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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 05/03/2017 Committee for Persons with Disabilities Summary of Minutes for May 3, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:02 P.M. A. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Richard Balli (ARP)(ENG) Joe Angel DeLaGarza (w) Marshall Burns (PSA)(ENG) Dalia Gutierrez (PSA)(ENG) James T.C. Chadden (w) Anthony M. Navarrette (Cvl) Donnie Contreras (ARP) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (PSA)(Cvl) Absent Committee Members: Mary Bustos(ARP) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations) Gene Delauro (Building Official) Luis Rocha (Parking Control) Marisa Alaniz (Engineering) Staff Members Absent: Lisa Oliver(Parks&Recreation) Lisa Aguilar(Legal) 2. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences —An excused absence for the May meeting was requested and approved for Mary Bustos. An excused absence for Dalia Gutierrez for the April meeting was requested and approved. MOTION Motion — Donnie Contreras Second —James Chadden Motion Passed 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 04.05.17 MOTION Motion —Anthony Navarette Second — Dalia Gutierrez Motion Passed 4. Public Comments — Kate Engler at 1919 Leopard Street spoke to the Committee regarding her forensic brain injury disability and stated she is being discriminated against because of her disability. Judy Telge from Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living commented on current legislature that would compromise the Americans With Disability Act and weaken the civil rights of people with disabilities. Ms. Telge also stated in reference to the Memo sent by Kim Womack regarding accessible communication during emergencies that she felt it was unclear and Ms. Womack did not adequately address the issue. Dr. Gilda Ramirez, Vice President for Small Business and Education with the United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce, introduced herself to the Committee and offered to provide information on the services they have available to the community. 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. How Persons with Disabilities are Arrested and Processed — Nueces County Sheriff Jim Kaelin. Sheriff Kaelin provided information to the Committee on how Page 1 of 15 the County Jail accommodates persons with disabilities, invited the members to visit the facility and answered questions from the members. B. Wings of Texas — Michelle Jones, President of My Team Triumph Wings of Texas. Ms. Jones stated their mission is to share the joy of crossing the finish line with as many disabled Texans as possible. The program was created for children, teens, adults and veterans with disabilities who would normally not be able to experience endurance events such as triathlons or road races. Ms. Jones showed a power point presentation and answered questions from the members. (A copy of the presentation is attached to the Minutes.) C. South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind — Rubber Duck Round-Up. Alana Manrow, Director of Public Affairs & Development, encouraged participation at the Rubber Duck Round-Up at Cole Park on May 27, 2017, from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Ms. Manrow handed out flyers about the event and answered questions from the members. (Copies of the flyers are attached to the Minutes.) 6. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report— Sylvia Wilson reported on the statistics for April 2017. (A copy of the report is attached to the Minutes.) B. Development Services Department— Department Overview Gene Delauro reported that total construction for the month of April was approximately $24 million, representing a slight decrease. Mr. Delauro also stated that any anonymous complaints they receive about various facilities will not be investigated for various reasons. The City will follow up on legitimate complaints. C. Engineering Services —ADA & CIP (Community Improvements Projects) Update - Marisa Alaniz with Engineering Services discussed the projects starting within the next few months and answered questions from the members. D. Parks and Recreation Department— In Lisa Oliver's absence, Sylvia Wilson updated the Committee on the question of fencing the basketball courts at Salinas Park. Ms. Oliver had stated that plants around the court would be used to help prevent the basketballs from rolling into the pond. Mr. DeLaGarza and Mr. Contreras stated that the use of plants would be inadequate and that fencing around the court is necessary to solve the problem. Mrs. Wilson said she would convey their comments to Ms. Oliver and it could be discussed at next month's meeting. E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update Luis Rocha provided the ADA Citation Count Report for April 2017 and answered questions from the members. (A copy of the report is attached to Minutes.) 7. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — Sylvia Wilson stated she hopes to set up a meeting later this month. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Marshall Burns commented they are still trying to get the parking PSA broadcast and hopes to set up a meeting in the next few weeks. C. Accessible Recreational Playground Subcommittee — Richard Balli commented that he has no updates at this time. Page 2of15 D. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee — Dr. Zoccollilo reported on the Special Olympics and the two autism events in April and Mr. DeLaGarza stated that the YWCA will have a ribbon cutting for the adaptive sports room on May 231d. Mr. Balli stated he would be able to attend the Rubber Duck Round-Up on May 27th and then attend the Their Day event at Salinas Park later that day. Donnie Contreras commented that the I Believe in Me event is also scheduled the same day. Dr. Zoccolillo commented on the CAST for Kids in September. Dalia Gutierrez handed out flyers inviting the community to a Cinco de Mayo celebration at CBCIL on Friday, May 5th. (A copy of the handout is attached to the Minutes.) 8. Chairperson's Report— A. Mr. Balli stated that he attended the ribbon cutting at the South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind on April 7, 2017 and the Autism Awareness Walk on April 22nd. He also informed the Committee that he had completed the CBAD class and encouraged the other members to attend the advocacy classes. B. Round table information — No discussion 9. Identify items to be placed on next Agenda Update on possible improvements at basketball courts. Possible presentation on adaptive surfing. 10. Adjournment MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second —Joe Angel DeLaGarza Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 4:54 PM Page 3 of 15 ij is r/4 ij W p.I'a z °1� W CD V) Ln 0 UJ LL V) ... ° r 1, Ol cr- U, < z L 0 j 0 LLJ „ e / Q W ,d / Page 4 of 15 SJ( iii t � i i r I �s , . ., �;. m a c CL (10 S - - = c 4- �' a° CL o CL UQj cu [mC om, > a � - = CL y M Ln O m aLLul ._ N s_ Cll y�yS v— -'NC L CSU E LY_ LL � C L- L- sJ = C QCs M-- N -- 0 o c > G as eL V) 0d1J CL ' W O (U CU 4' vt 41 i i `� CL cai zf Z . d I- m 0 d Page 5 of 15 _ry ca y� �• C7 um d � LU .,,_...__— Ln L- a1 .c (31 Oz bO U = as O C: -Om : r6 0 co s ° b � u ca c � s ` ro uC Hu a a Lni° ° ° ° a CIO "— '4- m rl c „a °CLI cu Cu u ami L- u -a +° - °4- O c v ry yr — c ry cn E 0 0 4� ar r r a Page 6 of 15 " ar •b a 4- Gi _c Q 0 ui un Lq • �" — . a a� (u4-1 s a� X f c �o o Ln 0 4- as "- ����mm�� as Qj a d c — u NIM �✓� � tkp CI. fll "' �����,., �„ ICE � •'- do is D LL x 0 0 qi c: •6 L o 4� .� > '0 ,3 U1 C m f u d6 i .• 0 � I ~Ln S =3 Pam as a E'0 t iii� •� -� fJ ' ru cu 'C // /�ii = ro u d L- (L) M o CL c`o c O c 4 — %% 41 0 Ura aa° z v5 ro Page 7 of 15 l r� � L � o . o 0 _ . 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"chis year's event will be held at Cole park on Saturday, May 27th f`'ronn 10 a.m.till 2 p.m. The event features to"rubber duck il five ITIusic, l od and drinks,and lots;of fun activities for kids including inflatables,as petting zoo,pony rides,duck pone!, and coloring contest, In addition to raising awareness about vision loss„South Texas L.,ighthouse fear the Blind wants to give other local non-profit organizations a chance to showcase their agencies and the services they provide our community. We have limited space,so if You would like to participate,you will want to Submit your reservation f"orm ASAP. l'or Just$35,gout•participation will include a table and two chairs under a tent and the opportunity to reach hundreds of"people who will attend the event.Payment may be made by check or credit card. Please submit completed form and payment by Fax to 361.693.6191 or mail to South'Texas Lighthouse for the Blind,ATTN: Alava Man"ow,RO, Box 9697,Corpus rpuas C'hristi,TX 78469 Ifyou have any elraestions,please contact Alana Mannr.ow or.Tay Sanchez at:3'6'l.883.6553. We look forward to hosting your organization at Rubber Duck Round-Up 2017! r3enr/r r.5;rrrth 7a�nv AAri;;loPlatt+e�tiu•/iir 11ic aYRdn<t Sincerely, rl qaxm� Alana Manrow Director or Public Affairs& Development r°N 2017 FOR PROFIT COMPANIES CAN RESERVE A BOOTH FOR$75 Contact Name. Company/Organization Name Phone Mailing Address Email Fax City and Zlpcode Method of Paynent: ' Neu-make chuks pgyahla to South lexas r.ighdrouse rix the mini Check Enclosed Please bill me at address noted above Credit Card Visa MasterCard American Express Account Number Expiration Date Authorized',Signature Page 12 of 15 ......... T ardf,OAAA U 4/ k0 f s Sin le[duck=$5"> Saturday May 27,2017 f 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Quack Nuck(51 Ducks)-$10 t Lucky Ducks(7 Ducks)-$25 f Daffy Dozen(12 Ducks)-$40 Cole Park m 1526 Ocean Dr. Flock(25 Ducks)-$75 Corpus Christi,TX 7 8404 The Donald(35 Ducks)-$100 Live Music•Petting 2o�0.Pony Rides Call Adana,361.693.6183,and adopt your mucks todayl Duck Pond a Rubber Duck Race s Kids Crafts r You may also adopt ducks at the event. And Much Morel Page 13 of 15 Human Relations Monthly Perfod,rmance Report's NlAj0IRj'L4QG'RAN1,S AND SELWICES: With EquilabluEnvironnicnis Willi Division will conduct and emerce a positive progrun ot'non-discrimination in Employment,l=air liousing,Public Accommodation,and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)within the City ofCorpus Christi the City Councif and other's,toward lite buttcrmunt ol'group and inter-group relationships AOlhin the community. A. Non-Discrinflualion Program 11, ADA Compliance 1.Inlake,investigative,and MediationlRe 1.Address ind incoilor ADA complhincu througli acconiniodation rcijuc�;t5 and chizon 2,Community Oulmich,E'ducatioll,and/ complaints)Community F,&Qation and Avvarencss;and Assistance, 3. Technical and Administrative Scrvices 2 Coordination othnplcunetrt,uiort,monitoring,and update of"the Citywido ADA'[runsition Plan 0 Aprit [pinna nn ur rct c 1.1, r'Act -ell jarl" �Feb Mal 2017 ERFORNIANCE MEASURE OBJECTI'l] s's4121n.5 Sclit 46 '17 -1 Date 2017 2017 2017 A. SERVICELEVEIDRJECJ WE: Provide lnvestigMive Service to include intake,investigation,mediation,conciliation,monitoring,and charge resolution in Enicloyment(including ADA),Fair blousing,and I iblic Accommodation. Aleasures:Output EEOC Resolutions Contract Yr 100,hily, October-to September. Total and IV6 Downward 75 66 0 1 8 2 4 29 rnadidlctallar of Goal- n lo 61 Intake Referrals io F ',OC;Total and 70, (I of Goal.Referals:City E,inployeQ Downiviial cases,political Subdivisions entities, modificati 55 70 0 3 4 7 6 43 6 19/6 'iAge and Equal Pay Discriminations. I'll to 56 July 2015 I RJ D Fair I lousing Contract Year is 25 20 20{min of, 2 1 0 0 1 9 45%) July-June. 3) Aleasures.Effectivowsss F'EOC Changes Closed within 180 days as 1,114 of total closures YTD 75% 75% 7511111 0 1 9 2 3 27 93!,v EEOC Refcrmlj:Pcrfected Charges completed and sent it)SAF0 in 10 901y" 90%, 90% 0 t 2 2 4 24 56'yo days or less as%of I IUD Fair I lousing Complaints 701,1/. 0 1 0 0 3 33.30% closed within 100 days f,toCai I I I I I I I I I 1 1 13. SEIRVICE',LEVEL,011LJEC,'l'1VF,: Provide"Community Outreach,Education,and Al"Irenesss" Medisures.,Output Number or training sessions, community meetings,and 60] 50 50 8 IVO informational events. 11 1 L2 L4 :4 C' SEIRVICE 11EVE11011.11I TIVII ADA Access.,Accommodations,and'I'latudral Assistance Request resolinion Measures: Output ADA Citizens'Comillainis(Access.) 50 7 3 ll 13 0 1 3 1 14%) 7 — Public Accornmodati=inc 2 1 0 0 3 6%a . " "ie" 'Ro7,"' -o 177777cquests ior ACCon,F4,774 7 7, Pick/ups 50 50 -n 1 7 15 10 59 11 8'vo ADA Technical Assistance 60 50 1 1 1 3 2 7 19 3214, ,Plan Reviews/Site Visits 30 1 21 2 0 29 3 10g, -------- Key Highlights:refer to back of[page. APRIL 2017 TARPS: 10 New Service inquiries, 10 New Service Requests,0 Service Requests Re-certifications,0 Service Request Verifications,10 Start Service E-mails,3 Discontinue Service E-mails,4 Missed Pick-up Work orders EEOC: 4 Closures;,6 Charge Deferrals;9 New Charges Formalized';20 complaints received(0 TWC) HUD:1 Case(s)Closed NoCause;4 Case(s)Worked on;3 Draft LODs;1 draft Conciliation Proposal;1 Complainant 10-day letter;3 TelephonictIE-maillin Person Interviews;21 Telephonic/in Person :nquiries;1 Housing Complaint submitted on-line;l HUD)SA inquiry/intake re100 days and 1 case review;3 Outreach/Training&1/Webirrar;2 Outreach[Training Future Preparations;1 NFHTA Week One-Online Training Preparation (Patsy);l Fair Housing Awareness Month of April 2017 ADA;Outreach at CB VVNR Committee Mtg(SVW),Citizen Accessibility Grievances-Received 3 and Closed 1,Individual Curb Ramp and Sidewalk Requests-Received 1 and Closed 1, Technical Assistance-7 End Page 14 of 15 ADA Committee Citation Count Calendar Year 2016 Disabled Parkin Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk. Total Jan 19 8 129 156 Feb 14 3 153 170 Mar 31 11 104 146 Apr 17 1 107 125 May 9 4 130 143 Jun 23 4 155 182 Jul 25 9 107 141 Aug12 2 51 65 Sep 14 5 86 105 Oct 64 13 56 133 Nov 96 46 98 240 Dec 108 16 70 194 Total 432 122 1246 1800 alander Year 2017. Disabled Parkin Blocking Architect Blockin Sidewalk Total Jean 66 5 104 175 Feb 101 28 123 252 Mar 56 20 111 187 Apr 46 7 97 150 May 0 Jun 0 Jul 0 Aug 0 S ep 0 Oct 0 Nov 0 Dec 0 Total 269 60 435 764 20162017 ........... ............. ................. . 257 182141 1 125 143 175 187 65 1s0 � I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ................... ........... : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ..w �......... Page 15 of 15