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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Committee For Persons With Disabilities - 01/09/2019 Page 1 of 21 Committee for Persons with Disabilities Summary of Minutes for January 9, 2019 1. Call to order @ 3:03 PM 2. Moment of Reflection 3. Mary Bustos led the Pledge of Allegiance 4. Roll Call Committee Members Present: Richard Balli (ARP) (ENG) Anthony Navarrette (CVI) Mary Bustos (ARP) Sabrina Ramirez (CVI) Melanie Gomez (PSA) Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo (CVI) (PSA) Absent Committee Members: Marshall Burns (PSA)(ENG) Staff Members Present: Sylvia Wilson (Human Relations) Ginger Davis (Human Relations) Marisa Alaniz (Engineering) Gene Delauro (Development Svc) Lisa Oliver (Parks/Rec) Luis Rocha (Parking Control) Staff Members Absent: Lisa Aguilar (Legal) 5. Requests and Approvals for Excused Absences – Marshall Burns was out of town and unable to attend the January meeting and asked to be excused. The request was approved. Motion – Melanie Gomez Second – Mary Bustos Motion Passed 6. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of 11.07.18 Motion – Dr. Anthony Zoccolillo Second – Melanie Gomez Motion Passed 7. Public Comments Jennifer Valerio-Roe, a vocation rehabilitation counselor with the Texas Workforce Commission, spoke about the services available for persons with disabilities who are interested in employment. T. C. Chadden requested that another Committee meeting be held at one of the City Senior Centers. MOTION MOTION Page 2 of 21 8. Presentations (Limited to 10 Minutes) A. Gary Allsup, CEO of the Corpus Christi Housing Authority – Prefabricated Housing Mr. Allsup discussed the prefabricated housing program established to build rental houses in existing neighborhoods, with the goal of revitalizing the neighborhoods. He commented on the advantages of the prefabricated homes and answered questions from the members. B. TOP 10 by 2022 – Anthony Navarrette Mr. Navarrette stated he changed the name of his presentation to Call to Action 2019 as reflected on his handout. His goal for the Committee for Persons with Disabilities is to be more effective in 2019. Mr. Navarrette used an online website that reviews the most populated US cities and their appeal to persons with disabilities. His proposed course of action involves dedicated subcommittees with clear goals and specialized representation. (A copy of the presentation is attached to the Minutes.) C. Public Information Office – Olivia Santos, Public Information Officer – Use of Social Media Ms. Santos discussed the benefits of using the City of Corpus Christi social media platform to inform the community about services and programs available to persons with disabilities, and how the Public Information Office can assist with the content the Committee wishes to communicate. Deactivation of the Committee’s Facebook account was recommended, and Melanie Gomez said Marshall Burns could assist with that. 9. Staff Reports/Comments A. Human Relations Division – Sylvia Wilson reported on the December statistics and referred to the Committee for Persons With Disabilities Calendar for 2019. She called attention to the fact that the monthly meetings for January, July and September had been moved to the second Wednesday of the month due to the holidays. Mrs. Wilson stated that the vacancies on the Committee would be addressed in February and that Mr. Balli, Ms. Bustos, Ms. Ramirez and Dr. Zoccolillo were up for reappointment, all of whom stated they were interested in reappointment. B. Development Services Department – Gene Delauro reported on the December construction permits totaling $24 million. C. Engineering Services –- Marisa Alaniz reported that she had no new report and that there is a RTA grant waiting on her review. D. Parks and Recreation Department – Lisa Oliver provided pictures of Salinas Park and the new playground equipment. Ms. Oliver also commented that the playground had won a national award recognizing our community’s outstanding achievement in service to neighborhoods and lower income residents. (Pictures are attached to the Minutes.) Page 3 of 21 E. CCPD Parking Control Department – ADA Citation Trend Update Luis Rocha provided the ADA Citation Count Report for December 2018 and answered questions from the members. (A copy of the report is attached to Minutes.) 10. Subcommittee Reports A. Engineering Subcommittee – Mr. Balli stated he had no update. B. Public Service Announcement Subcommittee – No update. C. Accessible Recreational Parks Subcommittee – Mr. Balli referred to the earlier report from Lisa Oliver with the Parks & Recreation Department D. Community Volunteer Involvement Subcommittee – Mr. Navarrette reported on the December Toys for Tot campaign and the assistance from Workforce Solutions. Dr. Zoccolillo mentioned the Autism Walk in March and Special Olympics in April and stated he would provide details when they become available. 11. Chairperson’s Report A. Resolution Pertaining to Waiver of Ramp Permit Fees - The suggested Resolution in Support of a Waiver for Accessibility Ramp Building Permit Fees for Private Residential Homes of a Person with Disabilities was reviewed, amended and approved by the members. Mrs. Wilson stated she would contact Lisa Aguilar in Legal for directions on how to proceed and would advise the Committee at future meetings. (A copy of the Resolution is attached to the Minutes.) M Motion – Anthony Navarrette Second – Sabrina Ramirez Motion Passed B. Round table discussion - None 12. Identify Items to be placed on next Agenda • Future meeting at one of the senior centers • Open house for the disabled community • Proposed changes to the subcommittees in 2019 13. Adjournment Motion – Anthony Navarrette Second – Sabrina Ramirez Motion Passed Meeting adjourned at 4:34 PM MOTION MOTION Page 4 of 21 Page 5 of 21 Page 6 of 21 Page 7 of 21 Page 8 of 21 Page 9 of 21 Page 10 of 21 Page 11 of 21 Page 12 of 21 Page 13 of 21 Page 14 of 21 Page 15 of 21 Page 16 of 21 Page 17 of 21 Page 18 of 21 Page 19 of 21 Page 20 of 21 Page 21 of 21