HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority - 08/10/2005 (b n�"�� 3€' gip REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORI 2) "s BOARD OF.DIRECTORS' MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2005 S�C. QE`vED cUSOFF,CER`(S SUMMARY OF ACTIONS �� 1. Provided O ortunity for Public Comment ����'�' 3. Approved Entering into an Agreement with the South Texas Military Facilities Task Force in the Amount of$25,000 4. Adopted a Resolution Naming the Pedestrian Improvements on Alameda Street Bridge in Honor of Gordon Linton and Robert (Bob) Jones 6. Approved Consent Agenda Items: a) Approved the Minutes of the July 6, 2005 Board of Directors' Meeting and the July 14, 2005 Planning Session Meeting b),.Accepted-Committee Reports_ c) Awarded a Contract for Maintenance Uniforms and Related Items d) Awarded a Contract to D&C Fence Co. for the Fencing Project at Bear Lane e) Issued an IFB for.the Procurement of a Replacement Forklift f) Awarded a Contract to BMW Group/DesignworksUSA (BMW) for an OPUS Ergonomic Study g) Approved RTA's Texas Unified Certification Program Renewal h) Approved the June 2005 Financial Report 8. Adopted the Proposed Fare Structure as Amended 2. Held Personnel Recognition 5. Heard Update on RTAC Committee Activities 7. Awarded a Contract to DLP Group_ , Inc. for the Northwest 5 Points Improvements 9. Adopted the 2005 Annual Performance Goals 10. Heard B-Line Report 11..Heard General Manager's Report The Regional Transportation Authority Board of Directors met at 8:30 a.m. in the Regional Transportation Authority Facility located at 5658 Bear Lane, Corpus Christi, Texas. Board Members Present: Mike Rendon (Board Chair), Anna M. Flores (Board Vice- Chair); Carmen Arias (Board Secretary), Rolando Barrera, John Buckley, Joe Benavides, John Longoria, Crystal Lyons, David Martinez, Wayland Simmons Board Members Absent: Davie Cissna SCANNED nal Transportation Authority Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes { August 10, 2005 Page 3 of 10 4 G,.W ti 44 Staff:Present: Ricardo Sanchez (General Manager), David Seiler, Vangie Chapa, Fred Haley;-;Sylvia Castillo, Sharon Montez, Stuart Sher, Elias Sissamis, Lamont Taylor, Sharlene Sexton, Maida Russell, Jose Tovar, Adan Herrera, Beth Vidaurri, Public Present: Carol Flowers; Brenda Fernandez, Edna Arredondo, Gayle Knight, Dana Smith, MV Transportation; David Garcia, Teamsters; Roxanne Carrillo, KRIS-TV; Abel Alonzo; Ken Hawkins; Deborah Hovda; Bob Jones; Loyd Neal, Chairman Military Task Force; Lupe Gomez, Arnold DeLaPaz; Terry Orf; David Noyola; Eloy Soza Call to Order and Roll Call The Board of Directors' meeting was called to order by Mr. Rendon at 8:10 a.m. Ms. Vidaurri::.called the roll,and.declared,that.a quorum of the Board,was present. Opportunity for Public Comment Mr. Ken Hawkins, 2802 Cimarron, stated that he was a transit dependent rider and could not pay for taxi service. He voiced his dissatisfaction with reduced Sunday service, lack of late night service, bus stop not conveniently located near his residence, and recent scheduling changes that provide for only hourly service. He also expressed concern about having to wait an hour at the Southside Transfer Station because his transfer bus leaves minutes before the bus he is on arrives. Mr. Sanchez stated that Mr. Haley would be contacting him to discuss his concerns. Mr. Rendon called for consideration of Agenda Items 4 and 5. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Entering into an Agreement with the South Texas Military Facilities Task Force in the Amount of$25,000 Mr. Loyd Neal, Chairman of South Texas Military Facilities Task Force, reported that based upon General James T. Hill's recommendation to include Naval Station Oceana on the base closure list, the Task Force began an extensive analysis of whether-NAS Kingsville, NAS Corpus Christi or NAS Ingleside could profit from and or handle some of the assets that might be realigned or moved from Naval Station Oceana. He updated the Board on recent Task Force activities. He explained that the Task Force was a Subcommittee of the Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce; therefore, all funds received were deposited into a special Chamber fund. After the BRAC Commission made its decision, which was scheduled between September 22 and 26, 2005, any remaining funds would be returned on a pro rata basis to all contributors: He expressed appreciation for the widespread community support of the Task Force. Mr. Abel Alonzo expressed support for the $25,000 contribution to the Task Force. _,.jonal Transportation Authority Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes August 10, 2005 Page 4 of 10 MR. BUCKLEY MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SOUTH TEXAS MILITARY FACILITIES TASK FORCE IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000. MR. BENAVIDES SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Action to Adopt a Resolution Naming the Pedestrian Improvements on Alameda Street Bridge in Honor of Gordon Linton and Robert(Bob) Jones Mr. Taylor cited the dedication of Mr. Jones and Mr. Linton for promoting public transportation both on a local level and a national levels and the indelible mark left on - these communities because of their efforts. Of particular interest to Corpus Christi, was the Alameda Street project which will provide an "automobile-free zone"; a decorative open structure with pedestrian railings; pedestrian lighting; landscaping and_irrigation; and ADA compliant ramps/crosswalks/sidewalks. The project would be completed in September 2005. Mr. Robert (Bob) Jones expressed appreciation for being considered for this honor. He reflected on the events which lead to securing funding for this project as well as the downtown renovation project in Robstown. He stated that he would contact Mr. Linton . and encourage him to attend the Alameda Street pedestrian improvement ribbon cutting. MR. BENAVIDES MADE A MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION NAMING THE PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS ON ALAMEDA STREET BRIDGE IN HONOR OF GORDON LINTON AND ROBERT (BOB) JONES. MS. ARIAS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. After adoption of the resolution, Ms. Arias read the adopted resolution. Mr. Rendon called for consideration of Agenda Items 7 and 9. Consent Actenda _- - Mr. Rendon called for consideration of the Consent Agenda items, which are of a routine or administrative nature. He asked if there were any items that should be pulled from the Consent Agenda. There being none, Mr. Rendon called for a motion on the following consent items: a) Action to Approve the Minutes of the July 6, 2005 Board of Directors' Meeting and the July 14, 2005 Planning Session Meeting b) Action to Accept Committee Reports c) Action to Award a Contract for Maintenance Uniforms and Related Items d) Action to Award a Contract to D&C Fence Co. for the Fencing Project at Bear Lane R;i., nal Transportation Authority Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes August 10, 2005 Page 5 of 10 e) Action to Issue an IFB for the Procurement of a Replacement Forklift • f) Action to Award a Contract to BMW Group/DesignworksUSA (BMW) for an OPUS Ergonomic Study g) Action to Approve RTA's Texas Unified Certification Program Renewal h) Action to Approve the June 2005 Financial Report MS. LYONS MADE A MOTION TO APROVE AGENDA ITEMS 7a THROUGH 7h. MR. BARRERA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Action on Presentation Concerning RTA Fares Mr. Seiler, using a PowerPoint presentation, reviewed the fare study recommendations including updates from the July Administration Committee meeting. He said that the goals of the fare study and fare increase were to simplify the fare structure, minimize ridership loss with any increase in fares to offset some of the RTA's growing costs, provide more fare options as alternatives to base fare; minimize the need for future fare changes; and to manage the growth in B-Line service and control costs. The following recommended fare structure was reviewed: 1) Fixed route fares: a) $.75— Base (Adult) and Saturday fares; b) $.35—students, Seniors/PWD, Peak Hour, and Midday (9 a.m.-2 p.m. -This fare category was eliminated); c) $.10-transfers; 2) Trolley fares: a) $.25 - #79 Downtown and #94 Port Aransas; b) $.75 -#75 Bayfront and #78 CC Beach; 3) Express route fares: a) $1.25— Park and Ride routes to CCAD/NAS for both over 20 miles and under 20 miles, #67 Bishop/Driscoll/Gregory, #65 Padre Island Connector; and Port Aransas FLEXI-B; 4) B-Line fares: $1.25—within 3/ mile zone. Elaborating on the day pass recommendation, he stated that the proposal was to charge $1.75 for a day pass, which was the equivalent of two regular fares plus and two transfers. Mr. Seiler then detailed the findings of a survey conducted on ten transit agencies regarding their paratransit fare, ADA zone, and surcharge. He stated that the recommendation was to have a $1.25 paratransit fare, maintain both the current ADA zone of 3/ mile'and the $2 surcharge for trips serviced outside the ADA zone. He provided the following alternative options for consideration -- elimination of the current 3/ mile ADA zone or increasing the ADA zone from 3/ mile to a greater distance such as 2 miles. He reviewed the 1998 Care-B Study which addressed providing service outside the ADA zone. Ms. Lyons recommended implementing a two-mile ADA zone instead of the.% mile one. . She expressed the opinion that the seven-year-old study could not be used as a rationale for maintaining the 3/4 mile ADA zone. She asked that punitive measures not be used to reduce B-Line ridership. She stated that if the paratransit service continues to have on time performance that was better than contract, then there was some flexibility to be able to provide the type of service that was needed by B-Line riders. _2)onal Transportation Authority Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes August 10, 2005 Page 6 of 10 After a brief discussion initiated by Mr. Barrera on the financial impact increasing the ADA zone to 2 miles would have on the agency, he expressed his support for extension of the ADA zone since it was determined that there would not be a significant cost impact. Responding to Mr. Rendon, Mr. Seiler stated that increasing the ADA zone would probably result in higher trips but not necessarily more customers. Mr. Alonzo stated that he did not support extending the ADA zone since the primary objective for the paratransit service was to transition its customers to riding the fixed route. MS. LYONS MADE A MOTION TO AMEND THE PROPOSED FARE STRUCTURE AND ADOPT A TWO-MILE ADA ZONE. MR. BARRERA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Responding to Mr. Buckley, Mr. Seiler replied that a definite timeline for implementing any fare changes had not been developed. After a brief discussion, Mr. Buckley recommended that a plan be developed for reviewing the fare structure which would outline when and how a fare increase should be implemented. Ms. Lyons expressed the opinion that any fare increases should be in 5-cent increments. Mr. Sanchez stated that a draft policy would be presented to the Board for their review. Regarding public outreach, Mr. Longoria asked that a link be placed on the RTA web site to receive feedback from residents on the fare increase. Mr. Simmons expressed the opinion that the fare for the Port A trolley should be eliminated since persons riding the trolley often traveled only a couple of blocks. - ' MR: SIMMONS MADE A'°MOTION'TO-AMEND THE FARE STRUCTURE AND ELIMINATE THE FARE FOR THE PORT A TROLLEY. MR. LONGORIA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION FAILED. MR. BARRERA MADE A MOTION TO ADOPT THE PROPOSED FARE STRUCTURE AS AMENDED. MS. LYONS SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Rendon called forconsiderationof Agenda Item 3. R _ `nal Transportation Authority Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes August 10, 2005 Page 7 of 10 Personnel Recognition Mr. Sanchez recognized Carol Flowers for 25 years of service with RTA. He mentioned her participation on various RTA committees and her work history. Next, he recognized Mr. Adan Herrera for 30 years of service with RTA. He highlighted Mr. Herrera's work history and noted that he had attended Robstown High School with Congressmen Solomon Ortiz.. Mr. Sanchez stated that at a later date he would be presenting both employees with a document signed by the Board in recognition of their long tenure with the agency. Mr. Rendon recommended installing recognition boards to recognize RTA employees' on buses similar to the ones used in Memphis, Tennessee. Mr. Sanchez stated that RTA published a quarterly community newsletter that recognized employees and that he felt that the on-board recognition boards would provide additional recognition. Mr. Sanchez asked Maida Russell, Employee Committee for Excellence (ECE) President and Jose Tovar, ECE Vice President, to stand and be recognized. He acknowledged that both RTA employees had previously been voted Employee of the Year and were now officers on ECE; it is a group of 13 RTA employees who participated in various community and work-related projects. He explained that the t- shirts being handed out were used at the ECE sponsored Adopt-A-Highway project held on Sunda, August 7, 2005. He invited anyone interested to participate in the next project. Update on RTAC Committee Activities Ms. Hovda, RTAC Chair, reported on the July 21, 2005 meeting. She reported that the No Show AppealCommittee had dismissed three proposed service suspensions; the Eligibility Appeals Committee had not met in June; reports were received on the RTA fare study and fare structure; fleet status; bus operator/customer service issues; wheelchair securement; monthly CAF report; and a demonstration on RTA's accessible website. Shenoted that Mr. St. Julien had reported that on two occasions bus operators had failed to identify a bus stop or provide requested information to a rider with visual impairment. Discussion and Possible Action to Award a Contract to DLP Group, Inc. for the Northwest 5 Points Improvements Mr. Sanchez provided a brief background report on the project. He noted that the project has been phased in over a two to three-year time period. •He pointed out that only one bid was submitted on the project. In compliance with Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Procurement Best Practices, RTA had Mr. Terry Orf conduct a cost analysis to ensure that the contractor's price was "fair and reasonable." • ..r Tonal Transportation Authority Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes August 10, 2005 Page 8 of 10 Ms. Montez explained that the original project scope consisted of four new shelters but RTA was not granted twoof the four easement agreements from the property owners • and the scope was modified. Burger King and Medical Square had refused to grant use of their easements: She addressed questions that had been raised at the July Administration Committee meeting. Mr. Bell explained that since the project was being funded with federal funds, FTA guidelines for receipt of a single bid had to be followed. Mr. Terry Orf, Architect TKO, stated that the proposal submitted by the DLP Group was 30 percent over the architectural and engineering (A&E) estimate prepared in December 2004. He explained that the variance could be because of higher fuel prices, - steel pricing had risen about 13 percent since-January 2005, reinforcing steel-had risen - . about 26 percent; concrete pricing had risen 64 to 50 cents a yard and was expected to continue rising. He noted that since the project was being coordinated in conjunction with TxDOT improvements in that area, the bus stop enhancements could not be started until about six months to one year from the issuance of the contract. • Continuing with his report, Mr. Orf cited the findings of his bid analysis. He summarized the agreed upon contract reductions as $122,617 for the 624 medical site which was • deleted from the base bid and reflected in the contractor's quoted price; $2,750 for the deletion of expenses related to gas/maintenance; $7,184.08 from the reduction of the proposed profit and overhead from 21% to 18%. This resulted in total contract reduction of$132,551.08. When the bid is awarded, then the Contractor would be asked to provide the sub contractors' bids for review. After the financial review, DLP's references were reviewed and they were all positive. Mr. Orf stated that based on a review of the cost elements, coupled with negotiations with DLP representatives, the negotiated revised contract amount of$283,776.92 was "fair and reasonable." In response to Mr. Barrera, Mr. Orf stated that if the contract were re-bid, additional staff and engineering costs would be incurred and the proposals would probably come in at a much higher cost He noted that it was not advantageous for most small contractors to tie up their bonding fora lengthy perlod'of time." • - Mr. Longoria raised the concern that a contingency fund was not included in the re- negotiated contract price. There was a brief discussion. Mr. Orf expressed the opinion that he did not foresee any complications with the construction since there were no major utilities at the Hwy 77 sites. Mr. Bell stated that savings realized from deletion of the 624 bus stop could be used as contingency monies. Continuing with his review, Mr. Longoria inquired about job site inspections. Mr. Sanchez stated that Naismith Engineering would conduct the on-site inspections. Mr. Longoria asked for a complete project budget. R nal Transportation Authority Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes August 10, 2005 Page 9 of 10 The reduction of the contract amount, the cost associated with the risk being taken by the contractor that was also tied to the company's overhead and profit, and the subjectivity of the review received considerable discussion. Mr. Barrera expressed the opinion that the factors cited by Mr. Orf to explain the variance between the original submitted proposal and the A&E estimate substantiated support for awarding the bid at the original bid amount. Mr. Orf and Mr. Bell explained the importance of being able to substantiate to FTA awarding the contract under an only bid process and that its guidelines were followed to avoid the possibility of FTA.withdrawing future funding. Mr. Orf stated that DLP could construct the two steel structures at current prices and store them at.the;RTA facility on Bear Lane until they,couldbe installed.at the job site. Also, provided the project was not completed within one year, DLP could submit a change order to recuperate any additional costs. Mr. Sanchez stated that he had committed to the contractor to assist in expediting its payments after they submitted an invoice. Mr. Arnold DeLaPaz, President, DLP Group, stated that he justified his overhead and acknowledged the rising cost of construction materials. He stated that he wanted to do business with the RTA. MS. FLORES MADE A MOTION TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO DLP GROUP, INC. FOR THE NORTHWEST 5 POINTS IMPROVEMENTS. MR. MARTINEZ SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. Action to Adopt the 2005 Annual Performance Goals Mr. Sanchez explained that a detailed presentation was made at the July Administration Committee meeting. At the request of the Board, Mr. Haley cited the goals that had changed since the July Administration Committee presentation. The fare box recovery ratio goal was increased from 5.9% to 6.5%; the contractor maintenance miles between road calls for B-Line and small buses was increased from 10,000 to 20,000 miles; and on-time performance for 2004 was now listed on the charts. Mr. Haley explained that the annual performance goals were used as indicators or benchmarks when reviewing actual performance measures and monthly indicators. Ms. Lyons recommended that the 2004 final numbers be included in the next review as a comparison reference. • ti )(Iona' Transportation Authority Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes August 10, 2005 Page 10 of 10 MS. FLORES MADE A MOTION TO ADOPT THE 2005 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE GOALS. MR. LONGORIA SECONDED THE MOTION. THE MOTION CARRIED. B-Line Report Ms. Fernandez reviewed the operating statistics for June 2005. She stated that compared to June 2004 ridership had increased by 14.3%; there were zero denials; a decrease of 9.2% in "no-shows"; on-time performance was 95.9% above the contract standard of 95%; and ridership had increased above budgeted levels. She announced that Ms. Laura Salas had received driver of the month and Ms. Cindy Hernandez had -received employee_.of.the month. She-stated--that"the financial-section of-the-report - - - = would be presented by Mr. Seiler. Mr. Seiler stated that the financial section would be a regular addition to the monthly report. He reported that the demand for B-Line service has been increasing at higher than the usual historical growth trend and has resulted in an overall increased B-Line budget of$16,534 since January 2005. He reviewed the service variance chart provided in the report. Ms. Lyons asked about the status of the eligibility process. She expressed the opinion that revising the eligibility process would ensure that persons unable to ride fixed route were being served. Mr. Seiler stated that a timeline for implementing a new eligibility process would be presented to the Board. Mr. Rendon wished both Mr. Barrera and Mr. Simmons a Happy Birthday. General Manager's Report __ _Mr. Sanchez opened_his report by announcing that_onAugust 10, 1985 Corpus Christi voters had approved establishment of the Corpus Christi RTA: He'displayed a framed resolution adopted by the House of Representatives commemorating the RTA milestone. He said that events would be held throughout the year in honor of the 20th anniversary. He invited everyone to attend an employee luncheon on Friday, August 19, 2005. Other activities reported by Mr. Sanchez were an ADA training session taught by Aaron McCullough with the DLRU, which was attended by RTAC members, RTA Senior Staff and Board members; the Finance Department had received an excellent review by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on their payroll and accounts payable tax forms procedures; the Human Resources Department's substance abuse policy was found to be fully compliant by the FTA; DBE/EEO department staff had attended training onTexas Unified Certification Program guidelines; RTA had received the Pioneer Award . mal Transportation Authority Board of Directors' Meeting Minutes August 10, 2005 Page 11 of 10 at the 2005 ADA Awards luncheon for its planned work near the MHMR buildings on Brownlee Street; the OPUS bus ergonomics study had been initiated; bus operators' quarterly meetings had started in conjunction with the RTA's United Way fund drive; a new bump would start on August 15 and there would be a live remote at the Greenwood Walmart location to promote a new bus stop; a clean up campaign would be held on August 13, 2005 at the Staples Street Station and benches with bars had been placed at the site to assist with vagrant control; and as part of the Compensation Study process, the Job Evaluation Team would be meeting at the end of the week to review the submitted job evaluations. He announced that under.SAFETEA-LU, RTA had received an appropriation of$2 million for a new maintenance facility, which would be distributed over a four-year period. Ms. Flores announced that at the next Nueces County election a new voting system would be used. She asked that anyone interested in information concerning the new system contact her.. In response to Mr. Soza, Mr. Sanchez stated that installation of cameras at the Staples Street Station was being planned. Adjournment There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:24 a.m. oei Carmen Arias Board Secretary Date