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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Electrical Advisory Board - 10/18/1999 160
6City of
, Corpus Electrical Advisory Board
Chnsti Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Vow October 18, 1999
Board Members Present: Kyle Budd Ralph Skinner
Joe Hernandez George Canales
Willie B. Flemmings John Bartham
Robert Shake
Board Members Absent: Mike Carranco
Staff Members Present: Arthur N.Sosa, Building Official
David Lewis,Chief Electrical Inspector
Bernadine 0. Longoria, Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Kyle Budd at 3:10p.m.
The first item of business was roll call. Mike Carranco was absent. Robert Shake made a motion
to excuse Mr. Flemmings for his absence of August 19, 1999. Joe Hernandez seconded the motion.
The next item of business was the approval and/or corrections of the minutes of August 19, 1999.
Ralph Skinner made a motion to clarify#3 Spare raceway is not be required where there is no wall
and/or ceiling covering. Section 210 52 B1. Ralph Skinner made a motion to approve the minutes
as amended. Motion passed unanimously.
The next item of business was the discussion of the schedule for the November and December
meetings. November 18, 1999 and December 16, 1999 approved for meetings.
The next item of business was Building Official's report. Software for computer system was sent
back for some enhancements and target date is June or July 2000. Permitting will be done via
Internet,e-mail,debit account and then be permitted as part of phase 2. There will be escrow
accounts for individual contractors. Art Sosa did say that Chapter 1 will be withdrawn from the
agenda to go to the Council. NEC 1999 In December for approval. International Code, Plumbing
Code, Mechanical Code, Gas Code, and Residential Codes in April 2000 including Chapter 1.
The next item of business was the discussion of Old and/or Pending business. David Lewis
reviewed the changes for the NEC 1999 Code. The NEC 1999 Code will be submitted to the City
Council in December 1999. Art Sosa stated that the City Manager had no objection to 92-5-Service
Policy(CP&L 92(b)-5 Ordinance.
P.O. Box 9277 • Corpus Christi, Texas 78469-9277 • (512) 880-3000
V Electrical Advisory Board
41011 Minutes for 10/21,1999
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The next item of business was petitions from the audience. There were no petitions from the
Ralph Skinner made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 5:30p.m.
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Arthur N. Sosa
Building Official
-Board Members -City Manager
-Met City Manager Development Services
-City Secretary- Director Housing B Comm..Dev.
-Building Official -Chief Bldg Imp(5)
-Minutes notebook -Legal Department
-Appeal Ble