HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority - 01/05/2005 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY .``� to BOARD BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING i rd A 2005 t WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2005 ciry EIV � OFFICE S C') SUMMARY OF ACTIONS 1'...!" csv 1. Provided Opportunity for Public Comment 2. Administered the Oath of Office to Joe Benavides Small City Mayors' Committee Appointee to the RTA Board 3. Adopted a Resolution for Outgoing Board Member Abel Herrero 4. Approved the Board of Directors' Minutes of December 1, 2004 5. Elected Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Assistant Secretary to the Board 6. Held Public Hearing on Vehicle Maintenance Audit and Performance Review and RTA's Response 7. Accepted Vehicle Maintenance Audit and.Performance Review and Approve RTA's Response 8. Authorized Contracting with Mr. Harvey Schulmeier for Temporary Assistance in Vehicle Maintenance Department 9. Tabled Awarding One-Year Contracts to CHG & Associates and Public Private Strategy Consult(PPSC) for Grant Consulting to January Administration Committee meeting 10.Heard Report on Downtown Streetcar Study Environmental Assessment 11.Approved the October 2004 and November 2004 Financial Reports 12;Heard B-Line Report = 13':Heard General Manager's Report 14.Held Closed Session for Discussion of Real Estate Matters The Regional Transportation Authority Board of Directors met at 8:30 a.m. in the Regional Transportation Authority Facility located at 5658 Bear Lane, Corpus Christi, Texas. Board Members Present: Mike Rendon (Board Chair), Anna M. Flores (Board Vice- Chair), Carmen Arias (Board Secretary), Rolando Barrera, John Buckley, Davie Cissna, Joe Benavides, John Longoria, David Martinez, Wayland Simmons Board Members Absent: Crystal Lyons ' _ Staff Present: Ricardo Sanchez (General Manager), David Seiler, Beth Vidaurri, - Lamont Taylor, Linda Falwell-Stover, Ramiro Cedillo, Eduardo Carrion, Vangie Chapa, - Gayle Knight, Fred Haley, Sylvia Castillo Public Present: Judge Joe Gonzales;:Mayor, Rodrigo Ramon;:Abel Herrero; Vicki Garza; Urban Arrisola, David Garcia,Edna Arredondo, Dawn Rasmussen, Russ Tieskotter, Dana Smith, Brenda Fernandez, MV Transportation; Greg Salazar, Teamsters 1110;-Abel Alonzo; Roland Garza, Lupe Salazar, RTAEA; Richard Davis, SCANNED �._ �,regional Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 5,2005 Page 2 Anne Mussini, TMC; Gisela Ghani, TSP; Eloy Sosa; Jamie Powell, Caller-Times; Andrew Whitman, Kill-TV Call to Order The Board of Directors' meeting was called to order by Mr. Rendon at 8:40 a.m. Opportunity for Public Comment Mr. Urban Arrisola, a paratransit driver for eight years, remarked on the ADART system. He cited late pickups and negative customer service as issues resulting from using the ADART system. He stated that there seemed to be too many passengers for the number of drivers available, especially in the early hours. Mr. David Garcia agreed with Mr. Arrisola's assessment of ADART. Additionally, he reported that passengers were on the bus for a long time and there were late drops offs. He stated that the drivers were dedicated and their first loyalty was to the customer. He asked that the Board assist in resolving the issues. Responding to Ms. Arias, Mr. David Garcia stated that he felt that the primary issue was the route scheduling. Mr. Rendon stated that some problems were attributable to higher ridership demand. He stated that a meeting to evaluate ADART in paratransit service would be held next week between TSP, MV Transportation and RTA Staff and a report would be presented at the January Committee meeting. Action to Administer the Oath of Office to Small City Mayors' Committee Appointee to the RTA Board Judge Joe Gonzales administered the Oath of office to Small City Appointee Joe Benavides. Adoption of Resolution for Outgoing Board Member Abel Herrero Ms. Arias read and presented the resolution to Mr. Herrero. Chairman Rendon presented Mr. Herrero with the "B" award. Mr. Herrero congratulated Mr. Benavides on his appointment to the Board. He stated____. that it was an honor and a privilege to have served on the Board as a representative of the Small City Mayors. Chairman Rendon called for a recess at 8:57 a.m. Chairman Rendon reconvened the meeting at 9:12 a.m. Dgional Transportation Authority Hoard of Directors Meeting Minutes January 5,2005 Page 3 Chairman Rendon informed the Board that a report on RTAC Committee activities would not be presented because the Committee had not met in December. Also, all items on the agenda were not reviewed at the Committee level since the Operations and Administration committees did not meet in December. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Board of Directors' Minutes of December 1, 2004 MR. BARRERA MADE A MOTTION TO APPROVE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MINUTES OF DECEMBER 1, 2004. MS. FLORES SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Action to Elect Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Assistant Secretary to the Board MS. ARIAS MADE A MOTION TO NOMINATE MS. FLORES FOR VICE CHAIRMAN. MR. BUCKLEY SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. MS. FLORES MADE A MOTION TO NOMINATE MS. ARIAS FOR SECRETARY. MR. BARRERA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. MS. FLORES MADE A MOTION TO NOMINATE MS. VIDAURRI FOR ASSISTANT SECRETARY TO THE BOARD. MR. BARRERA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Public Hearing on Vehicle Maintenance Audit and Performance Review and RTA's Response Mr. Sanchez introduced Richard Davis and Anne Muzzini with Transit Maintenance Consultants (TMC). The firm was hired by RTA to conduct an audit required by the Texas Transportation Code to review some aspect of the RTA's operation every four years. Ms. Muzzini, an independent sub-contractor with Transit Maintenance Consultants, reviewed system trends such as declining ridership, increase in service hours and cost, decline in fare recovery ratio, and lower on-time performance due partially to ongoing street construction. She stated that compared to other peer transit systems, the RTA served the highest number of square miles with the lowest population density; cost per revenue hour was average at $61 per hour; passengers per revenue hour, both fixed route and paratransit, was above average; and miles between road calls was very good. The consultant's key recommendations, as outlined by Ms. Muzzini, were to simplify the preventative maintenance inspection report format; develop standards for performance; . regional Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 5,2005 Page 4 increase supervision and quality control; improve operations/maintenance interface and standardize the fleet. Ms. Muzzini detailed the recommendations for each area that was audited. Mr. Seiler addressed the RTA's response to the audit findings. He stated that Staff agreed, in large part, with the audit findings and was closely evaluating the recommendations and strategizing on the best approach to resolve the issues. Several of the audit findings had already been addressed such as improving fare box recovery; hiring a Quality Assurance Manager; joining the SW Cooperative Purchasing group; providing on-site training sessions for mechanics; and implementing a "Training the Trainer" program were some of the areas mentioned by Mr. Seiler. Mr. Buckley asked when an implementation plan would be developed. Mr. Seiler stated that it was being developed and updates would be provided to the Board. Responding to Mr. Barrera, Mr. Sanchez stated that the Director of Maintenance would be hired prior to hiring the Quality Assurance person. The Director of Maintenance - ' position was targeted to be filled by March or April of 2005. Mr. Barrera asked if sales tax revenue had been examined. Ms. Muzzini replied that since that criterion was not part of the prior audit and the firm wanted to use consistent data for comparison purposes, it was not examined. Mr. Sanchez stated that sales tax • comparison would be included in the fare study project currently in progress. Ms. Lyons asked about funding for training programs outside of the training provided by the bus manufacturers. Mr. Sanchez stated that after key personnel positions were filled, the funding would be fully identified. He stated that salary savings could also be used for funding additional training programs. Mr. Seiler stated that there were ongoing discussions with the mechanics regarding training needs. The RTA is paying for an internet link to Orion and Optima bus manufacturers which the mechanics can access to receive answers to their bus maintenance questions. Responding to Mr. Cissna, Ms. Muzzini stated that the Peer Group used in the comparison chart was the same one that was used in the last audit. She stated that for future audits the Board could specify that the peer group comparison be representative of the service area based on square miles. Mr. Sanchez stated that an action plan identifying the agency's goals and benchmarks would be presented to the Board. Chairman Rendon opened the Public Hearing 9:51 a:m. ) ,..egional Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 5,2005 Page 5 Mr. Roland Garza, on behalf of the Association, expressed his support for the Board. He stated that his concern was the consultant's recommendation to transfer the maintenance of fixed route buses to MV Transportation because it has the potential of eliminating jobs. He reminded the Board that RTA receives Preventative Maintenance grants, grants for bus purchases, and capital operating grants that are tied to the 13c labor arrangement. Discussion and Possible Action to Accept Vehicle Maintenance Audit and Performance Review and Approve RTA's Response MR. BUCKLEY MADE A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE VEHICLE MAINTENACE AUDIT AND PERFORMANCE REVIEW AND APPROVE RTA'S RESPONSE. MR. BARRERA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. It was theconsensus of the Board to table Agenda Item 8 for discussion after Agenda Item 9. Discussion and Possible Action to Award One-Year Contracts to CHG & Associates and Public Private Strategy Consult(PPSC) for Grant Consulting There was extensive discussion on tabling this item for discussion at the January Administration Committee meeting. Mr. Longoria and Mr. Buckley spoke in favor of tabling discussion. Mr. Rendon, Ms. Flores and Mr. Barrera spoke in favor of discussing the agenda item. Mr. Rendon encouraged all Board Members to call either the General Manager or himself whenever they had any questions regarding an agenda item. Mr. Haley, using a PowerPoint presentation, presented background information on consulting services.. He explained that the RTA's goal for federal discretionary funds was to have RTA capital projects identified in annual federal appropriations, bills and include projects in the six-year TEA-21 reauthorization legislation. The RTA uses a two- pronged approach to acquire funding. One consultant, CHG and Associates, works with the legislative staff and federal agency staffs while the other consultant, Public Private Strategy Consult (PPSC) works with Representatives and Senators. He identified the FY 2006 appropriations requests as replacement buses, maintenance facility, bus stop improvements, streetcar, arena intermodal transportation center, communication radios, cameras, sidewalk and bus top accessibility improvements, water taxi study, ADART and wireless ITS. He also identified the 6-year reauthorization requests. Mr. Haley reviewed appropriations requests for which federal funds have been received. Mr. Haley explained that the elected officials distributed the discretionary funds. Mr. Rendon stated that each official could recommend only five projects from their district for funding. e ional Transportation Authority g P Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 5,2005 Page 6 Mr. Buckley expressed the opinion that the Board should identify specific goals and projects. In response to Mr. Longoria, Mr. Sanchez explained that the $500,000 awarded for the Streetcar project would be available after the FTA process had been completed. Mr. Longoria questioned awarding a contract to PPSC when Mr. Graves in his presentation to the Board took credit for all federal funding received by the RTA. Mr. Haley explained that the funding received was due to the joint effort of both consultants. He explained that there were two years that the RTA did not receive federal funding when they were using only one consultant; therefore, the decision was made to change to the two-pronged approach. Responding to Mr. Buckley, Mr. Sanchez stated that he would provide a report on what other Texas transit agencies have received in federal funding. Mr. Longoria asked that Request for Proposals be issued for consulting services. Mr. Sanchez stated that most transit agencies do not issue an RFP for this type of professional service. He acknowledged that this would be a policy decision to be made by the Board. Under public comment,_Mr. Abel Alonzo, directing his comments to Mr. Longoria, expressed his reasons why he felt that Mr. Longoria did not understand the Board processes and that it was affecting the RTA. He encouraged Board Members to call the Chairman when they had any questions on agenda items. Mr. Cissna, referencing the list of projects for federal funding consideration presented to the Board, initiated a varied discussion on RTA projects that would be presented to officials for consideration for federal funding. Mr. Sanchez stated that at the next Committee meeting a list of projects for which federal funding was being sought would be presented to the Board for their approval. MS. FLORES MADE A MOTION TO AWARD ONE-YEAR CONTRACTS TO CHG & ASSOCIATES AND PUBLIC PRIVATE STRATEGY CONSULT (PPSC) FOR GRANT CONSULTING. MR. BENAVIDES SECONDED THE MOTION. FLORES, SIMMONS, BENAVIDES, MARTINEZ VOTED FOR. LONGORIA, BUCKLEY, BARRERA, LYONS, ARIAS, AND CISSNA VOTED AGAINST. THE MOTION FAILED. Mr. Buckley requested that this agenda item be presented at the January 26, 2005 Administration Committee meeting. He also requested a schedule of federal funding received broken down into the different categories; who was responsible for securing the funding; the payment history for both CHG and Associates and PPSC; and copies of all reports submitted by each firm on their activities. ;regional Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 5,2005 Page 7 Discussion and Possible Action to Authorize Contracting with Mr. Harvey Schulmeier for Temporary Assistance in Vehicle Maintenance Department Mr. Sanchez briefly reviewed Mr. Schulmeier's qualifications. MR. LONGORIA MADE A MOTION TO AUTHORIZE CONTRACTING WITH MR. HARVEY SCHULMEIER FOR TEMPORARY ASSISSTANCE IN THE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE DEPARMTNET. MR. BARERA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Reeorton Downtown Streetcar Study Environmental Assessment Mr. Seiler presented his report using a PowerPoint presentation. He stated that the administrative draft had been completed by the consultant, PB consult, and was mailed to Mr. Uribe with the Federal Transit Administation (FTA) for their review. He noted that the RTA is following the Federal Project Implementation Process on this project. Regarding the FHWA $500,000 grant, Mr. Seiler stated that RTA has not committed to using the funds. He reviewed in detail theprior steps that have been completed, the funding assessments for capital costs,capital revenues, regional revenues, and projected annual operations and maintenance costs. He stated that the current timeline identifies mid 2008 as the targeted project completion date. Responding to Mr. Longoria, Mr. Bell stated that the RTA and the City of Corpus Christi would need to enter into an agreement to allow the RTA to alter the streets in order to implement the streetcar system. Mr. Longoria questioned whether construction of the rail line, if it were approved, would conflict with the City of Corpus Christi's planned street improvements in that area. Mr. Sanchez stated that staff has communicated with the firm in charge of that project, and would provide the Board with an update on the project timeline. During the feasibility study, Mr. Seiler stated that public opinion was favorable for an upgraded transportation system. Therewas a.general discussion on project funding. Mr. Seiler clarified that the Board - had not decided to enter into Preliminary Engineering. If it was decided to enter into Preliminary Engineering, the FHWA grant of$500,000 would be used as funding and _ :- approximately approximately another$500,000 would be needed. Mr. Sanchez explained that in-kind contributions, such as land donations, could be credited toward the RTA's federal funds matching fund requirement: Mr. Seiler stated that RTA's administration costs incurred on the project are also credited toward the matching fund requirement. Chairman Rendon excused himself at 11:15 a.m. and Ms. Flores chaired the meeting. egional Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 5,2005 Page 8 Commenting on the Project Management Plan, which must be submitted prior to starting Preliminary Engineering, Mr. Seiler stated that the Plan has to be submitted to FTA to demonstrate the RTA's capability to implement and maintain a new major capital project together with its existing transit system. Letters of commitment from project partners would be submitted at this time. Mr. Longoria stated that letters of commitment should be obtained as soon as possible from all potential partners was well as from the small cities who are part of the service area. Mr. Barrera suggested that the Chairman appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to visit with potential community partners. In response to Mr. Longoria, Mr. Sanchez stated that a monthly report on the Downtown Transportation project would be provided at Committee meetings. Discussion and Possible Action to Recommend the Board Approve the October 2004 and November 2004 Financial Reports Mr. Sissamis overviewed the November 2004 financial report and noted that sales tax revenue was $128,000 higher than October 2003 and for the year through October 2004 it was 13.5% or$1.7 million over 2003; expenses for fuel and parts were still above budget; utilities were starting to exceed budget; the balance sheet reflected $52 million in assets and $2.4 million in liabilities; and the pension benefit obligation was pending review with the actuary. MS. LYONS MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 2004 AND NOVEMBER 2004 FINANCIAL REPORTS. MR. BARRERA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Cissna inquired about the audit management points addressed in the financial audit and requested a progress update. B-Line Report Ms. Fernandez commended her staff for working late during the snow event especially Mr. Dane Smith for going beyond his job requirements to ensure passenger safety. She reported on performance indicators for the month of November. Ms. Fernandez also recognized the employee of the month, Hope Sanchez; Operator of the Month, Urban Arrisola; Employee of the Year, Carmen Hinojosa; and Operator of the Year, Delia Cristan. She introduced MV Transportation Vice President, Russ Tieskotter. Continuing with her report, Ms. Fernandez stated that Dawn Rasmussen had been promoted to General Manager in Roseville California. Mr. Sanchez thanked Ms. Rasmussen for her dedicated service to the B-Line. _'egional Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 5,2005 Page 9 Responding to Ms. Lyons, Ms. Fernandez stated that there were approximately three hotline calls for November, which were included in the total number of CAF's reported. Referencing the upcoming meeting to discuss ADART performance in B-Line service, Mr. Barrera and Ms. Lyons asked to be included in the meeting. Ms. Lyons reported that she had heard that some B-Line customers, due to late arrival at their doctor's office, had been required to pay for the visit because they had not cancelled on time. There was discussion on whether ADART should continue to be used for Paratransit service; the transition process back to the previous software system; and a decision timeline. Mr. Barrera expressed his gratitude to Ms. Fernandez for all her efforts. Mr. Sanchez stated that a report would be provided in the following week, updating Board Members on the status of the use of ADART in paratransit service. General Manager's Report Mr. Sanchez reported that in December the RTA had participated in the annual Toys for Tots drive; the Westside Business Association's Navidad Para Los Ninos event, and held their annual Employee Recognition Program recognizing the employee of the year, Jose Toyer and Bus Operator of the Year, Robert Vela. He stated that they would be recognized at the February Board meeting. Ms. Gayle Knight was congratulated by Mr. Sanchez for being invited to participate on the Governor's Transportation Commission on Transportation Coordination. He also congratulated Ms. Linda Falwell-Stover for the Mobility Planning Services team being selected as one of twenty teams to attend the Mobility Planning Services Institute. Continuing with his report, Mr. Sanchez stated that a report on the paratransit eligibility process would be presented at the January Operations Committee; the 2004 United Way Campaign exceeded its goal and a total of$10,202 was pledged by RTA -- employees; an amendment was signed on the 800 MHz radio communication system allowing for an upgrade to the system and inclusion of the Port Industries and Port Authority as partners; and a staff retreat would be held on January 18, 2005. Closed Session for Discussion of Real Estate Matters Ms. Flores announced that the time was 12:05 p.m. and the Board would go into closed session in order to discuss Agenda Item 14, concerning real estate matters under Section 551.072 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. tegional Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 5,2005 Page 10 At 12:25 p.m. Ms. Flores reconvened the meeting and there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. i0° , Carmen Arias Board Secretary Date