HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Island Strategic Action Committee - 01/02/2018 Holiday Inn Express 15209 Windward Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78418 Island Strategic Action Committee Regular Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 2, 2018 5:30 PM ISAC Agenda I. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL Chair Brud Jones called the meeting to order at 5:3 2 p .m . City Staff Rozie Canales called roll . Present Members (12) Brud Jones, Libby Edwards, Alex Harris, Stan Hulse, Rick Sowash, Jodi Steen, William Goldston, David Perry, Carter Tate, Cheri Sperling, Charles Knoll and Aaron Huffman Present Ex-Officios (3) Cliff Schlabach, Dotson Lewis and Paulette Kluge Absent Members (1) Kathleen Pratt Absent Ex-Officios (3) Bryan Gulley, Keith McMullin and Dan McGinn Present City Staff (1) Keith Selman II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 5, 2017 Motion by Committee Member Carter Tate to approve the minutes as presented. Second by: Committee Member Jodi Steen. Motion carried by unanimous vote. III. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES Absences: Libby Edwards and Stan Hulse were absent on December 5, 2017. Motion by Committee Member Jodi Steen to approve the excused absences. Second by: Committee Member Carter Tate. Motion carried by unanimous vote. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT Public comment by Nina Smith on boating safety. She shared a photocopy of a picture of a boater near the Slow, No Wake zone to emphasize the problem of boaters not obeying the laws. She stated that part of the city’s annexation agreement was to have the city patrol the canals to maintain safety. The CCPD website has an article that assures the city they will see additional police presence enforcing the law. Currently, the only law enforcement agency is the Nueces County Sheriff on a county boat. She referenced the City’s Code of Ordinances under Boats, Bays and Waterways, Section 12.31. The POA has been receiving calls about dangerous practices on the canals. Also, there has been an increase in crime on the canal side with property damage to city and private property. Would like to see this concern on the agenda for enforcement of rules and safety. V. ONGOING BUSINESS 1. Beaches & Parks – No recent updates. 2. Watershore & Beach Advisory Committee Report – Cliff Schlabach, Pro Tem Chair, informed the committee of the items discussed at their last meeting. One topic was the chair and vice-chair nominations. Those nominations will be made official at the next meeting. The subcommittee also discussed barbeque pits on North Beach. The community is under the impression that they are illegal because signage reflects that, but after reviewing the city’s ordinance, the subcommittee has discovered that the pits are not illegal. So, signage will be changed. Another issue discussed was the subcommittee’s concern that their hard work is not reaching city council, so, they have made motions and recommendations to have the chair attend the city council meetings when items of high priority are to be presented to make sure their motions and recommendations are heard. Mr. Schlabach also informed the committee of upcoming updates they will be discussing at their next meeting. VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. a. Park Road 22 - Access Management Study presented by Assistant City Manager, Keith Selman. Mr. Selman began his presentation by stating that the Padre Island Mobility & Access Management Study has been on the discussion table of ISAC before, and although the study is still in draft form, it has some elements that ISAC would want to weigh into. The presentation was produced for ISAC by Corpus Christi Engineering and included slides on the Study Location, Scope, Deliverables, Summary & Conclusions. Additionally, a Superstreets study article using Loop 1604 in San Antonio as an example was handed out to the members to explain the dynamics of Superstreets. Discussion ensued on the inception of the study by Maldonado-Burkett and its current stage. Valid points were made to take back to consultants for responses at next ISAC meeting. Mr. Selman recommended ISAC bring its questions back to the table next month when Maldonado-Burkett would be presenting information on their access management study. 2. b. MPO Project List – 2015-2040 Metropolitan Plan Highway Project List and 2015-2040 Metropolitan Plan Unfunded Needs List was reviewed with the committee. Questions from several committee member s regarding how the highway projects would affect Park Road 22, and how it would affect tourism. Mr. Selman reiterated the need for ISAC to be planted firmly on a vision for that parkway and to start having dialogue on getting projects structured rather than waiting for the State since TIRZ #2 funds are available for projects. He added that extending TIRZ #2 was the tool for getting results on turning the Island to a national destination . VII. NON-BUSINESS ITEM 1. Overview of the Island Overlay - UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, Sec. 6.4-IO, Island Overlay. Handout of Island Overlay Map and Sec. 6.4-IO from UDC was given to each member. Keith Selman explained an overlay and its purpose in relation to the Island. The recent inquiries were regarding signs, landscape requirements, and color palettes applicable to multifamily and nonresidential build ings. Mr. Selman’s presentation addressed 8 key concepts and described each one as ISAC members followed along in the IO handout. Questions and discussion ensued regarding inception, enforcement, and possible updating of the Island Overlay. Mr. Selman stated that the question to be asked is whether the restrictions in the IO accomplish desired outcomes. 2. Membership – Chairperson Brud Jones informed the committee of the Mustang Island Representative vacancy as well as the two memberships that are expiring in March, William Goldston, Engineer and Alex Harris, Developer. Applications are on the website and City Council makes the final appointments. VIII. IDENTIFY ISAC FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 1. TIRZ#2 subcommittee report 2. Cable line update 3. Presentation by consulting firm Maldonado-Burket 4. TIRZ#2 Council action 5. POA Presentation on enforcement & funding 6. Bond 2018 IX. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING Date: February 6, 2018 @ 5:30 p.m. Location: Holiday Inn Express X. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Committee Member Stan Hulse to adjourn. Second by Committee Member William Goldston. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Meeting Adjourned at 7:15 p.m.