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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 07/05/2017 Committee for Persons with Disabilities Summary of Minutes for July 5, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:15 P.M. A. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Richard Balli (ARP)(ENG) James T.C. Chadden (w) Marshall Burns (PSA)(ENG) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (PSA)(Cvl) Mary Bustos(ARP) Absent Committee Members: Donnie Contreras (ARP) Dalia Gutierrez (PSA)(ENG) Joe Angel DeLaGarza (w) Anthony M. Navarrette (Cvl) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations) Gene Delauro (Development Services) Luis Rocha (Parking Control) Lisa Oliver(Parks&Recreation) Kevin McCord on behalf of Marisa Alaniz(Engineering) Staff Members Absent: Lisa Aguilar(Legal) 2. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences — Excused absences for the July meeting were requested and approved for Donnie Contreras, Joe Angel DeLaGarza, Dalia Gutierrez and Anthony Navarette. The absences were due to illness and work conflicts. MOTION Motion — Marshall Burns Second —James Chadden Motion Passed 3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 06.07.17 MOTION Motion — Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo Second — Mary Bustos Motion Passed 4. Public Comments — None 5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. City Evacuation Preparedness — Billy Delgado, Emergency Management Coordinator - Mr. Delgado introduced Fire Chief, Robert Rocha, and discussed the City's 5-phase program for evacuation. He recommended that each family have an evacuation plan and necessary supplies in the event of an emergency. Emergency document bags were passed out and Mr. Delgado answered questions from the members. B. Area Agency on Aging and Disability Resource Center Services — David Ramos, Coastal Bend Council of Governments — Mr. Ramos stated he works for the Coastal Bend Council of Governments, one of 24 regional councils of government in Texas, whose purpose is to provide guidance for this area. He discussed the various programs available and answered questions from the Page 1 of 7 members of the Committee. Mr. Ramos mentioned free training in August related to supportive housing and stated he would email Mrs. Wilson a flyer concerning the training. He also passed out four pamphlets, National Family Caregiver Support Program, Benefits Counseling Program, A Matter of Balance, and Linking Support Services for Older Adults & Their Caregivers. Copies of the pamphlets are available upon request from the Area Agency on Aging of the Coastal Bend. Mr. Balli asked if Mr. Ramos could return for next month's meeting to discuss further the supportive housing and the training planned for August. 6. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report— Sylvia Wilson commented on the statistics for the month of June 2017. (A copy of the report is attached to the Minutes.) B. Development Services Department— Department Overview - Gene Delauro reported that in June there were 63 new residential permits for$10.4 million, 55 residential remodel permits for$1.56 million, 10 new commercial permits for$8.9 million, and 31 commercial remodel permits for$3.28 million. He also discussed the requirements for the reduced fee for residential ramp permits. C. Engineering Services —ADA & CIP (Community Improvements Projects) Update - Kevin McCord attended on behalf of Marisa Alaniz with Engineering Services and commented on the status of ADA curb ramps at the Ramsey and Houston Street intersection. D. Parks and Recreation Department— Lisa Oliver stated that there is a meeting scheduled for Monday, July 10th regarding the improvements to Salinas Park, including the basketball court, and other options to make the court available at designated times. Ms. Oliver commented that July is Parks and Recreation Month and there is a free community festival planned for Saturday, July 15th and that she would send a related flyer to Mrs. Wilson for distribution to the members. Mr. Balli suggested the possibility of having an open house or committee meeting at the Greenwood Senior Center. Ms. Oliver said she would need suggested dates and be glad to discuss it with Mr. Balli and Mrs. Wilson. E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update Luis Rocha provided the ADA Citation Count Report for June 2017 and answered questions from the members. (A copy of the report is attached to Minutes.) 7. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee — Mrs. Wilson stated she plans to set up a meeting this month to meet with Engineering. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — Marshall Burns commented he is still working on getting the parking PSA broadcasted and hopes to report more next month. C. Accessible Recreational Parks Subcommittee — Richard Balli commented that a meeting is scheduled for Monday with Parks and Recreation. D. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee — Dr. Zoccolillo said he is still trying to organize the "People Who You Should Know" news spot and hopefully it Page 2 of 7 will be ready sometime in October to coincide with the Disability Employment Awareness Month. He also reported that there is a group of students at TAMUCC who are actively involved with some of the same issues as the Committee. They are called the Future Leaders in Providing Low Incidents Disability Services and Dr. Zoccolillo suggested the possibility of a presentation from the group. 8. Chairperson's Report— A. Mr. Balli stated that David Ramos would return next month to discuss supportive housing. He also passed out suggestions for a Committee handout and asked that the members review them and provide feedback. Mr. Balli also gave an update on a Mobility Now meeting he had attended. (Copies of the suggestions for the Committee handout are attached to the Minutes.) B. Round table information — No discussion 9. Identify items to be placed on next Agenda Discussion by David Ramos on supportive housing Feedback on the suggestions for the Committee handout Discussion on potential meeting at the Greenwood Senior Center Update on status of curbs for Houston and Ramsey Streets 10. Adjournment MOTION Motion —James Chadden Second — Marshall Burns Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 4:44 PM Page 3 of 7 Human Relations Monthly Perfadirmance Report% NIAJOR PROGRAMS AND SERVICt'.S: With a goal of osterbig Diverse and Lauilable Enytionnicurs With Rusper;t and Pmliassionalisin",tire Huncin Relations Division will conduct and enforve a positive progiam of non-discroninolion in Flupioynicul,Fair I lonsing,Public Accommodation,and contifiance the Oty Council and others,lomird the bralurnent ol-group and niter-1-110UP relationships wollim the minnunity, A. Non-Discrinainalion Prograin B. ADA Compliance I hlulLo'hivesfivalive,and mediationllv I Address stood nionuor ADA compliance through accommodation roqucstsand cnimn 2 3 2 Coolohnation ol'impleracniatuin,pionhining,and apdale okho Ckywide ADA fiansition Adopted Adup April canhai,t on' N1113, nnrad FY No 2014. Ocl It EIIFORMAN(:ENtf,',',CtIN'I Svp120151 Srpt'16 Sept 17 2017 2017 1.1.1 NTWfi W Go.1 A. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIM Provide Investigative Service to include intake,investigation,mediation,conciliation,monitoring,and charge resolution in Ernployineru(Including ADA),Fair Housing,and public Accommodation. Jfeasumv:Oullma EEOC Resolutions Contract Yr October it)September. Traid and"/,, Downward 75 66 4 4 6 3NJ 591Y. ol'Goal- it lir 63 Intake Relierrals to EEOC;Total and 70; %of'Citral.Ret'ierals:City Employee cases,Political Subdkisions eraide'S' illodificar 55 70 6 6 4 53 76% 1 Age and Equal Pay Discriminations. In11'ta Sr: I July 2015 7— ['jUj)J;Lilir FlouSing CoutraC,Year is 25 20 13 1 3 0 12 921VII July-Julie. I E17()C(7 harges,Closed within 18(1 75%. 75%6 75%, 3 3 6 36 92'X, days as%ol'total closures YTD I I EEOC Referrals:Peffected Charges completed and sent to SAFI-)in 10 9fl%. 901% 90% 4 4 1 29 551Ye days or less(as%of) HUD Fair Housing Complaints 70% 1 2 0 6 50.011. ,closed within 100 das as IN,ol'total B. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVEi Provide"Connouniq,Outreach,Education,and Awarenesss" "Ileasures..output Number ol'training sessions, community meetings,and 60 51) 50 32% informational events. I I I n�= C. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE:-ADA Access.,Accommodations,and Technical Assistant(,.Reilucia restiluticia lteasure.N; CJnipnt ADA Cifizens'Complaints(Access.) 50 3 3 4 7 14'V. Public Accommodation InqUirics/Requesgs 50 0 1 0 4 8'%u TwTecluests FF 77conum I rasrIT=Lyce - Pick/ups 50 50 10 9 9 76 152% ALBA Technical Assistance 60 50 7 1 1 5 35 581V. ,Plan Reviews/Site Visits 30 30 0 6 9 44 Key Highlights:refer to back of page. June 2017 EEOC 6 Closures,4 Charge Deferrals,,4 Now Charges Forri 14 coniplains faceirvad C0 TWC) TARP& 8 Now Service Inquiries 6 New Service Requests 14 Service Request Ro-couifications,,9 Start Servico E-malls,2 Discontinue Service E,molls,11 Missed Pickup work orders ADA Citizen Accessibility Grievames•Received,l and Closed 21 Technical Assisiance 5; Plan ReviewsSjle Visits-g HUD.2 Caso(st Worked an,1 HEMS Data Entry I TWLphonkc LOD,I Initlat Nutbcos,1 IntakelHUD approved,I Citizen Accessibility Grievance form submitted(no contact madelpanding intake),16 Telephonic Inquiries,I Code Enfonserneril ricobfig,2 HUD 9031 form mailed,I Intake (ne call-w show):1 10-day Inquiry Loafer,3 Outreach:1 FH Mooting(s) End, Page 4 of 7 ADA Committee Citation Count Calendar Year 2.016 Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total Jan -- 19 8 129 156 Feb 14 3 153 170 Mar -31 11 104 146 ;k-pr 17 1 107 125 May 9 4 130 143 Jun -- 23 4 155 182 Jul 25 9 107 141 Au 12 2 51 65 Sep -- 14 5 86 105 Oct 64 13 56 133 Nov 96 46 98 240 Dec 108 16 70 194 Total 432 122 1246 1800 Callander Year 2017 Disabled Parking N 'p!ocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total Jan 66 5 104 175 Feb 101 28 123 252 Mar 56 20 'I'll 187 Apr 46 7 97 150 May 37 4 61 102 Jun - 3,3 13 122 168 Jul 0 Au 0 Sep 0 Oct 0 Nov 0 Dec 0 Total 339 77 618 1034 2016 2017 252 182141 1 125 143 175 187 168 65 150 102 0 0 o 0 0, 0 1 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Page 5 of 7 r%rh~ i %�� drI 7��,y, s P ;' City of Corpus Christi COMMITTEE FOR PERSON'S WITH DISAe ILITlES The COMmittee for Persons With Disat)ilities in c:onjunction with the Human Relations Commission and the Hr.uman Relations Department makes recommendations to the City Council can disability issues, promotes compliance with disability related laws, promotes a network of local committees doing sirnilarwork, and recognizes employers for hiring and retaining employees with disabilities. Mission; The mission of the Committee for Persons With Disabilities is to further opportunities for persons with disabilities, to enjoy full equal access to lives of independence, productivity, and self-determination, Key Services: The Committee for Persons With Disabilities makes recommendations to the City Council on disability issues, policies, and programs in the areas of accessibility,. corrmiunicatlon, education, emergency preparedness, health, housing, recreation, transportation, veterans and workforce. Page 6 of 7 City of Corpus Christi (41. 4,4 COMMITTEE FOR PEPSO�NS WITH DISABILITIES ..i.l..1e 00al Of the Cc7Mmittee for PerSOns yt`tfith Disabilities is to provide knowledge, insight: and guidance to the community, the City Manager, the Mayor, and City COLMcil on the rights and needs of Persons with disabilities and to further opportunities for Persons of all abilities to enjoy a life ofindependence, productivity, and self-deterrnina6on. The City of Corpsas Christi Committee for Persons with Disabilities envisions a diverse ComMunity dedicated to the fullest possible inclusion of all Citizens, regardless of their ability level. Committee members shall serve without compensation. The Committee is cornpo.sed of nine (P) City residents who are appointed by the Mayor and City Council who: have disabilities, are advocates for People with Disabilities or who represent agencies or, organizations that address the needs of people with disabilities, The City's Hurnan Relations Administrator, Director of Paries and Recreation (or designee), theCity's Building Official, and a representative of the Corpus Christi Police Department's Parking Control Unit: shall serve as ex,,officio non-voting members. The Chairperson of the Committee shall also serve as an ex-officio voting member for the Human Relations Commission. Regular meetings are scheduled for the forst Wednesday of the month from S p.m. to p.r,n. at City Nall, City Council Chambers. interested parties may apply electronic:aVly via the City Secretary's web page and/or submitting a resume to the City Secretary's office. Page 7 of 7