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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 03/01/2017 Committee for Persons with Disabilities Summary of Minutes for March 1, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:05 P.M. A. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Richard Balli (ARP)(ENG) Donnie Contreras (ARP) Marshall Burns (PSA)(ENG) Anthony M. Navarrette (Cvl) Mary Bustos (ARP) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (PSA)(Cvl) James T.C. Chadden (w) Absent Committee Members: Joe Angel DeLaGarza (w) Dalia Gutierrez (PSA)(ENG) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations) Gene Delauro (Building Official) Luis Rocha (Parking Control) Russell Armstrong on behalf of Lisa Oliver (Parks&Recreation) Marisa Manning (Engineering) Staff Members Absent: Lisa Aguilar(Legal) 2. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences —An excused absence for the March meeting was requested and approved for Dalia Gutierrez due to a work conflict. MOTION Motion — Donnie Contreras Second —Anthony Navarrette Motion Passed 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 2.01.17 MOTION Motion — Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo Second —James Chadden Motion Passed 4. Public Comments — Kenny Amado owner of Mattress by Appointment stated he would like to donate a mattress for a fundraiser. Mr. Balli thanked him and said the Committee would discuss his offer and get back with him in the near future. 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. North Beach Redevelopment Initiative — Keren Costanzo Senior City Planner Ms. Costanzo discussed the Planning Department and introduced the planning initiative for the North Beach area. She provided a handout and answered questions from the members. (A copy of the handout is attached to the Minutes.) 6. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report— Sylvia Wilson reported that the City will be hosting a City Hall in the Mall event on May 20, 2017, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and invited the members to participate. Ms. Wilson also reported on the statistics for February 2017. (A copy of the report is attached to the Minutes.) B. Development Services Department— Department Overview Gene Delauro reported there were 74 new single family homes permitted, 51 Page 1 of 7 residential and remodels to existing homes, 14 new commercial projects permitted and 22 commercial additions and remodels. Mr. Delauro also discussed possible changes to the permit fees for accessible ramps. C. Engineering Services —ADA & CIP (Community Improvements Projects) Update - Marisa Manning with Engineering Services discussed the addition of cycle tracts on eight existing bond projects, the quarterly schedule of bond projects that goes to City Council, the upgrade to existing signals at various intersections and answered questions from the members. D. Parks and Recreation Department— Russell Armstrong and Martha Lawhon attended on behalf of Lisa Oliver and informed the Committee of new beach mobility equipment now available. Mr. Armstrong provided a handout on Beach/Preserve Wheelchair Usage Guidelines and answered questions from the members. (A copy of handout is attached to the Minutes.) E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update Luis Rocha provided the ADA Citation Count Report for February 2017 and answered questions from the members. (A copy of the report is attached to Minutes.) 7. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — Update given in previous report from Engineering Services. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Marshall Burns reported he is working on getting the accessible parking PSA shown on various medias and hopes to schedule a meeting in the near future. C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee —A video was shown on the Grand Opening of the Play for All all-inclusive park on February 4th. D. Bylaws Subcommittee — A motion was passed to approve the bylaws as amended with suggested changes from Anthony Navarrette. Mrs. Wilson stated that the bylaws would be included in the CFPWD binders that will be handed out to the members at the next meeting. MOTION Motion —James Chadden Second — Mary Bustos Motion Passed E. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee — Dr. Zoccollilo encouraged participation at the Special Olympics event scheduled for April 8th, 2017 and said he would share more details as they become available. He also informed the Committee of the annual Autism Spectrum Resource Center event on April 22, 2017 at Heritage Park and said he would send more information to Sylvia Wilson. 8. Chairperson's Report— A. Mr. Balli advised the members of the Open House at the South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind on April 7, 2017 B. Round table information — Mr. Balli stated that he had attended the Grand Opening of the all-inclusive park on February 4th and the Open House for the North Beach Redevelopment Initiative on February 6th and offered the services of the Committee. Page 2 of 7 9. Identify items to be placed on next Agenda Mr. Navarrette suggested a presentation from Wings of Texas on the May agenda. A presentation on the rural transportation program. 10. Adjournment MOTION Motion — Donnie Contreras Second — Mary Bustos Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 4:43 PM Page 3 of 7 ' � �i///Gv,io/%�% /��l� / r/ //i �/i/ ✓�� 1"r/i!",��i��/ ifj�i rrrd sD /%' M //fr �I /�/o//r/� /j// /�/✓///6 ro///�/ ��% ii ' `, /� "'�71�/ ✓,/,r�/' r. / 'r rr��(v'i, fm) .' r,� r/ /r /r//�/ ii r✓/� /�a,j G �1 t � /,?l a+fr, ✓ 1� �m' m f r � /li //s f � i/'�'' r///ii r r 1 f1 mm rr�/ Err /ii /�iil/r��f J ✓�� �y �/y �/ri� /IJr+ r �, ,� f ✓ / / / /r f Ir ,,, ii ri /f ✓ rC a r 1� l .., d ;�nJfi/ e r r r r / " / /rl r„ ' /rw�/ F rlr�✓'r ri/f rd`r �w�"i ,YJ3 p 'fin &lr4M n AA ILogo / 511101F—ly¢r 1c.d / I t r~/ ! /9i e Jr� W A+. w i r%� aw+r al r s io+i +ry e nH d u r l/ if i'I vi lu p v-,"R 1 dg C)Ac r x + n+ 2+ / � r' n - � 71 CtyF hE /i G 'r p �/ r Ur ii it I/ ii riiiii ji��U�� r / North Beach Redevelopment Initiative Corpus Christi,Texas January 29,21117 DRAFT Page 4 of 7 Human Relations Monthly Perfocirmance Report\ MAJOR PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Willi a goal til'"Fosturing Divenic and Frquitable Environments With Respectand Piolessunialisin",the I Navin Relations Division will COndild and Col(HU a1 POSInive piognint ot'non-disc rainnation in Employment,Fail,I IOUShlg,Public Accommodation,and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)within(Ito City( 'Corpar;Christi We will also make tepons and reconarwiiLlations it) the('try coumil tend others,toward the helternienr ofgriluip and inlet-group relationships within flicourannudy A. Non-Discrinonation Program K ADA Compliance I Intake,Investigalivu,and Modiation'JIlto I Address and monnot ADA compliance 11HOUL4111 accommodation rocIticst"',on cirizcn 2 Community Outtexii,Educaikin,add/ counplaillas;Community Educinion and Awareness' and Technical/Admijustrative Assistance. 3.Technical and Adininistrifivc Services 2.Coiudinalion ol'imploneatation,nionkoinig,and update of the.Citywide ADA Transition Plan Adapted �ca!IctAdo�Ied sis Lt r:antraaaa tier 002M- . let , Contract Dcc. Jan. Fell 1) j,,nj v,rv, Sept 2015 Sept'16 Sept'17 StartDate 2016 2017 2017 TOM N"l V V.,mac'vm ERFORMANCE MEASURE OBJECTIVI A. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE; Provide Investigative Service to include intake,investigation,irradiation,conciliation,monitoring,and charge resolution in Employment(including ADA),Fair housing,and Public Accommodation. 31easures:output 1`11.�OC Resolutions Contract Yr 100;July, October to September, Total and% Dowinvard 75 06 0 5 1 8 23 35'Y1 ataeaddiaratira of Goal- it to 63 Intake Referrals to EEOC;Total and 70� %of'GoaL Referak:City 17 mployee Dawnward cases,Political Subdivisions entities, ruodificidi 55 70 0 10 3 4 30 43""/, Age and 1aqllal Pay Discriminations, oil to 56 July 2015 H LJD Fair Housing Contract Year is ')9 In 20(rain of 2 3 1 0 8 40'Vo July-June. 3) Measiores:EfiVolveliesss EFDC Charges Closed within 180 751,1. 75"4, 75% 0 4 1 8 22 96%, days as'V,,of total closures Y]"D 131w0(7 11cferrak Perfected Charges completed and sent to SAFO in 10 901y. 901141 9011% 0 6 I 2 is 60"/o das or less(as'a of) I __ I - 1­RJD Fair 110LISing C,0poplailltS 70% 3 37.5`% -ed within 100 teats as%of total closed T_ I B. SERVICE LEVEL OBJEC-I'lVE: Provide"Corninunity Outreach,Education,and Awarenesss" Aleastires;Output Nurnberoftraining sessions, community meetings,and 60 50 50 0 1 1 4 informational events, I I I I I I C. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: ADA Access.,Accommodations,goulTeclunical Assistance Request resolution Ale"sures: Output ADA Citizens'Complaints(Access.) 50 0 7 14%, Public Accommodation Inquiries/Requests 50 1 1 2'Yo M,Requests Accomin. I rasIvTe_Tye'r7 Pick/Lips 50 50 5 3 7 34 68% ADA Technical Assistance 60 50 1 1 3 10 17%, Plan Reviews/Site Visits 30 30 1 1 21 27 Key Highlights:refer to back of page. February: TARPS: 23 New Service Inquiries,23 Now Service Requests,3 Service Request Re-cerlifications,0 Service Request Verifications,7 Start Service E-mails,2 Discontinue Service E-mails,8 Missed Pick-up Work Orders HUD:-4 Case(s)Worked on;1 Conciliation Proposal;23 Telephonictin Person Inquiries;I NFHTA Training for Week Three 21 On Site Visits were issues currently on the Citizen request for curb ramps/sidewalk issues, ADA Tech Assists:1-People 1st Language;Chevrolet Dealershipt retro fit vechicles;and 1 referred to Engineering regarding questions about possible construction,on his street, end. Page 5 of 7 City of Corpus Christi Gulf Beach&Natural Resources 818511wy 361 2446 N.(iso Parkway f twd 0 Corpus Christi,Texas 7841.8 Corpus Christi,Texas 78414 CORPUS CHRISTI 0 [ RE-CREATION P csel v 2 1,[M19 NII NC' CC NI't: Y CC7RPt)S CHR15N TEXAS Beach/Preserve Wheelchair usage Guidelines There is no fee to use a Beach/Preserve Wheelcbair.A valid state driver's license or a valid state 1:17 or a valid school 11)with picture is required for check-out. Please read and initial the following statements: 1)Beach/Preserve wheelchairs are solely for use by mobility challenged visitors to access Gulf Beaches and OSO Bay Wetlands Preserve and may not be used as transport for belongings or for any other purpose..__..._. 2)The weight capacity of the beach wheelchair is 240 lbs.;individual for the wheelchair does not exceed this weight limit. 3)The number of occupants in a Beach/Preserve wheelchair at ANY given time should not exceed(1)one individual. 4)The Beach/Preserve wheelchair is for use only on the Gulf Beach or Oso Bay and may not be transported by vehicle to a different area. 5)a.The Beach wheelchair must be returned to the place of issuance by 6:00 pm. b.The Preserve wheelchair must be returned to the place of issuance by 5:00 pm.,,_., By signing below you acknowledge that the guidelines above have been read and understood. Name of User(Print) Signature:__.. .._..._____ �1'hone: _(fio'machyoutoday) Signature of Guardian(ifapplicable) City F nployee Name Page 6 of 7 ADA Committee Citation Count Calendar Year 2016 Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blockin Sidewalk Total 8, 129 156 Feb 14 3 153 170 Mar 31 11 104 146 Apr 17 1 107 125 May 9 4 13,0 143 Jun 23 4 155 182 Jul 25 9 107 141 Aug 12 2 51 65 Sep 14 5 86 105 Oct 64 13 56 133 Nov 96 46 98 240 Dec 108 16 70 194 Total 432 122 1246 1800 Calander Year 2017 Disabled Parkin Blockin Arohiteot Blocking Sidewalk Total Jan 66 5 164 175 Feb 101 28 123 252 Mar 0 Apr 0 May 0 Jun 0 Jul 0 !Au 0 Sep 0 Oct 0 Nov 0 Dee 0 Total 167 33 227 427 20,16 2017 252 182141 15": 125 143 175 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Page 7 of 7