HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority - 02/02/2005 REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY / Q` BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2005 22 RECEIVED SUMMARY OF ACTIONS cal gECRETARY`S l ��ea OFFICE `6; 1. Held Personnel Recognition 2. Adopted a Resolution in Memory of Alfredo Medina, Sr. 3. Provided Opportunity for Public Comment _ 4. Approved the Board of Directors' Minutes of January 5, 2005 5. Heard Update on RTAC Committee Activities 6. Confirmed RTAC Appointment (Mollie Rodriguez Finch) 7. Accepted Committee Reports 8. a) Awarded the Second Option Year Service Contract to Pro-Am Texas, Inc. for Propane Fuel b) Awarded the Second Option Year for Tire Leasing Services to Bridgestone/Firestone Tire Company c) Awarded a Contract for Concrete Services d) Authorized Issuing Request for Proposals (RFP) for Security Services at Bear Lane e) Approved Adoption of a Resolution Amending the RTA Drug & Alcohol Policy 9. Approved Projects for Appropriations and TEA-21 Reauthorization Requests 10.Awarded a One-Year Contract to CHG &Associates for Grant Consulting 11. Awarded a One-Year Contract to Public Private Strategy Consult (PPSC) for Grant Consulting 12.Heard B-Line Report 13.Heard General Manager's Report 14.Adjourned * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * ,* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * The Regional Transportation Authority Board of Directors met at 8:30 a.m. in the Regional Transportation Authority Facility located at 5658.Bear Lane, Corpus Christi, Texas. Board Members Present: Mike Rendon (Board Chair), Anna M. Flores (Board.Vice- _ _ _. Chair), Carmen Arias (Board Secretary), Rolando Barrera, John Buckley; Davie Cissna, - Joe Benavides, Crystal Lyons, John Longoria, David Martinez, Wayland Simmons` _ Board Members Absent: None _ Staff Present Ricardo Sanchez (General Manager), David Seiler, Eduardo Carrion, Gayle Knight;:Fred Haley, Sylvia Castillo, Vangie Chapa, Sharon Montez, Stuart Sher, Elias Sissamis, Lamont Taylor, Jose Toyer, Linda Falwell-Stover, Robert-Vela, Beth Vidaurri, Ruth Willey - SCANNED 1 _anal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 2,2005 Page 2 Public Present: Eloy Soza; Janice Castro; Deb Hovda, RTAC Chairperson; Greg Salazar Jr., David Garcia, Teamsters 1110; Rachel Perez; Jose Medina; Rosa Flores; Jimi Medina; Linda Medina; Jasmine Medina; Roland Garza, Lupe Salazar, RTAEA; Brenda Fernandez, Carmen Hinojosa, Edna Arredondo, Delia Cristan, MV Transportation Call to Order The Board of Directors' meeting was called to order by Mr. Rendon at 8:34 a.m. Personnel Recognition Mr. Sanchez recognized Mr. Robert Vela, RTA's 2004 Operator of the Year, and Mr. Jose Toyer, RTA's 2004 Employee of the Year. He commented on their years of service and their personal attributes which he felt contributed to their achievement. Ms. Fernandez introduced MV Transportation's 2004 Operator of the Year, Ms. Delia Cristan, and the 2004 Employee of the Year, Ms. Carmen "Base" Hinojosa. She commented on their years of service in paratransit and their dedicated work habits. Adoption of a Resolution in Memory of Alfredo Medina, Sr. Ms. Flores read the resolution in memory of Mr. Alfredo Medina Sr. who had been a professional bus operator for 44 years that included 13 years of service with the RTA. MS. FLORES MADE A MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION IN MEMORY OF ALFREDO MEDINA SR. MR. LONGORIA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Sanchez recognized Mr. Medina's family members in attendance and presented them with the adopted resolution and an acrylic "B". He commented on Mr. Medina's dedicated service to the company as well as the community. Opportunity for Public Comment _ • Mr. Eloy Soza remarked that there were approximately 52,000 persons with disabilities residing in Corpus Christi. He emphasized the need to start preparing for the potential: - increased demand for B-Line service. Ms. Janice Castro stated that she was a contract employee at Corpus Christi Army Depot through the Lighthouse for the Blind. She stated that one concern was that she was having difficulty getting to work on time because of late pickups by the B-Line service. Sometimes she had to get alternate transportation such as a cab. Other concerns were that, on occasion, a B-Line vehicle did not pick her up because she was �_. )nal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 2,2005 Page3 identified as a wheelchair passenger and she had to wait outside even during inclement weather. She asked that Board Members to read the documentation she presented and take action to help her get to work on time. She recommended that a secret shopper program be used on the B-Line service and a dedicated route for persons with standing orders be developed. Mr. Rendon responded that her concerns would be addressed. Ms. Fernandez stated that B-Line personnel have been working with Ms. Castro. She said that Ms. Castro at one time had been wheelchair bound and the designation had not been removed; another route had been opened up which included Ms. Castro and three other persons; she had contacted Ms. Castro's employer and they were looking at allowing Ms. Castro to wait inside the building during inclement weather and that they would continue to work with Ms. Castro on her concerns. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Board of Directors' Minutes of January 5, 2005 MR. LONGORIA MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MINUTES OF JANUARY 5, 2005. MR. BUCKLEY SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Update on RTAC Committee Activities Ms. Hovda summarized the RTAC Committee meeting of January 20, 2005. She highlighted that Ms. Mary Saenz had been elected Vice Chair and committee appointments had been set; they had received presentations on ADART; Downtown Transportation project; and the paratransit management plan. Reports were presented on B-Line service and on the customer assistance forms. She stated that RTAC was committed to helping to provide great customer service. Action to Confirm RTAC Appointment (Mollie Rodriguez Finch) Mr. Rendon confirmed the appointment of Ms. Mollie Rodriguez Finch to the.RTAC Committee. Action to Accept Committee Reports Mr. Rendon called for additions or corrections to the Operations Committee Meeting Minutes of October 26, 2004, the Administration Committee Meeting Minutes of November 17, 2004, and the RTAC Committee Minutes of November 18, 2004. There being none, the following motion was made: MR. LONGORIA MADE A MOTION TO ACCEPT COMMITTEE REPORTS AS PRESENTED. MR. BARRERA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Fro anal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 2, 2005 Page 4 Consent Items Mr. Rendon called for consideration of the Consent Agenda items which are of a routine or administrative nature. He asked if there were any items that should be pulled from the Consent Agenda. There being none, Mr. Rendon called for a motion on the following consent items: a) Action to Award the Second Option Year Service Contract to Pro-Am Texas, Inc. for Propane Fuel b) Action to Award the Second Option Year for Tire Leasing Services to Bridgestone/Firestone Tire Company c) Action to Award a Contract for Concrete Services d) Action to Authorize Issuing Request for Proposals (RFP) for Security Services at Bear Lane e) Action to Approve Adoption of a Resolution Amending the RTA Drug & Alcohol Policy MS. LYONS MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 8a THROUGH 8e. MR. LONGORIA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Action to Approve Projects for Appropriations and TEA-21 Reauthorization Requests Mr. Sanchez referred to the list of projects in the agenda packet. He noted that the ADART request had been added because of a clarification that RTA still needed to apply for the funds and that the Federal Transit Administration would not be handling that request. Mr. Haley explained that the requests were for two types of funding — discretionary funding through the annual appropriations process and TEA-21 reauthorization funding. In response to Mr. Longoria, Mr. Sanchez explained that the plan was to use ADART for late night service and possibly in the Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC),program application. He stated that the Federal Transit Administration was very supportive of the ADART project because of the potential impact on transit systems throughout the country. There was a brief discussion on the New Starts funding. Mr. Sanchez clarified that changes to tighten the eligibility requirements for this program have been discussed; therefore, RTA would like to have this included in the current reauthorization process. Mr. Haley stated that if the funds were authorized, RTA would still have to apply for the funding at a later date. 1. _,')nal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 2, 2005 Page 5 MR. LONGORIA MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE PROJECTS FOR APPROPRIATIONS AND TEA-21 REAUTHORIZATION REQUESTS. MR. BUCKLEY SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Action to Award a One-Year Contract to CHG & Associates for Grant Consulting Mr. Seiler, using a powerpoint presentation, provided current proposed contract information as well as each company's qualifications and past effectiveness in grant consulting. He addressed concerns raised by Board Members at two previous meetings. He noted,that both contracts would require that the consultants provide documentation of activities, have an annual cap on travel expenses, and provide for documentation of reimbursable expenses upon request. In response to Mr. Longoria, Mr. Seiler stated that the FHWA appropriation of$500,000 is for the Streetcar project. RTA is looking at the feasibility of the funding being redirected for use on another project. He mentioned that there was not a grant match requirement but the funds needed to be applied before September 2005 or TxDOT would have oversight of the funds. Mr. Sanchez stated that a definitive answer would be provided. Mr. Barrera expressed the need for RTA to be an active participant with the City of Corpus Christi in developing the South Central Area Development master plan. Mr. Sanchez replied that he agreed that a coordinated, well-developed transportation plan needed to be in place especially in the Bayfront area because he had read that the activity in that area was projected to increase dramatically. He felt that building more garages and parking areas was not the solution. After a brief discussion, Mr. Sanchez committed to enhancing RTA's outreach efforts to the community as well as with elected officials to keep them informed of RTA activities. Mr. Rendon suggested that a City liaison be designated and have them notify City officials to contact them concerning any RTA issue. Mr. Longoria and Mr. Buckley initiated a discussion on the value of the services provided by each firm compared to the amount of their contracts and the lack of documentation from Public Private Strategy Consult. Mr. Sanchez stated that if Mr. DeLay's contact is approved, Mr. DeLay would be making a presentation to the Board. Mr. Longoria expressed the opinion that Mr. Sanchez needed to be very knowledgeable and actively involved in the appropriations process with the Consultants. Mr. Buckley opened a discussion on the timeline for reviewing consulting contracts. Mr. Bell recommended that the Board review the consulting agreement process in November and retain the January renewal date. I :nal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 2,2005 Page 6 MS. FLORES MADE A MOTION TO AWARD A ONE-YEAR CONTRACT TO CHG & ASSOCIATES FOR GRANT CONSULTING. MR. MARTINEZ SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Action to Award a One-Year Contract to Public Private Strategy Consult (PPSC) for Grant Consulting MS. FLORES MADE A MOTION TO AWARD A ONE-YEAR CONTRACT TO PUBLIC PRIVATE STRATEGY CONSULT (PPSC) FOR GRANT CONSULTING. MR. SIMMONS SECONDED THE MOTION. MS. LYONS, MR. LONGORIA AND MR. BUCKLEY VOTED AGAINST. MR. BENAVIDES, MR. SIMMONS, MS. FLORES, MR. BARRERA, MR. MARTINEZ, MS. ARIAS, AND MR. CiSSNA VOTED FOR. THE MOTION CARRIED. B-Line Report Ms. Fernandez reported on B-Line service for the month of December 2004 noting ridership of 12,462; wheelchair boardings of 2,575; 617 no shows; 3,196 cancellations out of 16,167 trips requested; zero denials; 4,480 calls with an average "wait time" of 22 seconds and 1 call "on hold" in excess of 3 minutes to which liquidated damages have been applied. Referencing comments made by Ms. Castro under public comment, Ms. Fernandez stated that out of her 19 trips, 16 were on time for pick up and delivery. She pointed out that there has been ongoing communication between MV Transportation and Ms. Castro regarding her concerns. Responding to Mr. Barrera, Ms. Fernandez stated that in lieu of a mail out to B-Line customers regarding problems experienced with the service, she and Mr. Sanchez had decided to conduct a rider survey as customers call in as well as contacting participating agencies. Mr. Barrera expressed concern about surveying customers when they.call in due to the possible negative effect on "wait time." Mr. Rendon replied that a different survey method should be developed. Ms. Lyons recommended that the survey include the question if they were.arriving at work on time. She commented that the employee concern is that by arriving late, even if it is occasionally, they will be fired. Ms. Fernandez pledged her commitment to providing the best service with the available resources. Mr. Rendon commended Ms. Fernandez for creating the third route to address Ms. Castro's concern. 4'ona1 Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes February 2,2005 Page 7 In response to Mr. Barrera, Ms. Fernandez stated that on-time performance would be reported at the next meeting. General Manager's Report Mr. Sanchez reported that RTA staff would be making a presentation to the Corpus Christi City Council on the Streetcar project on February 8, 2005 starting.at approximately 10 a.m. More details would be provided the Friday before the. presentation. Twenty-eight retired buses were either sold or scrapped and the remainder would be disposed of by April 2005. The renovations at the Port Ayers station would be completed within a couple of weeks. RTA would be participating in a business forum at the Ortiz Center on Thursday, February 3 from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. A forum was being planned on JARC to solicit ideas on transportation projects. In May or June approximately $4 million would be granted for this project. Continuing with his report, Mr. Sanchez stated that the Bayfront Express had serviced two events transporting approximately 1,350 riders. He mentioned that the Corpus Christi Caller Times had misprinted that the service for the Harlem Globetrotters would be free. There was a brief discussion on situations negatively affecting the Bayfront Express' operating costs. Ms. Lyons suggested that the Caller Times be approached to provide a complimentary service comparable to the revenue lost due to their mistake. Mr. Simmons commended Mr. Seiler and RTA staff for their prompt response, which enabled 130 Port Aransas riders to make their appointments in Corpus Christi despite the mechanical problems with the bus. Finalizing his report, Mr. Sanchez stated that a follow up presentation would be made to the Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living (CBCIL) outlining the action plan to improve accessibility to the Center. He stated that a portion of the $500,000 allocated to the City of Corpus Christi under the street improvement program could be potentially targeted to fund these improvements. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:28 a.m. • Aec-ar . rigA. Carmen Arias Board Secretary Date