HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority - 05/04/2005 r , /9 REO ONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY , "w' :OARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING co RECEIVED e37 MAY 4, 2005 ,�1 CITY SECRETARY'S '1 OFFICE 4) SUMMARY OF ACTIONS 1. Provided Opportunity for Public Comment 2. Heard Recognition of 2005 APTA Roadeo Representatives 3. Approved Board of Directors' Minutes of April 5, 2005 4. Heard Update on RTAC Committee Activities 5. Accepted Committee Reports • 6. Approved Consent Agenda Items a) Approved Transit Related Improvements in Port Aransas b) Authorized Issuing an Invitation for Bid (IFB) for Concrete Parking Lot Improvements c) Approved ADA Transit-Related Construction Improvements.Near MHMR and Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living Facilities d) Approved Issuing an Invitation for Bid (IFB) for Trash Receptacles and Sunshade Canopies e) Approved Exercising the Final Option Year with Enviro-Clean of Texas for Trash Pick-Up Services 7. Approved Exercising the First Option Year with Aetna for Life Insurance Coverage 8. Approved Exercising the Second One Year Option with Life Re for Dental Insurance 9. Approved the First Quarter 2005 Financial Reports 10.Heard Presentation on a Preliminary RTA Security and Emergency Preparedness Plan (SEPP) 11.Heard B-Line Report . 12.Heard General Manager's Report The Regional Transportation--Authority Board of Directors met at 8:30 a.m. in the Regional Transportation Authority Facility located at 5658 Bear Lane, Corpus Christi, Texas. Board Members Present: Mike Rendon (Board Chair), Carmen Arias (Board Secretary), Rolando Barrera, John Buckley, Davie Cissna, Joe Benavides, Crystal Lyons, David Martinez, Wayland Simmons Board Members Absent: Anna M. Flores (Board Vice-Chair), John Longoria Staff Present: Ricardo Sanchez (General Manager), David Seiler, Ed Carrion, Sylvia Castillo, Sharon Montez, Elias Sissamis, Sharlene Sexton, Mike Pefanis, Beth Vidaurri; Julian Carranza; Tony Garza; Rudy Lopez; Lupe Castaneda SCANNED R� anal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 4, 2005 fe,.£ Page 2 Public Present: Greg Salazar, David Garcia, Teamsters 1110 Mary'Saenz, RTAC; Eloy Soza; Nathan Clark; Clara Fay Ves; Arnold Hinojosa; Edward. Matheson; Judy Telge; Diane Staley; Abel Alonzo; Juan Harris, David Trujillo, Brenda Fernandez, Edna Arredondo, Gayle Knight, MV Transportation Call to Order The Board of Directors' meeting was called to order by Mr. Rendon at 8:40 a.m. Opportunity for Public Comment Mr. Nathan Clark-explained that he oared and-operated the flagship Captain Clark, a small family business that has provided sightseeing tours in Corpus Christi for over 50 years. Regarding the Harbor Ferry service, he stated that since the RTA had installed the Peoples Street T-Head, stop his company's reserves had been depleted and they had to borrow money in order to stay in business. He clarified that his concern was not that he had not been able to bid on the service, but the disembarking policy. He asked that the Board reconsider the Harbor Ferry's boarding and disembarking policy. Ms. Clara Faye Ves stated that she had worked with the Flagship for fourteen years. She commented on the company's struggle to compete with the RTA service. She asked that the Board reconsider their boarding and disembarking policy. Mr. Arnold Hinojosa asked that the RTA improve the biddingprocedures for the Harbor Ferry service and allow Captain Clark to bid on the service. Mr. Edward Matheson stated that he had been employed by Captain Clark since 1960 and has noticed the downturn in the business. He stated that something needed to be done to improve business along the Bayfront. h11s: .,ludy-J:eage,-referencing-Agenda ,item6c;asked .forsupport fer, its: passage:, :She - thanked the RTA for spearheading ADA improvements. She recognized Moses Reyes, Michelle Jones, and Ricardo Sanchez for their work to ensure construction of the ADA improvements. Mr. Abel Alonzo recognized Ms. Fernandez for receiving the GM of the Year award from MV Transportation. He stated that this accomplishment was due to her taking initiative and responsibility for compliance with established policies. He encouraged RTA to follow her lead and remove individuals who do not promote a positive image for the RTA. , ...4.anal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 4, 2005 Page 3 Presentation of 2005 APTA Roadeo Representatives Mr. Sanchez thanked Ms. Lyons, Mr. Benavides and Mr. Rendon for attending the RTA's Roadeo event. Ms. Fernandez recognized MV Transportation's first place winner in the bus competition, Mr. David Trujillo. Also recognized was Mr. Juan Harris who placed first in the paratransit van competition. Ms. Fernandez explained that since Mr. Harris' scores were higher than the scores-received in the bus competition, he would be advancing to Nationals competition on May 21, 2005 in St. Louis, Missouri. She reported that as 'a show of support, MV staff would be attending the competition Mr. Sanchez recognized the three. RTA employees who would be participating in the maintenance competition at the international roadeo competition.in Dallas, Texas based • on their placement in the local roadeocompetition held in September of this year. He introduced the third place winner, Mr. Lupe Castaneda; second place winner, Mr. Rudy Lopez; and the first place winner, Mr. Tony Garza. Mr. Sanchez cited prizes awarded based on their placement in the competition. Continuing with the recognition, Mr. Sanchez introduced the first place winner in the transportation (bus) competition, Mr. Julian Carranza. He cited the prizes awarded to Mr. Carranza. Mr. Rendon displayed a handmade thank you card made by his daughter and her schoolmates to the RTA after the Community Outreach bus visited her school. Discussion.and Possible Action to Approve the Board of Directors' Minutes of April 5, 2005 - MS. ARIAS MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE:BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MINUTES •OF-APRIL 5, 2005. MR.`BARRERASECONDED THE 'MOTION. ' .THE MOTION CARRIED. Update on RTAC Committee Activities - Ms. Mary Saenz reported on the April 21, 2005 RTAC meeting: She highlighted that all no shows for March had .been dismissed; and RTAC meetings would not be held in August and December 2005. Reports were heard on proposed service changes for fixed route; on B-Line service - which showed.an 18% ridership increasecompared to the previous year; on a draft wheelchair securement policy; and on CAF's for March 2005. venal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 4, 2005 Page 4 In response to Mr. Barrera, Ms. Saenz stated that the Committee endorsed the wheelchair securement policy. Mr. Sanchez said that public outreach was continuing. Ms. Saenz invited board members to attend RTAC meetings that are held the third Thursday of each month. Action to Accept Committee Reports MR. BARRERA MADE A'MOTION TO ACCEPT COMMITTEE REPORTS AS PRESENTED. MS. LYONS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Consent Items Mr. Rendon called for consideration of the Consent Agenda items, which are of a routine or administrative nature. He asked if there were any items that should be pulled from the consent Agenda. There being none, Mr. Rendon called for a motion on the . following consent items: a) Action to Approve Transit Related Improvements in Port Aransas b) Action to Authorize Issuing an Invitation for Bid (IFB) for Concrete Parking Lot Improvements c) Action to Approve ADA Transit-Related Construction Improvements • Near MHMR and Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living Facilities d) Action to Approve Issuing an Invitation for Bids (IFB) for Trash Receptacles and Sunshade Canopies e) Action to Approve Exercising the Final Option Year with Enviro-Clean of Texas for Trash Pick-Up Services MR. SIMMONS MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 6a THROUGH 6e. MR. BENAVIDES SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. • Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Exercising the First Option Year with Aetna for Life Insurance Coverage Ms. Sexton explained that the RTA provides basic and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance coverage to employees at no cost to the employee. The coverage equals two times the employee's annual base pay up to a maximum of $50,000. Employees are permitted to purchase $10,000 life coverage for their spouse and $5,000 for each eligible dependent at a monthly cost of $2.00. She noted that life and AD&D rate were guaranteed for two years beginning on June 1, 2005. The total rate is the same as for the prior year. K. onal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 4, 2005 Page 5 MR. BARRERA MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE EXERCISING THE FIRST OPTION YEAR WITH AETNA FOR LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE. MR. SIMMONS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Exercising the Second One Year Option with Life Re for Dental Insurance Ms. Sexton explained that the RTA's dental plan that includes preventative, basic and major coverage including orthodontic benefits. The current contract would expire on May 31, 2005. She reviewed both of the renewal options which wereto keep the current plan design with an 8.5% rate increase or change the plan design to provide select services at a 50% benefit level with 0% increase in the premiums. She stated that a cross-section of the employees were surveyed and the majority of respondents preferred to keep the current plan design and absorb any rate increases. The recommendation was to exercise the second option year of the contract, contribute $14.50 toward employee only and employee/family coverage to comply with RTA Personnel Policies and Procedures Article II, Section 3.02; and assess premium balances to employees. There was extensive discussion regarding the rationale for increasing the employer contribution rate. Ms. Sexton stated that a yearly report was provided to employees reviewing the monetary value of the benefits provided by RTA. Responding to Mr. Barrera, Ms. Castro explained that participants did not have a waiting period before they were covered but first year benefits were reduced. If they had prior dental coverage, they received full benefit coverage. Under public comment, Mr. Roland Garza said that he did_ not appreciate being blind- sided on the employee rate increase. He stated that the Association was. the certified representative of the workforce. Mr. Guadalupe Salazar handed out a letter stating their views. Mr. Garza asked that RTA management show the Association respect by conferring with them-prior to announcing.rate-increases. Mr. Sanchez stated thatduring the regularly. scheduled meeting with the Association this matter was discussed. He acknowledged that contracts should be brought for approval earlier. Mr. Rendon asked that RTA staff make a concerted effort to work with Association representatives. ' . Mr. Simmons asked if the increase was budgeted. Ms. Sexton stated that the cost savings on the life insurance premium would fund RTA's proposed cost increase for providing dental coverage under the current plan design. R.,,,21nal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 4, 2005 Page 6 MR. BARRERA MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE EXERCISING THE SECOND ONE-YEAR OPTION WITH LIFE RE FOR DENTAL INSURANCE. MR. MARTINEZ SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the First Quarter 2005 Financial Reports Mr. Sissamis summarized the Authority's financial activities and financial position as of the first quarter of 2005. He pointed out that sales tax increased 2.79% or $118,000 over the same months of 2004 and was $33,000 ahead of budget as of March 31. Also, fuel and parts expenses were steadily increasing. He then provided a brief discussion regarding variables responsible for the increases. Mr. Sissamis overviewed the performance of the RTA's portfolio. It's total value was in excess of $16 million and yielded an average return of 1.81% versus the six-month Treasury of 1.70%. Continuing with his report, Mr. Sissamis informed the Board that RTA plans to submit the 2004 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) to the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for a possible award for excellence in financial reporting. The report would be included for approval at the May Administration Committee meeting. Mr. Sanchez stated that RTA had not submitted a CAFR since 1995. He noted that the City of Corpus Christi and Nueces County submit reports yearly and generally receive an award for their reports. He expressed his optimism that RTA would also be receiving an award for the 2004 CAFR. Mr. Barrera commended Mr. Sissamis for his dedicated service to the RTA. MR. BARRERA MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE FIRST QUARTER 2005 FINANCIAL REPORTS. MR. BUCKLEY SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Presentation on a`YPreliminary RTA Security and Emergency Preparedness Plan (SEPP) Mr. Pefanis explained that included in the FTA's Triennial review was a recommendation that RTA implement a System Emergency Preparedness Plan (SEPP). He reviewed the System Emergency Preparedness Plan (SEPP), which consolidated existing RTA policies, procedures and practices. He stated that the Plan was divided into safety, security, and emergency response and reviewed the main components of each plan and next steps for implementing the SEPP. Ps'...„,:mal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 4, 2005 Page.7 Mr. Rendon inquired when a drill had been held at the RTA facility. Mr. Pefanis stated that it had been at least two years. He stated that a drill schedule was included in the Plan and was being finalized. Ms. Lyons asked that persons with disabilities be included in the plan design. Mr. Sanchez stated that Ms. Linda Fallwell-Stover was providing input in this area. A brief discussion ensued. Mr. Sanchez committed. that RTA facilities would be accommodated to address ADA concerns: B-Line Report Ms. Fernandez, reporting on service operation for March 2005 stated that ridership was 15,803 which represented an 18.6% increase compared to the previous year; there were 3,034 wheelchair boardings; "no-shows" decreased to 465 passengers; denials were at (0); passengers per hour were at 2.69 which was above the contract standard of 2.5; on-time performance was 95.6%; and 9 CAF's were received. She recognized MV Transportation employees. Mr. Simmons initiated a discussion on the size of buses used and the percentage of vacant seats as it relates to operational costs. Mr. Barrera noted that bus size is generally'based on ridership capacity requirement. Mr. Cissna_ noted that he had boarded Route 27 during noontime and the bus has been full with some riders standing. In response to Mr. Cissna, Ms. Fernandez stated that residents in Woodriver could ride the B-Line service if they meet the qualifications for B-Line ridership. General Manager's Report Mr. Sanchez pointed out a letter of appreciation in the packet for RTA employee Julio Wilmot for his participation on the 2004 HEB Feast of Sharing event; during the NAS. South Texas Shootout 33,764 riders were transported; the Bayfront Express transported 1,089 riders .during. the Juan Gabriel: concert; RTA staff participated in the MEDT auction; the Harbor Ferry kickoff would be held on Friday, May 20, 2005; and Mr. Seiler would be making a presentation on the Harbor Ferry to the Port Commissioners on May 5, 2005. Continuing with his report, Mr. Sanchez thanked Mr. Haley and his staff for their negotiations with Wal-Mart at SPID and Greenwood that had agreed to allow bus service along their private road and release RTA from any liability for possible damages to their pavement. The new service was anticipated to start in August 2005. He announced that the president of OPTIMA would be in Corpus Christi to address issues that have been experienced with the Opus buses. F mal Transportation Authority Board of Directors Meeting Minutes May 4, 2005 Page 8 Mr. Sanchez announced that MV Transportation had awarded Ms. Brenda Fernandez the General Manager of the year recognition; Mr. John Longoria had won third place in a Caller-Times photo contest, and Ms. Arias and Mr. Benavides would be celebrating birthdays in May. Related to future PowerPoint presentation handouts, he stated that they would be in black and white. Mr. Simmons commented positively on the film Riding the Bus with My Sister. There was a general discussion on the Harbor Ferry proposals and the comments received during public comment. Mr. Seiler noted that Captain Clark was granted free advertising on board the Harbor Ferry. He stated that RTA staff would be reviewing the current disembarking policy. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. /62.4 Carmen Arias • Board Secretary • Vi/O Date