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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 04/05/2017 Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Summary of Minutes for April 5, 2017
Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:02 P.M.
A. Roll Call
Committee Members Present:
Richard Balli (ARP)(ENG) Donnie Contreras (ARP)
James T.C. Chadden (w) Anthony M. Navarrette (Cvl)
Joe Angel DeLaGarza (w) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (PSA)(Cvl)
Absent Committee Members:
Marshall Burns (PSA)(ENG) Mary Bustos(ARP)
Dalia Gutierrez (PSA)(ENG)
Staff Members Present:
Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations)
Gene Delauro (Building Official)
Luis Rocha (Parking Control) Lisa Oliver(Parks&Recreation)
Marisa Manning (Engineering)
Staff Members Absent:
Lisa Aguilar(Legal)
2. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences —An excused absence for the April
meeting was requested and approved for Marshall Burns and Mary Bustos due to work
conflicts. Joe Angel DeLaGarza asked to be excused for his absence from the March
meeting due to a work conflict. The request was approved.
MOTION Motion — Donnie Contreras Second —Anthony Navarrette Motion Passed
3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 3.01.17
MOTION Motion —Anthony Navarette Second — Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo Motion Passed
4. Public Comments — Heather Edwards and Jaime Lugo with the Deaf and Hard of
Hearing Center addressed the Committee and stated their goal is to facilitate
communication for the deaf and hard of hearing population of Corpus Christi and the
surrounding areas. They requested to be placed on the Agenda for the June 7th meeting
and make a presentation to the Committee.
5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes)
A. Proposed Beach Access — Russell Armstrong with Gulf Beaches and Natural
Resources Division of Parks & Recreation and Jay Ellington, Director of Parks &
Recreation, provided an update on the efforts to make the beaches more
accessible with the use of mobi-mats and new beach mobility equipment.
6. Staff Reports/Comments
A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report— Sylvia Wilson reported on the
statistics for March 2017. (A copy of the report is attached to the Minutes.)
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B. Development Services Department— Department Overview
Gene Delauro reported there were over 1600 permits issued for the month of
March and anticipates a slowdown and reduction in permitting throughout the
summer months due to a rise in interest rates and other factors in the local
market. Mr. Delauro also discussed a bill before the legislature which deals with
projects for accessibility and answered questions from the members.
C. Engineering Services —ADA & CIP (Community Improvements Projects) Update -
Marisa Manning with Engineering Services discussed the bond projects where the
cycle tracts are included, some crosswalk relocations and signal projects.
D. Parks and Recreation Department— Lisa Oliver updated the Committee on the
Mobility Now project and the Cast for Kids event scheduled for September 23rd at
the Packery Channel and provided a handout. Ms. Oliver also answered questions
regarding improvements to some of the basketball courts and stated she would
follow up on the requests. (A copy of handout is attached to the Minutes.)
E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update
Luis Rocha provided the ADA Citation Count Report for March 2017 and
answered questions from the members. (A copy of the report is attached to
7. Subcommittee Reports
A. Engineering Subcommittee — Sylvia Wilson stated she hopes to set up a meeting
with Engineering in April or May.
B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — No update due to Marshall Burns
C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Richard Balli commented
that he hopes to have information on Phase 2 of the project soon. Lisa Oliver
stated she would keep him updated.
D. Bylaws Subcommittee — With the completion of the bylaws, a motion was passed
to remove this item from future agendas.
MOTION Motion —Joe Angel Delagarza Second — Donnie Contreras Motion Passed
E. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee — Dr. Zoccollilo reported on the
Special Olympics event scheduled for April 8t", 2017, the Autism Awareness Walk
on April 22, 2017 at Heritage Park and the South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind
Beeping Eggstravaganza on April 8, 2017.
8. Chairperson's Report—
A. Mr. Balli encouraged the members to attend the Open House at the South Texas
Lighthouse for the Blind on April 7, 2017.
B. Round table information — Mr. Balli stated that he had been attending advocacy
classes at CBAD, Coastal Bend Advocacy Development, and encouraged the
other members to attend. Mrs. Wilson commented on a Memo from Kim Womack
that was handed out concerning the lack of ASL interpreters during the December
water emergency. (A copy of the Memo is attached to the Minutes.)
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9. Identify items to be placed on next Agenda
Update on possible improvements at basketball courts.
10. Adjournment
MOTION Motion —Joe Angel Delagarza Second —Anthony Navarette Motion Passed
Meeting adjourned at 4:42 PM
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Human Relations Monthly Perfocirmance Report!
Willi it goal oPT'osteruq,,,Diverse and Equitable Environments With Respect and PioRssionalism",(lie I Ionian Relatioris Division will
eoliduct and culorce it positive poognim of noti-discrininiation in Employincia,Fair HoksmL,,Public Accorrinloclotion,iind compliance
with the Amer Leans with Disabilkies Act(ADA)within the City of Corpus Christi We will also In eke reports and recornmendatioris to
the City Council and ofliers,towmd the betternient ofigroup and inter-group relatiorships within t1wicoruniundy
A. Progrant K APA Compliance
1.Intake,Investigative,and Nle'diation/He 1.Address and inorrilor ADA compliance through accinninodation iccluests ind cilizen
7 (7011111111nily0urteach,Education,and/ cornplairns;Community Education and Awareness,and FechniLal/Acfinaidstnitivc Assistance
3 Technical and Adminisirative Services 2,Coordinalion of update offlic City-wido ADAI riansition Plan
Adarpted Ado�I;e Ps at ("."I,
- )or t Dee. Jan. F'ob March FY YTD Coijurart FY
1.2014 1. -
ERFORNIANCE MEASURE OBJECTIVI Supt 2015 Scpt'16 Sept III Start Dia.U20cl 6, 2017 2017 2017 IWO VFD,,,oeE
Provide Investigative Service to include finake,investigation,mediation,conciliation,monitoring,and charge
resolution ill EITIPIOyment(including ADA),Fair Housing,and Public Accommodation.
Ileclsure.w Output
EE,OC Resolutions Contract Yr I 00;july,
October to Septernber. Total and% Downward
modificatio 66 0 5 1 8 2 25 3 8'Vo
of Goal- n to 61
Intake Referrals to EEOC;Total and 70
IN,ol'Goal,Referals:City Employee Downivilid
cases,Political Subdivisions entities, ria)dificati 55 70 0 10 3 4 7 37 53'Va
Age and L.qual Pay Discriminations. on to 56
July 2015
14111)Fair 11ou.sing Contract Year is 25 20 20(min of 2. 3 1 0 0 8 401V.,
JUIY-AUIC. 3) =4 0 IV.,
EEOC Charges Closed within 180 75% 75% 75% 0 4 1 8 2 24 36°V4
days as%of total closures YID
EEOC,Refcrrats:Perfected Charges
complete(]and sent to SAF0 in 10 901XI 90% 90% 0 6 1 2 2 20 54111/4
da,'s or less(as IN of)
HUD Fair Housing Complaints 70'Ni 0 1 1 0 0 3 3 7.5 1V4
,closed within I Off das as 0/a of total ------J_- _j
B. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE:Provide"Community.Outreach,Education,and Alvarcriesss"
Number of training sessions,
community meetings,and 60 1� 50 50 0 1 t 4 8,yo
informational events.
C. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: ADA Access.,Accommodations,anal Technical Assistance Request resolution
Afeasures: owpw
ADA Clitizells'Conaphollis(Access.) 50 13 0 1 7 14%
Public Accommodation Inquiries,'Requests 50 2 1 0 3 61Y(o
New/Kcquesis lor.AGeon un, IraslvlZo=ycv -
Pick/ups 50 50 5 3 7 15 49 980/1,
ADA Technical Assistance 60 50 1 1 3 2 12 20%
Elan ReviewslSite Visits 30 30 1 -7 21 2 29
Key Highlights:refer to back of page.
MARCH 2017
EI 2 Closures;7 Charge Deferrals;10 Now Charges formalized;19 complaints received Is TWC),
TARPS;12 Now Service inquiries,12 Now Service Requests,49,Service Froquesis Ro,cortiffications,4 Service Request
Verifications,15 Start Sondca E-malls,7 Discontinue Service E•nnails,10 Missed Pick-up Work orders
HUD: 4 easels)Worked on;2 HEMS Data Entry;2 Draft LOD;1 Outline Draft LOD;1 Initial Notices&data mquose2 Complainant 10-day letter;3
Tolophonic,E-mallfin Person Interviews;9 Tolophonicilin Person Inquiries;I HUD 9031 Form submitted/Approvod Intake by HUD;2 HUD 903,11 form,
mailed out;I Inquiry 10-day letter(returned mall)a 1 HUD/Patrick cases conflict of intorasL I City of CC City Champion Laval 2 Training completed In
March 2017;1 HUD Intake Training conference call(3(15117)
ADAC,Closed I ADA ICRSR 952 Weber/Gollhar lCurb Ramps Milled);Received 2 ADA Technical Assistance Requests(51dowalk ObstructionlADA
Parking);Received I ADA CAG Inquiry(Interpreter);Conducted 2 ADA On-Sea Visits
PPA:Closed 1 PPA Case
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All I I
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... .......
January 17, 2017 C7-A. ."f`.
We're gearing Lip again t'01-Our 0' annual CASI'rgar Kids event and we'd like you to join
us! CAST (Catch a Special 'Thrill) for Kids is an exti-tiordinary outdoor event which
provides disabled and special needs youth an opportunity to learn to fish. Everyone
involved ciljoys a great day on tile channel and as chance tca learn something new from one
another! On Saturday, September 23, 2017, local children with disabilities will be paircd
with local volunteers for a day of full and fishing oil the jetty at C,01-13US Christis Packe�-y
Boat parking Lot off of Zahn Road,
Your partnership, with this event will truly create a once in a life tirne experience f-br
some very special children, Enclosed you will find sponsorship opportunities and
benefits along with a simple reply form so you can let Lis know if you Would like to
contribute monetarily or through in-kind services. For your convenience, you may
enclose your donation with your reply, or contact LIS via the information below with
With your support, we can help children with disabilities gain a skill and catch a thrill!
'Fliank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you soon,
Thanks for your supportl
Martha Lawhon
C',ity of Corpus Christi CASI' for Kids Volunteer
8185 Hwy 361
Corpus orpus Christi 71A, 78418
Page 5 of 8
"/A S
CAST for Kids
Volunteer Registration Form
C.A.S.T. for Kids, Event: Saturday September 23, 2017
Packery Channel, Corpus Christi, Texas
Volunteer's Name:
Cell phone number that you can be reached the day of the event.
T-shirt size- please circle one: S M L XL XXL XXXL — Must be submitted by
August 9, 20,17 to guarantee the desired size.
Return registration form to Martha Lawhon at MarthaL@ccte2ias.corn .
If you have any questions you can reach Martha at 3F61-826-346_9_. _'_
DESK ON LOCATION in the Packery Channel parking lot.
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ADA Committee Citation Count
Calendar Year 2016
Disabled Par�!�Blocking Architect BloS��dewalk Total
Feb 14 3 153 170
Mar 31 11 104 146
Apr 17 1 107 125
May 9 4 130 143
Jun 23 4 155 182
Jul 25 9 107 141
LIE— 12 2 51 65
Sep 14 5 86 105
Oct 64 13 56 133
Nov 96 46 98 240
Dec 108 16 70 194
Total 432 122 1246 1800
Calander Year 2017
Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocki2q_§!q2�� Total
66 5 104 175
Feb 101 28 123 252
Mar 56 20 187
Apr 0
May 0
Jun 0
Jul 0
Sep 0
Oct 0
Nov 0
Dec 0
Total 223 53 338 614
2016 2017
125 143
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To., Sylvia Wilson, Human Relations Administrator
From: Kim Womack,Communication, Director
Date: April 4, 2017
Subject: Accessible Communication During Emergencies
The City of Corpus Christi experienced an unprecedented emergency Involving a complete
water ban for roughly three days due to a potential chemical Intrusion into the water
distribution system. During the crisis, a variety of communication tools were used and
recommendations have been provided to both state and local emergency planning to improve
all types of communication.
Bagkwund &Finglingg
The Communication Department lacked necessary staff and resources during the emergency..
This was evident in key areas including social media,website, telephone call handling and
requesting ASL interpreters.
News conferences were planned twice daily beginning on day two. Any updates or briefings
were meant only for media for the goal of facilitating Interviews and information on day one.
These were not meant to be:official news conferences.
City staff has been trained and currently embed closed captioning in-house.They were actively
adding closed captioning and placing information on CCTV Channel 20.Since the captioning
was not meeting the immediate needs, staff then enlisted an ASL interpreter at each official
news conference.
Because of the emergency,the Communication staff is reclassifying two positions for both
social media and administrative support. Research is also being conducted on a policy for
accessible communication during an emergency with:subsequent procedures for staff.
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