HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Island Strategic Action Committee - 06/05/2018 Holiday Inn Express 15209 Windward Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78418 Island Strategic Action Committee Regular Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:30 PM ISAC Agenda I. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL Chair Brud Jones called the meeting to order at 5:3 0 p .m . City Staff Rozie Canales called roll . Present Members (11) Brud Jones, Libby Edwards, Stan Hulse, Rick Sowash, Jodi Steen, David Perry, Carter Tate, Aaron Huffman, Jay Gardner, Jerry Watkins and Stephan Noack Present Ex-Officios (4) Cliff Schlabach, Dotson Lewis, Paulette Kluge, and Keith McMullin Absent Members (3) Kathleen L. Pratt, Cheri Sperling and Charles Knoll Absent Ex-Officios (2) Bryan Gulley and Dan McGinn Present City Staff (4) Keith Selman, Darren Gurley, Jay Ellington and Jerry Shoemaker II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MAY 1, 2018 Motion by Vice-Chair Libby Edwards to approve the minutes. Second by: Committee Member Carter Tate. Motion carried by unanimous vote. III. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES Absences: Libby Edwards, Kathleen L. Pratt and Cheri Sperling were absent on May 1, 2018. Motion by Committee Member Jodi Steen to approve the excused absences. Second by: Committee Member Carter Tate. Motion carried by unanimous vote. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT Public Comment by Javier Garcia, a resident and business owner on the Island. Mr. Garcia stated he owns Padre Landscaping, and is in the process of moving his business to Flour Bluff due to code enforcement violations. He said he found another location for his business off the Island and his moving arrangements are in place, but not finalized. In the meantime, he said, the City is fining his landlords daily and the situation has become a legal battle. Mr. Garcia stated he is ready to move his business, but would appreciate ISAC’s assistance in asking the City to halt the fines until he reaches the final status of his move. Public Comment by Nita Smith regarding violations of No Wake Zones on the Island. Ms. Smith asked the ISAC for help in getting the City to honor the terms of their annexation agreement of 1981, to police the canals and to protect the public’s safety and private property. She stated, when the laws are not being enforced, some people feel safe breaking them . On the other hand, she added, when people feel their safety or property is being constantly threatened due to lack of police enforcement, they become angry and feel they must act to protect themselves. Ms. Smith urged the ISAC to please intervene in getting the attention of the City before someone gets hurt or killed. She recommended the City work with the Sheriff’s office, since they own a boat, and share the burden of patrolling as promised. She ended her comments by sharing pictures of boaters violating the No Wake Zones and asking for the ISAC’s help. Public Comment by Joe Minervini regarding the repairs of the Packery Channel. He urged the ISAC to be diligently involved in the final repairs or final bid design of the repairs to the PC. Mr. Minervini stated that it had been reported that the original construction design of the PC did not include interlocking steel sheet pilings, and explained the process. He commented, we know the outcome of that omission thanks to hurricane Harvey. In closing, he asked the ISAC again to question the repairs and be extra diligent in their involvement. Public Comment by Kevin Hendrickson regarding the No Wake Zones. Mr. Hendrickson stated his neighborhood is having the same problem since the canals are being used by kayakers and swimmers . They are being swept away by the waves of speeding boaters, he said. Even boat owners attempting to load their boats for trips are affected, he added, as their equipment is being tipped over by the waves created. Mr. Hendrickson stated the issue is the safety concern and the loss of property, which can be costly. He stated that the lack of police presence may be the culprit, and added that if the Sheriff’s department and the City would work together in patrolling the canals, more people may start abiding by the No Wake Zones. Chairman Brud Jones closed Public Comment. V. ONGOING BUSINESS 1. Bond 2018 – ACM Keith Selman reviewed the Padre Island Access Mgmt. Initiative projects and the updated cost estimates from engineering. The ISAC was provided a spreadsheet of the updated cost estimates. Mr. Selman answered a previous noted question of project No. 1, JFK Causeway Access Improvements, that the project did not include repaving and resurfacing. He reminded the ISAC of the $1.5 million bond money allocated to the Island and stated that Project 1 alone could consume the total amount. He completed the updated cost estimates on the remaining projects before discussion ensued. Libby Edwards, Vice-Chair, informed the ISAC that Project No. 1 would be funded by bond money and the remaining projects fell under the TIRZ#2 jurisdiction, but their decision on No. 1 would have to be determined tonight for presenting to City Council. Discussion ensued and questions arose on what actual improvements would be made since the description on the spreadsheet did not include all needed improvements; whether the full $1.5 million should be used for Project No. 1, or could some of the monies be used for other projects; and how would the projects be gauged when prioritizing them. Motion by Committee Member Carter Tate that ISAC’s recommendation to the City Council is that the entire $1.5 million be focused on safety issues under the bridge. Second by: Committee Member Jodie Steen. Committee Member Jay Gardner requested further discussion before the final vote. Jerry Shoemaker, City Engineer, answered the ISAC’s questions regarding Project No. 1, and suggested focusing on Project No. 1, and caveat the language to allow for expanding the projects to PR22 as funding permits. Libby Edwards, Vice- Chair, asked if the ballot language could be provided to ISAC before final submission. Mr. Selman assured the ISAC that they would have time to see the language at the July meeting. Vice-Chair Libby Edwards moved to amend the original motion by Committee Member Carter Tate by substituting that the ISAC prioritizes, and is in favor of spending most of the $1.5 million bond money on Item No. 1, pertaining to the John F. Kennedy Causeway, in safety, lighting, signage, paving, resurfacing, and any other improvements to the John F. Kennedy Causeway, and then in order of priority, move down to item No. 2, followed by projects 3,4,5, & 6. In addition, the document, Padre Island Access Management Initiative (spreadsheet) is a part of the motion. Second by: Committee Member Tate Carter. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Let the minutes reflect that the maker of the original motion concurred and the member that seconded the first motion also concurred. 2. Beaches & Parks – Gulf Beach & Natural Resources Superintendent Darren Gurley updated the ISAC on the beaches over the Memorial Day weekend. He informed them of the 20% increase of beach permit sales over the previous year. Mr. Gurley stated that the restrooms at Zahn Rd were closed for repair and were awaiting parts to be delivered. On a positive note, he said the Street Department painted the parking lot at Windward and Packery Channel before the Memorial Day weekend. Additionally, he stated that the lifeguards were fully staffed, and interviews for Heavy Equipment Operator and Code Enforcement Officer were underway this week and next. When asked about the repairs to Newport Pass, Jerry Shoemaker, with engineering, chimed in that engineering is planning on a safe temporary repair to open the road this Summer but added that it would not be a long permanent improvement. 3. Watershore & Beach Advisory Committee Report – Chair Cliff Schlabach informed the ISAC that WBAC considered resolutions presented by PRAC and agreed to support all resolutions. He updated the ISAC on the need for more beach compliance officers. Under Old Business, Mr. Schlabach stated that the committee is still working on a beach rule or ordinance on the issue of beach goers not covering holes in the sand after use. He added that WBAC received updates on the PC project amenities, ADA ramps, showers, pavilions and navigation lights. He added that there are no lights at the end of the jetty and has received complaints by fellow fisherman. For the next meeting, he stated, Paulette Kluge with CVB, would present for discussion the State HOT funds, and the WBAC would also discuss what their actual duties are as a committee. 4. TIRZ #2 Subcommittee Report - ACM Keith Selman informed ISAC that the spreadsheet before them was discussed at the TIRZ#2 subcommittee meeting the day before, and one of the concerns was the need to incorporate a project expense line item for the potential dredging next year. He added that $4 million is in reserve for the dredging, but would probably need a line item for the expenditure. All the projects on the spreadsheet, he stated, were projects already approved by the board and presented to City Council for ratification of the budget process. 5. Packery Channel Rehabilitation Funding-FEMA, RESTORE - ACM Keith Selman informed the ISAC that the procurement process, as required by FEMA, has been underway, the scope has been finalized, and now will go to City Council to get the engineer on board and under contract, which Jerry Shoemaker, who was also present at the ISAC meeting, concurred and added within the next couple of months. Regarding the RESTORE, Mr. Selman stated that the City hired a consultant to ass ist with the application for grants, Bucket 3 being the target. He added that the consultant felt the Packery Channel was a fitting project for that bucket. However, he informed the ISAC that Tom Tagliabue had just informed him that RESTORE projects were being selected based on the type of projects they are seeking, and then selecting projects from that list. He added that the State of Texas was moving very slowly. 6. Island Engineering Updates – ACM Keith Selman reviewed the running updates from engineering on Park Road 22 Bridge, Bids expired; Beach Access Roads, now complete; Traffic Management Study, done and wrapped up with current project listing stemming from that study; Packery Channel Rehabilitation, as discussed in agenda item 5; and North Padre Island Beach Facility, Architect/Engineer developing schematic options, for review, on solutions to include added amenities to project scope. 7. Oleander Plants – Jay Ellington, Director of Parks & Recreation, stated that the oleander plants had been removed from the right-of-way; cut back and roots killed. He further stated that the area will be monitored and if the plants regrow, will dig out completely. 8. Crosswalk on Windward for Parking & Beach Access – ACM Keith Selman informed the ISAC that the City’s Traffic Engineering Department researched ISAC’s recommended project for a beach crosswalk, which resulted in the diagram, recommendations, and respective cost estimates presented to them. Brief discussion ensued on the different recommendations. The question was posed to Mr. Selman if TIRZ#2 would be the funding source, and he responded he would obtain legal confirmation and report back to the ISAC. VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion on Pavement at Whitecap & PR22 – ISAC member Rick Sowash stated that he would like to start discussion on the maintenance of that street and reach out to the responsible entity for cleaning and improvements of pavement surfaces. Discussion ensued regarding the pavement condition, road debris and rock accumulation, and the striping of the road being a potential traffic hazard. Mr. Selman stated that what he was hearing was perhaps a need to contact TXDOT with ISAC’s concerns by drafting a letter to TXDOT for the Chair’s signature. Motion by Committee Member Rick Sowash that ISAC’s Chair address a letter of concern to TXDOT through the City’s staff support regarding the pavement surfaces, radii on turn movements, and street sweep services at Whitecap and Park Road 22. Second by: Committee Member Jodie Steen. Motion carried by unanimous vote. VII. IDENTIFY ISAC FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 1. TIRZ #2 Budget VIII. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING Motion by Committee Member Carter Tate to move the meeting to July 2, 2018 due to the July 4th holiday. Second by: Vice-Chair Libby Edwards. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Date: July 2, 2018 @ 5:30 p.m. Location: Holiday Inn Express IX. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Committee Member Jodi Steen to adjourn. Second by Committee Member Aaron Huffman. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Meeting Adjourned at 6:52 p.m.