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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Electrical Advisory Board - 11/11/1993 X02/ • c AA City of Co us 4 O11127akt Christi yt w100 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING I N KA'( 1994 OF THE RECE VEu MECHANICAL PLUMBING ADVISORY BOARD C17Y SFCREiARY'S oN NOVEMBER 11, 1993 �� UflCF. ,c>��CZ 3Z 14. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Miller, Chairman Richard Rector Paul Brunsvold Ronnie Marek Mike Sutton Lew Larson Reed Glendenning BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Rob Hurst Zernie Smith Ronald Murray STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Lelland Kirbow, Chief Mechanical Plumbing Inspector Lorenzo Gonzalez, P.E. , Building Official Olga Carrion, Clerk Typist II Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. , in the Committee Room on the first floor of City Hall. The first item of business was the approval and corrections of the minutes of the prior meeting of October 14, 1993. A motion was made by Mr. Lew Larson, seconded by Mr. Reed Glendenning to the approve the minutes with the corrections made by Chairman Miller, and passed unanimously. The next item of business was the discussion, by James Van Kirk, of in and/or thru slab sleeving of plumbing lines. Mr. Ronnie Voss a licensed Engineer made a brief presentation on behalf of the Builders Association of Corpus Christi. Mr. Voss expressed the Associations concern regarding the sleeving of the main line thru the exterior slab beam. He further expressed concern with placing the line underneath an exterior beam since Q it would cause problems with the slope. He added that sleeving the pipe thru the i , beam itself would allow water and moisture to penetrate into the interior portion jibZ of the slab. He stated that pvc pipe has been tested and proven not to cause leaks and that other problems are causing slabs to fail. �� Mr. Voss stated that the Builders Association after discussing the subject with some plumbers and builders was recommending sleeving thru the exterior beam CO as long as it doesn't hurt the structured reinforcement. He suggested the placement of a % inch rubber type flexible sleeve over the pipe thru the beam from grade to grade that would allow movement and keep water from penetrating from the outside. P.O. Box 9277 • Corpus Christi, Texas 78469-9277 • (512) 880-3000 tl Cityof Mechancial Plumbing Advisory Board November 11, 1993 Corpus Page 2 Christi Mr. Van Kirk, stated that the issue was the failure of plumbing lines. He added that many of the fractured pipes are of cast iron with the fractures due to the movement of the soil adjacent to the foundation. Mr. Van Kirk suggest that the City adopt requirements for coordinating foundations between the foundation engineer and plumbers. He expressed the opinion that a change should be done because of insurance code changes which could result in no insurance coverage in the future. Be explained that having to make repairs due to soil and foundation movement was expensive. Mr. Lelland Kirbow, Chief Plumbing Inspector, pointed out that the City did not interpet Plumbing Code Section 407.3 to include grade beams and perimeter beams. He added that SBCCI was of the same interpretation and that the position of enforcing sleeving thru beams would require a code change. Mr. Kirbow pointed out that if the drain lines are placed underneath a beam or more than 24 inches from the fixture outlet to the trap weir a violation of Plumbing Code Section 701.2 would occur. He added that the installation of the drain lines below the beams could cause problems when entering the City's sewer main. Mr. Van Kirk stated another problem that should be looked into would be the • compaction of soil beneath piping located in a slab. Chairman Miller asked whether a compaction test was a requirement and if it would be verified by a testing lab. Mr. Gonzalez responded that it was not written in a manner that required a test but that the submitted certification by the engineer would attest that compaction had been acheived. Mr. Van Kirk suggested that a sub-committee be formed together with the Building Code Board of Appeals to further study for possible changes. After a brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. Lew Larson seconded by Mr. Rector to take no action until a determination as to the amount of pipe movement absorbed by the system is made for inclusion in the code. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m. r nzo G�n a ez, PVC) Building Official LG:oc O1MP-072