas Park, provided handouts on 2016 Summer Youth Programs and the grand opening of Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve. E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update Luis Rocha provided the Parking Control Report for May, 2016 and answered questions from the members. 8. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — Update already given B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Marshall Burns advised that the subcommittee will meet within the next two weeks to discuss a possible script. Suggestions for the PSA included accessible parking, the curbside voting, 211, and the evacuation process. C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Update on Inclusive Playground — Mr. Balli stated he plans to have more information after the next monthly meeting. D. Bylaws Subcommittee — Sylvia Wilson gave the Committee an update and hopes to have a second draft of the bylaws by next month's meeting. 9. Chairperson's Report A. Round table information — Mr. Balli reported on his attendance at the Community Parents Fair, the Goodwill Job Fair and the Rubber Duck Event. He also informed the members as to the status of the logo shirts. Ernest Herrera reported on his attendance at the CAST Event. 10. Identify Items to be placed on next Agenda RTA route changes Area Agency on Aging presentation 11. Adjournment MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second — Ernest Herrera Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 5:09 PM Page 2 of 7 %������/%��////%/�%%%%%/%�°°%////%1j i//'%ii iii% �,� � /,�/%i/%/%iii/ /�i��iii,� 1�r ! ! Come and explore the preserve! Learning Center hours Monday-Saturday,8 am-5 pna y Trails&Grounds open daily,dawn to dusk M 7"lee 162 acre nature preserve with its four miles of nature trails is filled with (,D'" 1 the wonders of our natural world.Learn J ` about the importance of protecting our l t11Y tt ��C Ih 1 i- wetlands and the ecosystem it supports. s a tl „ It is owned and run by the City of Corpus Fro i/g� (.hru.' nart nLrrt. s / Christi Pants Recreation De C � � PROGRAMS� Lt~o_ rP d / E ertss Local scientists, V"(2/0 �//�L�� historians and other Oso Bay experts will shar-e their knowledge each month.This program is for adults and t children 1.2 anal olded%'Fhe program takes place on the 3r 'Thursday ref the month.Registration is required. May 19:history of Oso Bay by Greg Smith June 16:Terrapins by Aaron Baxter 'edand 'o J.cshops [hese hands-on workshops will give vkitors a chance to explore local plants and animals in depth This program is for adults and children 12 and older. Registration is required. May 2B:Tap Your Inner Caveman 61� by Mark Vorderbruggen July 16:Explore with[Naturalistby Marsha May Guided Nature Walks Join our staff and volunteers fortlaemednature walks.Guests of all gages and interest levels are led each'Tuesday morning iy at B arra and each Saturday morning at 9 am.No registration is required.Meet yyy�„ o on the Learning Center porch.Free. For more program information,visit our website and w c 'book. http://registerster online tcparkandrec.cCm PAR i<S RECREATInit 249.6 PV.Oso ParkCnrpus Christi,'1"X 78414 Submit reasonable accommodations.Programs may be subject to change. Po Po M Page 4 of 7 ' 2016 Summer Youth Programs&Family Recreation! Splash Memorial Weekend-Celebrate Memorial weekend with us and kick-off your summer on Saturday-Monday May 28-30.411 City f q o public pools will be open.Pool admission is FREE tar ages 2 and younger; $1/day for youth;$1.25/day for seniors;and$3/day for adults.Don't miss s our SPECIAL WATER FEATURES--the BIG triple water slide at Greenwood p Pool and H-E-B Pool Splash Pad with zero-depth enrty pool.For hours and more details,visit our website www.ccparkandrec,com,or call E 26-PLAY. -, Latchkey Camps-Fun enrichment,licensed camps for youth ages 5.13.Activities include special events,sports,arts and crafts,gue=t speakers r — and field trips.Six camp sites operate June 13-August 5,Mond€y-Friday, 7.30am-6pnt(closed July 4).Registration May 7,9am-12pm at the Corpus Christi Gym;May 24-'26,9-7pm at camp sites(pending space);and June 10,1-4pm at camp sites(pending space).$79/weekly/person,Tuition assistance Is available far qualified participants.After June 16,call for availability.For more details,visit our website or call 826-3499. Summer Youth Basketball League-This league Is for bays and iris ages 6-17(as of June 1,2016).The 8-game season will run lune'1- gg 30.Registration is April 1-24 for$65/player.Late registration is April 27- ^ May 1 for$BO/player.Twenty-five scholarships oval able for qualifyingparticipants.Register online,For more details,call 826.3478. i/ Sports Camps-Camps will be offered with professional instruction for boys and girls agges 6-18 during June 6-July 2.8.Sports offered Fire Ninja, Basketball,Footitall,Soccer,volleyball,Baseball,and Softball.R-rgrJistration starts May I and will close on first day of each camp.$60/came(person. Register online.For more details,visit our website or call 826-3478, Youth Baseball Tournament Series-Program offend June 4- r/ / 5;July 9-10;and August 6-7 for boys age divisions 14U,16U and 18U for $375/team.Registration Monday-Friday,9am-4pm at the Sidbuy House in Heritage Park(1609 N.Chaparral Street);offered now and wi6 close two weeks prior to each tournament date.For more details,call 826-3478. Youth Basketball Tournament Series- this prograr�is for boys and girl or grade divisions(3-4);(5-6);{7-8);{9-10);and(71-12). Tournaments Alan 2,Ma 21,Jul 23 8 Au usC 20 with a 3- ane guarantee each are$ISO/tournament/team,and$175/tournamentfhi h schooN team. The June 18.19 tournament with a S-game gguarantee is$ 00/team;and $225/high school team Rog,strabon is Monday-Friday,9am-4prn at the 5idbury House(1609 N.Chaparral Stroet;offered now and will close two /�/��%���/�% �,. ���/ _ ✓r1Wnv� l//,�������i�� weeks prior to each taurnamenl date.Far more details,call 826-3478. Swim Lessons-Group lessons for ages 6 months to adult e re offered Tuesday-Friday for two-week sessions;all classes are 30 minutes.Swim sessions un June 7-August 12 at Oso Pool,West Guth Pool,Gmenwood nthe Natatorium.Register onliine.For more details,call 426-PLAY. 9 P rl f� Swim Programs-Ask about:Adaptive Aquatics;S last Parties; G Lap Swim;General Swim Admission;Water Aerobics;and end-cf-summer i�•/� /r` �/ % ��/J� ��' Doggy Dips.More details at arkandrec,com,or call 82E-PLAY. S.P.A.R.K.Summer Program&Recreation for Kies-ooppen ' 1 D m campus recreation Is FREE for youth ages ''one 13-August°,Monday- Friday,lion-4pm at Qso,L.indatle,Joe Garza,©ak Park and tales 2eereation Confer,plus Ben Garza Gym.Act'kies are arts and crafts,spo is toumamenL, board games,indoor and outdoor play,guest speakers,and other activities n o generally supervised environment.FREE lunch a . a snack will be provided.Limited space.Register ontllne.Far mare details,call 826-PLAY, Lunch's On Us!Program-FREE lunch 11:30am-fpm&snack 2:30- 3:30pm will be offered Monday-Friday,June 13-August 5 for yojth agges 1-18.Registration&proof of income are not required.For sites,call 826-3467. Bay Jammin'Concert&Cinema Series(June-A Jgustl FREE Thursday concerts(8-10pm;variety of music styles)and Friday familr friendly movies(after dark)are hosted at our scenic bayfront at Cote Park Amphitheater.Everyone is invited to enjoy the entertainment.Ering your lawn chair or blanket,For schedule,visit our website or call 826-PLAY. i° T For more details about these and so many other programs and activities RECREATION . or to register online,visit our website or call us today! Submit reasonable accommodations,Programs may be subject to change. u Vuuraa � iaaor e l y.l coin 362. 826-PLAY(7529) _l'LAY(pydl7) i Page 5 of 7 a wr � s � s 4 � p p® A A I mm � w U,W, ry ra qma" ryO W z W m sa m ua a � a a ;l ul tn 0, v ±� 5. u-1 tvt � 0: Page 6 of 7 ADA Committee Citation Count Calendar Year 2O15 Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total Jan 29 4 76 109 Feb 25 1 30 56 Apr 6 3 79 90 May 22 2 49 73 Jun 36 6 40 82 Jul 29 19 404 452 Aug 7 3 130 140 Sep 112 3 104 119 Oct 16 8 93 117 Nov 40 2 40 82 Dec 84 21 50 155 Total 332 73 1134 1539 Calander Year 2016 Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total Jan 19 8 129 156 Feb 14 3 153 170 Mar 31 11 104 146 May 9 4 130 143 Jun 0 Jul 0 Aug 0 Sep 0 Oct 0 Nov 0 Dec 0 ITotal 90 27 623 740 2015 2016 4S2 170 56 146 143 25 140 90 73 82 109 64 119 117 56 82 Page 7of7