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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 12/06/2017 Committee for Persons with Disabilities
Summary of Minutes for December 6, 2017
Chairperson Balli called the meeting to commence at 3:20 P.M.
A. Roll Call
Committee Members Present:
Richard Balli (ARP)(ENG) Joe Angel DeLaGarza (ARP)
Mary Bustos(ARP) Anthony M. Navarrette (Cvl)
James T.C. Chadden (ARP)
Absent Committee Members:
Marshall Burns (PSA)(ENG) Sabrina Ramirez (w)
Dalia Gutierrez (PSA)(ENG) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo(Cvl)
Staff Members Present:
Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations)
Gilbert Garza on behalf of Gene Delauro(Developmentsvc) Luis Rocha (Parking Control)
Lisa Oliver(Parks&Recreation) Marisa Alaniz (Engineering)
Staff Members Absent:
Lisa Aguilar(Legal)
2. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences — Excused absences for the
December meeting were requested and approved for Marshall Burns, Dalia Gutierrez
and Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo. The absences were due to medical and work reasons.
MOTION Motion —James Chadden Second —Anthony Navarette Motion Passed
3. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 11.01.17
MOTION Motion —James Chadden Second — Mary Bustos Motion Passed
4. Public Comments — None
5. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes)
A. Adaptive Sports —Jay Ellington, Director of Parks & Recreation
Mr. Ellington thanked the members for their service to the community and related
how some facilities are being adapted to serve special populations better. He
stated they are always looking ways to enhance their programming. Wheel chair
softball was discussed as a possibility for the City and Mr. Ellington asked that
additional information be sent to him.
B. National Night Out—Arlene Cordell, Crime Prevention Specialist, CCPD
Arlene Cordell, Javier Cantu and Isaac Rodriguez provided some background on
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National Night Out and discussed what the CCPD does to interact with the
community. Officer Cantu stated that National Night Out will be the first Tuesday in
October. Mr. Balli said it was his goal to see an event scheduled at Salinas Park
for the disabled community and the officers agreed that CCPD would likely be able
to assist in the planning.
6. Staff Reports/Comments
A. Human Relations Division — Performance Report— Sylvia Wilson reported on the
statistics from the November 2017 Performance Report. (A copy of the report is
attached to the Minutes.)
B. Development Services Department— Department Overview— Gilbert Garza gave
an update on the 180 permits issued for the month of November and answered
questions from the members. He stated that general repair permits related to
Hurricane Harvey have been expedited as much as possible.
C. Engineering Services —ADA & CIP (Community Improvements Projects) Update -
Marisa Alaniz gave an update on the status of ADA curb ramps on Airline,
between S.P.I.D. and McArdle. She stated that section of Airline is a potential
Bond 18 project which the voters will have to approve and it would result in a tax
increase. Ms. Alaniz answered questions from several of the members related to
the intersection of Ayers and Tarleton Streets.
D. Parks and Recreation Department— Lisa Oliver referred to the HEB Feast of
Sharing scheduled for December 23rd at the American Bank Center Exhibit Hall,
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and stated there was a need for volunteers that day to
deliver meals to those unable to attend. Ms. Oliver provided an update on the
November 17th meeting regarding the accessible recreational playground and the
issue of fencing the basketball court at Salinas Park. She also stated that CDBG
funds had been approved for Phase 2 and Phase 3 at the Playground for All Park.
Ms. Oliver commented that Jay Ellington is working on expanding the Miracle
League and would be providing additional information as it becomes available. (A
copy of the flyer for the HEB Feast of Sharing is attached to the Minutes.)
E. CCPD Parking Control Department—ADA Citation Trend Update
Luis Rocha provided the ADA Citation Count Report for November 2017 and
answered questions from the members. (A copy of the report is attached to
7. Subcommittee Reports
A. Engineering Subcommittee — Mr. Balli provided an update from the subcommittee
meeting where the requests for ADA curb ramps and sidewalks were discussed.
Marisa Alaniz commented on the proposed crossing near the intersection of
Ramsey and Houston Streets and hopes to move forward with the request.
B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee —A PSA regarding blocking ADA
parking was shown and Mr. Balli stated he hopes to have it aired on the television
stations and Channel 20 soon. Mrs. Wilson said she would include this item again
on next month's agenda and show the PSA again, hopefully with the audio.
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C. Accessible Recreational Parks Subcommittee — Mr. Balli referred to the updates
given earlier by Lisa Oliver and Jay Ellington from Parks and Recreation.
D. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee — Mrs. Wilson informed the
Committee of the 3rd Annual Life After Graduation: Who's Got Your Back? event
scheduled for March and encouraged the members to participate.
8. Chairperson's Report—
A. Round table information - Mr. Balli mentioned that a request had been made to
change the time of the Committee meetings. He stated he preferred to continue
the meetings on the first Wednesday of the month, from 3:00-5:00 P.M., and
asked that the matter be added to the agenda for next month so the members
could vote on the matter.
9. Identify items to be placed on next Agenda
- Discussion/action on request to change meeting times
- Show PSA again and discuss ways to get it aired
10. Adjournment
MOTION Motion —James Chadden Second — Mary Bustos Motion Passed
Meeting adjourned at 4:38 PM
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Athiptud Adolind Contract OmNrmg crs
Oct 116, Oct'17- Start F Y il D ar F),YTD
PE'RFORMANCE MEASURE ORJE(-nvt,,s `epi 17 Sept'18 Dale Oct 2017 Nov.2017
A. SE[tN'I('E,I,E4'EI,013.IE(."]'IVE�
Provide Investigative Service to include intake,investigation,mediation,conciliation,monitoring,and charge resolution in
Employment(including ADA)�,Fair Ilcursitrg,and Public-Accorn modati oil.
EEOC Contract Yr October to September. 'rota)anti 54 64 0 2 .5 7 11%
010 ofGoal- I
Intake Referrals to EE'0C;Total and 11/,,of'Goal.
Referals:City Ernployce cases,Political SUbdivisions
entities,Age and Equal Pay Discriminations. '72 75 0 11 12 23 31%
HUD Fair Housing Contitiet Year is July-June. 12 15 2 1 0 3 20'Yo
El--,'O(..Charges Closed within 190&iys as%of total 75% 751, 2 4 Cr 8 6 0/n
Closures Y'I 19
EEOC Referrals:Perfected Charges completed and 90%. 9011111 2 8 10 43%
sent to SAFO in 10 days tit-less(as%ol)
I WD Fair I lousing Complaints closed within 100 90%. 9011111 2 1 0 3 100.00/11
days as I)Xa ortotal
B. SERVICE LEVEL OBJECTIVE: provide"Community Outreach,Education,and Anarmesss"
Number ortraining sessions,community meetings, 511 304 6 20%
and informational events. !I I
C. SERVICE LEVER.OBJECTIVE ADA Access.,Accommodations,and Technical Assistance Request resolution
Measures: output
AbA Citizens'Complaints(Access.) 50 1 0 1 TY6
Public Accommodation 50 1 1 2 41Y,,
47 41 88 Informational,no
Mainicnanec on the Accomm Ir-asIvRecycte lli&/uppi-ogram goal.
ADA Technical Assistance 60 13 9 22 37%
!Plan Reviews/Site Visits 30 0 77 o
Key Ilighlights::
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trsrrufrnruu A-ufl An--ni fi,,YR 16,M 1 llip-,I ,I mmn,g
ADA CAG R--J 0,Cl—d 9;ICIUR R-m,ed 1,Clo-I 1,Nh.AsmIlk—i—i 9,IIIIA C.,i,,,nv;I
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F..EAS fOF Sl---IARI.- 4(
% 29th Annual Holiday Minna
.pawe, f//ry
Serving Holiday inemorles ,
one plate at a t1ime. o
Please join us as we giveI for all
f life's blessings. Our invitation is open to
everyone, the i nfree and the
memories are truly everlasting.
Saturday, December 23rd
a.m. 3 p.m.
AmericanBank Convention �
fit yCenter - Exhibit Hall
qy 190114. �
There's alwaysan extra east at our r 'h lb1c.
mPo� m
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Free e t"rxansporl:affimzm provided 1) IVI'A P"
frorn city Hall to the dinner from 1 l 43pcn 6,
Page 5 of 6
ADA Committee Citation Count
Calendar Year 2016
Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total
Jan 19 8 129 156
Feb 14 3 153 170
Mar 31 11 104 146
Apr 17 1 107 125
May 9 4 130 143
Jun 23 4 155 182
Jul 25 9 107 141
Aug 12 2 51 65
Sep 14 5 86 105
Oct 64 13 56 133
Nov 96 46 98 240
Dec 108 16 70 194
Total 432 122 1246 1800
Cslander Year 2017
Disabled Parking Blocking Architect Blocking Sidewalk Total
Jan 66 5 104 175
Feb 101 28 123 252
Mar 56 20 111 187
Apr 46 7 97 150
May 37 4 6,1 102
Jun 33 13 122 168
Jul 55 3 55 113
Aug 78 9 37 124
Sep 72 9 27 108
Oct 96 9 81 186
Nov 70 7 89 166
Dec I
ITotal 1 710 114 907 1731
2016 2017
1 125 143 175 187 168 186 166
65 150
102 113 124 108
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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