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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 11/01/2017 Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Summary of Minutes for November 1, 2017
Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:01 P.M.
A. Roll Call
Committee Members Present:
Richard Balli (ARP)(ENG) Anthony M. Navarrette (Cvl)
James T.C. Chadden (ARP) Sabrina Ramirez (w)
Joe Angel DeLaGarza (ARP) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo(Cvl)
Absent Committee Members:
Mary Bustos(ARP) Dalia Gutierrez (PSA)(ENG)
Marshall Burns (PSA)(ENG)
Staff Members Present:
Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations)
Gilbert Garza on behalf of Gene Delauro(Developmentsvc) Luis Rocha (Parking Control)
Lisa Oliver(Parks&Recreation) Marisa Alaniz (Engineering)
Staff Members Absent:
Lisa Aguilar(Legal)
B. Introduction of new member, Sabrina Ramirez
2. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences — Excused absences for the
November meeting were requested and approved for Marshall Burns, Mary Bustos and
Dalia Gutierrez. The absences were due to medical and work reasons.
MOTION Motion —Anthony Navarette Second — Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo Motion Passed
3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 08.02.17
MOTION Motion — Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo Second —James Chadden Motion Passed
4. Public Comments —Jack Gordy of 4118 Bray Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78413
commented on the need for sidewalk improvements on Airline Road between South
Padre Island Drive and McArdle Road. Mr. Gordy provided a handout to the members
and a copy is attached to the Minutes.
5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes)
A. Crime Victim Services — Laura Munoz & Debra Garcia, CCPD Victim Case
Managers — Ms. Munoz and Ms. Garcia discussed the Victim Assistance Program
established within the Corpus Christi Police Department's Criminal Investigation
Division. The purpose of the program is to provide services to victims of crime in
the Corpus Christi area and to educate the community and law enforcement
personnel on domestic violence and other victimization issues. They provided a
handout and answered questions from the members. (A copy their handout is
attached to the Minutes.)
Page 1 of 16
B. Behavioral Health Center of Nueces County —Tammye Salinas
Ms. Salinas and Jessie Elizondo discussed the Chronically Homeless Intervention
Program available to help individuals, families, and veterans who are homeless
and struggle with a substance abuse disorder, serious mental illness, serious
emotional disturbance or co-occurring substance use/mental health disorder.
They answered questions and provided a handout. (A copy of the handout is
attached to the Minutes.)
C. Children's Advocacy Center of the Coastal Bend — Cassandra Hinojosa
Ms. Hinojosa commented on the various services offered to abused children and
their families and their goal to advocate for the rights of children and their specific
needs. Ms. Hinojosa answered questions from the members and provided
handouts. (Copies of the handouts are attached to the Minutes.)
6. Staff Reports/Comments
A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report— Sylvia Wilson did not have a
report for October but commented on the twenty-six outreach events attended this
B. Development Services Department— Department Overview— Gilbert Garza gave
an update on the 212 permits issued for the month of October and answered
questions from the members.
C. Engineering Services —ADA & CIP (Community Improvements Projects) Update -
Marisa Alaniz gave an update on the status of ADA curb ramps at the Ramsey
and Houston Street intersection. Ms. Alaniz also discussed current projects
related to the construction of the Harbor Bridge and answered questions from the
D. Parks and Recreation Department— Lisa Oliver commented on the success of the
CAST for Kids event in September and informed the Committee of upcoming
events. Ms. Oliver suggested setting up a meeting to discuss the options for a
designated basketball court for citizens in wheel chairs. A future meeting at the
Greenwood Senior Center in April 2018 was discussed and Ms. Oliver said the
meeting would need to be held from 10:00-11:00 AM for the members of the
center to participate. Ms. Oliver also reported she had no update on Phase 2 of
the Accessible Recreation Park.
E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update
Luis Rocha provided the ADA Citation Count Report for October 2017 and
answered questions from the members. (A copy of the report is attached to
7. Subcommittee Reports
A. Engineering Subcommittee — Sylvia Wilson stated that she and Mr. Balli had met
with Kevin McCord and they would schedule a meeting soon to meet with Marisa
B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee — No update
C. Accessible Recreational Parks Subcommittee — No update
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D. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee — Dr. Zoccolillo stated he hoped
to have additional information on a future presentation by a group of women at
TAMUCC regarding assessible beach equipment.
8. Chairperson's Report—
A. Round table information - Mr. Balli mentioned he hoped the Committee for
Persons With Disability could partner with Parks and Recreation to promote a
National Night Out for the disabled community at Salinas Park next October. He
stated it would be a great opportunity to make the community aware of the
Committee. Mr. Balli also commented on the possibility of a future Toys for Tots
9. Identify items to be placed on next Agenda
- Discussion of changing meeting times per request by Sabrina Ramirez
- Showing the PSA on the flash drive regarding blocking architecture
10. Adjournment
MOTION Motion —James Chadden Second —Anthony Navarette Motion Passed
Meeting adjourned at 4:59 PM
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Jack Gordy
1— 793 - 8978
41.18 Bray Drive
Corpus Christi, Texas 78413
For those that care about the disabled:
Attached is a copy of a letter that was drafted by the
Senior Assistant C Attorneh Lisa AgH:ilar, and it was
approved bythe Lill Attorne Miles Rislej. The letter ,was
Y-2 - L__
to be sent to the Justice Department regarding the blocked
sidewalk along the East side of the 1300 block of Airline
Road. He never sent the letter as he was told to do by the
Justice Department.
Please read the highfighted-sentence in the first2ara
It reads as follows:
East side of Airline Road between South Padre Island
Dr* e and McArdle Road contains multipit
IV _AgggH_Mtes
1"here are only is
Q access routes. One (1) 1
throug]h the parking lot and the other one (I) is to: go out
into the street.
I don't believe "s "n the best "nterest of the Cit
it I I I X_Lo
wheel chair or those that have to use a walker,
Page 4 of 16
[I nsert Data]
U, S.Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division d.
Disability Rights Section--MA
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington,DC 20530
Re: Request for Nvaivcr- front City of' Corpris Christi, Texas regarding sidewalk intprovNnents at
Airline Road in the City of Corpus Christi
Deal-U S,Department of Jusfi=
A local resident (the "'Complainane') filed a complaint with the US. Department of Justice (DOJ)
clainfing that pah:n trees located in a sidewalk along the mist side ofAirlirre Read rn the City ofCwpus
ak's history, grade
an ith local disabilities advocates and a
representative rifthe U.S.Deparlineart of Justice,tile City's Legal E)Lparlment determined that there is not
an legal obligation to retrieve these palm trees at this firne. This particular sidewalk and adjacent street was
constructed prior to the effective data;cifibe Americans with Vsabilities Act.According to the records of
tile City, neither the sidewalk nor the adjacent sirect has not been altered since construction.Therc is ral
accessible route oil the West side ofAirline Road,
The palma trees are p1mited in the sideivalk. Removal of tile palln trees will necessitate filling in lite
rentaining hole and replacing Itarts of the sidevialk areas to leave a sitrooth area for ease of traveL
Compla:inant has asserted,that the City inliy perform alterations to the sidewalk without.such incidification
Creating all obligation to bring tile sidewalk into cirmpliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Complainant has also asserted that the DepartntenL of Justice may waive any and all requirements and
causes of action That might otherwim,be aefivated by alteration of the sidewaE I lie City sees vithic in
this type of complLAe mid absolute waiver OfaTWY and all ADA requirements that might otherwise apply to
the side%alk as a result(if alterations[ficreto. Such a complete and absolute waiver-of ADA obligatious
might encourage the City to perforin impmvenients and alterations to the sidewalk in an carlier timerrallic
than would citherwise apply.
In conjimetion 'xith the D01-apprared incidiation process..tile City is requcsthNg an uncondifional waher
1'roto your off-ice andalso krona thcTexas Department of Licensing and Regulation cat`call accessibility,
irnprovertrent,and construction reclidrernerits promulgatied putsmart to the Americans with Disabilities Act
(trichitectural barriers regulation,Texas Accessibility Standards, the Rehabilitation Act, tire Antericans
with Disabilities Act, any wgulation, standard or policy promulgated prusuant thereto, and tiny,
arnmOrneirt to any,of the aforementioned acts and standards)that inight apply to any pa tit orthe s-idewift
along Airline rive betweett South Padre Island Drive anti McArdle Road as a result of construction work
in the cVt=ms1Road it, nine city or Corpus Christi.This construction work could include tile
removal of palin trees in this sidewalk and the replacement of sidewalk sections in said sid&Mk in the
vicinity of said palin tress.If the DOJ is able and willing to grant the City a cornpleteand absolute waiver
of all such accessibility,improvement,and construction requirements,please let us know.
[Insert signature linesj
Page 5 of 16
Scpiomlwr 252017
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Corl LIS 5426 Chc%l Clmse Dd%o
C I Umpn(IM. A760.2
SUBJLC i: 1) 11 ,17 Leucr to S DcplofjLj1"liCQ
Dear N11" ll""als�llg
flls is in rCpQ iv So low re);°crenced ahm, In dw Ina, pw nwmkm Ow cwwajt�
III-OL& kinh by Nit Jack (My, I be Ciq of Claps Cluisli k Wermiol and
et me brought to ow,attenti n,
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I hCl%: iN iAll ehlilbfiShCd jll'oce'ns fol-cili/e:a'us to hich tllhng oot 'a t. ili/oll
AccessillHil�� form (SCA2 atlaclicd). A', affl CV111nlic, thiS I'MIll CUll 11C LISCLI VIAMt a
person is requcsting awb ramps on to cii� w,veei or rapouing sideNwlk
Me Amu ab"s to Mum Rdmilms office to tnlCh kt(a.,CSSibilit� iSSLIeS ihYOL]QhOUl,
01111 C0MMlvlil�' lhe fionns arc rniev,ed by the Cotuniftwe 'i'or Persons �sith
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Page 7 of 16
ram Go,,ds Lemlership Chronicallv J+,)mAn;s
Decrease the use of Charlie's Place
alcohol a nd other drugs Anly Granbeiry,ChidExecafivv Officor
Wafter Robeits,CNnicaI Divrcwv
Enhance physical and
mental health Behavioril Health Center
of Nkmces Comity
Enhance self-sufficiency Mike Davt5,Chief Executive Officer
("ribarice individual, Mark Hendrix,Miject Dnector
social,and commu n ity Tammye Salinas,Pi ograrn Comelinator
Irma Perez,Administrative Aqsi.qant
supports to promote Oaudia GuOerrez,Outreach
recovery manvela Vargas,Case manager
I,(I;a t on
We Ire Convenfenfly located at
Charlie's Place. Commo Us:
After hours crisis 110fline
6501 111 17(a MdMde Lane
Copuq Chrisfi,Texa4 79469
Chadh',,llfavv:3(0426-5350 pryf
It" Offi,, 361-56 1-1426
Seferis Museum(4) Is: oF Nueces COMY
N Hmle)Live.,
r., III 1111111 III
Qualifying Cdteria Services
11re HchaviaraI Health Center ol Nueces Individuals,tannifies,and vetermis Case managenlent
County (MIC'NC), a onil of local experien6lig homelessness m chl Onrc Owreach and engagernem
gpoverniment, has uInplelmented Ole hometessmoss with HTherapy
GIRMULUIly 1101TICICSS lotCrVCflfiOf1 . Substance Use Disorder I'm saipporl
Pwpmn in collaboration wifla(liarlies . ScHous mental Illness Recovery support
Place Recovery Center to serve . Elnotiom'fl Disorder
Medication management
4ithvidnals, families, road eeierms Urms Services,
expoliencing lionlelesmess who may also . Co-OccuiringDrsordor Relapse prevenfion
stoiggle wnh a substme abuse disorder After care
(SUD), seniour; meatal illness (SM), Dom
,wrious anotional dimahance(SED),or Re%idmitiai
co owurTing subsIance case/menial health Ontpotiow Substance Use
disoMer(UOD)�We ptovide amssible, Services
d1bdiVU elld COM$)r0heSiVC,imep nted
evidenCL-Imse treatuamit services. Our
goal is,In increme auxS's tre pemument
hoesing,mawnt and o"ceve ry Supfiort
servicts In,help elffiaiwe antl feamole the .4
hve,afthose wL serve.
Page 8 of 16
The Children s Advocacy Center
of the Coastal Liesad
i Dna With Camuraapc wrxz doe loped by Children's Adv—y
The Reality- - Texan•Ina(cacr)o,the natlan's largest state
m b h'p a:auo Y ofdruida sodvsaaay—fevs..
Child abuse as notprejudiceagainst nary
the 2011 Cnut(meiml Chrldreri Alliance P fl t Awareness
race,creed,0r r ralcnf Every adult fu the `w
content Wmer the rempail national Wali-ut is node
t+taf f."of I ex s 1s mandated by lay,to p src bl rh,vagh antiabortion nith the 0epuw t—M of `�' �
/ U
report s11sg ected a use, as ram and the Ni I cn ldr Au m,the star's
aaa.,mc nriero anald acarercfrtimp body for Po ldrens ndvacasy'
t r 1 G �O//� "
If yon think child abuse does not affect ane with Courage is rwntered:oraaad the—rage t r bee � � _f
you because you or yaaaar child has not taWk about hold sexalol base-the r tal ahaid
vista roesameffa rdaboutthaar a'buza arvd th:e
faeela W7G t1nn,0r Lh7t y a are not
caurngc at lakes adult,Ra 7allk ah t the..uarsxvc Im.arn
affected in away w<ay,thin1c again.It signs and report dnjoe whan it ,suspec ad.
affects each and every one of us in some
'.,. Cauardezu 0�wrwa+r..C)neUOirhCoav^nq..era
Lehr 1n the signs of abuse and stand at) C t�num�rJ.nt 1 a es.arlcl
for as child who needs youto do so. I araec°�cxxr-y-Nq mlhcarr5
!F4 f I (.. T'he Child Abuse n-ffStao-2ft- 4uo1acFiaa'rsStlre:et
V s 3 a _iia site at:
The Women's Shelter 361-881-8888 Corpus C faisd TesUS 784,01,
4Mv ccr .a_arl0errc<acm 361855-9058
Texas Runaway 1.888-S8o-4;1157 ;361 854-2.;94 fax
lb learn;more ala0aat use 1:o make n � w�Wwvu co as4 ellneouda as.cst�8
donation onset rip recurring donations,: Driscoll Children's tlospif ail 361-694-5000
meet our staff,see upcofnin8 events,Bet
updated carer see our centers wish hstr ITCH C are'rearn .361-691-2273 � sem- 14
and inttch more
CCPD vlctimu Assistance 161-886-2841 r
Contact us by ern�acl,
Fhld4u' d ,l
pyltc�lrvfah ana,tiau uiV�urafp,
w in
Faceb o 5 �:,.:.::^
oraztthe center 36t855-90,-.8 �C��•'�.,e�L
....... About the C.enter
The Children's Advocacyr Center
w,: :✓ � : "" "'" the CAC is a collaborative effort Of Public
c " agerlrles charged unth invi stigafMmy>
A aa:ehaa-=LxreSfat(:if t,anay:utauia Liasrt avtnrks wfftla "a'Mr. r�+r. -w,. a++^• +'�•• -r"• Prasecuknag and treating child wpctMam:a of
gexual and physical c ls'n.lOur partner
sexasily and physically abased ch ids en, ag�encites include
@HasletWitnesses to violent Sery�.w.�.
nori-offundinf y __...._.�... .jnejjlkers, Issas Department of Fanuilly and PratecG:Mee
victim,lleet4thes rer,nire
We are tin accredited maernber of the, Chir centras prrairldcs many seruses to eadir family e Carlavas Police taarrcadans et
National Chuldl^¢1n',9./WQlitallflkl Vand
including but/not limited to!gosh counseling, Driscalll Childrsl flosµrft.1
Acuistancedirvfarnrrataan legardfrtrs Grdrre Vitfinds Nuecea County Datrid,ARaney's office
t°hildi'kJn°s Advocaacy Caiittst's of Textas'J:ac. Conperno'her,Sapapnia el�AaP Therapy nererrah,"'Rids Rluscws County SherttT'a Office
ire Canon"tr.i prrepuaial`curvy treed nods Acaodanpand n—it- « many dcevarda,lr,Pate crarn,z cYhil and
We receive funding fre nt,tine C:ACTx of Forensic Inkeervie a snrroureill tounl:Mes^
Texas,Children's Justice Act,National We.&eats@--iioe indi'WGd-N who have bel spexuairy n (70yaartrasy aeivispi are ryrrwildded t.ON col in
Cbu➢dren's Alliance,Private Foundinicrmns, tralnv ho net:an iew child uidime In a nitu ral ecru-traMcned the Coastal Bend to in¢Iladea
o-etttlng Al tlntnrv0eewrs sire rl'tlgltraV widno reewdrad in
mutt pi dtanati0a'1s, rn,teri to fea�ueet the child&rearm being intsaviewed We:herg,RenrvdV,Broem,natwgio,IVICytiirdlerr,
more than once, Divot,Arannsas,San Patrdca,time,Live C,1eta,
....... Cole Trashingh!u eces.and lin WeIVs-uni
difNiue,area tl,vunckahig system,tracloa cases frndro the Hore a
saut Is inoluerd vviith any of role partner agendes,@Wath X'-Tit:{VwA hitallau�ra�uar cercer intepv lowed'h,442:
a dAsaasesauct Di She case teo he"n reaxched, 6*1ren erre 20161
Child Foudiiii Review Team
The team s5 an roman@@ lb-approach in b akrnep hila tiller
intervention onn ante@ rud—dfiMdloc, !NTEll� s.�o_"oUCT i
Prevention ae��aa�
4.AC so masks issall and aotev,lcda training to ur n,m",.r
pi-afesa:ionails in the raneaa naty sac Wetll ars prearunaktlrsnx
anadinfoivaraino to cirolydlaon and botP came nand prdraadkn mule .uv ni,or,u"rrusn"=u
'our fission organize irr9.Thee preseutahand offered include dant vara
resat.ii Red to., i u +.vri;aesicn
'Ta rralnhtnizq the trauwna to abased children and nerasfnixdng and Ransil(Adu"o
tlheir fornilles by uniting the efforts Of Pubdic About the CACCB(Adulto ou,en,
agc^rMcles and enlisting ho suplooYrt:of the P.S.K15 My Body(Cbildr+^.np
craarnnunity and to p ostect,rastore,and trarisfor n Internet 5rafety(Aduas or children) a n a rnrserrmry v,"m
the Ruses and fatal=es of abused children. i`
4l'tp'laaaaffiestt latdgtaaasa � �a ac, ,�r,r• i
rcr Con ogram t>ea thnfsl I ok,5uppon tivaerunelon of the Childrnifle,ill, ^arouu - - ... .® ..... 1
Our al aero',
To advocate for the rights of children and their Advocacy Center of the Coustail nenid^Contsamt our
specific needs and create an sleavl1'eA9ament.where Conarn rnity Education SPecoli for mare Ilnfamria Non,
solid abuse is no longer tolerated.. Support Groups
Teen SuYaPOint GrauP
Page 9 of 16
iuu�l� I
r� �WII�
IIuIl i<, I rdril, r� qbu ,l .tI i I I vr,uirl,,vwI rI'
Ivntr,alflIlIrtiI vI I I,II Ia 9I Mtrins',ill cIIt lI lrsIi IF.
¢u/ Iv i, v v,vu r4tr,w rs,Wlt,l,tLa Ill,I lflrJf4Ilup Ihri,r..
CID D C':7YrW l.Im E i;N 9;1C`rOCI r"NW,I"Y"k8cA,rN["tr+.. Sc srltl Ilauae
1,IIIII1Y1,1GIYbh,n,Vl I l I a I I dr,rt.,p,I,I'IIi811, dI Via,:r,:IIYpIrAxi II'aI d Irl I l I IIIlalrrcY will
11ti sc.NuloIlp,IIIIIsera11 ht t I ou rVoolC vhm p IlbIII 18 Sdvlu ul utlat.s Gaal II.Igalxa•II a+a Da crGt
fl,Vpa all,I p,vrl,r4 call ut N aaaRvv,, alrnl ilius,�uatl L+ulllr lasvv6,go r rot Ni,,,Oil IdYen it]I.
f e,n ur tic.o,rl,ra of r,ua.B,clr,IIII Irra+=�I:,I I rrllu I scNIt,ll+I III IIc ruclot l,te urr,It
tt acPoca'u rli6u5,.tcs cn otl luluu l unrn 1 lc..I,IIe I,kI,l rlc I,at;'I V ar Nue iI,
N�Gat:rrr llirfi lcil.i ; a'k,rtlalt [I,=r:p.L,dn Il.r:,t°; ~ti d.ullr Ix;url.lartll
.rr mpgirrt uh u• v.,un Ificir clnlahun"v t be t Inc 9nN li rlund.1rangtrs,h+aw eocr,
uld tab Is lls lldh a wunlitrl ul ta1^,crowturnec Ihal fIx w'I'lld leaw"s lltta8 rillsr,.
Pc oloers.nars no:chat 4:rlluipy rrucnll"ra ratr chow 8Iivl ris cal the a:bdd',fan-Illryr.
I' I 1..,a2 alar Bru a,uIdurr chdii V car i n Idly
TaR fo your child aI,rllt¢ dhl-ir Lind'y, ahrli-It
Lit. r rkr.l,ll it , , lIa ,Na,<rprl al'iI'sr 't 1,v vlru.v�odv IV 61ds
t0(lilIcc,(or all ams iIIforinod,u ro.too9 lips 1-toIling rI, our&idd ah,ItIt IIesu
iooM:,nrraaoc arapnoc�,,.
�Il`srrlql u ylrr.rr MYs Ir.rrsacrr.aunn in rI°1rod k, su
r, 3t P.➢:.r III( Cs,YI�'II�Y II I?aY �,I rc�r"r2;(IIS "NG of ry°rr llnoN cnfd un 161°ry Reel
doclusrtluu prrarl;a:rova,vrr rfnBcdraar "p"nr n,tra'oaprva+.c ihv:r:N'fvr ovl cloll�=r r F odtarrsc
hr 17,rzazlr,lac gL-1 h'g ill-kill arta)liking I,,yu lu clid d:dl wd1 re91v:vv daa:r,lt.ulvx,
'1..1 .VdIoore4bHr.luh.)tlIII t,tl4 ual+lana„,Atoll l,@trrtr.11hlbI. :,
,ow%%ikh ohl "ho r rut<ildvi hdld 1,nl�Jdc:r:uruluuutvriup;=,eILItl llit lr mi, Iux
ohaledi°, nvclot me,pull 1e11Vchill(,gtiwrtlla,rl.Ip.11cxea/c;toc7 c,)orollt8cuI.hili.
V h,I,,v rknmp lutlB IN,,+11 3,1 wttic r LII prlR he I'll,,e,tutveoo pi,s,tlde (.,'whle:r
I'm kup'und,:hu:1, vvncIcIvora,liml svfi-acl1,crllecklarrga uaMu Iradvlr;uclIII,l:Ir,
p cutictivu,l'r<vp irr¢Iry lltrlrrr.vla:r,:I It IICrl lnVtyr 111;ralrlc,III:r Al Ng fl,r EI II.r IIIli,
tl e,clt uIIIilw pn dao,u,vh a t ull¢I I1ftvlal Lure tlI gl%c„lom Iwo.rood
1111rar'Ml1oBMr 11 tot 2'wP:'hi.IIll,Ill"I,Itll'.Intvr 1 v iIIICv°IPI,I ,�attGlt 1 4 A I C c 111[IR r p I B1 vIIq,'
11 r,,coe1 pore a=1 aIle,d:al rcl¢rw utf 111eo pntr etty past ', otiIcrx v III kifild'a hm I t a c I uo.c
riled,grplr pctravellvdaurtruuil
h.miuiIN 1hr SIINIes rIt 1 ueuatfl¢aurr.arl own tay.r Ir c.11"s
cx,xr.^,is v;,ee,w,ltI,N arlac I, 1,/Irl v,V nn-I[Ic ttrll;Iar @v i It it tuc.
If A
rqudddi"lr,.c Ilwtr:hur`: .,v rdniton +N r,I lcl a;lhv(ltlidr l JIIUn Oil ffilrat 111
.I Wn.6 q parrli,c u,1 1t,,notdivIp urn:umm %Iw;rtuv v Ila,dWd ire d1l,
Ikl vl co,r,I,Ity kip=,,t lrvvll dwin,idhal Ilio i rlid llllvlcljumr,eNrvuel,N, nr Eh;Il lhvu ,Iu1vii,
II,n 6W WW tv u.&M anrllol 1s nitpll ML Lo W dA 11'm.Vint Ihr.c di,I
III,,mpllitThing tlncto.tffirrnppg telut.ryryiryryI,,ypIW)i,vyyupoi yI v lryryovqpldxrpprxmmlapp. pp 77 ppryryyyyy
Page 10 of 16
rui c Irlr.i is in i r t i r i i r f in I I I c t 4, ,t::'.11
1!1, 11 -f dt clrrl7in4 t i i t i .sr aatG u sutr m advrC t r to
tom cllild at.'uul tlek bUdPJ
dw owma o ynwn"pw h-Q li:utr"wt Itch p;m!' 4 [bob bodic"ancoxvwn.:CN
V3 t r"'n 111 c i th a I c I t 5 c sIm I,p I C'd I HJlhl11Uo VKYIaC r.rMT I h U ;art.,c v i r
tut a nl le t,r, i p polAPSOov,
Wk to ymy clAd ahm a I numMy% whM.dahw
&'4 body k&c4m"and Olov dl vy has n 6ghl to'a "N()"when rhvq akn'r
%kmv u,ha uuc6,A.F,,q,hn to�mur cold dmu i1 is rant oka� f olihm,lo wuvh
pnir privmv pals or for sonb'onc to wsl:pour ClAd w wmrh lbVir prMu'
pmt,.Do not fin-ymlg dJ4i t hug rw kis'fi'wmlt mvnil"'ls or Into Ivtlt
ro 1 1- 1 IN 1,1 C)d() 11.vj AJjl,thm +mlv imo,
pmIlk,who ahusr clulclml might k:pic,pik:Ou,j irm,",SU(h:N fftMfly IWMINAS,
fi-i':Thk'"r oul+'Idci dlMrs;n,1,;ich tour chtld to sm"""`=1.7,°°p o m a;A"v plav,,
urrl w1i a uusw']ahfli A m,mvibing,Impp'cns
1 11 to Inn (Adw AMWA.qMg wymm lunpr6,'.Snluru
NENTM koup scon"v,Hom dwir
TOP in —a an'l Ad abMa d4shAng w]
knou" vkmkcs&'vol
himiuct if:111viwc ln's'm
ohmh th6v prka%pmu;ajr mv'uge pin khow,
Byvn hawnq them, conveysYmm VOW chimyrn m
vc'ry youny "Igu kcn ran bc A.mLd,suumming
vorly i:,unpnlaw.licull-C tours lenn"4ha�weappmptime
[or vo,urr1uh['sJo(J Hf(]VedOpIHXUI.
Ewmayu oyn cmmimmkolm wRh pAu AM
Speak wpiurrain ki run ama)lhal lmpmulm
Jik"dw7w�L Sh'"llit rAkV JAM.'M Clh:LOWUNU of a?,uppunivc,in*nm�
I vial umd�ip
Page 11 of 16
p4b Ifr;ukv,M'SI 1 ^�Y11€e1'X1 nd a I'€141"1 PI I 4 Vfl olw,'IYI N'ou(:p
It Ill u sM'l.IS MM Ix n aor"w•u S,m) *I„rvti vdta,tt r u"iltl v IN,cmnurp}!,
It dctt,� pr.alprvT: vrc rmapr, ,r:nrs rle,vti frnsi ,tcts ivt,grttr e.+.
p r "il lh .Ia s Il,u.flrll nY' ,wt:,BnrV r r augirtcr rII, ,�urlt,ur¢v,° "ianr,irn
Il+0 rW'd I'm-ecnf„
�Jno"xpl,lwocd'1�rliwier,_vi,Ilrl ,,;,ua ro ph .icxl rl„r, "A',
rrIch”a r itt XI'lAm ,I l7m otv bl t¢r,c.e,At vltc .Mll ll"1:1q,"ty' 'Y'ucr uv tt tall,"
hcwa tivrt,norivc fel al l:czrrgv,rvt•+rt a,lltNrl" vjur:iv,
Y'1$"0.0Ia,vlo Mal rnn CK I'd Yr+iraurro h ilrr,,:a 101 st
c11llcVIp,lrostni,rt.,11vr.s,d t4nlrlLn a4(Ictt tlpl„,m:,t,rr d art;,!:Xonr,wdclrr`ep:'Ld'
ta.......ler+nc allyl, �vecr.
Flue GJl1'"�'YIC`g to oad 1c.!: : l619,'rd did'hwsro mm
rlo.Irl n 4.+baxrfrurs�Il"l,It aI,.lrll 1 116y,.,,u,CI.lti do,"ult Mera,.l,it rl, 1r d wt"T
dtrt fcpa„N wlt.,I I vN I mnlur-rti For lIt, lrllillan, ,+'vnt n' of I t.,rlrrill r'I
lsugv 'r,ug�:ra trr,III,me Ill Lulrtv n•pia ti l rr,:rr.I,
fear Of o„4rt',-l�11 plaice,,;tir pr alc. ylar.rst�pt,riicgl;r,;it
vrr I c, alrlvu bc,V I(In ur A)oto lu:tttm .¢Ibt� a it,nu l;atint!,
1''1`14,S I ith r11.lar I,('ll wlI, I.'11,iJ nHrlp I I,:.tfir.
' 7 C1<1 AIiget” 11ca I rtg'.'I I w, ':,o hu;II,avv,N aIrwit:rt rtm! II,
IbU .a"111 Ic^a 1 ltt chlnl„a:•ut t e;lerll',a nrI¢r;bch a,rr r ,,Ali" h mit re uh 4n
tvartllo paw❑a rt,ndn Q,pstr.
„ :fl:k Id o.., 11V °'Au.'o.'p"rl1C ,"1[„rs,rl,hIIW,Ilarrural Wtnvhcg...:IH
nla lurx,mr s t,I lrm Plicrlr, l tIhng,r k^cpp„sffld.t.,.r v,.UIIr vlr rt rhl-o,ar
tit.Il cn Lr7urt.t¢:r.[.
7 C ;1:zv.fc es,in school paf'o,r rn:,mc,. arab,l atic.ndacIcu,
:11prv. ,W chiltth- r, nav Itar c IhHl,Alit a rsrpterrrrrrrvnR In sa,hool rct[vire
cx..,,vi,ldnry,.rpu.0 ")ImAmwe d is It 3chd(•t:Ong I,u hIala-tlpr cppal,dl:c,¢n'!,
frnitrtoa;hcare urhol a.",
L,3ck of oi. Gtldg'It.'S'tc Apaur.,rrd,r.nd
nugWarr,Iiltddl,nlnxt'rolµrctir,nu:rarc,ll,vv d'lx vrt, l7tta:I,
camp r"r,.rrrll',:Irinc Indhrlrt� un,^both...tor,ortho vnxl:lnd, •lllhcI,nti
cla,ctrory Bina tlln y,':11h,1.
»LlOW!vq lIlr+."hzl rllo'rk i h+nr.rvqpt"'pk'whoaa srr'c Ir,.iuw,cr,
4 rr,a fV rnr,,lI IR auv itt lllhII tr.h actd,ruc4 Such wp ,Ianou;,clz'up rnr tlkddt,:l ape
t:otrr irrc,.tpv,rgptni:I
� .I�D 1fl 9hY C::7 X'a'n1"NL la'kfis', ,C"ar".11,"l Lm1^'It avt I(,I'S 1 Iruldrett titiv,r jitn:,
la„ra ,atii,aglt,ll,i^rcl flan r alcfBttr,}Ecrl1,t mtll"t'd hillrcl<,f .r ti",
crruW,Nvcvr :rcrnW Nafir cr vp;;a,.
Page 12 of 16
a, (--. 'LIIjlc c0.w&tcriiz,d&
/A f d/�1%% li�rk7a.rx�Cans
�. 1➢p � rY:ru a pudf.N u.:.rAfNkti
Sha fc hoer,c and"'n-I n
It w 7iffu^tt.N npp-a ¢lic f ltrlfl'(,V�f"a1,,;4
/ i,, i,i N311
f fAN,
klxChild rrrflhk
V� ilrr<ihe.sfId .ui¢anrrrx2rB
( ukao rnf Il r
VMYvrmof mmiow'x IIr4 alnlrq•frs 11ml,"
{h—I'An rP e child fr ffNf alGn_,wmo
a x a
a w' v ro
f°Vvxr'.ravv ivc wrXW'74 a�Pfulilrws�r's
'dvo'w fcfror.o il. 1( I I o wd
ihf irf;hi J" 1
CAC,Ak Is fchild farfnal..
r nx nfarrofn uo 4rin ee a]rrlJfurr � %a"ww°"nw'
,md vlaa w I avrnlfti,"". b`gm,hc I
luras pr (
Irr fEvl Y f rlll al I
a If fpdef:n�,fuln rn,tr.y t unr�.a�;rao
ru^fi efatos rf.i fffxfsf r,n c,ln lfl,uh unr.
fa rafrar cG nlociv I?unilia,s
(;'�(�s;rps„rnpY o.r e,u�durn au o up�fhnfvfro�outi5-axyfl rs unfvfp�;lien x,fi4rf.oq,rr.�,I,f�n,6
x aoonxerufrfof ca cxtop���r,,earl rrl3a^w wor vr�,vux`ei fua kuruufol;kra7u rlrerc^rra
rrrnR;are Ili ftl W1Ca rae fr Is i-lnld Mu TiM :k A13uoV,
III VD V�iouiil�loll��
cac tx
Page 13 of 16
.. .........
F%mw(M4 M8,9920
Wwmng TI
r r
AustiR'1`N 7801
_. - ro��;'oin���VIII'"II"111111 1
M d
�m CNH 0
Page 14 of 16
ChOcll en Y seely he about ,,,ue h an intense
Wid painful tcalu¢' In,tinct 9tatistws lndu
cote I:Rtat,children crr;U, h A�ee,e;t a&:IUS� �;
t>%of Um HmW SWur m:9r@'rcan.dr;to the
a"Ro-.,claerttcrc of any a now! To
CWIW;I ;dak:nH y to ear dve and heal:
ASS UR IIA..'HILIL"LHA L,ILEY � L.fU'L',aL.AVE'T'His�Y�.��'.wr,�Ld.�)'t?,��`��€.r ���w
� D
I�)�ID THE�LIf";'C'T°T'ILNG I q IMMKI 11-#E.F�"IRC i�,�`:'t;i(J�,I Il..�"S.
f �Iallu.0&It aaahc•ri�ai`Mae
tVrc Amu
In child,aEn;.se �a e,s„4:Rta r hHd,f's
r4ec a Puifrsf [illy ttc,l 1Fo48M renes it fVua3 ta�atrrvr�rul vM1 rzftc n be tlha key
hcu r Ii�'a.[i VV;u,.:rCe rcerigoci 4a.a t; d i P h c::Y;i�ef e vary✓nc.ew uhhz�ed by iraar< 1.;a.;�'aWr�
or c;Ytuc�,,o.fapaaralt,'raaw..uttutar rd,c7�t:nrreatV'riu'uva4�ryt to r:Bnfr ruruo-rew;tlaF facts of wle�st;
hraracciimd PmmmatWrir:rf'Muo
disc:pr,;,ae ing Pkat alheuur;(.
�Aalemcnit is ciiOcab to wnr.;c;raf the�
int wrfrity of RI'wa anvne ttlrt,waticin, Ti hcrn;m c
�f1:1 tl llV:)fl-)I�ar1 UL 1.f. [l'I- i T?.1FY�l E cwhon e r ,g✓undlnra to nor cu.ute ry„Wt
the child use htlhw own wairds to
Loa j ycaea uveant h s Voaptaaaned,but
in wttwrnta9mp 0 m aLe ,rme Atte ie',r,,ave the dasta;lu to 4he
rrlceA children wiVll bolieve that
fercak�ams,[dannl^r. I his fis,critical 4'"'w a.evacar;rafw6 I
theVR or may evtarc
a the IrrtuwttY•ity of the'urave^»tkc atlirr¢a.
vr.•w u cm tia l-ur'rt c°;9 p u r i sA i rn c i; t f€>r
invigine,,df aar real wr ngcte:ing ,
('[LE ft ur E EaaO1"'°7°av111`SC i(�I aSL'l;:)
MOMISMI I�IIIi�.,�;r uv ,� m, ��o r � vr� '�r
Page 15 of 16
ADA Committee Citation COUnt
Calendar Year 2016
Disabled Parking Blocking Architectloc i2R Sidewalk Total
Jan 19 129 156
Feb 143 153 170
Mar 31 11 104 146
Apr 17107 125
May 9 4 130 143
Jun 234 155 182
Jul 25 9 107 141
Aug 12 2 5165
Sep 14 5 86 105
Oct 64 13 56 133
Nov 96 46 98 240
Dec 108 16 70 194
Total 432 122 1246 1800
dslander Year 2017
Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Tota I
Jan 66 5 –--------1.104 175
Feb 101 28 1123 252
Mar 56 20 111 187
Apr 46 7 97 150
Ma!Y-- 37 4 61 102
Jun 33 13 122 168
Jul 55 3 55 113
Aug 78 9 37 124
§.qp— 72 9 27 108
Oct 96 9 811 186
ITotal 640 107 818 1565
2011 2017
143 187 186
1. 125 75 168
65 15
1.02113 24
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