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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 10/05/2016 Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Summary of Minutes for October 5, 2016
Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:00 P.M.
A. Roll Call
Committee Members Present:
Richard Balli (ARP) Joe Angel DeLaGarza (w)
Marshall Burns (PSA)(ENG) Dalia Gutierrez (PSA)(ENG)
Mary Bustos (ARP) Ernest Herrera (PSA)(Cvl)
Donnie Contreras(ARP) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (PSA)
Absent Committee Members:
Tracy Ferezan (w)
Staff Members Present:
Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations)
Gene Delauro (Building Official) Luis Rocha (Parking Control)
Marisa Manning (Engineering)
Staff Members Absent:
Lisa Oliver(Parks&recreation) Lisa Aguilar(Legal)
B. Introduce new member, Joe Angel DeLaGarza — Mr. Balli introduced Mr. Joe
Angel DeLaGarza who gave some information about his background and agreed to
serve on the Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee.
2. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences — None
3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 08.03.16 —There was a motion made to
amend the minutes from the 08.03.16 meeting per the document provided by Dalia
MOTION Motion — Dalia Gutierrez Second — Marshall Burns Motion Passed
A motion was made to approve the 08.03.16 Minutes with the presented changes.
MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second — Dalia Gutierrez Motion Passed
4. Public Comments — No public comments.
5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes)
A. ADA Parking Space Concerns — Kelly and Sherry Sells presented to the
Committee their concerns regarding citywide ADA parking space violations and
asked for assistance in resolving the problems. Mr. Luis Rocha with CCPD
Parking Control answered questions from some of the members regarding the
procedures for issuing citations. Mrs. Sylvia Wilson explained that the City of
Corpus Christi has a process in place for taking complaints from citizens and
contacting all of the appropriate parties. Marshall Burns thanked Mr. and Mrs.
Sells for their presentation.
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6. Staff Reports/Comments
A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report— Sylvia Wilson reported on the
statistics for September 2016. (A copy of the report is attached to the Minutes.)
Mrs. Wilson also discussed the Life After Graduation program that will take place
in January with the goal to provide information to students with disabilities and
their families so they can be successful after graduation. The members were also
reminded of an available online survey in reference to accessible parking
recommendations to the legislature.
B. Development Services Department — Department Overview
Gene Delauro provided copies of the Development Services Residential
Construction Summary Report for September 2016 and the Building Inspection All
Construction Summary for September 2016 and answered questions from the
members. (Copy of reports are attached to the Minutes)
C. Engineering Services —ADA and CIP (Community Improvements Projects) Update
Marisa Manning with Engineering Services reported that the sidewalk addition on
Lantana St. to connect the school to the Stripes was completed. Ms. Manning also
reported on the status of 15 early voting locations where improvements are
needed to comply with ADA code and standards.
D. Parks and Recreation Department—Adaptive Programs Information
No update
E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update
Luis Rocha provided the Parking Control Report for September 2016 and
answered questions from the members. (Copy of report attached to Minutes.)
7. Subcommittee Reports
A. Engineering Subcommittee — Previous update by Marisa Manning.
B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Marshall Burns agreed to check on
the possibility of making a PSA on accessible voting. The accessible parking PSA
was shown to the Committee and a motion was made to approve it.
C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Mr. Balli stated that a vendor
had been chosen for the project and hopes to soon get additional information on a
construction start date.
D. Bylaws Subcommittee —A draft of the bylaws was handed out. Mrs. Wilson stated
that the subcommittee would meet to discuss any needed changes and hopefully
be able to consider requests for any amendments at the next meeting in
November. (A copy of the draft is attached to the Minutes.)
E. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee — Mrs. Wilson advised the
members that the Chairperson, Tracy Ferezan, had resigned from the Committee
and that there would be a vacancy on the Committee. Additionally, there were two
staff members from the Human Relations Department present at the Homeless
Resource Connect Fair on September 14, 2016. Mr. Balli asked Mr. Herrera if he
would be able to chair that subcommittee, however Mr. Herrera declined due to
his current workload.
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8. Chairperson's Report
A. Round table information — Mr. Balli reported that on September 19th, he attended
the unveiling of the new bus. On September 20th he was present for the Mayor's
Proclamation of October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
1. Donnie Contreras reported on the success of the 8th Annual Walk'N' Roll event
on September 24, 2016. Mr. Herrera said there were approximately 400
people that attended the event. Mr. Contreras thanked Mrs. Wilson for
providing a table for the Committee and handing out information at the event.
2. Mr. Balli volunteered to chair the Community Volunteer Involvement
Subcommittee and assigned Mr. Joe Angel DeLaGarza to serve on it.
3. Mrs. Wilson suggested that those on the Community Volunteer Involvement
Subcommittee recommend to the Committee their support of the Life After
Graduation event in January.
4. Dalia Gutierrez provided copies of the Presidential Proclamation — National
Disability Employment Awareness Month, October. (A copy is attached to the
9. Identify Items to be placed on next Agenda
Mr. DeLaGarza suggested a discussion on possible improvements to the
basketball courts at Joe Garza Recreation Center.
10. Adjournment
MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second — Mary Bustos Motion Passed
Meeting adjourned at 4:52 PM
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Human Relations Monthly Performance Report
With a t"wil of 1`ostc'.rin.t,Diccuac and C quinible Cnvikonin n s With ke.spi ct and Pr tde:,sionalism",die I luman Relations Division will
conduct and enlorcea posil"e"pl=og'ram 01 n() Wal"Cl Iniltt elm in a.Inployineatt„1"A11'1rousing,ri tuii"slcuiaintn47(]ailtkn,artt7 c'olnpmMue
11 oll lilt".Aincocans with Disabilities Aer(ADA,)W ollin llie(try of 1116'ei. We will alSO 31"Auieporis and Itit'.CYn1n14.11ll{int7tiS to
tllo Cry Countil orad Quiet$,tow,ant the Imtennenr ol'J"roul]and inter-g'I"oup rcla%imisti)s\Vl ltliin the Gommunily.
MAJOR 1'I40C:RAbIS Atilt SFA?V1C"Ids:
A. Nan-Discrimination Program ill.
A1IA C;ourp6aiian
1.Iaalukc,Invcvtip;atite,andMedical lt,tVitcscllutuvit sen'ices 1.,Address tad monitor ADA cornphantcc through accommodation loquesls,red arid,,:,,
2 C"cllttnatlntty tyirlaeucit,Educalion,fund Awai cnes's cornprlaints;Community Educalion and Awareness;andAssistance,
3 "refnlicnl and Athtnnislialk,e Services ? C'000clination ol'implementation,molniming and updale orthc City%nide ADA T'raansition Phit.
!Md"ptr't1 Qrtl AOtgrlR�d �Y;nmtre¢N ror
Actual 2013 1611^*5l'ht C�C.t't5- ., /1107"11 r..Yralll'p4'.t
I ERFORri1ANC E C LASURE 0111,11:("1 WE,: 2014 1015 Sepn'16 Jttae 20ICi Jul)'1016 Aug 21116 Septi 2016 �r'oiai Y°r0/attime�
Provide Investigoatve Set-vice to include intake,investigation,ined'oution,conciliation,monitoring,and charge resolution in
Eruplloyinent(4rcluding ADA),fair 1-lousing,and Public Accommodation,
easrtrer.s: ..a pu.
ctt)to 83 Map 100;1uiY' 5 to tar 6ra)p
EFOC Contract Yr October to yb1,t, 1r)-waard 7'5 1 ? 4 7 ? 47 104 1%.
September. "Total and'/el IbfGoal-� rnaalihc�adinarl la 14,45 v/t6
Intake Referrals to EEOC.,Total and No 70;
of'Giaul.Mends:C;ily Employee cases, 1)nwnrvard 55;65
70 modification as of h' 5 7 N 73 107%
Political,Subdivusions entities,Age and to 56 Duly 7/1116
Equal Pay Discrimiwitions. 201.5
30(19 as cap'
HUD P11 Contract Year is.fuly-.Nuns. June 2014, 25 15 0 0 0 2 2 13%
EEOC C Cargos Closed within 180 clays 3 7 7 3 id !i 1/a a ..
n 91
as'/a ol'total closures Y"I'D
EEOC Referrals:Perfected Charges
completed and sent to SAFO ill 10 duos D41'461 90% 5 5 6 8 56 77/6
or less(its 96 of)
HUD Fair Housing ComphlintS closed 701" 701!4' (1 0 IF 6} fl 0%,
within 100 days as IN,of ern al.
B. SERVICE LEVEL,t BJL:CFl Vl::: Provide"Community Outreach,Education,and.Awarenesss"
9feea.vuretr Output
Number of training sessions„community 50 0050 5 4 1 .5 33 66%,
meetings,and infornintiCnlal events.
L._SE,RVICE.LEVEL OBJECTIVE: ADA,lccesw.,Accommodations,and Te€hnhcal Assislance Request resolution
,.ensures. ,nipul
ADA Citizens'Complaints(Accuss.) 1001 ,50 4 3 3 2 27 ..51'!16
Public A Cta wino al.ion y/
Incluiries/Requests 55 $0 0 1) 1 0 II 16'81
Neav/Requests for Accorrun. ar
5 t5 3 14 59' 11l1/r
Trash/Recycle Piclifalps 30 StY
ADA Technical Assistance 50 60 1 1 1 1 Cell lOf)afa
Plan Rcviews/S,itc Visits 25 30 0 1 2 2 30
Key Highlights:refer to back of Page for possible continuation.
EEOC; 0 Closures;0 Charge Deferrals,11 New Charges Formaled;24 complaints received(1 TWC),`2016 Cx Closures 45;2016 Cv Deferrals
73; Successful completion of 2016 Contract
HUD:2 Case(s)Closed;5 Cases)Worked on;3 HEMS Data Entry,3 Draft COD,1 Concilpallon�1 Initial Notices;3 TelephanicX-mallln Person
llnterviews,3 HUD Potenlial Complaints,1 FH/HUD Inquiry Case Closed In HEMS;1 FH Inquiry Complaint approved by HUD in HEMS;22
TelephonicAn Person Inqulrles;3 Staff Meeting(s);4 FH Meeting(s);2 FH Outreach1 HUD Conference Call
TARPS:26 New Service Inquiries,26 New Service Requests Mailed,2 Service Request Re-Certifications Mailed,1 Service Request Verification
Mailed,14 Start Service E-Mails Sent,5 Discontinue Service E-mail's sent,10 Missed Pick-up Work Orders
ADA:Techsn Assistance for city building used as palling places,
ADA Grievance:Assisting citizen complaint pertaining to city wide ADA parking spaces.
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ADA Committee Citation Count
Calendar Year 2015
Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total
Jan 29 4 76 109
Feb 25 1 30 56
Mar 24 1 39 64
Apr 8 3 79 90
May 22 2 1 49 73
Jun; 36 6 40 82
Jul 29 19 404 452
Aug 7 -- 3 130 140
Sep 12 3 104 119
Oct 16 8 93 117
Nov 40 2 40 8,2
Dec 84 21 50 155
Total 332 73 1134 1539
Calanaer Year01
Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total
Jan 19 8 129 156
Feb 14 3 153 170
Mar 31 11 104 146
Apr 17 1 107 125
�May 9 4 130 143
Jun 23 4 155 182
Jul 25 9 107 141
Aug 12 2 51 65
Sep 14 5 86 105
Oct 0
Nov 0
Dec 0
To-tal 164 47 1022 1233
2015 2016
452 182
156 146 143 141
140 105
90 73 82
109 64 119 117 65
56 112
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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City of Corpus Christi
The City of Corpus Christi Committee for Persons with Disabilities envisions a diverse community
dedicated to the fullest:possible inclusion of citizens at whatever level of ability they possess.
To provide knowledge,insight and guidance to the community,the City Manager,the Mayor,and City
Council on the needs of Persons with disabilities and to further opportunities for Persons of all abihtie::
to enjoy a life of independence,productivity,and self-determination.
Ka m e
The name of this organization shall be Cornmittee for Persons with Disabilities; hereafter referred Lc
as the CFPWD. The CFPWD is acknowledged and supported by the Texas Governor's Committee or
Persons with Disabilities,and partners with them,on pertinent disability issues. The CFPWD operate:
under the authority of Chapter 2,Article IV, Division iii23 Code of Ordinance,Ordinance#24364 of the
Code of Ordinances of the City of Corpus Christi,as amended,
Miss jjpn and PurTo5e
The CFPWD shall operate within the geographic limits of Corpus Christi and will carry on a program
that will encourage, assist and enable persons with disabilities to participate fully in the social anc
economic life of the city by:
A. Serving in an advisory capacity to the City Council and City Manager regarding problerm
affecting persons with disabilities within the city limits of Corpus Christi.
B. Serve in an advisory capacity to the Human Relations Division to ensure effective compliance
and enforcement of Chapter 24-Human Relations-Article V. — Discrimination against ar
Individual with a Disability.
C. Encouraging persons with disabilities to achieve maximum personal independence;
D. Becoming gainfully employed;
E. Enjoying and using all public and private facilities available within file community;
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CFPWD Bylaws October 201E
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F. Encouraging the Study of equal opportunities and services provided to the disabled community
for possible recommendations for changes to city programs:,facilities,and services;
G, Promoting better public understanding concerning needs and contributions:of persons with
Fl. Developing a better understanding to persons with disabilities of services available to them;
L Encouraging persons with disabilities to use these services;
J. Removing architectural barriers;and
K. Promoting participation in community life by people with disabilities.
E.2 11_Ct i.Q us
The functions of tile CFPWD shall be to:
A. Promote active cooperation and support by employers, veterans, civic, consumer,and other
community groups in meeting the needs of person with disabilities.
B. Plan and implement activities designed to promote inclusion of persons with disabilities oil a
year-round basis; these activities Would include, but would not be limited to, employrnen:
development, removal of environmental and transportation barriers, legislative and legal
awareness,recognition and awards,and public,information for persons with disabilities,
L Carry out special activities which emphasize the needs and contributions of persons with
D. Conduct appropriate studies to enhance understanding of tile needs of persons with
disabilities and determine the adequacy of resources to meet those needs.
E. Promote establishment of training and other facilities necessary to help persons with
disabilities find suitable employment.
F. Cooperate with placernent, rehabilitation, and other community organizations in obtaining
employer acceptance of job-ready people with disabilities,as well as employer understanding
of,and the need for compliance with anti-discrimination regulations.
G. Maintain a year-round public awareness program through the news media and other resource!;
on the employment problems faced by persons with disabilities.
Fl. Cooperate with service agencies and community advocates to inform other organizations in
assuring that persons with disabilities are informed aobut rehabilitation, traning, and
placement services available to them.
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CFPWD Bylaws October 2016
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L Cooperate with Texas Governor's Committee vnPeople with Disabilities by acting asaclearing;
house for receipt and distribution of incoming publicity materials to promote employment oi'
persons with disabilities.
Exchange information on activities planned and carried out by community advocatc
organizations with respect to educating the public on rehabilitation and employment u|'
persons with disabilities.
Article III
A. The Committee iscomposed ofnine(9)city residents who are appointed bythe Mayor and Ot�
Council whhave disabilities; d for People i
agencies or organizations that address the needs of people with disabilities. The city's Hurnan
Relations Administrator, Director of Park and Recreation (or designee), the city's Building
Official,and a representative of the Corpus Christi Police Department's Parking Control Unit
shall serve as ex-officio non-voting members. The chairperson of the Committee shall alsc
serve as an ex-officio voting member of the Human Relations Commission,
D. Membership is a two year duration on a staggered term basis,with reappointment subject tc
the discretion of the Mayor and City Council, Ternn not to exceed 3,2 year terms. A member
who has reached the term limit of 6,consecutive years of service may reapply for membership
after a one-year absence.
C. Interested parties may apply electronically via the City Secretary's web page and/or
submitting a resume to the City Secretar�y's office. The CFPWD will review bios and makE
recommendation(s)to tire Mayor through the City Secretary's office.
D. Committee members are encouraged to review Bins and provide recommendations to the
Mayor and City Council to fill vacant positions per the position's term allowance.
E. Termination o[Appointment:&member's appointment can bcterminated by:
• Resignation in writing to Chairperson, Human Relations Administrator,or to the City
Secretary's office;
• Violation ofthe attendance policy;
" By filing as acandidate for City Council office;vr
• Being elected manon-City office;mr
~ Becoming employed asacity employee.
A. If a CFPWD member is unable to attend a meeting,it is the committee member's responsibility
tndirectly contact the Human Relations office at 826'319Vaminimum of twenty-four hours in
advance (when possible). The requirement for notification regarding attendance includes
subcommittee meetings also,. The intention is to ensure that mquorum is established for
---------'--------- ----- -- Page 3nf 5 ----------------- ----- -----
cppwo Bylaws October 2Oz6
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B. Unexcused absences of more than twenty-five (25) percent of regularly scheduled meetings
during aterm year onthe part ofthe Committee shall result ivanautomatic vacancy,whicl-
C. An absence shall be deemed unexcused unless excused by the Committee for good cause nc
later than its next meeting after the abarooc. Any member, otherwise eligible, shall nntb*
precluded from reappointment kyreason o[such automatic vacancy.
D. ACumnu|uee member may request ao Mused absence and state reason why (ie: medical
work,etc..,)uolater than the next scheduled meeting. The Committee will vote nothe request
Article IV
A. The officers of the CFPvVDshall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson,andSecre00§
are nominated and voted on annually on the first meeting after January 31,1. In the event z
current officer beconnes ineligible to serve, the next meeting agenda will have �
Discussion/Action item to nominate and vote on a replacement. If possible,the chairpersor
and vice-chairperson shall have a least one year of experience on the CFPWD prior to selection
B. The dudes ofthffishall be.the usual duties
1, Chairperson shall be the presiding officer at all Committee meetings and will attend anc�
serve as anex-officio voting member of the Human Relations Commission.
2, The Chairperson can: call special meetings when indicated, perform other clutie�
applicable to the office as allowed by the City Secretary's office;and create subcommittees,
and place Cormnittee members into subcommittees.
1 Vice Chairperson shall be the presiding officer in the absence or vacancy of the Chairpersor
for that period.
4. Secretary shall be the presiding officer in the absence or vacancy of the Chairperson or thE
Vice Chairperson, The Secretary will also take notes at meetings to ensure that rfieetin�:
minutes are accurate.
C Removal from office can occur with or without cause arid will require a two-thirds vote. Or/bc
removal may take place ummention Nosection Aabove.
A. Standing subcommittees and duties — The chairperson sbd| appoint chairpersons anc
members for the following subcommittees:
1. Engineering subcommittee will review Accessibility Complaints tonocd in to the 8umac
Relations Office pertaining to concerns regarding accessible pathways and removal o,'
barriers. YVN prioritize work to be done based on limited city funds pertaining to ADA
2. Public Service &nnouocemetits (PSA) subcommittee will prepare community PSA.,;
pertaining cothe ADA subject matter.
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CFmwDBylaws October 2O1('
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I Accessible Recreational Playground subcommittee will partner with Parks& Recreation
Department to ensure the new accessible for all park addresses all areas of accessibility
concerns for people of all ages and abilities.
4. By Laws subcommittee will ensure the content of the By Laws is current and up to date,
Will meet on an as needed basis.
Article V
A, Regular meetings are scheduled for the first Wednesday of the month from 3 5
City Hall,City Council Chambers. In the event that the first Wednesday falls on a city designatec
holiday,the meeting will be the 211d Wednesday of the month,
B. Committee meetings shall comply with Texas Government Code Chapter 551 of theTexas Oper
Meetings Act.
C, A quorum of at least five (5) Committee members must be present for regular and specia
D. No committee member, staff person, or members (if the audience shall berate, embarrass
accuse,or show any personal disrespect for any member of the staff,committee members,or
the public at any committee meeting.
E. Sometimes meetings need to be canceled due to weather,a national emergency,or no quorum
Should the need arise to cancel a regular or special meeting, the Human Relation5
Administrator,upon the acknowledge rnent of the Chairperson,will notify Committee menibert
of the cancelation by email and/or phone.
R Special Meetings, in addition to the regular scheduled meetings, shall be held as cleernee
necessary by the Chairperson. Request for Special Meeting by a Committee member should be
made through the Chairperson. The agenda for a Special Meeting must be posted at least 72
hours in advance of the meeting and no other business can be transacted or discussed except
that for which the meeting was called for.
A. Agendas must be posted by the City Secretary's office 72 hours before the meeting start time
and must comply with Texas Government Code Chapter 551 (Texas Open Meetings Act).
B. Business discussions should adhere to agenda items only. Items discussed but not listed on
the Agenda can be placed on future agendas for discussion.
C. A Committee member may make a request to the Chairperson to place an item on the agend.,
orally or by written request at least five(S)days before the deadline to post the agenda.
D. After consulting and receiving input from the staff liaison, the chair shall approve the final
meeting agenda.
E. The distribution of the agenda packets will be distributed by regular post mail and email.
Article VI
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These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present
providing that notice of the proposed amendment shall be on the agenda and sent to all members.
Article VII
These,Bylaws shall be effecuye when aalproveel'.by a.maioriy vote of je .or mittee,
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CFPWD Bylaws October 201E
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The White House
8fficenl,(lie wcmseoc(my
Presidential Proclamation -- National
~���-- ���l�������7l������-� Month,JL�����������N�� JL���=���~�°7 ���~'��� ����7������������u� l������-���
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Americans with disabilities are entitled to the same rights and freedoms as any other citizen --
including the right todignity and respect inthe workplace. Too often in our Nation's history,
individuals with disabilities have been eager to work but could not find a job, facing red tape,
discrimination, or employers who assumed that disabled meant unable and refused to hire them.
This month, we recognize the significant progress our country has made for those living with
disabilities, and we honor the lasting contributions and diverse skills they bring to our workforce.
As a country, we must acknowledge that despite the great strides we have made in the 26 yea-s
since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act-- a groundbreaking civil rights law aimed
at eliminating discrimination and assuring equality for people with disabilities --we still have far to
go to raise awareness of discriminatory obstacles that individuals with disabilities encounter in
employment. Today, the labor force participation rate for Americans with disabilities is less than
one-third the rate of those without a disability, and the unemployment rate is more than twice as
high for individuals with disabilities, Tobreak down more ofthese barriers, wemust expand ao:�eeo
to the resources and training necessary for Arnericans with disabilities to succeed in the workplace.
My Administration is dedicated to upholding our Nation's promise of equal opportunity for all ard
advancing employment for people with disabilities in every community, | am proud that the Federal
Government is leading by example as a model amp|oyer, now employing more Americans with
d[mubi|i8eothan utany time in the last 30 years. Last year, the White House hosted a Summit on
Disability and Employment to share resources for employers to hire more individuals with
disabilities and effective strategies for recruitment, retention, lihing, and promotion of these
employees. Two years ugo, through updates to Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, we took
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action to increase the representation of workers with disabilities in the Federal contractor workforce.
In 2014, | signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to help the Departments of Labor
and Education build initiatives that advance employment opportunities for individuals with
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inclusive career development and training opportunities for anyone facing barriers to employment.
This year's National Disability Employment Awareness Month theme focuses on the importance of
inclusion, especially when it comes to business, opportunity, and innovation. When we diversity our
workforce we create opportunities for growth and improvement-- not just for those with disabilities,
but for everyone.This mnnUn. let us continue striving to forge efuture vohena workplaces are nore
inclusive and where employees are more accepted for who they are. And because we know that our
country does best when everyone gets their fair shot, let us keep working to ensure no one is left
behind orunable topursue their dreams because ofedisability.
NOW, THEREFORE, 1, BARACK OBAK8A, President ofthe United States ofAmerica, by virtue of
the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim
October 2016 as National Disability Employment Awareness Month. | urge all Americans tn
embrace the talents and skills that individuals with disabilities bring to our workplaces and
communities and to promote the right to equal employment opportunity for all people.
IN WITNESS,WHEREOF, | have hereunto met my hand this thirtieth day of September, in the year
of our Lord two thousand sixteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two
hundred and forty-first.
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