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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 07/06/2016 Committee For Persons With Disabilities Summary of Minutes for July 6, 2016 (Notation: Prior to the start of the meeting, the agreed upon shirts mentioned at the June meeting during the Chairman's Round Table report, were distributed and worn by some of the members.) 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:13 P.M. A. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Richard Balli (ARP) Dalia Gutierrez (PSA)(ENG) Marshall Burns (PSA)(ENG) Ernest Herrera (PSA) Donnie Contreras (ARP) Linda Lindsey (ARP) Tracy Ferezan Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (PSA) Absent Committee Members: Mary Bustos (ARP) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations) Gene Delauro(Building Official) Lisa Oliver(Parks&Recreation) Will Bray(Engineering) Staff Members Absent: Luis Rocha (Parking control) Lisa Aguilar(Legal) 2. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences —An excused absence was requested by Dalia Gutierrez for last month's meeting. MOTION Motion — Donnie Contreras Second — Marshall Burns Motion Passed 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 06.01.16 MOTION Motion — Linda Lindsey Second — Dalia Gutierrez Motion Passed 4. Public Comments 1. Judy Telge with the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living advised the Committee that CBCIL had received two grants that will allow them to continue their Mobility Options Project. Ms. Telge also updated the members on a project called Mobility Now that begins in September for transportation to assist people with disabilities in the rural areas. She offered to give a presentation on the project before September. 2. Linda Fallwell Stover, Executive Director with CBCIL, invited the committee members to support a Mayor Proclamation on July 12, 2016 recognizing National Disability Voter Registration the City Council Meeting. Flyers and bumper stickers were handed out. (Copies are attached to the Minutes.) 3. Donnie Contreras informed the Committee that he had difficulty parking at City Hall and suggested better signs and more parking spaces for the disabled. Pagel of 20 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. RTA— Gordon Robinson —Transit Plan 20120 Mr. Robinson gave a power point presentation and discussed the goals and objectives of RTA's route system to improve service to the riders. He then answered questions from the members. (Copy of the presentation is attached to the Minutes.) B. Bad Boy Graphix Mr. Balli introduced Eric Davila and Bebe Perez and presented them with a Certificate of Appreciation for their donation of the Committee for Persons with Disabilities banner and table cloth. 6. Discussion/Possible Action To be discussed in Item 9 7. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report— Sylvia Wilson reported on the statistics for June, 2016. (A copy of the report is attached to the Minutes.) B. Development Services Department— Department Overview Gene Delauro provided copies of the Development Services Residential Construction Summary Report for June 2016 and the Building Inspection All Construction Summary for June 2016. (Copies of reports attached to the Minutes) C. Engineering Services —ADA Projects Update —Sidewalk Issue on Lantana. Will Bray informed the Committee that they did not receive any CDBG grants again this year so they are looking at doing a smaller project to connect the sidewalk from the Stripes to the school, using $50,000 from another source. He hopes to start the project within three months. D. Parks and Recreation Department—Adaptive Programs Information Lisa Oliver distributed a flyer promoting July as National Parks and Recreation Month outlining the activities scheduled around the City. Linda Lindsey expressed appreciation for the MEND and Latchkey programs offered by Parks and Recreation. E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update Luis Rocha was unable to attend the meeting but provided the Parking Control Report for June, 2016. (Copy of report attached to Minutes.) 8. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — Mr. Balli stated some volunteers would be needed to work with the Engineering Department. Marshall Burns and Dalia Gutierrez offered to help on the subcommittee. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Marshall Burns advised that the subcommittee is working on an accessible parking PSA and another PSA that discusses emergency management situations and evacuation strategies for Corpus Christi and Nueces County. Sylvia Wilson stated that before the PSA is aired it will have to be approved by the City's Communication Officer, Kim Womack. C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Mr. Balli stated he had met with Stacie Anaya and they hope to meet next month with some of the vendors and review their bids. D. Bylaws Subcommittee — Sylvia Wilson stated that she had no report at this time. Page 2 of 20 9. Chairperson's Report A. Round table information — Mr. Balli stated he wants to form another subcommittee, Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee, with the goal of getting the Committee recognized in the community. He suggested the possibility of a presentation from the CCISD Special Education Department in the near future. Linda Lindsey, Tracy Ferezan and Ernest Herrera volunteered for the subcommittee. Ms. Ferezan agreed to chair the subcommittee. 10. Identify Items to be placed on next Agenda Update on Mr. Contreras concerns with the parking at City Hall 11. Adjournment MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second — Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 4:36 PM Page 3 of 20 w . MM Wft A AK UPO P SHOWTHE THE ' f r I FInd out mor Arnaarlca n A'�Snwocfiazla:n of P -P' "s,""' Join us for National Disabilitya � Week! Re Oster to vote at,.,m Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living 1537 Seventh St, Corpus Christi', TX 78404 Voice 361.883.8461 Toll Free 1.877.988.1999 Page 4 of 20 WHEREAS there are over 5Umillion people with disabilities ofall ages living incommmnhies throughout the United States; and getting the disability community involved iminfluencing public policies is essential if these policies are to meet the real needs of people with disabilities tolive inthe community; and WHEREAS REV UP America * Register—Educate—Vote,Use your Power is a national effort to encourage local and/or state disability community voting coalitions;AND WHEREAS members of national disability rights community are organizing a national Disability Voter Registration Week(DVRVV)July llt�—July 15'u; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED thiat the City of Corpus Christi supports the growing involvement of the disability community inthe political process;AND 8E |TFURTHER RESOLVED that the City ofCorpus Christi designates the week ofJuly 111m-16m osNat)mna| Disability Voter Registration Week. rU REIV P ! 0 9 � ����� ����m� /l����K 8�� ��v���~�����~~~�°../ . ~� ~ .~ ~ Page 5of2O ° $ ■ . � . , « � � g > � » ! . d } ��� �` /� � ' ' • Page Bam lull l� �✓ i CL -� (Df7 O ce) IL c U) tet' cu b C a a U) a a) 0 Cl) CL civC U ";ro un CL 0)a - mU) _0 c cuU) CTJ > C 0 c 0 -0 u c CL � ° a � L c 0 , e c ?2 cu 3: cn s" N d a) CL CL =) 0 CC) X � cu X 0 0 0 , - Lr) o Nr (D CD LL I 1 I 1 1 Z: o m m Page 7 of 20 cn E 0 cn (D -C > (D 0 (D CL (D 0 0 > 0 Cl) ON E CL E CL (r) a- 0 0 C) (3 Page 8 of 20 II toN I O r...., .e........ ........ 0 CIN 0 LO P- CJ G7 r LO to C Kn Kn uw in una, q) +n N Kn cn CL p >+ `0 p >- D n u a c u' C> a Q ' c C ' O N O `y * > LA N 4Y N C7 n �- Z3 tJ7 tLM i 41. C 'n i N Uan U 4- 0 0 0 da 0 4- V an C Kra UInW D c zz v 0- -a a u to +- N 9i Q0 -a 4— C? O N 'O t13 4 ,i C 0 L L- 0-4—a E 00 E - E 0 -0 0 - T3 L3 y ce p -0 am Page 9 of 20 i u �w .........._.... ........ lag CL y I r r ' �rl hvr. u r v r, Page 10 of 20 m C w t� mj^,O , SAI k �Wrnom Ni i�;� Wa.2YN'{Au'rv'?rv4m r r, a "'E"ca L Ll_ g - 1 CL ,u M m Page 11 of 20 } / � ! | t / ( / } � 4 c z ^ ■ £ ftt . | ! l ! Page »am I� I au I I I 2D h 0 tY (1 4 I I dJ r U Z3 e CD m SJnOH ASM Page 13 of 20 �x r j%G/O%////////l///�%///l/Irl////�/l/l//lll/l//%//!%////�//�%�i,✓'//i%//,� "„" ���'��'�ro�� 9 0 0�+° r���i��ii���i��ir�✓a ii 111171 nlirfrl 00 0111pal W, y u NO g, Page 14 of 20 h 41 +. � � n Ric v p of a m ccyy�99 � 0 Y Q a° 4� E Cl Vco 0 C6 L _, Ccz " 4 2 CL Tj "�" _ CC EE m „ , " I Page 15 d 20 Human Relations Monthly Performance Report 111,SSION AND I*RVICI 9 1_RNMGY, Willi a goal of"T'astel ilig Diwmand Eq unable Em iiormicats With Rcspecl and h ollessionalism",the I Ittown Relation Division will Conduct amt eojoi:Li a posolve plogra"I ot un Linployment,I wr nousoig,NINIC ACWITU110000R,J11(l LOMtflMocc ('try the AnmLemis with Disabilitics Act IADA)(l ilhin the(ily ol'CC oipus hi tsti, We with MR,loake reporls and recommen(Liflo ons t h�! 'try Courldl liod 011crs,toward the betlennega 4grolip and inter-goup lelationshirls within the romilaillily, MAJOR PROGRAMS AND SLIMCLS: A. Non-Discrindnaflon Program 113. ADA Compliance I 1.Inlakc,Im csligalit c,ilkid floll Scry i(es A wo wooiloi ADA compliance thIR111gli ammimodatwo ictlilests and ddyn 2 Community 0oircach,Eldtjc�ilioo,wul Awz�111.1151S .1 plaints;Conlittloily U'ducillioll and Awareness;and Assisuince, I Technical and Achiiiiflslrative Services 2.Coordinatior(01 ifflIACUlerdalion,moniloring,,and update ofthe Cilywidu ADATrausnioti flan Actual 20131 111111�1;"V'1111011L"' �")'L"oplcol April 'F"""7' 2014 201,11 Sel 2016 PERFORMANCE 51EAStAtE OBJEC111VIE] 111111111i(11711�.'�'11111 I May 201161huic 2016 A. SERVICE LENLI,OBJEC HNIE: Provide Investigative SQrViUQ to ilICILide unlike,investiWition,mediation,conciliation,monitoring,mid charge resolution in Employment(including,ADA),Fair I lousing,Laid Public Accommodation, 11TTisisre.l. 90 w 83 MOY EEOC C"ontract Yr Octobcr to 2014; 75 0 3 4 2 34 45"% September. Total and'%,ad'Goad- madiha - 63 Intake Rcfcnalk to EEOC;Total aIrld ly,r 70; of("nial'Referals:City I"'Inployee cases, Downward ard 711) rucrulificilioa 55 0 5 12 9 so ;91°%n Political Subdivisions entities,Age and to 56.luiy Equal Pay Discriminations, U15 30 f t 9 as of HUD 1''11 Contract Year iSJLJIY.Jtlae. Imic 2014, 25 111 1 4 7 0 25 1251yo 64%of pal) Heasures:1111"liwws4s I-1,0C Charges C'](,),wd within 180 days as ol'Lotal clostues Y'I'D, 75% 75% 0 2 2 2 28 821Y. E10C RclerralsPerfected Charges completed and sent to SAFO in 10 days 90% 901. o 3 13 5 37 74"% or less(as'/,,of) I It Fair HOUSilIg Complaints closed i within 100 days its%�oftotal 7056 70101 0 0 0 0 W Provide"Cotionunhy Outreach,Edu"aflon,awl Awarenesss" Measwe.v Output Number of training sessions,community SO 60 50 3 5 23 46% incefings,and infiorunafiorial events, I I C, SERVICE LEVEL 014,1 EX-FIVE: ADA Accm.,Accommodation%,and Technical Assistance 14"jimst resolution ADA Citizens'Complahits(Access.) 100 50 1 2 4 19 ;38a/!r Public Accommodation Inquiries/Requests 55 50 l 0 7 14% Nov'Requests for Accornin. Trash/Recycle Pick/Lip", 10 50 2 2 3 36 72"/r ADA Technical Assistance 50 GU o it 1 57 IPlan Rcviews/Sitc Visits 25 30 I o 0 25 Key Highlights:refer to back of page for possible continuation. June: EEOC: 2 Closures(11 Mediated settlement agreements),8 Charge Deferrals;11 New Charges Formated;14 complaints received(1 Ti WC) TARPS: 8 New Service Inquiries,7 New Service Requests Mailed, 10 Service Request Re-Certifications Mailed,3 Start Service E-Mails Sent,2 Discontinue Service E-Mails Sent,4 Missed Pick-up Work Orders HUD:3 Cases Worked on,1 Final LOD; 1 successful Conciliation;2 FH Telephonic/E-mail Interviews 16 FH Telephonic Inquiry;2 HUD Forms 903.1 Received/Provided; 1 Draft Intake Summary for Review;5 FH Outreach/Tralining. ADA:Access.Concern at medical office building next to Northwest Hospitall;(2)Pedestrian Walk signal not working at SPID/Everhart and issues at the Wkforce bullcling�Accessibile issues at a medical office building„ end Page 16 of 20 ® °m O ° m c ` ro a m .r`. 4 O 9 QQ] m C'. C C 3 m » b [7 0 P` m z r � „ cn t'r ..... n:. un in w b Y -s %7 rn w u / m a q 2 r z m © N a w A G W 9 m P!A -,'R nx yw �y i o s �vts w b ca �mm� W n z-0 on -<A�-{C <x:r= PTI q n q q a z m MJF q b b b b b bj A Z IRI C} A05 13 ' W W q o q O = � dA� 1p Nw apu a •� T1 N %r q b GY � cYn w A h C 7- !�2 N Yvi WY N M 4m VI u 14w M ah N M Ya W b Ln w P Page 17 of 20 I � I Orly 1, prn 8.8tlprti„ July Kickoff of Bay ara min' inerna Series ("'Ole Park Amphitheater, "HotelTransylvania 2„ l lj Ill Senior&Reoreafi r Centers July Jubilee at 4w ndale Park July 16,starts at 8ani: Athletics Superhero . k Fury Run, Walk& Doll stains at Corpus Christi Gym parking lot Orly 23, arn-1 prrr: Latchkey Superhero Festival at Heritage Park hil hely 30, pray,.-fsprm Aquatics Free Swini for Local Heroes at Greenwood Pool (for all i military, first responders, teachers, and medical personnel, along with their family members. Staovr Ifs.) �I fit D Share Y , r arks and recreation photos with P P � � US Susi ig #SUPERJULY on social rnedia. Call C82,6-PLAY for more details. 0111111s"a1 PARKS& Lived Learn. Play!k c parkartdr FIrMIREA-ION Page 18 of 20 E lug �" i � �IlpA L L E ilh lm5 1 F R al o Friday,Jolly 1, --,8:30pm 'Parks& Recreation Month'Kickoff koff event laatcrre the Say Jarnmin'Cinema Series at Cole Park Amphitheater(1900 Ocean Drive,78404) The Department',,Cultural Services will hosL this event.Everyone is invited to join rrs for the kickoff event at Cole Park along our beautiful Corpus Christi Bay. Come enjoy free ganmes, giveaways and a performance bry the recreations Centers'Street Dancing Class rnernbers, After sunset,the evening will round Taff with the screening under the stars of the movie'Hotel Transylvania C,'Bring your lawn chairs,blankets and enjoy an evening or wonderful family recreation and entertainment, Saturday,July 9, 10am—1 rrs July Jubilee at Landale Park(0103 Swantner Drive, 78404) The Departments!senior Community Services,and Pecreatlon Centers will host this family- friendly fesbvaL]cin us and learn family fun DIY dames such as Tic.Tac Toe Frisbee and Superhero Strike Bowling,Other activities will include chair volleyball, music,face painting, a performance by ltecreatimi Centers'Ballet, Tap&Tumbling Class nn rnbers,arid much rnore. Hotdogs for the first 7090 guests. Saturday,July 16, Sam Superhero Sic Fun Run,Walk&Roll at Corpus Christi Gym(Natatorium)(3202 Cabaniss Parkway,78415) The Department's Athletics Program will host this event for superheroes of all aides. Come In youu-superhero activewear and corse your super powers to~Hake it to theFinish line! On-site registration and sign-on wiil take place at the entrance of the gyne. Pre-register at wvvw,ccparl<airdi-ec.coni. On-=site registration starts at 7am.Bance begins at imam. Saturday, July 23, 9arn--1 pm Superhero Festival at Heritage Park(1581 N.Chaparral Street,79401) The Department's Latchkey PrograAn will host this event for the entire farnily to enjoy games, music.,prizes,and a superhero costume contest.The Latchkey staff'will showcase what they w udo uru do best-out and spend time recreation experience while enhancing participant:leisure skills. T " p J being a kid. Saturday, July 30, 1pm -Open Fran Swim for Local Heroes C r,irk l f at Greenwood Pcaol,(4305 Greenwood Drive,'78415) i,its Is" I The Department's Aquatics Program will host this swim day event to honor our local heroes, A K S All military,first responders,teachers,and medical personnel,along with their family members, RECREATION are invited, Must show work:or military tta„ Page 19 of 20 ADA Committee Citation Count Calendar Year 2015 Disabled Parking Blockin Architect Blookin Sidewalk Total Jan 29 4 76 109 Feb 25 1 30 56 Mar 24 1 39 64 Apr 8 3 79 90 2. 2 49 73 Jun 36 6 40 82 Jul 29 19 404 452 [Aug7 3 130 140 Sep 12. 3 104 119 Oct 16 8 93 117 l`Jov 40 2 40 82 Dec 84 21 50 155 Total 332 73 1134 1539 slander Year 2616 Disabled Parking Blockings Architect. Blocking Sidewalk Total Jan 19 8 129 156 Feb 14 3 153 170 Mar 31 11 104 146 Apr 17 1 107 125 May 9 4 130 143 Jun 23 4 155 182 Jul 0 �u 0 Sep 0 Oct 0 Nov 0 Dec 0 ®tal 113 31 778 922 20152016 452 182 170 156 146 143 125 140 1(79 90 73 82 , 64 117 119 56 82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1.1 12 Page 20 of 20