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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Electrical Advisory Board - 12/16/1993 4.0 joshi City of Wm Corpus — Christi .:..... MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ELECTRICAL ADVISORY BOARD DECEMBER 16, 1993 Board Members Present: Jeanne McMahon, Chairman Ashok Nadkarni, Vice-Chairman Eloy Salazar W.B. Truax Salvatore Vetrano Phillip Benavides Michael Lippincott Curtis Proske Board Members Absent: Michael Dodson Staff Members Present: John Hudson, Chief Electrical Inspector Lorenzo Gonzalez, Building Official Adalberto Palacios, Electrical Inspector Olga Carrion, Clerk Typist II Chairperson Jeanne McMahon, called the meeting to order at 3:14 p.m. in the Committee Room on the first floor of City Hall. The first item of business was the approval and correction of the minutes of October 21, 1993 and November 18, 1993 meetings. A motion was made by Mr. W.B. Truax, seconded by Mr. Eloy Salazar to approve the minutes. The motion passed unanimously. The next item of business was the review of applicants for the scheduled January 3, 1994 Electrical Examinations. Mr. Hudson, Chief Electrical Inspector briefly reviewed the list of applicants for examinations. The public hearing was opened on Appeal No. E93-1. The appellant was Arthur C. Parker, representing Little Rock Electrical Contractors, requesting the Boards concurrence on an alternate method and method of construction in accordance with City Electrical Code Section 105.2.3. Mr. Lorenzo Gonzalez, Building Official stated that Mr. Palacios, Electrical Inspector had reviewed the project. Mr. Palacios provide a brief report on the project stating that the wireway that was being used at the Wal- Mart project didn't comply with the City Electrical Code. SCANNED P.O. Box 9277 • Corpus Christi, Texas 78469-9277 • (512) 880-3000 `i City of Electrical Advisory Board Corpus December 16, 1993 Christi Page 2 irw Mr. Hudson, Chief Electrical Inspector, explained that the wireway being used as part of the service equipment was not U.L. approved or approved by any another nationally recognized testing agency. Mr. Hudson added that the wireway was made by a local sheet metal company and that they had submitted information to show that it meets the same criteria as required by an approved testing agency. Mr. Arthur Parker stated that the primary reason for manufacturing the wireway was for safety. He added that at the time the wireway was placed they were not aware of the code criteria. He added that the reason they did not buy a manufactured wireway was that they could not buy one of this size and stated that the wireway exceeded code requirements. During a brief discussion Mr. Parker explained that the installation met National Electrical Code Article 384, with the proper percentage fill and that the original plan submitted didn' t show the specific wireway installation. A motion was made by Mr. Lippincott to concur on the requested alternate subject to the engineers seal of approval. An amendment to the motion was made by Mr. Lippincott, seconded by Mr. Nardkarni to require the design engineers seal of approval on the plans and to have Mr. Hudson do a job site inspection. The motion carried unanimously. The next item was the discussion and review of a letter from the City of Port Worth, Texas regarding Reciprocal Agreements. Chairperson Ms . McMahon reviewed the letter sent to Mr. Hudson from the City of Fort Worth regarding the cancellation of reciprocal agreements with the City of Corpus Christi . Mr. Hudson stated that they did not have any concerns with other reciprocal cities. After a brief discussion no action was taken. The next item of business was the discussion of Electrical licensing criteria regarding maintaining a master of record. Mr. Gonzalez, Building Official stated that this item was placed on the agenda at the request of Chairperson Ms. McMahon. Ms. McMahon read a letter she had sent to Ms. Parris, Attorney with the City of Corpus Christi on behalf of the board to request legal assistance in reviewing the ordinance pertaining to the master of record. The two specific items were 1. What are the current legal interpretations governing this ordinance and 2. Is there any regulations that legal can suggest to prevent circumvention of this ordinance. She additionally reviewed a response from Ms. Parris. ti+ ri City of Electrical Advisory Board Corpus December 16, 1993 Chnsti Page 3 vw Mr. Robert Shake stated he would like for the City Electrical Ordinance to be strengthened and changed such that the master of record would also be the owner of the business or company. He also stated that he had a concern when an out of town contractor or any contractor comes in without a City Master License and simply rented someone else's license. Ben Schuette, Schuette Electric stated that he agreed with Mr. Shakes concerns and added that these concerns should have been reviewed a long time ago. Randy Eulenfeld, Campbell Electric stated that the City had a strict ordinance that needed to be enforced. Ms. Sally Parris stated that if the company was incorporated and had a master of record, that master of record would technically be an employee of that corporation and that he/she would be allowed sole proprietorship with the same legal status of employing a master. Ms. Farris added that if they were to inquire into the employer, employee relationship that inquiry would have to come from a grievance or some formal complaint that is taken before the board. She suggested that the grievance be in writing for the sake of due process and fair play. Ms. Farris stated that the need for sworn information was very serious and the proceeding could end in a recommendation, if the Council should act on such a recommendation, that the person could loose their livelihood. Mr. Shake suggested that there should be some kind of grievance form. Ms. McMahon asked whether a grievance form existed. Mr. Gonzalez responded that a complaint form did exist. He added that technical violations were dealt with on a daily basis, whereas a licensing violation that was dealt with differently since it would require documentation as to the nature of the violation. A motion was made by Curtis Proske, seconded by Eloy Salazar to place this item on next months agenda regarding the electrical licensing criteria and possible ordinance change. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Sam Cowling inquired if the City had received a letter from CP & L regarding the re-out residential definition. The meeting was adjourned at 5: 11 p.m. CCIIENZO NZALE E. BUILDING OFFICIAL LG:oc 01EA-070