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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Electrical Advisory Board - 05/19/1994 027t- . x-11 • tfini 4d Ciof JUM 1994 1,,W� I RECEIVED �• Corp- US cuYSECRfARV'c ,e Christi 4 OFFICE men MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING -setZLt %2 OF THE ELECTRICAL ADVISORY BOARD MAY 19, 1994 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Michael Lippincott, Chairman Phillip Benavides W.B. Truax Eloy Salazar Michael Dodson Jeanne McMahon Salvatore Vetrano Ashok Nadkarni Curtis Proske STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: John Hudson, Chief Electrical Inspector Olga Carrion, Clerk Typist II Chairman Mr. Lippincott, called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m, in the Committee Room on the first floor of City Hall. The first item of business was the approval or corrections of the minutes of the meeting of April 21, 1994. A motion was made by Jeanne McMahon seconded by Ashok Nadkarni and passed unanimously to approve the minutes. The next item of business was the receipt of petitions from the audience. Mr. Robert Shake, a licensed Journeyman in the City of Corpus Christi stated the City was making a mistake by not enforcing the City Electrical Ordinance in regards to reciprocation. He added that the City of Temple, Texas has a 1993 Code and a Block Test, however they can take a journeyman's test with only 2 years experience; in the City of Corpus you would be required to have 4 years experience on a master exam in the City of Temple Texas you would be required to have 4 years experience and in the City of Corpus Christi we are required to have 5 years experience. Mr. Shake stated he lives and pays taxes in Corpus Christi and if these were the only qualifications required to reciprocate he did not appreciate the fact that an out of town contractor would come in and take away from the citizens of Corpus Christi. He added that in his opinion if this matter cannot be straightened out then they should change the ordinance to whatever the City of Corpus requires be equal to any other City that wishes to reciprocate. SCANNED P.O. Box 9277 • Corpus Christi, Texas 78469-9277 • (512) 880-3000 V V City of ELECTRICAL ADVISORY BOARD Corpus MAY 19, 1994 Chnsti PAGE 2 Mr. Hudson, Chief Electrical Inspector stated that there are other cities that require more years of experience before taking the Block Test. He added that in 1988 when the board discussed this matter they did not want to get involved in telling other cities what they needed to do and ruled only on accepting the Block Test because it was being used all across the U.S. Mr. Shake stated that whatever background that the City requires of the citizens of Corpus Christi should also be required of anybody that comes here to work on a reciprocal basis. He added that in his opinion 2 years experience to become a journeyman was not enough. Chairman Lippincott asked what other cities have a more stringent requirement? Mr. Hudson responded that he did not know this matter was going to be discussed and he had no background information at this time, but that the City of Austin at one time required more years of experience than the City of Corpus Christi. Mr. Miguel Carranco a licensed journeyman stated that he knew of a master with the City of Temple, Texas that had reciprocated with the City of Corpus and on the first job performed had violated our City Ordinance. Chairman Lippincott asked what was the violation? Mr. Carranco responded the violation was not having a licensed journeyman on the job. Mr. Carranco then stated he had taken the test in Corpus Christi to do work in Corpus Christ and did not take the test somewhere else to reciprocate with Corpus Christi in his opinion the City of Corpus should not reciprocate with any other city. He added there is no need and no advantage for reciprocation. Mr. Nadkarni stated that if some contractor has employees that have worked for a long time, has jobs in different places and if a job is in Corpus Christi then he could not use his own people. Mr. Carranco stated that every electrical contractor that has come to work in our City has blatantly violated the City Ordinance. Mr. Nadkarni stated that the board did not have the authority to stop any contractor from working in the City of Corpus. Mr. Shake stated that the board had the power to recommend to the City Council to tighten the ordinance regarding reciprocating. 4.0 City of ELECTRICAL ADVISORY BOARD Corpus MAY 19, 1994 Christi PAGE 3 w••••• Mr. Hudson added that the board might want to also review the ordinance which included not only Block and Associates but stated any National recognized testing agency which also includes SBCCI . Mr. Carranco stated that since the Block Exam had been administered here in Corpus Christi there has been a decrease in applicants because they are going to other cities that the City of Corpus reciprocates with and some of those other cities do not proctor their test. Mr. Benavides stated they had no control over that matter. Mr. Carranco stated it could be controlled by not reciprocating with other cities which did not proctor their test. Chairman Lippincott made a motion seconded by Mr. Benavides to table this matter for next month's meeting until they have reviewed the ordinance and asked Mr. Hudson to request, from other cities, requirements for testing. Motion carried. Mr. Hudson informed the board that he was proposing a change regarding the Re-Out Inspection provision. He added the reason being was that if a person has already obtained an electrical permit to remodel a leased space has already applied for service; with the Re-out Inspection provision he would also be required to pay for a re-out before having service released. He would be paying twice for the same service. Mr. Hudson then stated that the paper work was being prepared by the Legal Department and that he would present it to the board at a later date. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. INSPECTIIOON DIVISION Cleta LfNZ� . BUILDI OFFICIAL LG:oc O1EA-086