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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Electrical Advisory Board - 10/21/1993 22/—.- *no • 101112 731 _ City of1�� �'' ie4.101.11 CO US N �A� N NeD C hri ti R�ARy C. s MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING0� OF THE ' 8ZLZ9Z5tV ELECTRICAL ADVISORY BOARD OCTOBER 21, 1993 Board Members Present: Jeanne Sughrue, Chairman Ashok Nadkarni, Vice-Chairman W.B. Truax Salvatore Vetrano Phillip Benavides Michael Lippincott Curtis Proske Members Absent: Michael Dodson Eloy Salazar Staff Members Present: John Hudson, Chief Electrical Inspector Lorenzo Gonzalez, Building Official Olga Carrion, Clerk Typist II Chairman Jeanne Sughrue, called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m. , in the Committee Room on the first floor of City Hall. The first item of business was the approval or correction of the minutes of the prior meeting on September 16, 1993. A motion was made by by Mr. W.B. Truax, seconded by Mr. Nadkarni to approve the minutes. The motion passed unanimously. The next item of business was the review of the report for October 4, 1993, Electrical Examinations. Mr. John Hudson, Chief Electrical Inspector informed the Board that two persons had passed the journeyman examination and one person had passed the sign journeyman electrician exam. Mr. Gonzalez introduced the new Director for the Community Development, Li Mr. Mike Reuwsaat. The next item of business was to consider recommending action on Staffing Committee report. Mr. Gonzalez, Building Official explained that due to required notice COposting the action taken last month was on the agenda for official action. He added authorization had been granted to proceed with the hiring of an additional electrical inspector. P.O. Box 9277 • Corpus Christi, Texas 78469-9277 • (512) 880-3000 City4.0 of Electrical Advisory Board October 21, 1993 Corpus Page 2 Christi The next item of business was the discussion of code occupancy classifications as related to a CP & L occupancy classification. Chairman Sughrue stated that she had asked Mr. Sam Cowling to be present because of his concern on occupancy classifications and re-out inspections. Chairman Sughrue informed the board members that she had attended a meeting with Mr. Hudson, Chief Electrical Inspector, Lorenzo Gonzalez, Building Official, Sam Cowling and a representative from CP & L to review using CP & L occupancy classification rather than rate structure to determine commercial and residential property uses. Mr. Cowling asked what was the City's interpretation intention regarding a re-out inspection for residential verses commericial property. Chairman Sughrue responded that the intent was to address hazardous conditions and ascertaining that the new occupancy would be safe. Mr. Cowling then asked for a definition of residential. Mr. Nadkarni responded that a residence was a place where a person may reside and not used for any other purpose. Mr. Cowling pointed out that a three (3) single family dwelling structure with one meter in his opinion should be classified residential but that CP & L determines it to be commercial due to the commercial rate system. Mr. Gonzalez, explained that City staff was not experiencing any problems with the present system, but that the main issue regarding re-out classifications for residential and commerical may need to be further clarified should problems arise. Discussion was closed with no action taken. The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m. INSPECTION DIVISION LOKENZO 720 -�E:c / BUILDING OFFICIAL ELECTRIC\O1EA-064 LG:oc