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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 08/03/2016 Committee for Persons with Disabilities Summary of Minutes for August 3, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:05 P.M. A. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Richard Balli (ARP) Dalia Gutierrez (PSA)(ENG) Marshall Burns (PSA)(ENG) Ernest Herrera (PSA)(Cvl) Mary Bustos (ARP) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (PSA) Donnie Contreras(ARP) Absent Committee Members: Tracy Ferezan (w) Linda Lindsey (ARP)(Cvl) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations) Gilbert Garza (On behalf of GeneDelauro) Lisa Oliver(Parks&Recreation) Jerry Shoemaker (Engineering) Luis Rocha (Parking Control) Staff Members Absent: Lisa Aguilar(Legal) 2. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences —An excused absence was requested by Mary Bustos for last month's meeting. MOTION Motion — Ernest Herrera Second — Marshall Burns Motion Passed 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 07.06.16 MOTION Motion — Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo Second — Mary Bustos Motion Passed 4. Public Comments — No public comments. 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. Mobility Now Project —Judy Telge, Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living — Ms. Telge gave a power point presentation and discussed how the project will enhance mobility options by providing real time transportation for rural areas. This is a two-year planning and demonstration project funded by TxDOT with their partner agency Liberty that developed the application. Some of the challenges anticipated include having an adequate number of accessible vehicles. Ms. Telge answered questions from some of the Committee members. (Copy of the presentation is attached to the Minutes.) 6. Discussion/Possible Action To be discussed in Item 9 7. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report— Sylvia Wilson reported on the statistics for July, 2016. B. Development Services Department— Department Overview Gilbert Garza attended on behalf of Gene Delauro and provided copies of the Development Services Residential Construction Summary Report for July 2016 Pagel of 26 and the Building Inspection All Construction Summary for July 2016. (Copies of reports attached to the Minutes) Mr. Garza also addressed an accessible parking issue at City Hall that Mr. Contreras had mentioned at a previous meeting. C. Engineering Services —ADA Projects Update —Sidewalk Issue on Lantana. Jerry Shoemaker provided an exhibit of the Lantana Project showing the proposed sidewalk extension that would run from the school to the Stripes sidewalk. He stated the project should start within thirty to sixty days. Mr. Shoemaker mentioned other ongoing and future projects and answered questions from the members. (A copy of the exhibit is attached to the Minutes.) D. Parks and Recreation Department—Adaptive Programs Information Lisa Oliver distributed copies of the 2016-2018 Coastal Bend Aging & Disability Resource Directory. Ms. Oliver also updated the Committee regarding the inclusive playground project and said the bids should be received within two weeks. E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update Luis Rocha provided the Parking Control Report for July, 2016 and answered questions from the members. (Copy of report attached to Minutes.) 8. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — No update. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Marshall Burns stated that the subcommittee is working on an accessible parking PSA and needs to get with CCPD for approval on assistance from some of the officers. He hopes to complete the PSA in the near future. C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Mr. Balli stated the bids should be received in the next few weeks and he hopes to update the Committee at the next meeting. D. Bylaws Subcommittee — No update. E. Community Volunteer Involvement— No update. 9. Chairperson's Report A. Round table information — 1. Operations Safe Return — Sylvia Wilson mentioned that there will be a table for the Committee for Persons with Disability and the Human Relations Commission to give out information at the event. Mary Bustos volunteered to help at the event from 10:00 to 12:00. 2. Mr. Balli thanked the Committee members for attending the July ADA Proclamation at City Hall and Nueces County. 3. Miscellaneous - Dalia Gutierrez discussed the Coastal Bend Advocacy Development classes available from October 2016 to April 2017 and an ADA round table Title II training on August 16, 2016 at Nueces County Courthouse. (Copies of the handouts are attached to the Minutes.) Ernest Herrera encouraged participation in the upcoming Walk and Roll event. Page 2 of 26 10. Identify Items to be placed on next Agenda Follow-up on Lantana Sidewalk Project. Marshall Burns suggested a presentation by someone from the Hearing Loss Association of America. 11. Adjournment MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second - Ernest Herrera Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 4:16 PM Page 3 of 26 s yy�r�������+C"�(r �r+✓r���1/�y ��r`�fiy��Jla�rartl�P���nX��I����,���'��"h�f�'"'fVifXr�i����N� s "sY �„4�,�, p/��/ .,;1., „a krhNi�h+il�l�.i"2`r�t���„is`f+��„Y.��✓„' i,t��/�li6r�i>���e�N��'l i�f�i�'b�-y1`,Olyi/+ �f� � + ' m re ar m SO OL C'4 <, EWEN cd O take ire r if iku �rh h, Page 4 of 26 ' ,; ", ;", ;,,i;; ., `, ,' � err. ri r('rr �1i�-//l/rr(✓ri(�Iri%%�i/%✓�Ilr�yi��fl����°irf r ,urr,r�a r r m NO g" .. 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LANTANA SIDEWALK EXHIBIT EXTENSION CITY OF CORPUS CH.R.ISTI,TE',XAS DEPARTMENT OF ENO'INEERINO SERVICES LOCATION P : 1 OF I �= Page 17 of 26 rr / �� r 1 r // I /%%r/JJr%� , r N r i i I a /mr 1 F p�ICdING�Wtlimir�'rrre ',/ „ /",� , I I J 1 1 I f CC + r , 4n d 1} RESP E DIREQ RC IN 57 IF %/% l /////aIo /i rifrr/oiirfiofofiii o r/i/ / /rarar I r ,.r r //�MI Page 18 of 26 ADA Committee Citation Count Calendar Year 2016 Disabled Parking Blocking Architect _Blocking Sidewalk Total Jan 29 4 76 109 Feb 25 1 30 56 Mar 24 1 39 64 Apr 8 3 79 90 May 22 2 49 73 Jun 36 6 40 82 Jul 29 19 404 452 Aug 7 3 130 140 Sep 12 3 104 119 Oct 16 8 93 117 Nov 40 2 40 82 Dec 84 21 50 155 ITotal 332 73 1134 1539 Calander Year 2016 Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total Jan 19 8 129 156 Feb 14 3 153 170 Mar 31 11 104 146 Apr 17 1 107 125 May 9 4 130 143 Jun 23 4 155 182 Jul 25 9 107 141 Aug 0 Sep 0 Oct 0 Nov 0 Dec 0 Total 138 40 885 1063 2015 2016 452 182 170 156 146 143 141 12.5 140 109 90 73 82 64 117 119 L 0 0 0 0 0 56 11 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 _w„ a.,.... Page 19 of 26 Coastal Bend Center for fIndependent Living Coastal Bend Advocacy Development 2016-2017 CBAD C Applications are now available Deadline to Submit its October 1 ptn Email: dal' Phone: 361 883-8461 Fax. 361-883-4820 Mail: CBAD,1537 Seventh Street, Carpus Christi, TX 78404 kat is ' ? An educational opportunity to learn how to advocate, be an ally ill disability advocacy, and about the paths and the people who fought the barriers to community integration faced by people with disabilities. �a is involve witk, ? Individuals with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities and friends/allies are Glass participants. Topics cover disability and advocacy history, and issues that pose barriers to community living. A facilitator, peer mentors and subject matter experts will provide information and lead the sharing and discussion among the 12 selected participants. Attendance at all sessions is important! en is BAP.? Six sessions are held October, 2016 to April„ 2017 from 112 noon .- 4.30 pm at CECIL, 1537 Seventh Street, Corpus Christi. Lunch is provided! Questions? Call CBCIL at 361 -883-8461 Page 20 of 26 Coastal Bend Adv qc lop nt 01 b -2017 Sessions Schedule October 28thSession One: Introduction to inability. Hi-5tory., Evcnk,5, Advocatcs, fco Fir,,;t Ing.- November 18thSession Two: 1ndc)PcndcntL I'v' ,PA ilo 5 0)P ky., Co mm u n ity In fegra No n jo U 5 it December: Class will not meet - Happy Holidays! ransportatior7 /I, &T January 27ndSession Three: /W016Ility February 24th: Session Four: L-mploymentand W10A March 24thSession Five: Education andTran5ition April 28th Session Six: EffCcfiVCAdvocacy,5tratcgic5 ,5c1cctcddatc5 for topics may vary, dependin ,g onprcsen ravarlab%lity. it CBAD Class Outcomes-, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! BECOME THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE! GET A LIFE! Page 21 of 26 COASTAL BEND ADVOCACY DEVELOPMENT PARTICIPANT APPLICATION Name Address Phone# Email Male— Female— Race—Age_ 1. Are you a person with a disability? Yes— No Describe the disability 2. Do you consider yourself a community ally for people with disabilities? Yes— No Describe 3. Are you the parent of a child with a disability? Yes— No Age of child— Does your son/ daughter live at home? Yes— No What is the disability? 4. What issues are of concern to you? (check all that apply) Education Transportation— Healthcare Housing_ Mobility_ Other APPLICATION DEADLINE IS FRIDAY OCTOBER 10, AT 5PM To request application in alternate format contact CB,CIL (361) 883 – 8461 or toll free (877) 899-1999 Page 22 of 26 COASTAL BEND ADVOCACY DEVELOPMENT F 5. Why are you interested in participating in the advocacy project? 6. Will you make a commitment to attend six 5 hour training sessions, held monthly in your community? Yes— No 7. Are you willing to do homework assignments (reading and "practical assignments" in the community)? Yes— No 8. Are there any special accommodations necessary for you to participate in the program? Yes— No If yes, please describe the accommodations needed (accessibility, interpreter, other). 9. List any membership in advocacy organizations and indicate any office held. (Membership in other organizations is not a requirement, To request application in alternate format contact CECIL (361) 883 — 8461 or toll free (877) 899-1999 Page 23 of 26 COASTAL BEND ADVOCACY DEVELOPMENT L--- —--- — = 11. Please provide two references, personale or professional. Reference name Title/ organization/ relationship__ Phone number Reference name Title/ organization/ relationship Phone number APPLICATION DEADLINE IS FRIDAY OCTOBER 10th, AT 5PM All information provided is confidential and used for this training only. Completed applications may be mailed to the address below, faxed to (361) 883-4820 or e-mailed to jgqgg&q� Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living 1537 Seventh Street Corpus Christi, TX 78404 (361) 883- 4820 Fax: (877) 9188-1999 To request application in alternate format contact CBCIL (361) 8,83 — 8461 or toll free (877) 899-1999 Page 24 of 26 uol 1 lI/I'M r' ra r✓ RRR oil Cs'a a "" a "' ,� a L" amt 4w� % Page 25 of 26 N O ts„ Q r 'U b Q��7 CA ,� CQ Cy "C1 tL � Q) R s u CL U cu cin p ,W r C `9 � C N "C7. Q! vn cu '» tUn G, .. C QED , « v^B 'u tCn ni a + C+"1 UO LM .0 y O C Qr co �' CA °� y a� "' �J'jJ iaif f% K'0 CL ° Qj va or. ® 3 04as ca10 ° cz U c, 6' e e '%l ° f� p as " °� cw " , ,,wrz as C� a th to m " a../lj vi 0 Page 26 of 26