HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Island Strategic Action Committee - 07/02/2018 Holiday Inn Express 15209 Windward Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78418 Island Strategic Action Committee Regular Meeting Agenda Meeting Minutes Monday, July 2, 2018 5:30 PM ISAC Agenda I. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL Chair Brud Jones called the meeting to order at 5:3 0 p .m . City Staff Rozie Canales called roll . Present Members (10) Brud Jones, Stan Hulse, Kathleen L. Pratt, Rick Sowash, Jodi Steen, Carter Tate, Cheri Sperling, Charles Knoll, Jay Gardner and Stephan Noack Present Ex-Officios (3) Cliff Schlabach, Dotson Lewis and Dan McGinn Absent Members (4) Libby Edwards, David Perry, Aaron Huffman and Jerry Watkins Absent Ex-Officios (3) Bryan Gulley, Paulette Kluge and Keith McMullin Present City Staff (5) Keith Selman, Darren Gurley, Jay Ellington, Tom Tagliabue and Sharon Lewi s II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JUNE 5, 2018 Motion by Committee Member Carter Tate to approve the minutes. Second by: Committee Member Jodi Steen. Motion carried by unanimous vote. III. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR EXCUSED ABSENCES Absences: Kathleen L. Pratt, Cheri Sperling and Charles Knoll were absent on June 5, 2018. Motion by Committee Member Stephan Noack to approve the excused absences. Second by: Committee Member Rick Sowash. Motion carried by unanimous vote. IV. PUBLIC COMMENT Public Comment by Jon Brandt regarding the No Wake Zones and how it relates to the Area Development Plan. Mr. Brandt stated that the purpose of the ISAC is to develop specific strategies to implement the Area Development Plan. In reviewing the plan, he said there are two sections which could include the canals, but don’t. Those sections touch on public safety, but nothing on supporting the residential nature of the canals and enforcing the No Wake Zones. He stated that there is little or no enforcement of boat speeds, which would not be necessary if boaters exercised self-control and observed the No Wake Zones. Mr. Brandt concluded that the residents living on the main canals would appreciate the ISAC to initiate a request for enforcement of the No Wake Zones and include public safety in the canals the next time the ADP is being updated. He presented photos of boaters and wakes as well as 3 short videos. Public Comment by Ted Mandel regarding Litter Critter. He asked the ISAC to assist in getting that program back to the Island. Mr. Mandel also questioned having a sand volleyball court at an inland park when the Island has a wonderful beach with plenty of sand. Chairman Brud Jones closed Public Comment. V. ONGOING BUSINESS Hearing no objection, the Chairperson waived the order of the meeting and moved up No 2. 2. Beaches & Parks – Gulf Beach & Natural Resources Superintendent Darren Gurley updated the ISAC on the beaches. He stated there was some sand blowup at JP Luby a couple of weeks ago, but the rain helped settle the sand down tremendously. He informed the ISAC that Newport Pass Road is now open for the Summer, but would receive a more permanent improvement during the Winter. He added that the restrooms will continue to be closed every evening at 6 pm and reopen every morning at 7 a.m. This closure has deterred vandalism greatly, he stated. 3. Watershore & Beach Advisory Committee Report – Chair Cliff Schlabach updated the ISAC on items discussed under new business at their last meeting, which included CVB’s presentation on SHOT funds, discussion on the WBAC’s actual duties, its decision to make covering holes in the sand a general beach rule so compliance officers can enforce it, and an update on Cole Park & Dimitt piers. He also updated the ISAC on the ADA mats, and the progress of the Beach Op Maintenance Building. Under staff liaison report, Mr. Schlabach informed the committee that new compliance officers were onboard for both the Bay and Gulf beaches, and that North Beach now owns an ATV to better patrol the beaches. Additional updates included the beach showers on the south PC side being worked on, increase of beach permit sales, and 8 new turtle sightings on City beaches. Mr. Schlabach ended his updates with next month’s agenda, which would include PC Monitoring Program, Beach Adaptive Maintenance Plan, SHOT funds review, and North Beach Initiatives. 4. Packery Channel Rehabilitation Funding - RESTORE Act – Jane Sarosdy, RESTORE Act Consultant, began her presentation by explaining that RESTORE funding was from money BP was required to pay as a civil penalty for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and 80% of that money was set aside for all the states affected by the oil spill, to be used for restoration of both the environment and the economy. Ms. Sarosdy stated that the amount allocated to Texas under Bucket 3 at this time is about $31 million, which will be distributed for dam ages caused by Hurricane Harvey. That funding, she stated, will be administered by the State, primarily by TCEQ and the Governor’s office, for environmental, economic and coastal resiliency. The process that the State has devised, she said, is putting together a SEP, State Expenditure Plan, programmatic in nature, which she understands has been drafted and ready to go to publication but is currently delayed in the Governor’s Office. After publication and a period of public comment, the SEP will be sent to the federal RESTORE Council for approval. In response to questions, Ms. Sarosdy stated that the process to be used to select the projects is unknown at this time, but the ultimate decision maker of Bucket 3 is the governor’s office with possible recommendation from TCEQ and Rebuild Texas Commission. When asked about the timeline, she responded by using Bucket 1 as an example and stated that the process with Bucket 1 has been going forward with TCEQ for about 2 to 2 ½ years and added that she was not hopeful the process for Bucket 3 would be any faster. Tom Tagliabue, Director of Governmental Relations, informed the committee that discussions with FEMA on the restoration process of the Packery Channel is still ongoing and felt that the FEMA process would be faster than the RESTORE process. ACM Keith Selman added that FEMA has identified the Packery Channel as a project for reimbursement if the procurement process is not violated, beginning with the restore to previous condition process and then working on the preventative process. Hearing no objection, the Chairperson returned to the regular order of the meeting to item No 1. 1. Bond 2018 – ACM Keith Selman shared the draft Proposition B Bond language with the ISAC as requested to make sure it included pavement rehab, widening, illumination/lighting, new markings, signage, and additional safety improvements within the available funding. The ISAC was satisfied with the language and request was made by a committee member for the City to reach out to TXDOT to share in the expense. Hearing no objection, the Chairperson returned to the regular order of the meeting to item No 5. 5. Island Engineering Updates – ACM Keith Selman reviewed the running updates from engineering on the remaining three (3) projects: Park Road 22 Bridge; Packery Channel Rehabilitation; and North Padre Island Beach Facility. 6. Crosswalk on Windward for Parking & Beach Access – ACM Keith Selman informed the ISAC that the beach crosswalk project at St. Augustine and Windward Dr., was TIRZ#2 eligible and asked ISAC to make recommendation. The project was discussed, and decision was made to go forward with the project. Motion by Committee Member Carter Tate to approve $23,000 for crossing improvements and $9,000 to add solar powered flashing LEC crossing signs for the beach crosswalk project at Windward Dr.; to incorporate said project into the TIRZ #2 project plan and get approval from the TIRZ #2 board. Second by: Committee Member Jodi Steen. Committee Member Jay Gardner abstained. Motion passed. 7. TIRZ #2 Budget - ACM Keith Selman presented the TIRZ #2 budget and discussed the revenue and expenditure spreadsheets previously provided to the ISAC. The ISAC requested additional time to review the budget until the following meeting in August. 8. Pavement at Whitecap & Park Road 22 – ACM Keith Selman presented correspondence prepared by City staff to TXDOT as requested by the ISAC. After some discussion, request was made for edits to include the City in open conversations with TXDOT along with ISAC. VI. NEW BUSINESS 1. Parks and Recreation Master Plan – Jay Ellington, Director of Parks & Rec introduced to the ISAC the Parks Master Plan update for 2018. He explained the process, which involves public outreach meetings, surveys, focus groups and public events. He added that PARD is working with a consultant to develop and launch an online mail and phone survey that will be random but covering all City Council Districts, both in English and Spanish. Once the surveys and input are completed and the data analyzed, Mr. Ellington said the next step would be an action plan adopted by the PRAC and presented to City Council for moving forward with the implementation phase. VII. IDENTIFY ISAC FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None. VIII. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING Date: August 7, 2018 @ 5:30 p.m. Location: Holiday Inn Express IX. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Committee Member Cheri Sperling to adjourn. Second by Committee Member Rick Sowash. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Meeting Adjourned at 6:45 p.m.