HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Island Strategic Action Committee - 01/05/2016 January 5, 2016 ISAC Meeting 5:30 PM Holiday Inn North Padre Island, 15202 Windward Dr., CC. TX, 78418 Meeting called by: Greg Smith, Chair Type of meeting: Regular Facilitator: Greg Smith, Chair Note taker: Arlene Medrano John White, Greg Smith, Jodi Steen, Carter Tate, Jay Gardner, Mark Van Vleck, , Kathleen Pratt, David Perry, Rick Sowash,Alex Harris,William Goldston, Stan Hulse, Libby Edwards Middleton, Attendees: Bryan Gulley, Paulette Kluge Absent: Jyoti Rakesh Patel, Brud Jones, Minutes Agenda item: Approval of Minutes Presenter: Greg Smith Comments: None. Action: Motion to approve minutes by , 2nd by . All in favor. Passed. Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ None NA NA Agenda item: Consideration of Request for Excused Absences Presenter: Greg Smith Discussion: None Action: None Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ None NA NA Agenda item: Presenters: 1.Kelly Byrom Public Comment 2.Bob Curry 3.David Pierce Comments: 1. Kelly Byrom-Commented on removal of sand. Sand is compact and hard as concrete. These are WBAC issues that can be discussed at their next meeting. 2. Bob Curry-Compliments the City on moving the sand. Burms are temporary. Compliment the ISAC and Maybeth and Beach Committee for moving sand off the seawall steps. 3. David Pierce- helps manage client properties throughout the Island. There are plastic bags in dunes and wetlands areas.Acknowledged volunteers for their efforts to clean-up. Port Aransas is plastic bag free.Ace hardware is bag free on the Island. Can ISAC place this topic on the agenda? Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ None. Agenda item: Engineering Project Status Presenter: Jerry Shoemaker Comments: PR 22 Bridge-officially sent all responses to TXDOT for final approval. Waiting for written correspondence from TXDOT to schedule public meeting. City is subject to TXDOT comments before scheduling public meetings.Agreement with Developer is being worked on and Mark Van Vleck will discuss with Council. Mr.Van Vleck is exploring other options that will be discussed at an executive session. JFK- no change. 1 Beach Access Roads 3A and 2- in design phase. New Beach Facility-design started. Water&Gas Extension-completed. Traffic Management Studies-RFP should be out this week. Next week at the latest. Commodore/SPID Left Turn Lane and Double right hand turn lane-design negotiations for left turn lane. Have not completed right hand turn lane study. PR22/Aquarius-Have received permission from TxDOT to split into two projects. Project came in significantly over budget. Relief on final treatment. Date for bid not final, but should by end of the month. Billish Park-almost complete with the design. Sustainability of water will be covered at a future meeting. Discussion: Bryan Gulley-concerned about JFK timeline. Jerry-contractor's time has not changed. Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ Provide engineering updates Capital Projects 02/02/16 Agenda item: Traffic/Street Presenter: Jerry Shoemaker Discussion: None Comments: Covered under Engineering Project Status. Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ Provide Traffic/Street Updates Capital Projects 02/02/16 Mark Van Vleck, Executive Agenda item: Beach & Park Management Presenter: Director of Utilities Comments: Beach Status: Parks & Recreation Hotel Occupancy Tax(HOT tax)- Parks & Rec presenting a budget proposal to WBAC this Thursday. Current figures from Comptroller are $2.9-$3 million. Parks & Rec will vet list with WBAC. Greg Smith-City staff is doing a terrific job. ISAC has been trying to get more removal of the seawall sand for six years. City had lots of machinery out in December 2015. The City is serving the public and the Island in ways that have not been done before. Carter Tate-There is an obvious effort on the beach that has not been there before. Jay Gardner-City has been very proactive and reactive in addressing issues. Have patience on the burms. Watershore & Beach Advisory Committee Update-Jay Gardner- Big Shell clean-up is scheduled for February 22"d WBAC did not meet in December 2015. Have new staff member to be introduced. Positive feedback on the new trash cans. Experimenting on whether to use white or green containers and considering recycling bins. Pins are being built now around the seawall to place cans in that location. Discussion: Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ Provide Beach & Park Management Updates Parks & Rec 02/02/16 Agenda item: PlanCC Comprehensive Plan Update Presenters: Dan McGinn, Interim Director of Development Services Comments: Received comments from Council on December 17'h. Staff is reviewing and will send to planning commission maybe sometime in February. Do any comments pertain to the Island? Still going through comments, but nothing stuck out as being Island specific. Still in first phases of commenting. Council was agreeable to all ISAC comments to that land use plan. Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ Notify ISAC when item goes to Planning Commission Staff Support NA 2 Mustang/Padre Island Area Development Plan Agenda item: Subcommittee Presenter: William Goldston Discussion: Asked POA and PIBA to participate in funding for administrative support. POA approved it. PIBA tabled the item. Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ None NA NA Agenda item: Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Sub-Committee Update Presenter: William Goldston Discussion: Has meeting with Toby Futrell to educate William Goldston on TIRZ. Not sure what TIRZ subcommittee can accomplish without area development plan. Two thresholds (PR22 bridge and PlanCC)to pass before getting into this in earnest. Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ None NA NA Agenda item: Policing Report Presenter: None. Discussion: None. Tabled for February meeting. Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ None NA NA Agenda item: FEMA Flood Maps Julio Dimas,Assistant Director of Development Presenter: Services Discussion: Received preliminary maps from FEMA and have completed tours of the City. Going to provide presentation to City Council. Insurance reps will be available for community and county to answer questions regarding FEMA flood map at the American Bank Center on Thursday, January 141h from 2-7pm. Alex Harris-Corpus Christi wanting draws to be at FEMA height while other cities are not requiring this. Julio-This is a FEMA requirement. If other cities are not complying, they will be cited for that. Greg Smith- Mustang Island treated as velocity zone? Julio-The new maps have a new feature CALLED Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LIMWA). FEMA has given cities the option to adopt this feature. Construction within that zone would require any structure below that zone to be a velocity zone. If the City chooses to adopt, that is considered a higher standard.Velocity Zones exist anywhere along the coastline. New models take the dunes and a little bit of the seawall into consideration. True effective date of the maps is October 23rd, but the City has not chosen to adopt the preliminary maps. Greg-Try to avoid building in a velocity zone on the Island. Show public and committee actual changes on the maps. Julio-The old maps were not in digital form, new maps are. Comparisons are difficult.Visit www.Riskmap6.com to view layer called changes. Green are positive changes, red show increases in elevation or area. www.ccfema.com will give you several links. County wide maps. Driven by google images/earth. Can print simple report that shows before and after. The City is currently looking at what other cities are adopting in regards to the LIMWA. Proposing to take action item to Council for approval. Freeboard is another higher standard that is being proposed. Rick Sowash- How does this benefit Island residents?Julio- Preliminary maps do not impact your insurance today whether adopted or not. The only time that insurance cost is impacted is when maps are accepted as final maps. Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline 3 ✓ None NA NA Agenda item: Election of ISAC Officers Presenter: Greg Smith Comments: Motion to nominate Libby Edwards Middleton for Chair of ISAC by William Goldston, 2nd by Jodi Steen.All in favor. Passed. Greg Smith-Thank you to a great board for all their efforts. Thank you to Arlene Medrano, Staff Support. Thank you to staff for all the work and research that they complete. Libby Edwards Middleton-works hard to educate herself on the ISAC agenda items.Appreciates support of fellow committee members. Motion to nominate William Goldston for Vice-Chairman of ISAC by Libby Edwards Middleton, 2nd by Greg Smith. All in favor. Passed. John White- has been a long 6 years and has been vice chair for that entire time. Next couple of years will be the most important because of the tremendous amount of items in the pipeline. Bryan Gulley- have had incredible changes over the years. Staff keeps getting better.At some point years from now, may want some members to come back. They only need to sit out one year reapplying to serve on the ISAC. Greg Smith, Jyoti Patel and Greg Smith are terming out on March 23, 2016.Arlene will send email in February to those whose partial or first terms are expiring to ask who wants to be reappointed. Thank you to Jyoti for providing meeting locations. Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ None NA NA Agenda item: Schedule Next Meeting Presenter: Libby Edwards Middleton Comments: Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2, 2015 at 5:30 at Holiday Inn North Padre Island, 15202 Windward Dr., CC. TX, 78418 Meeting ended at 6:22 PM. Action items Dept. Responsible Deadline ✓ Post February 2016 agenda with City Secretary's Office Staff Support 01/29/16 ✓ Confirm meeting location ISAC 01/29/16 4