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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Electrical Advisory Board - 05/20/1999 � Uzi a
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■�1 COrpUS ***Amended***
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
—r- "•• ChristiMay 20, 1999
Board Members Present: Ralph Skinner Joe Hernandez
William B. Flemmings George Canales
James Goldston Robert Shake
Mike Carranco John Bartham
Board Members Absent: Kyle Budd
Staff Members Present: Arthur N. Sosa, Building Official
David Lewis, Chief Electrical Inspector
Jay Reining, Legal Department
Bernadine 0. Longoria, Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman, Ralph Skinner at 3:00p.m.
The first item of business was roll call. Ralph Skinner stated that Kyle Budd, Chairman had
an emergency out-of-town. Willie B. Flemmings made a motion to excuse the board members for
their absences and John Bartham seconded the motion.
The next item of business was the approval and/or corrections of the minutes for the
meeting of March 18, 1999. Ralph Skinner made a motion to amend the minutes paragraph#3 the
third line of(NEC 1999) would be adopted with minor changes made. James Goldston made a
motion to approve the minutes approved with corrections. Willie Flemmings seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
The next item of business was the Building Official's Report. Art Sosa and David Lewis had
met and discussed a few items that would be coming up in the near future. David Lewis had
distributed some folders that contained information for the recommendations that will be submitted
to the City Council. Art discussed the items and outlined the recommendations.
Item a) NEC 1999 Adoption would be implemented in August 1999. Art Sosa stated that the City
Council had already passed the Building Code 1997 in the first reading with Chapter 1 •
Administrative section as reviewed by the Electrical Advisory Board.
Item b) Discussion of Apprentice Certificates as opposed to an Apprentice License. This should
be changed because applicants do not take a test to be an Apprentice license.
P.O. Box 9277 • Corpus Christi, Texas 78469-9277 • (512) 880-3000
6.10 Electrical Advisory Board
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
May 20,1999
Item c) Licensing anniversary dates verses annual dates so that not all licenses/certificates are
due at the end of the year. Discussion items were added to have the certificates renewed on an
every other year basis, or every three years.
Item d) Discussion of license suspensions, revocations, etc. Jay discussed some issues covering
the current revocation of Mr. Piscatelli and should he be allowed to work within his company as an
apprentice or not at all. After revocation of license should the applicant be required to re-apply and
re-test? Ralph Skinner pointed out that Section specifies the time period for when the
applicant will be allowed to re-test and return to work. These issues will be discussed in the near
Item e) Discussion of maintenance License testing procedure. David Lewis stated that Block, Inc.,
would continue to test for the City. He also stated that any test after August would be tested to the
NEC 1999.
Item f) Discussion of CP & L Amendment(NEC 90.2(b) (5). Jay stated that the proposal from
CP & L to amend this ordinance was overruled by the City Manager. CP & L will be permitting their
projects for added lighting to parks. Joe Hernandez wanted to state for the record that this project
was a joint venture with City Parks & Recreation, Traffic Department, and CP& L for the best
interest of the citizens of Corpus Christi.
Item g) Discussion of Electrical License Reciprocity. David Lewis stated that in his research he
found that some other major cities in Texas do have and honor reciprocal agreements. Applicants
are still required to test for their city license. In Corpus Christi we do not have any reciprocal
agreements with other cities.
The next item of business was the discussion of Old andlor Pending business. There were
no items to be discussed.
There were no petitions from the audience.
Joe Hernandez made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mike Carranco seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 4:15p.m.
Arthur N. Sosa
Building Official
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