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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 06/07/2017 Committee for Persons with Disabilities Summary of Minutes for June 7, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:05 P.M. A. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Richard Balli (ARP)(ENG) Donnie Contreras (ARP) Marshall Burns (PSA)(ENG) Joe Angel DeLaGarza (w) James T.C. Chadden (w) Absent Committee Members: Mary Bustos(ARP) Anthony M. Navarrette (Cvl) Dalia Gutierrez (PSA)(ENG) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (PSA)(CVl) Staff Members Present: Patsy Garcia on behalf of Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations) Gilbert Garza on behalf of Gene Delauro(Building Official) Luis Rocha (Parking Control) Lisa Oliver(Parks&Recreation) Marisa Alaniz (Engineering) ASL Interpreter present from DH HC Staff Members Absent: Lisa Aguilar(Legal) 2. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences — Excused absences for the June meeting were requested and approved for Mary Bustos, Dalia Gutierrez, Anthony Navarette and Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo. MOTION Motion — Donnie Contreras Second —James Chadden Motion Passed 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 05.03.17 MOTION Motion — Donnie Contreras Second —Joe Angel DeLaGarza Motion Passed 4. Public Comments — None 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. Operation Safe Return — Betsy Salinas, Crime Prevention Advisor, CCPD Betsy Salinas and Officer Isaac Rodriguez provided information on Operation Safe Return, the 6t" annual back-to-school health and safety fair, scheduled for August 12, 2017 at the American Bank Center. The event offers necessary school supplies and valuable information to ensure a healthy start to the upcoming school year. Ms. Salinas answered questions and provided a handout explaining the event. (A copy of the handout is attached to the Minutes.) B. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center— Heather Edwards and Jaime Lugo Ms. Edwards and Mr. Lugo explained the role of ASL interpreters and the various trainings available to provide effective communication between hearing and deaf and hard of hearing individuals. Ms. Edwards answered questions from the Page 1 of 10 members and handed out the following brochures: The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center— Building Communication Bridges Since 1978, Communication Services, Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program, Hearing Loss Resource Specialist, and Deafness Resource Specialist Program. She also handed out two pamphlets, Communication Tips-Deaf and Tips for Hard of Hearing People to Communicate with Hearing People. Copies of the brochures and pamphlets are available upon request from the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center. 6. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report— Patsy Garcia stated that the current Performance Report with May's statistics had been passed out and that Sylvia Wilson would be available for any questions or comments at next month's meeting. (A copy of the report is attached to the Minutes.) B. Development Services Department— Department Overview Gilbert Garza reported on behalf of Gene Delauro that in May there were 45 commercial permits issued for $9,000,00 and 144 residential permits issued for $10,000,00. C. Engineering Services —ADA & CIP (Community Improvements Projects) Update - Marisa Alaniz with Engineering Services discussed the current projects starting construction within the next few months. Mr. Balli requested an update on his request from February 2016 pertaining to curbs on Ramsey and Houston Streets. Ms. Alaniz stated she would try to have information for him at the next meeting. D. Parks and Recreation Department— Lisa Oliver informed the Committee of the summer lunch program available at fifteen locations throughout the city from June 12th through August 4th and passed out a flyer. Information was provided regarding the ADA aqua and trail chairs available for use at the various beaches. Ms. Oliver said she would set up a meeting with the Accessible Recreational Parks subcommittee and Mr. Jay Ellington concerning the Salinas Park improvements. (A copy of the flyer is attached to the Minutes.) E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update Luis Rocha provided the ADA Citation Count Report for May 2017 and answered questions from the members. (A copy of the report is attached to Minutes.) 7. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — Mr. Balli stated he is waiting on updates from Sylvia Wilson and Engineering. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Marshall Burns commented he is trying to set up a meeting to move forward with the PSAs and waiting to hear from Alana Manrow with the South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind who offered to assist in getting the parking PSA aired on some of the local stations. They hope to get it aired by July 4th. C. Accessible Recreational Parks Subcommittee — Richard Balli commented that he will have an update after his meeting with Mr. Jay Ellington. D. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee — No update Page 2of10 8. Chairperson's Report— A. Mr. Balli stated that his grandson's baseball team is headed for the Little League World Series in Louisiana and there would be a fundraiser to help the team if any of the members would like to participate. Mr. Balli also congratulated Marshall Burns on his new job with Corpus Christi Housing Authority. B. Round table information — No discussion 9. Identify items to be placed on next Agenda Discussion on possibility of having a Committee meeting at the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Center. Update on status of curbs for Houston and Ramsey Streets 10. Adjournment MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second — Donnie Contreras Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 4:22 PM Page 3 of 10 OPERATION AL SAFE RETURN Saturday,August 12, 2017 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m. American Bank Center Exhibit Hall The Corpus Christi Police Department is hosting its 6th annual back-to-school'lealth &safety fair, Operation Safe Return gives every child the opportunity to receive necessary school supplies, obtain valuable safety information and ensure a healthy start to the upcoming school year. Last year, we welcomed 8,000 attendees with over 1.00 vendors offering health and safety information. School supply kits were provided to 3,000 students, as well as 400 sports physicals and vaccines combined. This year, we hope to increase the numl)er of students receiving school supplies, as well as educating a larger number of attendees. We are currently looking for community partners to join us in this commitment to our youth. Attached is a list of sponsorship tiers to use for your consideration in supporting the youth of Corpus Christi. All donations are greatly appreciated. for your consideration. Contagt Info: Crime Prevention Unit 361-886-2765 g"'Vo Me e4mi, CORPUS CHRISTI CeZI Page 4 of 10 OPERATION SAFERETURN ( CA) CCPD Operation Safe Return 2017 Sponsorship Opportunities Platinum Sponsorship - $4000- (seeking 2 sponsors) • Company logo on 3,000 drawstring backpacks distributed day of event • Recognition of company in media promotion (when applicable) • Company banner displayed at event (provided by company) • Booth Placement • Company mention and/or logo in 15-sec and 30-sec Event Promo, on K111 TV3, MeTV and CoziTV • Event promotion on LED Billboard, located in front of KIll Studios, with company logo, • Banner Ads, promoting event, on Company name listed on sponsorship flyer to, be handed out at event Company mentions by Live DJ at Event Gold Sponsorshipi—$3000 • Recognition of company in media promotion (when applicable) • Company banner displayed at event (provided by company) • Booth Placement • Company mention and/or logo in 15-sec and 301-sec Event Promo on Kill TV3, MeTV and CoziTV • Event promotion on LED Billboard, located in front of Kill Studios, with company logo • Banner Ads, promoting event, on • Company name listed on sponsorship flyer to be handed out at event • Company mentions by Live DJ at Event Page 5 of 10 Special School Supply Sponsorship - $3000 Company logo on 2,000 earb,ud baggies (earbuds are included) distributed to students day of event /V Aw, U YOUR 43 LOGO HEREI Silver Sponsorship —,$1500 • Company mention and/or logo in :15 and :30 -second Event Promo on KIII TV3, MeTV and CoziTV • Company name listed on sponsorship flyer to be handed out at event • Company mentions by Live DJ at Event Bronze Sponsorshig — $1000 • Company name listed on sponsorship flyer to be handed out at event • Company mentions by Live DJ at Event Supporter - $350 Company mentions by Live, DJ at Event Page 6 of 10 Please make checks payable to Corpus Christi Police Athletic League Memo: "Operation Safe Return 2017"' PayPal is available! IF payp(JI Sponsor has determined to provide financial support for Operation Safe Retum in exchange for certain promotional rights to be provided by OrganizerIK111TV3 Signature Print Name Title Business Date Page 7 of 10 Human Relations Monthly Perfoldi-mance Report\ MAJOR PROGRAMS AND SERVICES:: Willin goal of'Fostering Diverse and Equitable Enviroturicias Wall Respect and Prollessionalisin",the Human Relations Division will conduct,and enforce positive piogrant in Employment,Fair I lousing,public Accommodation,and comptiall" with the Al oricans wills Dealbililics Act(ADA)within[tic City lit Carpus Cluisti We will also make reporisand icconunendations,to tic City Councit and others,toward thellcuernnunt ot'group and intva%-Uroup relationships within file community. A, Non-Discrimination Program B. ADA Compliance 1,Intake,investigative,and MediakiontRe I.Address and nronuorADA compliance duough accommodation requests and citizen 2 Community Outreach,Education,and/ complaints;Community Edilualion and Awareness,and Asvjsfancc, 3.Technical and Adininustiative Services 2 Coordination of monitoring,and update of the C itywide ADATransition Plan 41 Ined Adol!dud LAdo it Fs at Api-it C it—t,�r Oct 2014- I c c Contract March May FY Yl 1) C.ofind or FY Dct'L5 D t 5 0 S t 2015 Oct 2017 t�' t .C,TIVII Ad Sept'16 Sept 17 20P 29t7 1"Aul Scid ERFOlIMANCE MEASILIZE OBJ v 1) c lot 17 start Date A. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide Investigative Service to include intake,investigation,mediation,conciliation,monitoring,and charge resolution in Employment(including ADA),Fair Housing,and public Accommodation. Measures:Output EEOC Resolutions Contract Yr 100;July, October to September. Total and"Vo Downward October 75 66 0 ficatio 4 4 33 501,11, offCat al- 11 to 63 Intake Referrals to EEOC;Total and 70; %ol'Goal,Referals:City Employee Downward cases,Political,Subdivisions entities, unwiricati 5.5 70 0 7 6 6 49 700/6 Age and Equal Pay Discriminations, on to 56 July 2015 HUD Fair Housing Contract Year is 25 20(film of Cl 1 2 11 5511/6 July-.lune.. 1 3) Measures .E117tivuncsis EEOC Charges Closed Within 180 75% 75% 75% 1 2 3 3 30 91 ly" days as%of total clusures YTD 1EOC Referrals:Perfected Charges completed and seat to SAFO in I Ol 90%. 9011/6 90IN" 0 2 4 4 28 572Yo days or less(as%of) , 00 days as Yo o 1 70% 0 FILID Fair Housing Complaints f tola 2 6 54.5% closed within 1 B. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: Provide"Conninunity Outreach,Education,and Awarenesss" Ileusun�v:Output Number of training sessions, 2 community meetings,and 60 50 50 4 81% informational events. 1� 21 4 1 1 C. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: ADA Access.,Acconninfulatio its,antlTechnical Assistance Request resolution measini 0111put ADA Olizens'Complaints(Access,) 50 1 3 3 7 14% Public AcCOITH110dution Inquiries/Requests 50 0 0 1 4 8% ,qc77lZcqucst7terr Xcc7lnjI Pickfups 50 50 15 10 8 67 13 4 IV. ADA Technical Assistance 60 50 2 7 11 30 50"Y,6 ,]'Jim Reviews/Site Visits 30 .30 2 1 0 6 35 Key Illighlightsl refer to back of page. May,2017 EECC,4 Closures;6 Charge Dei 13 New Charges Formalized,I file detwad from EEOC,23 complaints received(1 TWC) TARPS'. 9 NewServiceIntliuniss,8 New Service Requests,33 Service Requests Ru-cordficatiom,I Service Request Verifications,8 Start service E-mails, 4 Discontinue Service E-mails,.6 Missed Isti work orders ADA CitZon AsMsSibilsy Grievances-Raceived 3 and Cosed:2: Ini Curb Ramp and Sidi Requests-Rei 4 and Closed 1; To6inical Assistance it; Plan Ro0msJSiloVisitq.6 End Page 8 of 10 Page 0of1O ADA Committee Citation Count Calendar Year 2016 Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blcrokin Sidewalk Total Jan 19 8 129 156 Feb 14 3 153 170 filar — 31 11 104 146 Apr 17 1 107 125 . ay 9 4 130 143 Jun 23 4 155 182 Jul 25 9 107 141 Au g 12 2 51 65 Sep 14 5 86 105 Oct 64 13 56 133 Nov 96 46 98 240 IDec 108 16 70 194 ITotal 432 122 1246 1800 C—aka—nder Year 2017 Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total ]an 66 5 104 175 Feb 101 28 123 252 Mar 56 20 111 187 Apr 46 7 97 150 May 37 4 61 102 Jun 0 Jul 0 Aug -0 0 Oct 0 Nov 0 Dee 0 Total 306 64 496, 866 2016 2017 252 182141 125 143 75 187 65 150 102 0 0 0 ...... ................. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Page 10 of 10